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Name Strings



    Kurt Akeley
Allen Akin
Ben Ashbaugh
Bob Beretta
John Carmack
Matt Craighead
Ken Dyke
Steve Glanville
Michael Gold
Evan Hart
Mark Kilgard
Bill Licea-Kane
Barthold Lichtenbelt
Erik Lindholm
Benj Lipchak
Bill Mark
James McCombe
Jeremy Morris
Brian Paul
Bimal Poddar
Thomas Roell
Jeremy Sandmel
Jon Paul Schelter
Geoff Stahl
John Stauffer
Nick Triantos


    Pat Brown, NVIDIA Corporation (pbrown 'at'

IP Status

    NVIDIA claims to own intellectual property related to this extension, and
has signed an ARB Contributor License agreement licensing this
intellectual property.

Microsoft claims to own intellectual property related to this extension.


    Complete. Approved by ARB on June 18, 2002


    Last Modified Date:  09/27/04
Revision: 45


    ARB Extension #26


    Written based on the wording of the OpenGL 1.3 specification and requires
OpenGL 1.3.

ARB_vertex_blend and EXT_vertex_weighting affect the definition of this

ARB_matrix_palette affects the definition of this extension.

ARB_point_parameters and EXT_point_parameters affect the definition of
this extension.

EXT_secondary_color affects the definition of this extension.

EXT_fog_coord affects the definition of this extension.

ARB_transpose_matrix affects the definition of this extension.

NV_vertex_program interacts with this extension.

EXT_vertex_shader interacts with this extension.


    Unextended OpenGL mandates a certain set of configurable per-vertex
computations defining vertex transformation, texture coordinate generation
and transformation, and lighting. Several extensions have added further
per-vertex computations to OpenGL. For example, extensions have defined
new texture coordinate generation modes (ARB_texture_cube_map,
NV_texgen_reflection, NV_texgen_emboss), new vertex transformation modes
(ARB_vertex_blend, EXT_vertex_weighting), new lighting modes (OpenGL 1.2's
separate specular and rescale normal functionality), several modes for fog
distance generation (NV_fog_distance), and eye-distance point size
attenuation (EXT/ARB_point_parameters).

Each such extension adds a small set of relatively inflexible
per-vertex computations.

This inflexibility is in contrast to the typical flexibility provided by
the underlying programmable floating point engines (whether micro-coded
vertex engines, DSPs, or CPUs) that are traditionally used to implement
OpenGL's per-vertex computations. The purpose of this extension is to
expose to the OpenGL application writer a significant degree of per-vertex
programmability for computing vertex parameters.

For the purposes of discussing this extension, a vertex program is a
sequence of floating-point 4-component vector operations that determines
how a set of program parameters (defined outside of OpenGL's Begin/End
pair) and an input set of per-vertex parameters are transformed to a set
of per-vertex result parameters.

The per-vertex computations for standard OpenGL given a particular set of
lighting and texture coordinate generation modes (along with any state for
extensions defining per-vertex computations) is, in essence, a vertex
program. However, the sequence of operations is defined implicitly by the
current OpenGL state settings rather than defined explicitly as a sequence
of instructions.

This extension provides an explicit mechanism for defining vertex program
instruction sequences for application-defined vertex programs. In order
to define such vertex programs, this extension defines a vertex
programming model including a floating-point 4-component vector
instruction set and a relatively large set of floating-point 4-component

The extension's vertex programming model is designed for efficient
hardware implementation and to support a wide variety of vertex programs.
By design, the entire set of existing vertex programs defined by existing
OpenGL per-vertex computation extensions can be implemented using the
extension's vertex programming model.


    (1) What should this extension be called?

RESOLVED: ARB_vertex_program. DirectX 8 refers to its similar
functionality as "vertex shaders". This is a confusing term because
shaders are usually assumed to operate at the fragment or pixel level,
not the vertex level.

Conceptually, what the extension defines is an application-defined
program (admittedly limited by its sequential execution model) for
processing vertices so the "vertex program" term is more accurate.

Some of the API machinery in this extension for describing programs
should be useful for extending other OpenGL operations with programs
(though other types of programs may look very different from vertex

(2) What terms are important to this specification?

vertex program mode - When vertex program mode is enabled, vertices are
transformed by an application-defined vertex program.

conventional GL vertex transform mode - When vertex program mode is
disabled (or the extension is not supported), vertices are transformed
by GL's conventional texgen, lighting, and transform state.

vertex program - An application-defined program used to transform
vertices when vertex program mode is enabled.

program target - A type or class of program. This extension supports
the VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB target. Future extensions may add other program

program object - An object maintained internal to OpenGL that
encapsulates a program and a set of associated state. Operations
performed on program objects include loading a program, binding,
generating program object names, querying state, and deleting.

program name - Each program object has an associated unsigned integer,
called the program name. Applications refer to a program object using
the program name.

current program - Each program target may have a current program object.
For vertex programs, the current program is executed whenever a vertex
is specified when vertex program mode is enabled.

default program - Each program target has a default program object,
referred to using a program name of zero. The current program for each
program target is initially the default program for that target.

program execution environment - A set of resources, instructions, and
semantic rules used to execute a program. Each program target may
support one or more execution environment -- new execution environments
may provide new instructions, resources, or execution rules. Program
strings must specify the execution environment that should be used to
execute the program.

program options - An optional feature that modifies the rules of the
execution environment. Vertex programs specify the options that they
require at the beginning of the program.

vertex attribute - GL state associated with vertices that can vary per

conventional vertex attributes - Per-vertex attributes used in
conventional GL vertex transform mode, including colors, normals,
texture coordinate sets.

generic vertex attributes - An array of 16+ 4-component vectors added by
this extension. Generic vertex attributes can be used by vertex
programs but are unused in conventional GL vertex transform mode.

program parameter - A set of constants that are available for vertex
programs to use during their execution. Program parameters include
program environment parameters, program local parameters, conventional
GL state, and program constants.

program environment parameter - A set of 96+ 4-component vectors
belonging to the GL context that can be used as constants during the
execution of any vertex program.

program local parameter - A set of 96+ 4-component vectors belonging to
a vertex program object that can be used as constants during the
execution of the corresponding vertex program. Program local parameters
can not be used by any other vertex programs.

program constants - Constants declared in the text of a program may be
used during the execution of that program.

program temporaries - A set of 12+ 4-component vectors to hold temporary
results that can be read or written during the execution of a vertex

program address registers - A set of 1+ 1-component integer vectors that
can be used to perform variable indirect accesses to program parameter
arrays during the execution of a vertex program. Address registers are
specified as vectors to allow for future extensions supporting multiple
address register components.

program results - A set of 4-component vectors to hold the final results
of a vertex program. The program results correspond closely to the set
of vertex attributes used during primitive assembly and rasterization.

program variables - Variable names used to identify a specific vertex
attribute, program parameter, temporary, address register, or result.

program binding - A program statement that declares a variable and
associates it with a specific vertex attribute, program parameter, or
program result.

implicit binding - When an executable instruction refers to a specific
vertex attribute, program parameter, program result, or constant by
name, without using an explicit program binding statement. When such
values are encountered, an implicit binding to an anonymous variable
name is created.

program invocation - The act of implicitly or explicitly kicking off
program execution. Vertex programs are invoked automatically when
vertex program mode is enabled and vertices are received. Vertex
programs are also invoked automatically when the current raster position
is specified.

(3) What part of OpenGL do vertex programs specifically bypass?

Vertex programs bypass the following OpenGL functionality:

- The modelview and projection matrix vertex transformations.

- Vertex weighting/blending (ARB_vertex_blend).

- Normal transformation, rescaling, and normalization.

- Color material.

- Per-vertex lighting.

- Texture coordinate generation and texture matrix transformations.

- Per-vertex point size computations in ARB/EXT_point_parameters

- Per-vertex fog coordinate computations in EXT_fog_coord and

- Client-defined clip planes.

- The normalization of AUTO_NORMAL evaluated normals

- All of the above, when computing the current raster position.

Operations not subsumed by vertex programs

- Clipping to the view frustum.

- Perspective divide (division by w).

- The viewport transformation.

- The depth range transformation.

- Front and back color selection (for two-sided lighting and

- Clamping the primary and secondary colors to [0,1].

- Primitive assembly and subsequent operations.

- Evaluators (except the AUTO_NORMAL normalization).

(5) This extension adds a set of generic vertex attributes to the existing
conventional attributes. The sum of the number of generic and
conventional attributes supported on a given platform may exceed the total
number of per-vertex attributes supported in hardware. How should this
situation be handled?

RESOLVED: Implementations may alias conventional and generic vertex
attributes, where pairs of conventional and generic vertex attributes
share the same storage. Such aliasing will effectively reduce the
number of vertex attributes a hardware platforms. While implementations
may alias attributes, that behavior is not required. To accommodate both
behaviors, changing a generic vertex attribute leaves the corresponding
conventional attribute undefined, and vice versa.

This undefined behavior is a compromise between the existing
EXT_vertex_shader extension (which does not permit aliasing) and the
NV_vertex_program extension (which requires aliasing). The mapping
between generic and conventional vertex attributes is found in Table X.1
below. This mapping is taken from the NV_vertex_program specification
and generalized to define behavior for >8 texture coordinate sets.

Applications that mix conventional and generic vertex attributes in a
single rendering pass should be careful to avoid using attributes that
may alias. To limit inadvertent use of such attributes, loading a
vertex program that used a pair of attributes that may alias is
guaranteed to fail. Applications requiring a small number of generic
vertex attributes can always safely use generic attributes 6 and 7, and
any supported attributes corresponding to unused or unsupported texture
units. For example, if an implementation supports only four texture
units, generic attributes 12 through 15 can always be used safely.

(6) Should there be a "VertexAttribs" entry point to specify multiple
vertex attributes in one immediate mode call.

RESOLVED: No. Not providing such functionality serves to reduce the
already large number of required immediate mode entry points. A
"VertexAttribs" command would improve the efficiency of vertex attribute
transfer, but vertex arrays or display lists should still be better.

(7) Should a full complement of data types (signed and unsigned bytes,
shorts, and ints, as well as floats and doubles) be supported for vertex
attributes? Should fixed-point data types be supported in both normalized
(map the range to [0,1] or [-1,1]) and unnormalized form?

RESOLVED: For vertex arrays, all data type combinations are supported.

For immediate mode, a smaller subset is supported, to limit the number
of immediate-mode entry points added by this extension. In fully
general form, 112 immediate-mode entry points (4 sizes x 2
vector/non-vector x 14 data types) would be required.

Immediate mode support is available for non-normalized shorts, floats,
and doubles for all component counts. Additionally, immediate mode
support is available for 4-component vectors of all data types
(normalized and unnormalized).

Note also that in immediate mode, the "N" qualifier in function names
like VertexAttrib4Nub will be used to indicate that fixed-point data
should be normalized.

(8) How should applications indicate that fixed-point generic vertex
attribute array components should be converted to [-1,+1] or [0,1] ranges?

RESOLVED: The function VertexAttribPointerARB takes a boolean argument
<normalized> that indicates whether fixed-point array data should be
normalized to [-1,+1] or [0,1].

One alternate approach would have been to extend to set of enumerants to
include values such as NORMALIZED_UNSIGNED_BYTE_ARB. Adding such
enumerants in some sense implies that UNSIGNED_BYTE is not normalized,
even though it usually is.

(9) In unextended OpenGL, calling Vertex() specifies a vertex and causes
vertex transformation operations to be performed on the vertex. Should
there be an equivalent method to specify a vertex using generic vertex
attributes? If so, how should this be accomplished?

RESOLVED: Setting generic vertex attribute zero will always specify a
vertex. Vertex*(...) and VertexAttrib*(0,...) are specified to be
equivalent, whether or not vertex program mode is enabled. Allowing
generic vertex attribute zero to specify a vertex allows applications to
write vertex programs that use only generic attributes; otherwise,
applications would have had to use Vertex() to provoke vertex

(10) How is this extension different from previous vertex program
extensions, such as EXT_vertex_shader or NV_vertex_program? What pitfalls
are there in porting vertex programs to/from this extension?

RESOLVED: See "Interactions with NV_vertex_program" and "Interactions
with EXT_vertex_shader" sections near the end of this specification.

(11) Should program parameter variables bound to GL state be updated
automatically after the bound state changes? If so, when?

RESOLVED: Yes. Such variables are updated automatically prior to the
next vertex program invocation with no application intervention
required. A proposal to reduce the burden by requiring a manual "update
state" step was considered and rejected.

(12) How should this specification handle variable bindings to Material
state? Material is allowed inside a Begin/End, so material properties are
technically per-vertex state.

RESOLVED: Materials can be bound only as program parameters. Changes
to material properties inside a Begin/End will leave the bindings
undefined until the subsequent End command. At that point, all material
property bindings are guaranteed to be updated, and any material
property changes up to the next Begin command are guaranteed to take
effect immediately.

Supporting per-vertex material properties places additional pressure on
the number of per-vertex bindings an implementation can support, which
was already a problem. See issue (5).

In practice, material properties are usually not changed in this manner.
Applications needing to change material properties inside a Begin/End in
vertex program mode can work around this limitation by storing the color
in a conventional or generic vertex attribute and modifying the vertex
program accordingly.

(13) What semantic restrictions, if any, should be imposed on binding the
same GL state to multiple variables? The grammar permits such bindings,
but allowing this behavior means that single state updates must update
multiple variables.

RESOLVED: Cases where a single state update necessarily requires
updating multiple variables are disallowed. The only restriction
resulting from this decision is that a single state variable can not be
bound more than once in the collection of arrays that are accessed using
relative addressing (at run time). The driver can and will coalesce all
other bindings accessed only at fixed offsets into a single binding.

This restriction and a little driver work allows the same state variable
to be used multiple times without requiring that a single state change
update multiple variables.

(14) What semantic restrictions, if any, should be imposed on using
multiple vertex attributes or program parameters in the same instruction?

RESOLVED: None. If the underlying hardware implementation does not
support reads of multiple attributes or program parameters, the driver
may need to transparently insert additional instructions and/or consume
temporaries to perform the operation.

(15) How and when should related state be combined into a single program
parameter binding? Additionally, should any values derived from core GL
state be exposed, too?

RESOLVED: Related state should be combined when possible, as long as
the binding name remains somewhat sensible. Additionally, certain
pre-computed state items useful for performance reasons are also
exposed. In particular, the following GL state combinations are

* Light attenuation constants and the spot light exponent are combined
into a single vector called "state.light[n].attenuation" (spot
lights can attenuate the lit result).

* Spot light direction and cutoff angle cosine are called
"state.light[n].spot.direction" (cutoff is directional information).
Binding the cutoff angle itself is pretty useless, so the cosine is

* A pre-computed half angle for lighting with infinite lights and an
infinite viewer is provided and called "state.light[n].half".

* Pre-computed products of ambient, diffuse, and specular light colors
with the corresponding front or back material colors are supported,
and are called "state.lightprod[n].<face>.<property>".

* Exponential fog density, linear fog start and end parameters, as
well as the pre-computed reciprocal of (end-start) are combined into
one vector called "state.fog.params".

* The core point size, minimum and maximum size clamps
(ARB_point_parameters), and multisample fade size threshold
(ARB_point_parameters) are combined into a single vector called

* Precomputed transpose, inverse, and inverse transpose matrices are
supported for each base matrix type.

(16) Should the initial values of temporaries and results be undefined?

RESOLVED: Since the underlying hardware differs, it was decided to
leave these values uninitalized. There are a few issues related to this
behavior that programs should keep in mind:

* Since any results not written by the program are undefined, programs
should write to all result registers that are needed during

* In particular, the initial vertex position result is undefined, and
will remain undefined if not written by a program. To achieve
proper results, vertex programs should be careful to write to all
four components of the vertex position. Otherwise, primitives may
be completely clipped or produce undefined results during
rasterization. There is no semantic requirement that programs must
write a transformed vertex position, so erroneous programs will load
succesfully, but will produce undefined (and probably useless)
results. Such a semantic requirement may be impossible to enforce
in future language versions that support run-time branching.

* Since vertex programs may be executed when the raster position is
set, any attributes not written by the program will result in
undefined state in the current raster position. Programs should
write to all result registers that would be used when rasterizing
pixel primitives using the current raster position.

* If conventional OpenGL texture mapping operations are performed, a
program should always write to the "w" coordinate of any texture
coordinates result registers it needs to use. Conventional OpenGL
texture accesses always use projective texture coordinates (e.g.,
s/q, t/q, r/q), even though q is almost always 1.0. An undefined q
coordinate (coming from the "w" component of the result register)
may produce undefined coordinates on the texture lookup.

(17) Should vertex programs be required to have a header token and an end

RESOLVED: Yes. The header token for this extension is named
"!!ARBvp1.0". The ARB may standardize future language versions which
would be expected to have tokens like "!!ARBvp2.0". Vertex programs
must end with the "END" token.

The initial header token reminds the programmer what type of program
they are writing. If vertex programs are ever read from disk files, the
header token can be used to specifically identify vertex programs. The
initial header tokens will also make it easier for programmers to
distinguish between multiple types of vertex programs and between vertex
programs and another future type of programs.

We expect that programs may be generated by concatenation of program
fragments. The "END" token will hopefully reduce bugs due to specifying
an incorrectly concatenated program.

(18) Should ProgramStringARB take a <program> specifier? Should
ProgramLocalParameterARB and GetProgramLocalParameterARB take a <program>
specifier? How about GetProgramivARB and GetProgramStringARB?

RESOLVED: No to all. Instead, these calls are specified to always
query or modify the currently bound program object. Using bound objects
allows GL implementations to avoid locking and name lookup overhead on
each such call.

This behavior does imply that applications loading a sequence of program
objects must bind each in turn.

(19) Should relative addressing be performed using an address register
(load up an integer register) or by taking a floating-point scalar?

RESOLVED: Address register. It would not be a good idea to support
both syntaxes simultaneously, since using a floating-point scalar may
consume the only available address register in the process. The current
address register syntax can be easily extended to allow for multiple
integer registers and/or enable other integer operations in a later

Using a floating-point index may require an extra instruction on some
architectures, and would require optimization work to eliminate
redundant loads. Using a floating-point index may consume one of a
small number of temporary registers. On the other hand, for
implementations without a dedicated address register, it may be
necessary to dedicate a general-purpose register (or register component)
to hold the address register contents.

(20) How should user-defined clipping be supported in this specification?

RESOLVED: User-defined clipping is not supported in standard vertex
program mode. User-defined clipping support will be provided for
programs that use the "position invariant" option, where all vertex
transformation operations are performed by the fixed-function pipeline.

It is expected that future vertex program extensions or a future
language standard may provide more powerful user clipping functionality.

The options considered were:

(1) Not at all. Does not work for applications requiring user clipping.
User clipping could be supported through a language extension.

(2) Support only through the "position_invariant" option, where vertex
transformation is performed by the fixed-function pipeline.

(3) Support by using the fixed-function pipeline to generate eye
coordinates and perform user clipping as specified for conventional
transformation. May not work properly if the vertex transformation
doesn't match the standard "multiply by modelview and projection
matrices" model.

(4) Project existing fixed-function clip planes into clip coordinates
and perform the clip test in clip space. The clip planes would be
transformed by the inverse of the projection matrix, which will not
work if the projection matrix is singular.

(5) Provide a 4-component "user clip coordinate" result that can be
bound by a vertex program. User clipping is performed as in
unextended OpenGL, using the "user clip coordinate" in place of the
non-existant eye coordinates. This approach allows an application
to do user clipping in any coordinate system. Clipping would not be
independent of primitive tesselation as in the conventional
pipeline. Additionally, the implicit transformation of specified
clip planes by the modelview matrix may be undesirable (e.g.,
clipping in object coordinates).

(6) Provide one or more "clip plane distance" results that can be bound
by a vertex program. For conventional clipping applications, vertex
programs would compute the dot products normally computed by
fixed-function hardware. Additionally, this method would enable
additional unconventional clipping effects. Primitives would be
clipped to the portion whose interpolated clip distances are greater
than or equal to zero. This approach has the same issues as (5).

(21) How should future vertex program opcodes be named?

RESOLVED: Three-character names are recommended for brevity. Three
character names are not a hard-and-fast requirement; extra characters
may be needed for clarity or to disambiguate instructions.

(22) Should anything be said about the precision used for carrying out the

RESOLVED: Not much; precision will vary across platforms. The minimum
precision requirements (1 part in 10^5 or roughly 17 bits) are spelled
out in section 2.1.1. In practice, implementations will generally
provide precision comparable to that obtained using single precision
floats. Documenting exact precision across implementations is
difficult. Additionally, it is difficult to spell out precision
requirements for "compound" operations such as DP4.

(23) Should this extension support evaluator maps for generic vertex
attributes? If so, what attribute sizes should be supported? Note that
such maps are not supported at all for texture units except zero.

RESOLVED: No. Evaluator support has not been consistently extended in
previous extensions. For example, neither ARB_multitexture nor OpenGL
1.3 provide support for evaluators for texture units other than unit
zero. Adding evaluators for generic attributes involves a large amount
of new state and complexity, particularly if evaluators should be
supported in general form (1, 2, 3, and 4 components, all supported data

(25) The number of generic vertex attributes is implementation-dependent
and is at least 16. Each generic vertex attribute has a vertex array
enable. Should two new entry points be provided to accept an arbitrary
attribute number, or should we reserve a range of enumerants that is
"large enough"?

RESOLVED: Yes. EnableVertexAttribArrayARB and
DisableVertexAttribArrayARB. This allows the number of vertex
attributes to be unbounded, instead of using a limited range.

(26) What limits should be imposed on the constants that can be added to
or subtracted from the address register for relative addressing? Negative
offsets are sometimes useful for shifting down in an array.

RESOLVED: -64 to +63 should be sufficient for the time being. Offset
sizes are limited to allow offsets to be baked into device-dependent
instruction encodings.

(28) What level of precision should be guaranteed for the EXP and LOG
instructions? And for the EX2 and LG2 instructions?

RESOLVED: The low precision EXP and LOG instructions should give at
least 10 bits (2^-11 maximum relative error). No specific treatment
will be added for EX2/LG2, implying that the computations should at
least meet the minimal floating-point precision required by the spec.

(29) Should incremental program compilation be supported?

RESOLVED: No. Applications can compile programs just as easily using
string concatenation.

(30) Should the execution environment be identified by the program itself
or as an additional "language" parameter to ProgramStringARB?

RESOLVED: Programs should identify their execution environment in the
header. The header (plus any specified options) make it clear what kind
of program is being defined.

(31) Should this extension provide support for character sets other than
7-bit ASCII?

RESOLVED: Provide a <format> argument to ProgramStringARB to allow for
future extensions. Only ASCII will be supported by this extension;
additional character sets or encodings could be supported using separate

(32) Support for "program object" functionality may be applicable to
future program targets. Should this functionality be factored out into a
separate extension?

RESOLVED: No, such separation is not necessary. This extension was
designed to allow to easily accommodate future program target types. It
would be straightforward to put program object functionality into a
separate extension, but the functionality provided by that extension
would be of no value by itself.

(33) Should program residency management be supported?

RESOLVED: No. This functionality can be supported in a separate
extension if desired. If may be desirable to address residency
management in a more general form, where an application may desire a
diverse set of objects (textures, programs) to be resident at once.

(34) Should program object management APIs (GenProgramsARB,
DeleteProgramsARB) work like texture objects or display lists?

RESOLVED: Texture objects.

Both approaches have their merits. Pluses for the display list model
include: no need to keep around multiple indices if you want to
allocate a group of object, contiguous indices may fall out on
implementations that share one block allocator for textures and display
lists. Pluses for the texture object model: non-contiguous indices may
be more optimizable -- new objects can be mapped to empty blocks in a
hash table to avoid collisions with existing objects, separate indices
are more compatible with a future handle-based object paradigm, and a
larger base of extensions using this model. Note that display list
allocations needed to be contiguous to support CallLists, but no such
requirement for texture or program objects exists for programs.

(35) Should there be support for a program object zero? With texture
objects, texture object zero is "special" because it is the default
texture object for each target type. Is there something like this for
program objects?

RESOLVED: Yes. Like texture objects, there should be a separate
program object zero for each program type. This allows applications to
use vertex programs without needing to generate and manage program

With texture objects, an object zero was needed for backward
compatibility with pre-OpenGL 1.1 applications. There is no such
requirement here, but providing an object zero nicely matches the
familiar texture object model.

(36) How should this extension provide feedback on why a program failed to

RESOLVED: Two queries are provided. Calling GetIntegerv() with
PROGRAM_ERROR_POSITION_ARB provides the offset of an offending
instruction in the program string. An error position of -1 indicates
that a program loaded successfully. Calling GetString() with
PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB returns an implementation-dependent error
string explaining the reason for the failure. The error string can be
queried even on successful program loads to check for warning messages.

The error string may be kept in a static buffer managed by the GL
implementation. Implementations may reuse the same buffer on subsequent
calls to ProgramStringARB, so returned error strings are guaranteed to
be valid only until the next such call.

(37) How does ARB_vertex_blend's WEIGHT_SUM_UNITY_ARB mode interact with
this extension? This mode allows an application to specify N-1 weights,
and have the Nth weight computed by the GL.

RESOLVED: The ARB_vertex_blend spec (as of May, 2002) specifies that
the nth weight is automatically computed by the GL and is effectively
current state. In practice, ARB_vertex_blend implementations compute
the nth weight on the fly in the fixed-function transformation pipeline,
implying that the ARB_vertex_blend spec may require a fix. For the
purposes of this extension, the WEIGHT_SUM_UNITY_ARB enable is ignored
in vertex program mode. Applications performing a vertex weighting
operation in a vertex program are free to compute the extra weight in
the program.

(38) Should program environment parameters be pushed and popped?

RESOLVED: No. There is no need to push and pop this large set of
state, much like pixel maps. Adding a new attribute bit would have
complicated logistics (would the bit be included in ALL_ATTRIB_BITS?).
Having program local parameters provides a method for making localized
changes to certain state simply by switching programs.

(39) How should this extension interact with color material?

RESOLVED: When color material is enabled, any bindings of material
colors that track the current color should be updated when the current
color is updated. In this specification, material properties can be
bound only as program parameters, and any changes to the material
properties inside a Begin/End leave the bindings undefined until the
next End command. Similarly, any indirect changes to the material
properties (through ColorMaterial) will have a similar effect.

Several other options were considered here. One option was to support
per-vertex material property bindings and have programs that reference
tracked material properties should get the current color. This could be
handled either by broadcasting the current color to multiple vertex
attributes, or recompiling the vertex program so that references to a
tracked material property are redirected to the vertex color. Both such
solutions are somewhat complex. A second option would be to ignore the
COLOR_MATERIAL enable and instead use an "old" material color. This
breaks the standard color material model. Implementations can and often
do defer such updates (making an "old" color available), some conditions
may cause an implementation to update of material state at odd times.

(41) What about when the execution environment involves support for other
extensions? In particular, the execution environment subsumes some
functionality from EXT/ARB_point_parameters, EXT_fog_coord,
EXT_secondary_color, and ARB_multitexture.

RESOLVED: This extension assumes support for functionality that
includes a fog coordinate, secondary color, per-vertex point sizes, and
multiple texture coordinates (at least to the extent that it exposes >1
texture coordinate). All of these extensions are supported fairly
widely. On some platforms, some of this functionality may require
software fallbacks.

(42) How does PointSize work with vertex programs?

points is determined by the PointSize state and is not attenuated, even
if EXT_point_parameters is supported. If enabled, the point size is the
point size result value, and is clamped to implementation-dependent
point size limits during point rasterization.

(43) What do we say about the alpha component of the secondary color?

RESOLVED: The alpha component of the secondary color has generally been
treated as zero. This extension specifies that only the R, G, and B
components are added in the color sum operation, making the alpha
component of the secondary color irrelevant. Other downstream
extensions may allow applications to make use of this component.

(44) How are edge flags handled?

RESOLVED: Edge flags are passed through without the ability to be
modified by a vertex program. Applications are free to send edge flags
when vertex program mode is enabled.

(45) Should programs be C-style null-terminated strings?

RESOLVED: No. Programs should be specified as an array of GLubyte with
an explicit length parameter. OpenGL has no precedent for passing
null-terminated strings into the API (though GetString returns
null-terminated strings). Null-terminated strings may be problematic
for some programming languages.

(46) Should all existing OpenGL transform functionality and extensions be
implementable as vertex programs?

RESOLVED: Yes. Vertex programs should be a complete superset of what
you can do with OpenGL 1.2 and existing vertex transform extensions. To
implement EXT_point_parameters, the VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB enable
is introduced. To implement two-sided lighting, the
VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_ARB enable is introduced. To implement color
material, applications should refer to the per-vertex color attribute in
their vertex programs.

(47) Should there be a plural version of ProgramEnvParameter and
ProgramLocalParameter, which would set multiple parameters in a single

RESOLVED: No; not necessary.

(48) Can the currently bound vertex program object be deleted or reloaded?

RESOLVED: Yes. When ProgramStringARB is called to reload a program
object, subsequent program executions will use the new program. When
DeleteProgramsARB deletes a currently bound program object, object zero
becomes the new current program object.

(49) What happens if you transform vertices in vertex program mode, but
the current program object does not contain a valid vertex program?

RESOLVED: Begin will fail with an INVALID_OPERATION error if the
currently bound vertex program object does not have a valid program.
The same applies to RasterPos and any command (Rect, DrawArrays,
DrawElements) that implies a Begin.

Because Vertex is ignored outside of a Begin/End pair (without
generating an error) it is impossible to provoke a vertex program if the
current vertex program object is nonexistent or invalid. Other
per-vertex parameters (for examples those set by Color, Normal, and
VertexAttrib*ARB when the attribute number is not zero) are allowed
since they are legal outside of a Begin/End.

(50) Discussing matrices is confusing because of row-major versus
column-major issues. Can you give an example of how a matrix is bound?

RESOLVED: Assume program matrix zero were loaded with the following

// When loaded, the first row is "1, 2, 3, 4", because of column-major
// (OpenGL spec) vs. row-major (C) differences.
GLfloat matrix[16] = { 1, 5, 9, 13,
2, 6, 10, 14,
3, 7, 11, 15,
4, 8, 12, 16 };

Then in the program

PARAM mat1[4] = { state.matrix.program[0] };
PARAM mat2[4] = { state.matrix.program[0].transpose };

mat1[0] would have (1,2,3,4), mat1[3] would have (13,14,15,16), mat2[0]
would have (1,5,9,13), and mat2[3] would have (4,8,12,16).

(51) Should the new vertex program-related enables push/pop with

RESOLVED: Yes. Pushing and popping enable bits is easy.

(52) Should all the vertex attribute state push/pop with CURRENT_BIT?


(53) Should all the vertex attrib vertex array state push/pop with


(55) Should we generate an INVALID_VALUE operation if updating a vertex
attribute greater than MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB?

RESOLVED: Yes. The other option would be to leave the behavior
undefined, as with MultiTexCoord() functions. An implementation could
mask or modulo the vertex attribute index with MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB if
it were a power of two. This error check will be a minor performance
issue with VertexAttrib*ARB() and VertexAttribArrayARB() calls. There
will be no per-vertex overhead when using vertex arrays or display

(56) Should writes to program environment or local parameters during a
vertex program be supported?

RESOLVED. No. Writes to program parameter registers from within a
vertex program would require the execution of vertex programs to be
serialized with respect to each other. This would create a severe
implementation penalty for pipelined or parallel vertex program
execution implementations.

(58) Should program objects be shared among rendering contexts in the same
manner as display lists and texture objects?


(60) Should there be a MatrixMode or ActiveTexture-style selector for
vertex attributes?

RESOLVED: No. While this would reduce the number of enumerants used by
this extensions, it would create programming a hassle in lots of cases.
Consider having to change the vertex attribute mode to enable a set of
vertex arrays.

(61) How should queries of vertex attribute arrays work?

RESOLVED: Add new get commands. Using the existing calls would require
adding 6 sets of 16+ enumerants for current state and vertex attribute
array state. That's too many new enumerants. Instead, add
GetVertexAttribARB and GetVertexAttribPointervARB. GetVertexAttribARB
will be used to query vertex attribute array state and the current
values of the generic vertex attributes. Get and GetPointerv will not
return vertex attribute array state and pointers.

(63) What should be said about rendering invariances?

RESOLVED: See the Appendix A additions below.

The justification for the two rules cited is to support multi-pass
rendering when using vertex programs. Different rendering passes will
likely use different programs so there must be some means of
guaranteeing that two different programs can generate particular
identical vertex results between different passes.

In practice, this does limit the type of vertex program implementations
that are possible.

For example, consider a limited hardware implementation of vertex
programs that uses a different floating-point implementation than the
CPU's floating-point implementation. If the limited hardware
implementation can only run small vertex programs (say the hardware
provides on 4 temporary registers instead of the required 12), the
implementation is incorrect and non-conformant if programs that only
require 4 temporary registers use the vertex program hardware, but
programs that require more than 4 temporary registers are implemented by
the CPU.

This is a very important practical requirement. Consider a multi-pass
rendering algorithm where one pass uses a vertex program that uses only
4 temporary registers, but a different pass uses a vertex program that
uses 5 temporary registers. If two programs have instruction sequences
that given the same input state compute identical resulting vertex
positions, the multi-pass algorithm should generate identically
positioned primitives for each pass. But given the non-conformant
vertex program implementation described above, this could not be

This does not mean that schemes for splitting vertex program
implementations between dedicated hardware and CPUs are impossible. If
the CPU and dedicated vertex program hardware used IDENTICAL
floating-point implementations and therefore generated exactly identical
results, the above described could work.

While these invariance rules are vital for vertex programs operating
correctly for multi-pass algorithms, there is no requirement that
conventional OpenGL vertex transform mode will be invariant with vertex
program mode. A multi-pass algorithm should not assume that one pass
using vertex program mode and another pass using conventional GL vertex
transform mode will generate identically positioned primitives.

Consider that while the conventional OpenGL vertex program mode is
repeatable with itself, the exact procedure used to transform vertices
is not specified nor is the procedure's precision specified. The GL
specification indicates that vertex coordinates are transformed by the
modelview matrix and then transformed by the projection matrix. Some
implementations may perform this sequence of transformations exactly,
but other implementations may transform vertex coordinates by the
composite of the modelview and projection matrices (one matrix transform
instead of two matrix transforms in sequence). Given this
implementation flexibility, there is no way for a vertex program author
to exactly duplicate the precise computations used by the conventional
OpenGL vertex transform mode.

The guidance to OpenGL application programs is clear. If you are going
to implement multi-pass rendering algorithms that require certain
invariances between the multiple passes, choose either vertex program
mode or the conventional OpenGL vertex transform mode for your rendering
passes, but do not mix the two modes.

(64) Should there be a way to guarantee position invariance with respect
to conventional vertex transformation?

RESOLVED: Yes. The "OPTION ARB_position_invariant" program option
addresses this issue. This program option will be available on all
implementations of this extension.

John Carmack advocated the need for this.

(65) Why must RCP of 1.0 always be 1.0?

RESOLVED: This is important for 3D graphics so that non-projective
textures and orthogonal projections work as expected. Basically when q
or w is 1.0, things should work as expected. Stronger requirements such
as "RCP of -1.0 must always be -1.0" are encouraged, but there is no
compelling reason to state such requirements explicitly as is the case
for "RCP of 1.0 must always be 1.0".

(66) What happens when the source scalar value for the ARL instruction is
an extremely large positive or negative floating-point value? Is there a
problem mapping the value to a constrained integer range?

RESOLVED: In this extension, address registers are only useful for
relative addressing. The range of offsets that can be added to an
address register is limited (-64 to +63) and the set of valid array
indices is also limited to MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETERS_ARB. So, the set of
floating-point values that needs to be handled properly is

(67) How do you perform a 3-component normalize in three instructions?

RESOLVED: As follows.

DP3 result.w, vector, vector; # result.w = nx^2+ny^2+nz^2
RSQ result.w, result.w; # result.w = 1/sqrt(nx^2+ny^2+nz^2)
MUL, result.w, vector;

(69) How do you compute the determinant of a 3x3 matrix in three

RESOLVED: As follows.

# Determinant of | vec0.x vec0.y vec0.z | into result.
# | vec1.x vec1.y vec1.z |
# | vec2.x vec2.y vec2.z |
MUL result, vec1.zxyw, vec2.yzxw;
MAD result, vec1.yzxw, vec2.zxyw, -result;
DP3 result, vec0, result;

(70) How do you transform a vertex position by a 4x4 matrix and then
perform a homogeneous divide?

RESOLVED: As follows.

ATTRIB pos = vertex.position;
TEMP result, temp;
PARAM mat[4] = { state.matrix.modelview };

DP4 result.w, pos, mat[3];
DP4 result.x, pos, mat[0];
DP4 result.y, pos, mat[1];
DP4 result.z, pos, mat[2];
RCP temp.w, result.w;
MUL result, result, temp.w;

(71) How do you perform a vector weighting of two vectors using a single

RESOLVED: As follows.

# result = a * vec0 + (1-a) * vec1
# = vec1 + a * (vec0 - vec1)
SUB result, vec0, vec1;
MAD result, a, result, vec1;

(72) How do you reduce a value to some fundamental period such as 2*PI?

RESOLVED: As follows.

# result = 2*PI * fraction(in/(2*PI))
# piVec = (1/(2*PI), 2*PI, 0, 0)
PARAM piVec = { 0.159154943, 6.283185307, 0, 0 };

MUL result, in, piVec.x;
EXP result, result.x;
MUL result, result.y, piVec.y;

(73) How do you implement a simple ambient, specular, and diffuse infinite
lighting computation with a single light and an eye-space normal?

RESOLVED: As follows.

ATTRIB iPos = vertex.position;
ATTRIB iNormal = vertex.normal;
PARAM mvinv[4] = { state.matrix.modelview.invtrans };
PARAM mvp[4] = { state.matrix.mvp };
PARAM lightDir = state.light[0].position;
PARAM halfDir = state.light[0].half;
PARAM specExp = state.material.shininess;
PARAM ambientCol = state.lightprod[0].ambient;
PARAM diffuseCol = state.lightprod[0].diffuse;
PARAM specularCol = state.lightprod[0].specular;
TEMP xfNormal, temp, dots;
OUTPUT oPos = result.position;
OUTPUT oColor = result.color;

# Transform the vertex to clip coordinates.
DP4 oPos.x, mvp[0], iPos;
DP4 oPos.y, mvp[1], iPos;
DP4 oPos.z, mvp[2], iPos;
DP4 oPos.w, mvp[3], iPos;

# Transform the normal to eye coordinates.
DP3 xfNormal.x, mvinv[0], iNormal;
DP3 xfNormal.y, mvinv[1], iNormal;
DP3 xfNormal.z, mvinv[2], iNormal;

# Compute diffuse and specular dot products and use LIT to compute
# lighting coefficients.
DP3 dots.x, xfNormal, lightDir;
DP3 dots.y, xfNormal, halfDir;
MOV dots.w, specExp.x;
LIT dots, dots;

# Accumulate color contributions.
MAD temp, dots.y, diffuseCol, ambientCol;
MAD, dots.z, specularCol, temp;
MOV oColor.w, diffuseCol.w;

(75) Can you perturb transformed vertex positions with a vertex program?

RESOLVED: Yes. Here is an example that performs an object-space
diffuse lighting computations and perturbs the vertex position based on
this lighting result. Do not take this example too seriously.

# Program environment parameters:
# c[0].xyz = normalized light direction in object-space
# outputs diffuse illumination for color and perturbed position
ATTRIB iPos = vertex.position;
ATTRIB iNormal = vertex.normal;
PARAM mvp[4] = { state.matrix.mvp };
PARAM lightDir = program.env[0];
PARAM diffuseCol = { 1, 1, 0, 1 };
TEMP temp;
OUTPUT oPos = result.position;
OUTPUT oColor = result.color;

DP3 temp, lightDir, iNormal;
MUL, temp, diffuseCol;
MAX temp, temp, 0; # clamp dot product to zero
MUL temp, temp, iNormal; # align in direction of normal
MUL temp, temp, 0.125; # scale displacement by 1/8
SUB temp, temp, iPos; # perturb
DP4 oPos.x, mvp[0], temp; # xform using perturbed position
DP4 oPos.y, mvp[1], temp;
DP4 oPos.z, mvp[2], temp;
DP4 oPos.w, mvp[3], temp;

(76) Should this extension provide any method for updating program
parameters in a program itself?

RESOLVED: No. NV_vertex_program provided a special mechanism to do
this using a "vertex state program" manually executed by calling
ExecuteProgramNV. This capability has not proven itself particularly
useful to date.

(78) Should there be a different ProgramStringARB call for every distinct
program target? Arguably, 1D, 2D, and 3D textures each have their own
TexImage command for specifying their image data.

RESOLVED: No. All program objects can/should be loaded with
ProgramStringARB. We expect the string to be a sufficient to express
any kind of programmability.

Moreover, the 1D, 2D, and 3D TexImage commands describe the image being
specified as opposed to the texture target being updated. With cube map
textures, there are six face texture targets that use the TexImage2D
command but not with the TEXTURE_2D target.

(79) This extension introduces a collection of new matrices for use by
vertex programs (and possibly other programs as well). What should these
matrices be called?

RESOLVED: Program matrices. These matrices are referred to as
"tracking matrices" in NV_vertex_program, but the functionality is

(80) With ARB_vertex_blend and EXT_vertex_weighting, there are multiple
modelview matrices. This extension provides a single "MVP" matrix,
defined to be the product of modelview matrix 0 and the projection
matrices. Should this extension instead provide one MVP matrix per
modelview matrix?

RESOLVED: No. Providing multiple MVP matrices allows applications to
do N transformations into clip space and then one weighting operation,
instead of N transformations into eye space, a weighting operation, and
then a single transformation into clip space. This would potentially
save instructions, but this optimization would be of no value if the
program did any other operations that required eye coordinates.

Note also that the MVP transformations are likely general 4x4 matrix
multiplies (4 DP4 instructions per transform). On the other hand,
object and eye coordinates are often 3D coordinates with a constant W of
1.0. So each transformation to eye coordinates may require only 3 DP4
instructions, in which case the comparison may be 4N instructions (clip
weighting) vs. 3N+4 (eye weighting).

(81) Should variable declarations be allowed to be anywhere within the
program body, or should they instead be required to be done at the
beginning of the program? Should the possibility of branching in a future
standard affect this resolution?

RESOLVED: Declarations will be allowed anywhere in the program text;
the only ordering requirement is that the declaration of a variable must
precede its use in the program text. Requiring up-front variable
declarations may require multiple passes for applications that build
programs on the fly.

While declarations can appear anywhere in the program body, they are not
executable statements. Any corresponding bindings (including constant
initializations) are resolved before the program executes. The bindings
will be resolved even if a program were to "branch around" a

(82) Should address register variables be treated as vectors? If so,
should a variable number of components (up to four) be supported by this

RESOLVED: In the future, four-component address vectors may be
supported, and vector notation is used for forward compatibility. Using
this notation makes address registers consistent with all the other
vector data types in this extension. However, support for more than one
usable component will be left for future extensions, but could be added
via a program option or in a new language revision (e.g., !!ARBvp2.0).

(83) Should program local parameters be logically connected to the program
string or the program object?

RESOLVED: Program local parameters are properties of a program object.
Their values persist even after a new program is loaded into the object.
This model does allow applications to recompile the program in a given
object based on certain rendering settings without having to
re-initialize any state stored in the object.

(84) Should this extension provide a method to specify "anonymous" program
local parameters and query an index into the program parameter array.

RESOLVED: No. It would be nice to declare a variable in a program such

PARAM foo = program.local; # note no index in the array

after which an application could query the location of "foo" in the
program local parameter array. However, given that local parameters
persist even across program loads, it would be difficult to specify what
program local parameter "foo" would be assigned to.

(85) EXT_vertex_weighting provides a single vertex blend weight.
ARB_vertex_blend generalizes this concept to a weight vector. Both pieces
of state are specified separately, and could be thought of as distinct.
Should distinct bindings be provided in this extension?

RESOLVED: No. No current implementation supports both extensions, but
the vendors involved in this standardization process agree that the
state should not be considered distinct. If an implementation supported
both extensions, the APIs would modify the same state.

(86) Should this extension provide functionality for variable aliasing?
If so, how should it be specified and what types of variables can be

RESOLVED: Yes, for all variable types. The syntax is a simple text

ALIAS a = b;

This functionality allows applications to "share" variables, and thereby
exceed implementation-dependent limits on the number of variable
declarations. This may be particularly significant for temporaries,
where the limit on the number of variables may be fairly low.

(87) How do you determine whether a given program option is supported by
the GL implementation?

RESOLVED: Program options may be introduced in OpenGL extensions and
may be added to future OpenGL specifications. An option will be
supported if and only if (1) the corresponding OpenGL extension appears
in the implementation-dependent EXTENSIONS string or (2) the option is
documented in the OpenGL specification version corresponding to the
implementation's VERSION string.

The ARB_position_invariant option is provided by this extension, and
will always be available (provided this extension is supported).

(88) What's the deal with binding the alpha component of light colors, fog
colors, and material colors (other than diffuse)? They don't do anything,

RESOLVED: The GL state for these different colors includes alpha
components, which will be returned by queries. However, in the
conventional OpenGL pipeline, most of these alpha components are
effectively ignored. However, since they are present in the GL state,
they will be exposed in bindings. What is done with these alpha values
in program mode is completely up to the vertex program.

Vertex programs need to be careful to ensure that the alpha component is
computed correctly when evaluating lighting equations. When
accumulating light contributions, it may be necessary to use write masks
to disable writes to the alpha component.

(89) The LOG instruction takes the logarithm of the absolute value of its
operand while the LG2 instruction takes the logarithm of the operand
itself. In LG2, the logarithm of negative numbers is undefined.

RESOLVED: The LOG instruction is present for (1) compatibility with
NV_vertex_program and DirectX 8 languages and (2) because it may
outperform LG2 on some platforms. For compatibility, it is defined to
behave identically to existing languages.

(90) With vertex programs, fog coordinates and point sizes can be computed
on a per-vertex basis. How are the fog coordinates and point sizes
associated with vertices introduced by clipping computed?

RESOLVED: Fog coordinates and point sizes for clipped vertices are
computed by interpolating the computed values at the original vertices
in exactly the same manner as colors and texture coordinates are
interpolated in section 2.13.8 of the OpenGL 1.3 specification.

(91) Vertex programs support only RGBA colors, but do not support color
index inputs or results. What happens if an application uses vertex
programs in color index mode.

RESOLVED: The results of vertex program execution are undefined if the
GL is in color index mode.

(92) Should automatic normalization of evaluated normals (AUTO_NORMAL) be
supported when the GL is in vertex program mode?

RESOLVED: Automatic normalization of normals will be disabled in vertex
program mode. The current vertex program can easily normalize the
normal if required. This can lead to greater efficiency if the vertex
program transforms the normal to another coordinate system such as
eye-space with a transform that preserves vector length. Then a single
normalize after transform is more efficient than normalizing after
evaluation and normalizing again after transform. Conceptually, the
normalize mandated for AUTO_NORMAL in section 5.1 is just one of the
many transformation operations subsumed by vertex programs.

(93) This extension allows applications to name their own variables. What
keywords should be reserved?

RESOLVED: Instruction names and declaration keywords (e.g., PARAM) will
be reserved. Additionally, since attribute, parameter, and result
bindings are allowed in the program text, the binding prefix keywords
"vertex", "state", "program", and "result" are reserved to simplify
parsing. This prevents the need to distinguish between
"vertex.position" ("vertex" as a binding) and "vertex.xyzw" ("vertex" as
a variable).

(94) When counting the number of program parameter bindings, multiple
constant vectors with the same components are counted only once. How is
this determined?

RESOLVED: The implementation does a numerical comparison after the
specified constants are converted to an internal floating-point
representation. Due to floating-point representation limits, such
conversions are not always precise. Constants specified with different
text that are "equivalent" (e.g., "12" and "1.2E+01") are not guaranteed
to resolve to the same value. Additionally, constants that are not
"equivalent" but have only small relative differences (e.g., "200000000"
and "200000001") may end up resolving to the same value. Constants
specified with the same text should always be identical.

(95) What characters are allowed in identifier names?

RESOLVED: Letters ("A"-"Z", "a"-"z"), numbers ("0"-"9"), underscores
("_"), and dollar signs ("$").

(96) How should future programmability extensions interact with this one?

RESOLVED: Future programmability extensions are expected to fall in one
of two classes: (1) extensions that bring programmability to new
sections and (2) extensions the extend existing programmability models.
The former class should introduce a new program target; the latter class
would extend the functionality of an existing target.

Recommendations for extensions introducing new program targets include:

* Re-use and reference the functionality specified in this extension
(or in a future OpenGL specification incorporating this extension)
as much as possible, to maintain a consistent model.

* Provide a program header allowing for easy identification and
versioning of programs for the new target.

Recommendations for extensions modifying existing program targets

* The option mechanism (section should be used to provide
minor modifications to the program language.

* The program header/version string (section 2.14.2) should be used to
provide major modifications to the language, or potentially to
provide a commonly used collection of options. Program header
string changes should be multi-vendor extensions as much as

* For portability, programs should not be allowed to use extended
language features without specifying the corresponding program
options or program header.

New Procedures and Functions

    void VertexAttrib1sARB(uint index, short x);
void VertexAttrib1fARB(uint index, float x);
void VertexAttrib1dARB(uint index, double x);
void VertexAttrib2sARB(uint index, short x, short y);
void VertexAttrib2fARB(uint index, float x, float y);
void VertexAttrib2dARB(uint index, double x, double y);
void VertexAttrib3sARB(uint index, short x, short y, short z);
void VertexAttrib3fARB(uint index, float x, float y, float z);
void VertexAttrib3dARB(uint index, double x, double y, double z);
void VertexAttrib4sARB(uint index, short x, short y, short z, short w);
void VertexAttrib4fARB(uint index, float x, float y, float z, float w);
void VertexAttrib4dARB(uint index, double x, double y, double z, double w);
void VertexAttrib4NubARB(uint index, ubyte x, ubyte y, ubyte z, ubyte w);

void VertexAttrib1svARB(uint index, const short *v);
void VertexAttrib1fvARB(uint index, const float *v);
void VertexAttrib1dvARB(uint index, const double *v);
void VertexAttrib2svARB(uint index, const short *v);
void VertexAttrib2fvARB(uint index, const float *v);
void VertexAttrib2dvARB(uint index, const double *v);
void VertexAttrib3svARB(uint index, const short *v);
void VertexAttrib3fvARB(uint index, const float *v);
void VertexAttrib3dvARB(uint index, const double *v);
void VertexAttrib4bvARB(uint index, const byte *v);
void VertexAttrib4svARB(uint index, const short *v);
void VertexAttrib4ivARB(uint index, const int *v);
void VertexAttrib4ubvARB(uint index, const ubyte *v);
void VertexAttrib4usvARB(uint index, const ushort *v);
void VertexAttrib4uivARB(uint index, const uint *v);
void VertexAttrib4fvARB(uint index, const float *v);
void VertexAttrib4dvARB(uint index, const double *v);
void VertexAttrib4NbvARB(uint index, const byte *v);
void VertexAttrib4NsvARB(uint index, const short *v);
void VertexAttrib4NivARB(uint index, const int *v);
void VertexAttrib4NubvARB(uint index, const ubyte *v);
void VertexAttrib4NusvARB(uint index, const ushort *v);
void VertexAttrib4NuivARB(uint index, const uint *v);

void VertexAttribPointerARB(uint index, int size, enum type,
boolean normalized, sizei stride,
const void *pointer);

void EnableVertexAttribArrayARB(uint index);
void DisableVertexAttribArrayARB(uint index);

void ProgramStringARB(enum target, enum format, sizei len,
const void *string);

void BindProgramARB(enum target, uint program);

void DeleteProgramsARB(sizei n, const uint *programs);

void GenProgramsARB(sizei n, uint *programs);

void ProgramEnvParameter4dARB(enum target, uint index,
double x, double y, double z, double w);
void ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(enum target, uint index,
const double *params);
void ProgramEnvParameter4fARB(enum target, uint index,
float x, float y, float z, float w);
void ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(enum target, uint index,
const float *params);

void ProgramLocalParameter4dARB(enum target, uint index,
double x, double y, double z, double w);
void ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(enum target, uint index,
const double *params);
void ProgramLocalParameter4fARB(enum target, uint index,
float x, float y, float z, float w);
void ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(enum target, uint index,
const float *params);

void GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB(enum target, uint index,
double *params);
void GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB(enum target, uint index,
float *params);

void GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB(enum target, uint index,
double *params);
void GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB(enum target, uint index,
float *params);

void GetProgramivARB(enum target, enum pname, int *params);

void GetProgramStringARB(enum target, enum pname, void *string);

void GetVertexAttribdvARB(uint index, enum pname, double *params);
void GetVertexAttribfvARB(uint index, enum pname, float *params);
void GetVertexAttribivARB(uint index, enum pname, int *params);

void GetVertexAttribPointervARB(uint index, enum pname, void **pointer);

boolean IsProgramARB(uint program);

New Tokens

    Accepted by the <cap> parameter of Disable, Enable, and IsEnabled, by the
<pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev,
and by the <target> parameter of ProgramStringARB, BindProgramARB,
ProgramEnvParameter4[df][v]ARB, ProgramLocalParameter4[df][v]ARB,
GetProgramEnvParameter[df]vARB, GetProgramLocalParameter[df]vARB,
GetProgramivARB, and GetProgramStringARB.


Accepted by the <cap> parameter of Disable, Enable, and IsEnabled, and by
the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and


Accepted by the <format> parameter of ProgramStringARB:


Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetVertexAttrib[dfi]vARB:


Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetVertexAttribPointervARB:


Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetProgramivARB:


Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetProgramStringARB:


Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
GetFloatv, and GetDoublev:


Accepted by the <name> parameter of GetString:


Accepted by the <mode> parameter of MatrixMode:


Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 1.3 Specification (OpenGL Operation)

    Modify Section 2.6, Begin/End Paradigm (p. 12)

(modify last paragraph, p. 12) ... In addition, a current normal, a
current color, multiple current texture coordinate sets, and multiple
generic vertex attributes may be used in processing each vertex. Normals
are used by the GL in lighting calculations; the current normal is a
three-dimensional vector that may be set by sending three coordinates that
specify it. Texture coordinates determine how a texture image is mapped
onto a primitive. Multiple sets of texture coordinates may be used to
specify how multiple texture images are mapped onto a primitive. Generic
vertex attributes do not have any specific function but can be used in
vertex program mode (section 2.14) to compute final values for any data
associated with a vertex.

Modify Section 2.6.3, GL Commands within Begin/End (p. 19)

(modify first paragraph of section, p. 19) The only GL commands that are
allowed within any Begin/End pairs are the commands for specifying vertex
coordinates, vertex color, normal coordinates, texture coordinates, and
generic vertex attributes (Vertex, Color, Index, Normal, TexCoord,
VertexAttrib*ARB), ...

Modify Section 2.7, Vertex Specification (p. 19)

(remove the "Finally" from the next-to-last paragraph, p. 20) There are
several ways to set the current color. The GL stores both a current
single-valued color index, and a current four-valued RGBA color. One

(add new paragraph before last paragraph of section, p. 21) Vertex
programs (section 2.14) can access an array of four-component generic
current vertex attributes. The first entry of this array is numbered
zero, and the number of entries in the array is given by the
implementation-dependent constant MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. The commands

void VertexAttrib{1234}{sfd}ARB(uint index, T coords);
void VertexAttrib{123}{sfd}vARB(uint index, T coords);
void VertexAttrib4{bsifd ubusui}vARB(uint index, T coords);

specify the current vertex attribute numbered <index>, whose components
are named <x>, <y>, <z>, and <w>. The VertexAttrib1ARB family of commands
sets the <x> coordinate to the provided single argument while setting <y>
and <z> to 0 and <w> to 1. Similarly, VertexAttrib2ARB commands set <x>
and <y> to the specified values, <z> to 0 and <w> to 1; VertexAttrib3ARB
commands set <x>, <y>, and <z>, with <w> set to 1, and VertexAttrib4ARB
commands set all four coordinates. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated
if <index> is greater than or equal to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB.

The commands

void VertexAttrib4NubARB(uint index, T coords);
void VertexAttrib4N{bsi ubusui}vARB(uint index, T coords);

also specify vertex attributes with fixed-point coordinates that are
scaled to the range [0,1] or [-1,1], according to Table 2.6.

Setting generic vertex attribute zero specifies a vertex; the four vertex
coordinates are taken from the values of attribute zero. A Vertex2,
Vertex3, or Vertex4 command is completely equivalent to the corresponding
VertexAttrib command with an index of zero. Setting any other generic
vertex attribute updates the current values of the attribute. There are
no current values for vertex attribute zero.

Implementations may, but do not necessarily, use the same storage for the
current values of generic and certain conventional vertex attributes.
When any generic vertex attribute other than zero is specified, the
current values for the corresponding conventional attribute in Table X.1
become undefined. Additionally, when a conventional vertex attribute is
specified, the current values for the corresponding generic vertex
attribute in Table X.1 become undefined. For example, setting the current
normal will leave generic vertex attribute 2 undefined, and vice versa.

Attribute Conventional Attribute Conventional Attribute Command
--------- ------------------------ ------------------------------
0 vertex position Vertex
1 vertex weights 0-3 WeightARB, VertexWeightEXT
2 normal Normal
3 primary color Color
4 secondary color SecondaryColorEXT
5 fog coordinate FogCoordEXT
6 - -
7 - -
8 texture coordinate set 0 MultiTexCoord(TEXTURE0, ...)
9 texture coordinate set 1 MultiTexCoord(TEXTURE1, ...)
10 texture coordinate set 2 MultiTexCoord(TEXTURE2, ...)
11 texture coordinate set 3 MultiTexCoord(TEXTURE3, ...)
12 texture coordinate set 4 MultiTexCoord(TEXTURE4, ...)
13 texture coordinate set 5 MultiTexCoord(TEXTURE5, ...)
14 texture coordinate set 6 MultiTexCoord(TEXTURE6, ...)
15 texture coordinate set 7 MultiTexCoord(TEXTURE7, ...)
8+n texture coordinate set n MultiTexCoord(TEXTURE0+n, ...)

Table X.1, Generic and Conventional Vertex Attribute Mappings. For each
row, the current value of the conventional attribute becomes undefined
when the corresponding generic attribute is set, and vice versa.
Attribute zero corresponds to the vertex position and has no current

Setting any conventional vertex attribute not listed in Table X.1
(including vertex weights 4 and above, if supported) will not cause any
generic vertex attribute to become undefined, and such attributes will not
become undefined when any generic vertex attribute is set.

(modify the last paragraph in the section, p.21) The state required to
support vertex specification consists of four floating-point numbers per
texture unit to store the current texture coordinates s, t, r, and q,
three floating-point numbers to store the three coordinates of the current
normal, four floating-point values to store the current RGBA color, one
floating-point value to store the current color index, and
MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB-1 four-component floating-point vectors for generic
vertex attributes. There is no notion of a current vertex, so no state is
devoted to vertex coordinates or vertex attribute zero. The initial
texture coordinates are (S,T,R,Q) = (0,0,0,1) for each texture unit. The
initial current normal has coordinates (0,0,1). The initial RGBA color is
(R,G,B,A) = (1,1,1,1). The initial color index is 1. The initial values
for all generic vertex attributes are undefined.

Modify Section 2.8, Vertex Arrays (p. 21)

(modify first paragraph of section, p.21) The vertex specification
commands described in section 2.7 accept data in almost any format, but
their use requires many command executions to specify even simple
geometry. Vertex data may also be placed into arrays that are stored in
the client's address space. Blocks of data in these arrays may then be
used to specify multiple geometric primitives through the execution of a
single GL command. The client may specify up to 5 plus the values of
MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS and MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB arrays: one each to store
vertex coordinates, edge flags, colors, color indices, normals, one or
more texture coordinate sets, and one or more generic vertex attributes.
The commands


void VertexAttribPointerARB(uint index, int size, enum type,
boolean normalized, sizei stride,
const void *pointer);

describe the locations and organizations...

(add after the first paragraph, p.22) The <index> parameter in the
VertexAttribPointer command identifies the generic vertex attribute array
being described. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if <index> is
greater than or equal to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB. The <normalized>
parameter in the VertexAttribPointer command identifies whether
fixed-point types should be normalized when converted to floating-point.
If <normalized> is TRUE, fixed-point data are converted as specified in
Table 2.6; otherwise, the fixed-point values are converted directly.

(add after first paragraph, p.23) An individual generic vertex attribute
array is enabled or disabled by calling one of

void EnableVertexAttribArrayARB(uint index);
void DisableVertexAttribArrayARB(uint index);

where <index> identifies the generic vertex attribute array to enable or
disable. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if <index> is greater than

(modify Table 2.4, p.23)

Command Sizes ized? Types
---------------------- ------- ------ --------------------------------
VertexPointer 2,3,4 no short, int, float, double
NormalPointer 3 yes byte, short, int, float, double
ColorPointer 3,4 yes byte, ubyte, short, ushort,
int, uint, float, double
IndexPointer 1 no ubyte, short, int, float, double
TexCoordPointer 1,2,3,4 no short, int, float, double
EdgeFlagPointer 1 no boolean
VertexAttribPointerARB 1,2,3,4 flag byte, ubyte, short, ushort,
int, uint, float, double
WeightPointerARB >=1 yes byte, ubyte, short, ushort,
int, uint, float, double
VertexWeightPointerEXT 1 n/a float
SecondaryColor- 3 yes byte, ubyte, short, ushort,
PointerEXT int, uint, float, double
FogCoordPointerEXT 1 n/a float, double
MatrixIndexPointerARB >=1 no ubyte, ushort, uint

Table 2.4: Vertex array sizes (values per vertex) and data types. The
"normalized" column indicates whether fixed-point types are accepted
directly or normalized to [0,1] (for unsigned types) or [-1,1] (for
singed types). For generic vertex attributes, fixed-point data are
normalized if and only if the <normalized> flag is set.

(modify last paragraph, p.23) The command

void ArrayElement(int i);

transfers the ith element of every enabled array to the GL. The effect of
ArrayElement(i) is the same as the effect of the command sequence

if (ARB_vertex_blend vertex weight array enabled) {
Weight[type]vARB(vertex weight array size,
vertex weight array element i);
if (EXT_vertex_weighting vertex weight array enabled) {
VertexWeight[type]vARB(vertex weight array element i);
if (normal array enabled) {
Normal3[type]v(normal array element i);
if (color array enabled) {
Color[size][type]v(color array element i);
if (secondary color array enabled) {
SecondaryColor3[type]vEXT(secondary color array element i);
if (fog coordinate array enabled) {
FogCoord[type]vEXT(fog coordinate array element i);
if (matrix index array enabled) {
MatrixIndex[type]vARB(matrix index array size,
matrix index array element i);
for (j = 0; j < textureUnits; j++) {
if (texture coordinate set j array enabled) {
MultiTexCoord[size][type]v(TEXTURE0 + j,
texture coordinate set j
array element i);
if (color index array enabled) {
Index[type]v(color index array element i);
if (edge flag array enabled) {
EdgeFlagv(edge flag array element i);
for (j = 1; j < genericAttributes; j++) {
if (generic vertex attribute j array enabled) {
if (generic vertex attribute j array normalization flag
is set, and type is not FLOAT or DOUBLE) {
VertexAttrib[size]N[type]vARB(j, generic vertex attribute j
array element i);
} else {
VertexAttrib[size][type]vARB(j, generic vertex attribute j
array element i);
if (generic attribute array 0 enabled) {
if (generic vertex attribute j array normalization flag
is set, and type is not FLOAT or DOUBLE) {
VertexAttrib[size]N[type]vARB(0, generic vertex attribute 0
array element i);
} else {
VertexAttrib[size][type]vARB(0, generic vertex attribute 0
array element i);
} else if (vertex array enabled) {
Vertex[size][type]vARB(vertex array element i);

where <textureUnits> and <genericAttributes> give the number of texture
units and generic vertex attributes supported by the implementation,
respectively. "[size]" and "[type]" correspond to the size and type of
the corresponding array. For generic vertex attributes, it is assumed
that a complete set of vertex attribute commands exists, even though not
all such functions are provided by the GL. Both generic attribute array
zero and the vertex array can specify a vertex if enabled, but only one
such array is used. As described in section 2.7, setting a generic vertex
attributes listed in Table X.1 will leave the corresponding conventional
vertex attribute undefined, and vice versa.

(modify last paragraph of section, p.28) If the number of supported
texture units (the value of MAX TEXTURE UNITS) is m and the number of
supported generic vertex attributes (MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB) is n, then
the client state required to implement vertex arrays consists of 5+m+n
boolean enables, 5+m+n memory pointers, 5+m+n integer stride values, 4+m+n
symbolic constants representing array types, 2+m+n integers representing
values per element, and n boolean normalization flags. In the initial
state, the enable values are each disabled, the memory pointers are each
null, the strides are each zero, the array types are each FLOAT, the
integers representing values per element are each four, and the
normalization flags are disabled..

Modify Section 2.10, Coordinate Transformations (p. 29)

(add new paragraphs) Vertex attributes are transformed before the vertex
is used to generate primitives for rasterization, establish a raster
position, or generate vertices for selection or feedback. The attributes
of each vertex are transformed using one of two vertex transformation
modes. The first mode, described in this and subsequent sections, is GL's
conventional vertex transformation model. The second mode, known as
vertex program mode and described in section 2.14, transforms vertex
attributes as specified in an application-supplied vertex program.

Vertex program mode is enabled and disabled, respectively, by

void Enable(enum target);


void Disable(enum target);

with <target> equal to VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB. When vertex program mode is
enabled, vertices are transformed by the currently bound vertex program as
discussed in section 2.14.

When vertex program mode is disabled, vertices, normals, and texture
coordinates are transformed before their coordinates are used to produce
an image in the framebuffer. We begin with a description of how vertex
coordinates are transformed and how the transformation is controlled in
this case. The discussion that continues through section 2.13 applies
when vertex program mode is disabled.

Modify Section 2.10.2, Matrices (p. 31)

(modify 1st paragraph) The projection matrix and model-view matrix are set
and modified with a variety of commands. The affected matrix is
determined by the current matrix mode. The current matrix mode is set

void MatrixMode(enum mode);

which takes one of the pre-defined constants TEXTURE, MODELVIEW, COLOR,
PROJECTION, or MATRIX<i>_ARB as the argument. In the case of
MATRIX<i>_ARB, <i> is an integer between 0 and <n>-1 indicating one of <n>
program matrices where <n> is the value of the implementation defined
constant MAX_PROGRAM_MATRICES_ARB. Such program matrices are described in
section 2.14.6. TEXTURE is described later in section 2.10.2, and COLOR
is described in section 3.6.3. If the current matrix mode is MODELVIEW,
then matrix operations apply to the model-view matrix; if PROJECTION, then
they apply to the projection matrix.

(modify last paragraph of section) The state required to implement
transformations consists of a <n>-value integer indicating the current
matrix mode (where <n> is 4 + the number of supported texture and program
matrices), a stack of at least two 4x4 matrices for each of COLOR,
PROJECTION, and TEXTURE with associated stack pointers, <n> stacks (where
<n> is at least 8) of at least one 4x4 matrix for each MATRIX<i>_ARB with
associated stack pointers, and a stack of at least 32 4x4 matrices with an
associated stack pointer for MODELVIEW. Initially, there is only one
matrix on each stack, and all matrices are set to the identity. The
initial matrix mode is MODELVIEW. The initial value of ACTIVE_TEXTURE is

Modify Section 2.11, Clipping (p. 39)

(add to end of next-to-last paragraph, p. 40) ... User clipping is not
supported in vertex program mode if the current program is not
position-invariant (section In this case, client-defined
clip planes are always treated as disabled.

Modify Section 2.12, Current Raster Position (p. 42)

(modify fourth paragraph, p.42) The coordinates are treated as if they
were specified in a Vertex command. If vertex program mode is enabled,
the currently bound vertex program is executed, using the x, y, z, and w
coordinates as the object coordinates of the vertex. Otherwise, the x, y,
z, and w coordinates are transformed by the current model-view and
projection matrices. These coordinates, along with current values, are
used to generate a color and texture coordinates just as is done for a
vertex. The color and texture coordinates produced using either method
replace the color and texture coordinates stored in the current raster
position's associated data. When in vertex program mode, the "x"
component of the fog coordinate result replaces the current raster
distance; otherwise, the distance from the origin of the eye coordinate
system to the vertex as transformed by only the current model-view matrix
replaces the current raster distance. The latter distance can be
approximated (see section 3.10).

Rename and Modify Section 2.13.8, Color and Vertex Data Clipping (p.56)

(modify second paragraph, p.57) Texture coordinates, as well as fog
coordinates and point sizes computed on a per-vertex basis, must also be
clipped when a primitive is clipped. The method is exactly analogous to
that used for color clipping.

Add New Section 2.14 and subsections (p. 57).

Section 2.14, Vertex Programs

The conventional GL vertex transformation model described in sections 2.10
through 2.13 is a configurable but essentially hard-wired sequence of
per-vertex computations based on a canonical set of per-vertex parameters
and vertex transformation related state such as transformation matrices,
lighting parameters, and texture coordinate generation parameters. The
general success and utility of the conventional GL vertex transformation
model reflects its basic correspondence to the typical vertex
transformation requirements of 3D applications.

However when the conventional GL vertex transformation model is not
sufficient, the vertex program mode provides a substantially more flexible
model for vertex transformation. The vertex program mode permits
applications to define their own vertex programs.

A vertex program is a character string that specifies a sequence of
operations to perform. Vertex program instructions are typically
4-component vector operations that operate on per-vertex attributes and
program parameters. Vertex programs execute on a per-vertex basis and
operate on each vertex completely independently from any other vertices.
Vertex programs execute a finite fixed sequence of instructions with no
branching or looping. Vertex programs execute without data hazards so
results computed in one instruction can be used immediately afterwards.
The result of a vertex program is a set of vertex result registers that
becomes the set of transformed vertex attributes used during clipping and
primitive assembly.

Vertex programs are defined to operate only in RGBA mode. The results of
vertex program execution are undefined if the GL is in color index mode.

Section 2.14.1, Program Objects

The GL provides one or more program targets, each identifying a portion of
the GL that can be controlled through application-specified programs. The
program target for vertex programs is VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB. Each program
target has an associated program object, called the current program
object. Each program target also has a default program object, which is
initially the current program object.

Each program object has an associated program string. The command

ProgramStringARB(enum target, enum format, sizei len,
const void *string);

updates the program string for the current program object for <target>.
<format> describes the format of the program string, which must currently
be PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB. <string> is a pointer to the array of bytes
representing the program string being loaded, which need not be
null-terminated. The length of the array is given by <len>. If <string>
is null-terminated, <len> should not include the terminator.

When a program string is loaded, it is interpreted according to syntactic
and semantic rules corresponding to the program target specified by
<target>. If a program violates the syntactic or semantic restrictions of
the program target, ProgramStringARB generates the error

Additionally, ProgramString will update the program error position
If a program fails to load, the value of the program error position is set
to the ubyte offset into the specified program string indicating where the
first program error was detected. If the program fails to load because of
a semantic restriction that is not detected until the program is fully
scanned, the error position is set to the value of <len>. If a program
loads successfully, the error position is set to the value negative one.
The implementation-dependent program error string contains one or more
error or warning messages. If a program loads succesfully, the error
string may either contain warning messages or be empty.

Each program object has an associated array of program local parameters.
The number and type of program local parameters is target- and
implementation-dependent. For vertex programs, program local parameters
are four-component floating-point vectors. The number of vectors is given
by the implementation-dependent constant MAX_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMETERS_ARB,
which must be at least 96. The commands

void ProgramLocalParameter4fARB(enum target, uint index,
float x, float y, float z, float w);
void ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB(enum target, uint index,
const float *params);
void ProgramLocalParameter4dARB(enum target, uint index,
double x, double y, double z, double w);
void ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB(enum target, uint index,
const double *params);

update the values of the program local parameter numbered <index>
belonging to the program object currently bound to <target>. For
ProgramLocalParameter4fARB and ProgramLocalParameter4dARB, the four
components of the parameter are updated with the values of <x>, <y>, <z>,
and <w>, respectively. For ProgramLocalParameter4fvARB and
ProgramLocalParameter4dvARB, the four components of the parameter are
updated with the array of four values pointed to by <params>. The error
INVALID_VALUE is generated if <index> is greater than or equal to the
number of program local parameters supported by <target>.

Additionally, each program target has an associated array of program
environment parameters. Unlike program local parameters, program
environment parameters are shared by all program objects of a given
target. The number and type of program environment parameters is target-
and implementation-dependent. For vertex programs, program environment
parameters are four-component floating-point vectors. The number of
vectors is given by the implementation-dependent constant
MAX_PROGRAM_ENV_PARAMETERS_ARB, which must be at least 96. The commands

void ProgramEnvParameter4fARB(enum target, uint index,
float x, float y, float z, float w);
void ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB(enum target, uint index,
const float *params);
void ProgramEnvParameter4dARB(enum target, uint index,
double x, double y, double z, double w);
void ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB(enum target, uint index,
const double *params);

update the values of the program environment parameter numbered <index>
for the given program target <target>. For ProgramEnvParameter4fARB and
ProgramEnvParameter4dARB, the four components of the parameter are updated
with the values of <x>, <y>, <z>, and <w>, respectively. For
ProgramEnvParameter4fvARB and ProgramEnvParameter4dvARB, the four
components of the parameter are updated with the array of four values
pointed to by <params>. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if <index>
is greater than or equal to the number of program environment parameters
supported by <target>.

Each program target has a default program object. Additionally, named
program objects can be created and operated upon. The name space for
program objects is the positive integers and is shared by programs of all
targets. The name zero is reserved by the GL.

A named program object is created by binding an unused program object name
to a valid program target. The binding is effected by calling

BindProgramARB(enum target, uint program);

with <target> set to the desired program target and <program> set to the
unused program name. The resulting program object has a program target
given by <target> and is assigned target-specific default values (see
section 2.14.7 for vertex programs). BindProgramARB may also be used to
bind an existing program object to a program target. If <program> is
zero, the default program object for <target> is bound. If <program> is
the name of an existing program object whose associated program target is
<target>, the named program object is bound. The error INVALID_OPERATION
is generated if <program> names an existing program object whose
associated program target is anything other than <target>.

Programs objects are deleted by calling

void DeleteProgramsARB(sizei n, const uint *programs);

<programs> contains <n> names of programs to be deleted. After a program
object is deleted, its name is again unused. If a program object that is
bound to any target is deleted, it is as though BindProgramARB is first
executed with same target and a <program> of zero. Unused names in
<programs> are silently ignored, as is the value zero.

The command

void GenProgramsARB(sizei n, uint *programs);

returns <n> currently unused program names in <programs>. These names are
marked as used, for the purposes of GenProgramsARB only, but objects are
created only when they are first bound using BindProgramARB.

Section 2.14.2, Vertex Program Grammar and Semantic Restrictions

Vertex program strings are specified as an array of ASCII characters
containing the program text. When a vertex program is loaded by a call to
ProgramStringARB, the program string is parsed into a set of tokens
possibly separated by whitespace. Spaces, tabs, newlines, carriage
returns, and comments are considered whitespace. Comments begin with the
character "#" and are terminated by a newline, a carriage return, or the
end of the program array.

The Backus-Naur Form (BNF) grammar below specifies the syntactically valid
sequences for vertex programs. The set of valid tokens can be inferred
from the grammar. The token "" represents an empty string and is used to
indicate optional rules. A program is invalid if it contains any
undefined tokens or characters.

A vertex program is required to begin with the header string "!!ARBvp1.0",
without any preceding whitespace. This string identifies the subsequent
program text as a vertex program (version 1.0) that should be parsed
according to the following grammar and semantic rules. Program string
parsing begins with the character immediately following the header string.

<program> ::= <optionSequence> <statementSequence> "END"

<optionSequence> ::= <optionSequence> <option>
| ""

<option> ::= "OPTION" <identifier> ";"

<statementSequence> ::= <statementSequence> <statement>
| ""

<statement> ::= <instruction> ";"
| <namingStatement> ";"

<instruction> ::= <ARL_instruction>
| <VECTORop_instruction>
| <SCALARop_instruction>
| <BINSCop_instruction>
| <BINop_instruction>
| <TRIop_instruction>
| <SWZ_instruction>

<ARL_instruction> ::= "ARL" <maskedAddrReg> "," <scalarSrcReg>

<VECTORop_instruction> ::= <VECTORop> <maskedDstReg> "," <swizzleSrcReg>

<VECTORop> ::= "ABS"
| "FLR"
| "FRC"
| "LIT"
| "MOV"

<SCALARop_instruction> ::= <SCALARop> <maskedDstReg> "," <scalarSrcReg>

<SCALARop> ::= "EX2"
| "EXP"
| "LG2"
| "LOG"
| "RCP"
| "RSQ"

<BINSCop_instruction> ::= <BINSCop> <maskedDstReg> "," <scalarSrcReg> ","

<BINSCop> ::= "POW"

<BINop_instruction> ::= <BINop> <maskedDstReg> ","
<swizzleSrcReg> "," <swizzleSrcReg>

<BINop> ::= "ADD"
| "DP3"
| "DP4"
| "DPH"
| "DST"
| "MAX"
| "MIN"
| "MUL"
| "SGE"
| "SLT"
| "SUB"
| "XPD"

<TRIop_instruction> ::= <TRIop> <maskedDstReg> ","
<swizzleSrcReg> "," <swizzleSrcReg> ","

<TRIop> ::= "MAD"

<SWZ_instruction> ::= "SWZ" <maskedDstReg> "," <srcReg> ","

<scalarSrcReg> ::= <optionalSign> <srcReg> <scalarSuffix>

<swizzleSrcReg> ::= <optionalSign> <srcReg> <swizzleSuffix>

<maskedDstReg> ::= <dstReg> <optionalMask>

<maskedAddrReg> ::= <addrReg> <addrWriteMask>

<extendedSwizzle> ::= <extSwizComp> "," <extSwizComp> ","
<extSwizComp> "," <extSwizComp>

<extSwizComp> ::= <optionalSign> <extSwizSel>

<extSwizSel> ::= "0"
| "1"
| <component>

<srcReg> ::= <vertexAttribReg>
| <temporaryReg>
| <progParamReg>

<dstReg> ::= <temporaryReg>
| <vertexResultReg>

<vertexAttribReg> ::= <establishedName>
| <vtxAttribBinding>

<temporaryReg> ::= <establishedName>

<progParamReg> ::= <progParamSingle>
| <progParamArray> "[" <progParamArrayMem> "]"
| <paramSingleItemUse>

<progParamSingle> ::= <establishedName>

<progParamArray> ::= <establishedName>

<progParamArrayMem> ::= <progParamArrayAbs>
| <progParamArrayRel>

<progParamArrayAbs> ::= <integer>

<progParamArrayRel> ::= <addrReg> <addrComponent> <addrRegRelOffset>

<addrRegRelOffset> ::= ""
| "+" <addrRegPosOffset>
| "-" <addrRegNegOffset>

<addrRegPosOffset> ::= <integer> from 0 to 63

<addrRegNegOffset> ::= <integer> from 0 to 64

<vertexResultReg> ::= <establishedName>
| <resultBinding>

<addrReg> ::= <establishedName>

<addrComponent> ::= "." "x"

<addrWriteMask> ::= "." "x"

<scalarSuffix> ::= "." <component>

<swizzleSuffix> ::= ""
| "." <component>
| "." <component> <component>
<component> <component>

<component> ::= "x"
| "y"
| "z"
| "w"

<optionalMask> ::= ""
| "." "x"
| "." "y"
| "." "xy"
| "." "z"
| "." "xz"
| "." "yz"
| "." "xyz"
| "." "w"
| "." "xw"
| "." "yw"
| "." "xyw"
| "." "zw"
| "." "xzw"
| "." "yzw"
| "." "xyzw"

<namingStatement> ::= <ATTRIB_statement>
| <PARAM_statement>
| <TEMP_statement>
| <ADDRESS_statement>
| <OUTPUT_statement>
| <ALIAS_statement>

<ATTRIB_statement> ::= "ATTRIB" <establishName> "="

<vtxAttribBinding> ::= "vertex" "." <vtxAttribItem>

<vtxAttribItem> ::= "position"
| "weight" <vtxOptWeightNum>
| "normal"
| "color" <optColorType>
| "fogcoord"
| "texcoord" <optTexCoordNum>
| "matrixindex" "[" <vtxWeightNum> "]"
| "attrib" "[" <vtxAttribNum> "]"

<vtxAttribNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB-1

<vtxOptWeightNum> ::= ""
| "[" <vtxWeightNum> "]"

<vtxWeightNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_ARB-1,
must be divisible by four

<PARAM_statement> ::= <PARAM_singleStmt>
| <PARAM_multipleStmt>

<PARAM_singleStmt> ::= "PARAM" <establishName> <paramSingleInit>

<PARAM_multipleStmt> ::= "PARAM" <establishName> "[" <optArraySize> "]"

<optArraySize> ::= ""
| <integer> from 1 to MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETERS_ARB
(maximum number of allowed program
parameter bindings)

<paramSingleInit> ::= "=" <paramSingleItemDecl>

<paramMultipleInit> ::= "=" "{" <paramMultInitList> "}"

<paramMultInitList> ::= <paramMultipleItem>
| <paramMultipleItem> "," <paramMultiInitList>

<paramSingleItemDecl> ::= <stateSingleItem>
| <programSingleItem>
| <paramConstDecl>

<paramSingleItemUse> ::= <stateSingleItem>
| <programSingleItem>
| <paramConstUse>

<paramMultipleItem> ::= <stateMultipleItem>
| <programMultipleItem>
| <paramConstDecl>

<stateMultipleItem> ::= <stateSingleItem>
| "state" "." <stateMatrixRows>

<stateSingleItem> ::= "state" "." <stateMaterialItem>
| "state" "." <stateLightItem>
| "state" "." <stateLightModelItem>
| "state" "." <stateLightProdItem>
| "state" "." <stateTexGenItem>
| "state" "." <stateFogItem>
| "state" "." <stateClipPlaneItem>
| "state" "." <statePointItem>
| "state" "." <stateMatrixRow>

<stateMaterialItem> ::= "material" <optFaceType> "." <stateMatProperty>

<stateMatProperty> ::= "ambient"
| "diffuse"
| "specular"
| "emission"
| "shininess"

<stateLightItem> ::= "light" "[" <stateLightNumber> "]" "."

<stateLightProperty> ::= "ambient"
| "diffuse"
| "specular"
| "position"
| "attenuation"
| "spot" "." <stateSpotProperty>
| "half"

<stateSpotProperty> ::= "direction"

<stateLightModelItem> ::= "lightmodel" <stateLModProperty>

<stateLModProperty> ::= "." "ambient"
| <optFaceType> "." "scenecolor"

<stateLightProdItem> ::= "lightprod" "[" <stateLightNumber> "]"
<optFaceType> "." <stateLProdProperty>

<stateLProdProperty> ::= "ambient"
| "diffuse"
| "specular"

<stateLightNumber> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_LIGHTS-1

<stateTexGenItem> ::= "texgen" <optTexCoordNum> "."
<stateTexGenType> "." <stateTexGenCoord>

<stateTexGenType> ::= "eye"
| "object"

<stateTexGenCoord> ::= "s"
| "t"
| "r"
| "q"

<stateFogItem> ::= "fog" "." <stateFogProperty>

<stateFogProperty> ::= "color"
| "params"

<stateClipPlaneItem> ::= "clip" "[" <stateClipPlaneNum> "]" "." "plane"

<stateClipPlaneNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_CLIP_PLANES-1

<statePointItem> ::= "point" "." <statePointProperty>

<statePointProperty> ::= "size"
| "attenuation"

<stateMatrixRow> ::= <stateMatrixItem> "." "row" "["
<stateMatrixRowNum> "]"

<stateMatrixRows> ::= <stateMatrixItem> <optMatrixRows>

<optMatrixRows> ::= ""
| "." "row" "[" <stateMatrixRowNum> ".."
<stateMatrixRowNum> "]"

<stateMatrixItem> ::= "matrix" "." <stateMatrixName>

<stateOptMatModifier> ::= ""
| "." <stateMatModifier>

<stateMatModifier> ::= "inverse"
| "transpose"
| "invtrans"

<stateMatrixRowNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to 3

<stateMatrixName> ::= "modelview" <stateOptModMatNum>
| "projection"
| "mvp"
| "texture" <optTexCoordNum>
| "palette" "[" <statePaletteMatNum> "]"
| "program" "[" <stateProgramMatNum> "]"

<stateOptModMatNum> ::= ""
| "[" <stateModMatNum> "]"

<stateModMatNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_ARB-1

<statePaletteMatNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_PALETTE_MATRICES_ARB-1

<stateProgramMatNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_PROGRAM_MATRICES_ARB-1

<programSingleItem> ::= <progEnvParam>
| <progLocalParam>

<programMultipleItem> ::= <progEnvParams>
| <progLocalParams>

<progEnvParams> ::= "program" "." "env"
"[" <progEnvParamNums> "]"

<progEnvParamNums> ::= <progEnvParamNum>
| <progEnvParamNum> ".." <progEnvParamNum>

<progEnvParam> ::= "program" "." "env"
"[" <progEnvParamNum> "]"

<progLocalParams> ::= "program" "." "local"
"[" <progLocalParamNums> "]"

<progLocalParamNums> ::= <progLocalParamNum>
| <progLocalParamNum> ".." <progLocalParamNum>

<progLocalParam> ::= "program" "." "local"
"[" <progLocalParamNum> "]"

<progEnvParamNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to

<progLocalParamNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to

<paramConstDecl> ::= <paramConstScalarDecl>
| <paramConstVector>

<paramConstUse> ::= <paramConstScalarUse>
| <paramConstVector>

<paramConstScalarDecl> ::= <signedFloatConstant>

<paramConstScalarUse> ::= <floatConstant>

<paramConstVector> ::= "{" <signedFloatConstant> "}"
| "{" <signedFloatConstant> ","
<signedFloatConstant> "}"
| "{" <signedFloatConstant> ","
<signedFloatConstant> ","
<signedFloatConstant> "}"
| "{" <signedFloatConstant> ","
<signedFloatConstant> ","
<signedFloatConstant> ","
<signedFloatConstant> "}"

<signedFloatConstant> ::= <optionalSign> <floatConstant>

<floatConstant> ::= see text

<optionalSign> ::= ""
| "-"
| "+"

<TEMP_statement> ::= "TEMP" <varNameList>

<ADDRESS_statement> ::= "ADDRESS" <varNameList>

<varNameList> ::= <establishName>
| <establishName> "," <varNameList>

<OUTPUT_statement> ::= "OUTPUT" <establishName> "="

<resultBinding> ::= "result" "." "position"
| "result" "." <resultColBinding>
| "result" "." "fogcoord"
| "result" "." "pointsize"
| "result" "." "texcoord" <optTexCoordNum>

<resultColBinding> ::= "color" <optFaceType> <optColorType>

<optFaceType> ::= ""
| "." "front"
| "." "back"

<optColorType> ::= ""
| "." "primary"
| "." "secondary"

<optTexCoordNum> ::= ""
| "[" <texCoordNum> "]"

<texCoordNum> ::= <integer> from 0 to MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS-1

<ALIAS_statement> ::= "ALIAS" <establishName> "="

<establishName> ::= <identifier>

<establishedName> ::= <identifier>

<identifier> ::= see text

The <integer> rule matches an integer constant. The integer consists
of a sequence of one or more digits ("0" through "9").

The <floatConstant> rule matches a floating-point constant consisting
of an integer part, a decimal point, a fraction part, an "e" or
"E", and an optionally signed integer exponent. The integer and
fraction parts both consist of a sequence of one or more digits ("0"
through "9"). Either the integer part or the fraction parts (not
both) may be missing; either the decimal point or the "e" (or "E")
and the exponent (not both) may be missing.

The <identifier> rule matches a sequence of one or more letters ("A"
through "Z", "a" through "z"), digits ("0" through "9), underscores ("_"),
or dollar signs ("$"); the first character must not be a number. Upper
and lower case letters are considered different (names are
case-sensitive). The following strings are reserved keywords and may not
be used as identifiers:

PARAM, POW, RCP, RSQ, SGE, SLT, SUB, SWZ, TEMP, XPD, program, result,
state, and vertex.

The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if a vertex program fails to load
because it is not syntactically correct or for one of the semantic
restrictions described in the following sections.

A successfully loaded vertex program is parsed into a sequence of
instructions. Each instruction is identified by its tokenized name. The
operation of these instructions when executed is defined in section
2.14.5. A successfully loaded program string replaces the program string
previously loaded into the specified program object. If the OUT_OF_MEMORY
error is generated by ProgramStringARB, no change is made to the previous
contents of the current program object.

Section 2.14.3, Vertex Program Variables

Vertex programs may access a number of different variables during their
execution. The following sections define the variables that can be
declared and used by a vertex program.

Explicit variable declarations allow a vertex program to establish a
variable name that can be used to refer to a specified resource in
subsequent instructions. A vertex program will fail to load if it
declares the same variable name more than once or if it refers to a
variable name that has not been previously declared in the program string.

Implicit variable declarations allow a vertex program to use the name of
certain available resources by name.

Section, Vertex Attributes

Vertex program attribute variables are a set of four-component
floating-point vectors holding the attributes of the vertex being
processed. Vertex attribute variables are read-only during vertex program

Vertex attribute variables can be declared explicitly using the
<ATTRIB_statement> grammar rule, or implicitly using the
<vtxAttribBinding> grammar rule in an executable instruction.

Each vertex attribute variable is bound to a single item of vertex state
according to the <vtxAttrBinding> grammar rule. The set of GL state that
can be bound to a vertex attribute variable is given in Table X.2. Vertex
attribute variables are initialized at each vertex program invocation with
the current values of the bound state.

Vertex Attribute Binding Components Underlying State
------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------
vertex.position (x,y,z,w) object coordinates
vertex.weight (w,w,w,w) vertex weights 0-3
vertex.weight[n] (w,w,w,w) vertex weights n-n+3
vertex.normal (x,y,z,1) normal
vertex.color (r,g,b,a) primary color
vertex.color.primary (r,g,b,a) primary color
vertex.color.secondary (r,g,b,a) secondary color
vertex.fogcoord (f,0,0,1) fog coordinate
vertex.texcoord (s,t,r,q) texture coordinate, unit 0
vertex.texcoord[n] (s,t,r,q) texture coordinate, unit n
vertex.matrixindex (i,i,i,i) vertex matrix indices 0-3
vertex.matrixindex[n] (i,i,i,i) vertex matrix indices n-n+3
vertex.attrib[n] (x,y,z,w) generic vertex attribute n

Table X.2: Vertex Attribute Bindings. The "Components" column
indicates the mapping of the state in the "Underlying State" column.
Values of "0" or "1" in the "Components" column indicate the constants
0.0 and 1.0, respectively. Bindings containing "[n]" require an integer
value of <n> to select an individual item.

If a vertex attribute binding matches "vertex.position", the "x", "y", "z"
and "w" components of the vertex attribute variable are filled with the
"x", "y", "z", and "w" components, respectively, of the vertex position.

If a vertex attribute binding matches "vertex.normal", the "x", "y", and
"z" components of the vertex attribute variable are filled with the "x",
"y", and "z" components, respectively, of the vertex normal. The "w"
component is filled with 1.

If a vertex attribute binding matches "vertex.color" or
"vertex.color.primary", the "x", "y", "z", and "w" components of the
vertex attribute variable are filled with the "r", "g", "b", and "a"
components, respectively, of the vertex color.

If a vertex attribute binding matches "vertex.color.secondary", the "x",
"y", "z", and "w" components of the vertex attribute variable are filled
with the "r", "g", "b", and "a" components, respectively, of the vertex
secondary color.

If a vertex attribute binding matches "vertex.fogcoord", the "x" component
of the vertex attribute variable is filled with the vertex fog coordinate.
The "y", "z", and "w" coordinates are filled with 0, 0, and 1,

If a vertex attribute binding matches "vertex.texcoord" or
"vertex.texcoord[n]", the "x", "y", "z", and "w" components of the vertex
attribute variable are filled with the "s", "t", "r", and "q" components,
respectively, of the vertex texture coordinates for texture unit <n>. If
"[n]" is omitted, texture unit zero is used.

If a vertex attribute binding matches "vertex.weight" or
"vertex.weight[n]", the "x", "y", "z", and "w" components of the vertex
attribute variable are filled with vertex weights <n> through <n>+3,
respectively. If "[n]" is omitted, weights zero through three are used.
For the purposes of this binding, all weights supported by the
implementation but not set by the application are set to zero, including
the extra derived weight corresponding to the fixed-function
WEIGHT_SUM_UNITY_ARB enable. For components whose corresponding weight is
not supported by the implementation (i.e., numbered MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_ARB
or larger), "y" and "z" components are set to 0.0 and "w" components are
set to 1.0. A vertex program will fail to load if a vertex attribute
binding specifies a weight number <n> that is greater than or equal to
MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_ARB or is not divisible by four.

If a vertex attribute binding matches "vertex.matrixindex" or
"vertex.matrixindex[n]", the "x", "y", "z", and "w" components of the
vertex attribute variable are filled with matrix indices <n> through <n>+3
of the vertex, respectively. If "[n]" is omitted, matrix indices zero
through three are used. For components whose corresponding matrix index
is not supported by the implementation (i.e., numbered
MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_ARB or larger), "y", and "z" components are set to 0.0
and "w" components are set to 1.0. A vertex program will fail to load if
an attribute binding specifies a matrix index number <n> that is greater
than or equal MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_ARB or is not divisible by four.

If a vertex attribute binding matches "vertex.attrib[n]", the "x", "y",
"z" and "w" components of the vertex attribute variable are filled with
the "x", "y", "z", and "w" components, respectively, of generic vertex
attribute <n>. Note that "vertex.attrib[0]" and "vertex.position" are

As described in section 2.7, setting a generic vertex attribute may leave
a corresponding conventional vertex attribute undefined, and vice versa.
To prevent inadvertent use of attribute pairs with undefined attributes, a
vertex program will fail to load if it binds both a conventional vertex
attribute and a generic vertex attribute listed in the same row of Table

Conventional Attribute Binding Generic Attribute Binding
------------------------------ -------------------------
vertex.position vertex.attrib[0]
vertex.weight vertex.attrib[1]
vertex.weight[0] vertex.attrib[1]
vertex.normal vertex.attrib[2]
vertex.color vertex.attrib[3]
vertex.color.primary vertex.attrib[3]
vertex.color.secondary vertex.attrib[4]
vertex.fogcoord vertex.attrib[5]
vertex.texcoord vertex.attrib[8]
vertex.texcoord[0] vertex.attrib[8]
vertex.texcoord[1] vertex.attrib[9]
vertex.texcoord[2] vertex.attrib[10]
vertex.texcoord[3] vertex.attrib[11]
vertex.texcoord[4] vertex.attrib[12]
vertex.texcoord[5] vertex.attrib[13]
vertex.texcoord[6] vertex.attrib[14]
vertex.texcoord[7] vertex.attrib[15]
vertex.texcoord[n] vertex.attrib[8+n]

Table X.2.1: Invalid Vertex Attribute Binding Pairs. Vertex programs
may not bind both attributes listed in any row. The <n> in the last row
matches the number of any valid texture unit.

Section, Vertex Program Parameters

Vertex program parameter variables are a set of four-component
floating-point vectors used as constants during vertex program execution.
Vertex program parameters retain their values across vertex program
invocations, although their values can change between invocations due to
GL state changes.

Single program parameter variables and arrays of program parameter
variables can be declared explicitly using the <PARAM_statement> grammar
rule. Single program parameter variables can also be declared implicitly
using the <paramSingleItemUse> grammar rule in an executable instruction.

Each single program parameter variable is bound to a constant vector or to
a GL state vector according to the <paramSingleInit> grammar rule.
Individual items of a program parameter array are bound to constant
vectors or GL state vectors according to the <programMultipleInit> grammar
rule. The set of GL state that can be bound to program parameter
variables are given in Tables X.3.1 through X.3.8.

Constant Bindings

A program parameter variable can be bound to a scalar or vector constant
using the <paramConstDecl> grammar rule (explicit declarations) or the
<paramConstUse> grammar rule (implicit declarations).

If a program parameter binding matches the <paramConstScalarDecl> or
<paramConstScalarUse> grammar rules, the corresponding program parameter
variable is bound to the vector (X,X,X,X), where X is the value of the
specified constant. Note that the <paramConstScalarUse> grammar rule,
used only in implicit declarations, allows only non-negative constants.
This disambiguates cases like "-2", which could conceivably be taken to
mean either the vector "(2,2,2,2)" with all components negated or
"(-2,-2,-2,-2)" without negation. Only the former interpretation is
allowed by the grammar.

If a program parameter binding matches <paramConstVector>, the
corresponding program parameter variable is bound to the vector (X,Y,Z,W),
where X, Y, Z, and W are the values corresponding to the first, second,
third, and fourth match of <signedFloatConstant>. If fewer than four
constants are specified, Y, Z, and W assume the values 0.0, 0.0, and 1.0,
if their respective constants are not specified.

Program parameter variables initialized to constant values can never be

Program Environment/Local Parameter Bindings

Binding Components Underlying State
----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------
program.env[a] (x,y,z,w) program environment
parameter a
program.local[a] (x,y,z,w) program local parameter a
program.env[a..b] (x,y,z,w) program environment
parameters a through b
program.local[a..b] (x,y,z,w) program local parameters
a through b

Table X.3.1: Program Environment/Local Parameter Bindings. <a> and <b>
indicate parameter numbers, where <a> must be less than or equal to <b>.

If a program parameter binding matches "program.env[a]" or
"program.local[a]", the four components of the program parameter variable
are filled with the four components of program environment parameter <a>
or program local parameter <a>, respectively.

Additionally, for program parameter array bindings, "program.env[a..b]"
and "program.local[a..b]" are equivalent to specifying program environment
parameters <a> through <b> in order or program local parameters <a>
through <b> in order, respectively. In either case, a program will fail
to load if <a> is greater than <b>.

Material Property Bindings

Binding Components Underlying State
----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------
state.material.ambient (r,g,b,a) front ambient material color
state.material.diffuse (r,g,b,a) front diffuse material color
state.material.specular (r,g,b,a) front specular material color
state.material.emission (r,g,b,a) front emissive material color
state.material.shininess (s,0,0,1) front material shininess
state.material.front.ambient (r,g,b,a) front ambient material color
state.material.front.diffuse (r,g,b,a) front diffuse material color
state.material.front.specular (r,g,b,a) front specular material color
state.material.front.emission (r,g,b,a) front emissive material color
state.material.front.shininess (s,0,0,1) front material shininess
state.material.back.ambient (r,g,b,a) back ambient material color
state.material.back.diffuse (r,g,b,a) back diffuse material color
state.material.back.specular (r,g,b,a) back specular material color
state.material.back.emission (r,g,b,a) back emissive material color
state.material.back.shininess (s,0,0,1) back material shininess

Table X.3.2: Material Property Bindings. If a material face is not
specified in the binding, the front property is used.

If a program parameter binding matches any of the material properties
listed in Table X.3.2, the program parameter variable is filled according
to the table. For ambient, diffuse, specular, or emissive colors, the
"x", "y", "z", and "w" components are filled with the "r", "g", "b", and
"a" components, respectively, of the corresponding material color. For
material shininess, the "x" component is filled with the material's
specular exponent, and the "y", "z", and "w" components are filled with 0,
0, and 1, respectively. Bindings containing ".back" refer to the back
material; all other bindings refer to the front material.

Material properties can be changed inside a Begin/End pair, either
directly by calling Material, or indirectly through color material.
However, such property changes are not guaranteed to update program
parameter bindings until the following End command. Program parameter
variables bound to material properties changed inside a Begin/End pair are
undefined until the following End command.

Light Property Bindings

Binding Components Underlying State
----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------
state.light[n].ambient (r,g,b,a) light n ambient color
state.light[n].diffuse (r,g,b,a) light n diffuse color
state.light[n].specular (r,g,b,a) light n specular color
state.light[n].position (x,y,z,w) light n position
state.light[n].attenuation (a,b,c,e) light n attenuation constants
and spot light exponent
state.light[n].spot.direction (x,y,z,c) light n spot direction and
cutoff angle cosine
state.light[n].half (x,y,z,1) light n infinite half-angle
state.lightmodel.ambient (r,g,b,a) light model ambient color
state.lightmodel.scenecolor (r,g,b,a) light model front scene color
state.lightmodel. (r,g,b,a) light model front scene color
state.lightmodel. (r,g,b,a) light model back scene color
state.lightprod[n].ambient (r,g,b,a) light n / front material
ambient color product
state.lightprod[n].diffuse (r,g,b,a) light n / front material
diffuse color product
state.lightprod[n].specular (r,g,b,a) light n / front material
specular color product
state.lightprod[n]. (r,g,b,a) light n / front material
front.ambient ambient color product
state.lightprod[n]. (r,g,b,a) light n / front material
front.diffuse diffuse color product
state.lightprod[n]. (r,g,b,a) light n / front material
front.specular specular color product
state.lightprod[n]. (r,g,b,a) light n / back material
back.ambient ambient color product
state.lightprod[n]. (r,g,b,a) light n / back material
back.diffuse diffuse color product
state.lightprod[n]. (r,g,b,a) light n / back material
back.specular specular color product

Table X.3.3: Light Property Bindings. <n> indicates a light number.

If a program parameter binding matches "state.light[n].ambient",
"state.light[n].diffuse", or "state.light[n].specular", the "x", "y", "z",
and "w" components of the program parameter variable are filled with the
"r", "g", "b", and "a" components, respectively, of the corresponding
light color.

If a program parameter binding matches "state.light[n].position", the "x",
"y", "z", and "w" components of the program parameter variable are filled
with the "x", "y", "z", and "w" components, respectively, of the light

If a program parameter binding matches "state.light[n].attenuation", the
"x", "y", and "z" components of the program parameter variable are filled
with the constant, linear, and quadratic attenuation parameters of the
specified light, respectively (section 2.13.1). The "w" component of the
program parameter variable is filled with the spot light exponent of the
specified light.

If a program parameter binding matches "state.light[n].spot.direction",
the "x", "y", and "z" components of the program parameter variable are
filled with the "x", "y", and "z" components of the spot light direction
of the specified light, respectively (section 2.13.1). The "w" component
of the program parameter variable is filled with the cosine of the spot
light cutoff angle of the specified light.

If a program parameter binding matches "state.light[n].half", the "x",
"y", and "z" components of the program parameter variable are filled with
the x, y, and z components, respectively, of the normalized infinite
half-angle vector

h_inf = || P + (0, 0, 1) ||.

The "w" component is filled with 1. In the computation of h_inf, P
consists of the x, y, and z coordinates of the normalized vector from the
eye position P_e to the eye-space light position P_pli (section 2.13.1).
h_inf is defined to correspond to the normalized half-angle vector when
using an infinite light (w coordinate of the position is zero) and an
infinite viewer (v_bs is FALSE). For local lights or a local viewer,
h_inf is well-defined but does not match the normalized half-angle vector,
which will vary depending on the vertex position.

If a program parameter binding matches "state.lightmodel.ambient", the
"x", "y", "z", and "w" components of the program parameter variable are
filled with the "r", "g", "b", and "a" components of the light model
ambient color, respectively.

If a program parameter binding matches "state.lightmodel.scenecolor" or
"state.lightmodel.front.scenecolor", the "x", "y", and "z" components of
the program parameter variable are filled with the "r", "g", and "b"
components respectively of the "front scene color"

c_scene = a_cs * a_cm + e_cm,

where a_cs is the light model ambient color, a_cm is the front ambient
material color, and e_cm is the front emissive material color. The "w"
component of the program parameter variable is filled with the alpha
component of the front diffuse material color. If a program parameter
binding matches "state.lightmodel.back.scenecolor", a similar back scene
color, computed using back-facing material properties, is used. The front
and back scene colors match the values that would be assigned to vertices
using conventional lighting if all lights were disabled.

If a program parameter binding matches anything beginning with
"state.lightprod[n]", the "x", "y", and "z" components of the program
parameter variable are filled with the "r", "g", and "b" components,
respectively, of the corresponding light product. The three light product
components are the products of the corresponding color components of the
specified material property and the light color of the specified light
(see Table X.3.3). The "w" component of the program parameter variable is
filled with the alpha component of the specified material property.

Light products depend on material properties, which can be changed inside
a Begin/End pair. Such property changes are not guaranteed to take effect
until the following End command. Program parameter variables bound to
light products whose corresponding material property changes inside a
Begin/End pair are undefined until the following End command.

Texture Coordinate Generation Property Bindings

Binding Components Underlying State
------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------
state.texgen[n].eye.s (a,b,c,d) TexGen eye linear plane
coefficients, s coord, unit n
state.texgen[n].eye.t (a,b,c,d) TexGen eye linear plane
coefficients, t coord, unit n
state.texgen[n].eye.r (a,b,c,d) TexGen eye linear plane
coefficients, r coord, unit n
state.texgen[n].eye.q (a,b,c,d) TexGen eye linear plane
coefficients, q coord, unit n
state.texgen[n].object.s (a,b,c,d) TexGen object linear plane
coefficients, s coord, unit n
state.texgen[n].object.t (a,b,c,d) TexGen object linear plane
coefficients, t coord, unit n
state.texgen[n].object.r (a,b,c,d) TexGen object linear plane
coefficients, r coord, unit n
state.texgen[n].object.q (a,b,c,d) TexGen object linear plane
coefficients, q coord, unit n

Table X.3.4: Texture Coordinate Generation Property Bindings. "[n]" is
optional -- texture unit <n> is used if specified; texture unit 0 is
used otherwise.

If a program parameter binding matches a set of TexGen plane coefficients,
the "x", "y", "z", and "w" components of the program parameter variable
are filled with the coefficients p1, p2, p3, and p4, respectively, for
object linear coefficients, and the coefficents p1', p2', p3', and p4',
respectively, for eye linear coefficients (section 2.10.4).

Fog Property Bindings

Binding Components Underlying State
----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------
state.fog.color (r,g,b,a) RGB fog color (section 3.10)
state.fog.params (d,s,e,r) fog density, linear start
and end, and 1/(end-start)
(section 3.10)

Table X.3.5: Fog Property Bindings

If a program parameter binding matches "state.fog.color", the "x", "y",
"z", and "w" components of the program parameter variable are filled with
the "r", "g", "b", and "a" components, respectively, of the fog color
(section 3.10).

If a program parameter binding matches "state.fog.params", the "x", "y",
and "z" components of the program parameter variable are filled with the
fog density, linear fog start, and linear fog end parameters (section
3.10), respectively. The "w" component is filled with 1/(end-start),
where end and start are the linear fog end and start parameters,

Clip Plane Property Bindings

Binding Components Underlying State
----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------
state.clip[n].plane (a,b,c,d) clip plane n coefficients

Table X.3.6: Clip Plane Property Bindings. <n> specifies the clip
plane number, and is required.

If a program parameter binding matches "state.clip[n].plane", the "x",
"y", "z", and "w" components of the program parameter variable are filled
with the coefficients p1', p2', p3', and p4', respectively, of clip plane
<n> (section 2.11).

Point Property Bindings

Binding Components Underlying State
----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------
state.point.size (s,n,x,f) point size, min and max size
clamps, and fade threshold
(section 3.3)
state.point.attenuation (a,b,c,1) point size attenuation consts

Table X.3.7: Point Property Bindings

If a program parameter binding matches "state.point.size", the "x", "y",
"z", and "w" components of the program parameter variable are filled with
the point size, minimum point size, maximum point size, and fade
threshold, respectively (section 3.3).

If a program parameter binding matches "state.point.attenuation", the "x",
"y", and "z" components of the program parameter variable are filled with
the constant, linear, and quadratic point size attenuation parameters (a,
b, and c), respectively (section 3.3). The "w" component is filled with

Matrix Property Bindings

Binding Underlying State
------------------------------------ ---------------------------
* state.matrix.modelview[n] modelview matrix n
state.matrix.projection projection matrix
state.matrix.mvp modelview-projection matrix
* state.matrix.texture[n] texture matrix n
state.matrix.palette[n] modelview palette matrix n
state.matrix.program[n] program matrix n

Table X.3.8: Base Matrix Property Bindings. The "[n]" syntax indicates
a specific matrix number. For modelview and texture matrices, a matrix
number is optional, and matrix zero will be used if the matrix number is
omitted. These base bindings may further be modified by a
inverse/transpose selector and a row selector.

If the beginning of a program parameter binding matches any of the matrix
binding names listed in Table X.3.8, the binding corresponds to a 4x4
matrix. If the parameter binding is followed by ".inverse", ".transpose",
or ".invtrans" (<stateMatModifier> grammar rule), the inverse, transpose,
or transpose of the inverse, respectively, of the matrix specified in
Table X.3.8 is selected. Otherwise, the matrix specified in Table X.3.8
is selected. If the specified matrix is poorly-conditioned (singular or
nearly so), its inverse matrix is undefined. The binding name
"state.matrix.mvp" refers to the product of modelview matrix zero and the
projection matrix, defined as

MVP = P * M0,

where P is the projection matrix and M0 is modelview matrix zero.

If the selected matrix is followed by ".row[<a>]" (matching the
<stateMatrixRow> grammar rule), the "x", "y", "z", and "w" components of
the program parameter variable are filled with the four entries of row <a>
of the selected matrix. In the example,

PARAM m0 = state.matrix.modelview[1].row[0];
PARAM m1 = state.matrix.projection.transpose.row[3];

the variable "m0" is set to the first row (row 0) of modelview matrix 1
and "m1" is set to the last row (row 3) of the transpose of the projection

For program parameter array bindings, multiple rows of the selected matrix
can be bound via the <stateMatrixRows> grammar rule. If the selected
matrix binding is followed by ".row[<a>..<b>]", the result is equivalent
to specifying matrix rows <a> through <b>, in order. A program will fail
to load if <a> is greater than <b>. If no row selection is specified
(<optMatrixRows> matches ""), matrix rows 0 through 3 are bound in order.
In the example,

PARAM m2[] = { state.matrix.program[0].row[1..2] };
PARAM m3[] = { state.matrix.program[0].transpose };

the array "m2" has two entries, containing rows 1 and 2 of program matrix
zero, and "m3" has four entries, containing all four rows of the transpose
of program matrix zero.

Program Parameter Arrays

A program parameter array variable can be declared explicitly by matching
the <PARAM_multipleStmt> grammar rule. Programs can optionally specify
the number of individual program parameters in the array, using the
<optArraySize> grammar rule. Program parameter arrays may not be declared

Individual parameter variables in a program parameter array are bound to
GL state vectors or constant vectors as specified by the grammar rule
<paramMultInitList>. Each individual parameter in the array is bound in
turn as described above.

The total number of entries in the array is equal to the number of
parameters bound in the initializer list. A vertex program that specifies
an array size (<optArraySize> matches <integer>) that does not match the
number of parameter bindings in the initialization list will fail to load.

Program parameter array variables may be accessed using absolute
addressing by matching the <progParamArrayAbs> grammar rule, or relative
addressing by matching the <progParamArrayRel> grammar rule.

Array accesses using absolute addressing are checked against the limits of
the array. If any vertex program instruction accesses a program parameter
array using absolute addressing with an out-of-range index (greater than
or equal to the size of the array), the vertex program will fail to load.

Individual state vectors can have no more than one unique binding in any
given program. The GL will automatically combine multiple bindings of the
same state vector into a single unique binding, except for the case where
a state vector is bound multiple times in program parameter arrays
accessed using relative addressing. A vertex program will fail to load if
any GL state vector is bound multiple times in a single array accessed
using relative addressing or bound once in two or more arrays accessed
using relative addressing.

Section, Vertex Program Temporaries

Vertex program temporary variables are a set of four-component
floating-point vectors used to hold temporary results during vertex
program execution. Temporaries do not persist between program
invocations, and are undefined at the beginning of each vertex program

Vertex program temporary variables can be declared explicitly using the
<TEMP_statement> grammar rule. Each such statement can declare one or
more temporaries. Vertex program temporary variables can not be declared

Section, Vertex Program Results

Vertex program result variables are a set of four-component floating-point
vectors used to hold the final results of a vertex program. Vertex
program result variables are write-only during vertex program execution.

Vertex program result variables can be declared explicitly using the
<OUTPUT_statement> grammar rule, or implicitly using the <resultBinding>
grammar rule in an executable instruction. Each vertex program result
variable is bound to a transformed vertex attribute used during primitive
assembly and rasterization. The set of vertex program result variable
bindings is given in Table X.4.

Binding Components Description
----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------
result.position (x,y,z,w) position in clip coordinates
result.color (r,g,b,a) front-facing primary color
result.color.primary (r,g,b,a) front-facing primary color
result.color.secondary (r,g,b,a) front-facing secondary color
result.color.front (r,g,b,a) front-facing primary color
result.color.front.primary (r,g,b,a) front-facing primary color
result.color.front.secondary (r,g,b,a) front-facing secondary color
result.color.back (r,g,b,a) back-facing primary color
result.color.back.primary (r,g,b,a) back-facing primary color
result.color.back.secondary (r,g,b,a) back-facing secondary color
result.fogcoord (f,*,*,*) fog coordinate
result.pointsize (s,*,*,*) point size
result.texcoord (s,t,r,q) texture coordinate, unit 0
result.texcoord[n] (s,t,r,q) texture coordinate, unit n

Table X.4: Vertex Result Variable Bindings. Components labeled "*" are

If a result variable binding matches "result.position", updates to the
"x", "y", "z", and "w" components of the result variable modify the "x",
"y", "z", and "w" components, respectively, of the transformed vertex's
clip coordinates. Final window coordinates will be generated for the
vertex as described in section

If a result variable binding match begins with "result.color", updates to
the "x", "y", "z", and "w" components of the result variable modify the
"r", "g", "b", and "a" components, respectively, of the corresponding
vertex color attribute in Table X.4. Color bindings that do not specify
"front" or "back" are consided to refer to front-facing colors. Color
bindings that do not specify "primary" or "secondary" are considered to
refer to primary colors.

If a result variable binding matches "result.fogcoord", updates to the "x"
component of the result variable set the transformed vertex's fog
coordinate. Updates to the "y", "z", and "w" components of the result
variable have no effect.

If a result variable binding matches "result.pointsize", updates to the
"x" component of the result variable set the transformed vertex's point
size. Updates to the "y", "z", and "w" components of the result variable
have no effect.

If a result variable binding matches "result.texcoord" or
"result.texcoord[n]", updates to the "x", "y", "z", and "w" components of
the result variable set the "s", "t", "r" and "q" components,
respectively, of the transformed vertex's texture coordinates for texture
unit <n>. If "[n]" is omitted, texture unit zero is selected.

When in vertex program mode, all attributes of a transformed vertex are
undefined at each vertex program invocation. Any results, or even
individual components of results, that are not written to during vertex
program execution remain undefined.

Section, Vertex Program Address Registers

Vertex program address register variables are a set of four-component
signed integer vectors where only the "x" component of the address
registers is currently accessible. Address registers are used as indices
when performing relative addressing in program parameter arrays (section

Vertex program address registers can be declared explicitly using the
<ADDRESS_statement> grammar rule. Each such statement can declare one or
more address registers. Vertex program address registers can not be
declared implicitly.

Vertex program address register variables are undefined at each vertex
program invocation. Address registers can be written by the ARL
instruction (section, and will be read when a program uses
relative addressing in program parameter arrays.

Section, Vertex Program Aliases

Vertex programs can create aliases by matching the <ALIAS_statement>
grammar rule. Aliases allow programs to use multiple variable names to
refer to a single underlying variable. For example, the statement

ALIAS var1 = var0

establishes a variable name named "var1". Subsequent references to "var1"
in the program text are treated as references to "var0". The left hand
side of an ALIAS statement must be a new variable name, and the right hand
side must be an established variable name.

Aliases are not considered variable declarations, so do not count against
the limits on the number of variable declarations allowed in the program

Section, Vertex Program Resource Limits

The vertex program execution environment provides implementation-dependent
resource limits on the number of instructions, temporary variable
declarations, vertex attribute bindings, address register declarations,
and program parameter bindings. A program that exceeds any of these
resource limits will fail to load. The resource limits for vertex
programs can be queried by calling GetProgramiv (section 6.1.12) with a

The limit on vertex program instructions can be queried with a <pname> of
MAX_PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB, and must be at least 128. Each instruction
in the program (matching the <instruction> grammar rule) counts against
this limit.

The limit on vertex program temporary variable declarations can be queried
with a <pname> of MAX_PROGRAM_TEMPORARIES_ARB, and must be at least 12.
Each temporary declared in the program, using the <TEMP_statement> grammar
rule, counts against this limit. Aliases of declared temporaries do not.

The limit on vertex program attribute bindings can be queried with a
<pname> of MAX_PROGRAM_ATTRIBS_ARB and must be at least 16. Each distinct
vertex attribute bound explicitly or implicitly in the program counts
against this limit; vertex attributes bound multiple times count only

The limit on vertex program address register declarations can be queried
with a <pname> of MAX_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB, and must be at least
1. Each address register declared in the program, using the
<ADDRESS_statement> grammar rule, counts against this limit.

The limit on vertex program parameter bindings can be queried with a
<pname> of MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETERS_ARB, and must be at least 96. Each
distinct GL state vector bound explicitly or implicitly in the program
counts against this limit; GL state vectors bound multiple times count
only once. Each constant vector bound to an array accessed using relative
addressing counts against this limit, even if the same constant vector is
bound multiple times or in multiple arrays. Every other constant vector
bound in the program is counted if and only if an identical constant
vector has not already been counted. Two constant vectors are considered
identical if the four component values are numerically equivalent. Recall
that scalar constants bound in a program are treated as vector constants
with the scalar value replicated. In the following code

PARAM arr1[4] = { {1,2,3,4}, {1,2,3,4}, {4,4,4,4}, {5,6,7,8} };
PARAM arr2[3] = { {1,2,3,4}, {5,6,7,8}, {0,1,2,3} };
PARAM x = {4,3,2,1};
PARAM y = {1,2,3,4};
PARAM z = 4;
PARAM r = {4,3,2,1};

assume that arr1 is accessed using relative addressing but arr2 is not.
The four constants in arr1 all count against the limit. Only two other
constants, {0,1,2,3} in arr2, and {4,3,2,1} in x, are counted; the other
constants are identical to constants that had been previously counted.

In addition to the limits described above, the GL provides a similar set
of implementation-dependent native resource limits. These limits,
specified in section 6.1.12, provide guidance as to whether the program is
small enough to use a "native" mode where vertex programs may be executed
with higher performance. The native resource limits and usage counts are
implementation-dependent and may not exactly correspond to limits and
counts described above. In particular, native resource consumption may be
reduced by program optimizations performed by the GL, or increased due to
emulation of non-native instructions. Programs that satisfy the program
resource limits described above, but whose native resource usage exceeds
one or more native resource limits, are guaranteed to load but may execute

To assist in resource counting, the GL additionally provides GetProgram
queries to determine the resource usage and native resource usage of the
currently bound program, and to determine whether the bound program
exceeds any native resource limit.

Section 2.14.4, Vertex Program Execution Environment

If vertex program mode is enabled, the currently bound vertex program is
executed when a vertex is specified directly through the Vertex command,
indirectly through vertex arrays or evaluators (section 5.1), or when the
current raster position is updated.

If vertex program mode is enabled and the currently bound program object
does not contain a valid vertex program, the error INVALID_OPERATION will
be generated by Begin, RasterPos, and any command that implicitly calls
Begin (e.g., DrawArrays).

Vertex programs execute a sequence of instructions without
branching. Vertex programs begin by executing the first instruction in
the program, and execute instructions in the order specified in the
program until the last instruction is completed.

There are twenty-seven vertex program instructions. The instructions and
their respective input and output parameters are summarized in Table X.5.

Instruction Inputs Output Description
----------- ------ ------ --------------------------------
ABS v v absolute value
ADD v,v v add
ARL s a address register load
DP3 v,v ssss 3-component dot product
DP4 v,v ssss 4-component dot product
DPH v,v ssss homogeneous dot product
DST v,v v distance vector
EX2 s ssss exponential base 2
EXP s v exponential base 2 (approximate)
FLR v v floor
FRC v v fraction
LG2 s ssss logarithm base 2
LIT v v compute light coefficients
LOG s v logarithm base 2 (approximate)
MAD v,v,v v multiply and add
MAX v,v v maximum
MIN v,v v minimum
MOV v v move
MUL v,v v multiply
POW s,s ssss exponentiate
RCP s ssss reciprocal
RSQ s ssss reciprocal square root
SGE v,v v set on greater than or equal
SLT v,v v set on less than
SUB v,v v subtract
SWZ v v extended swizzle
XPD v,v v cross product

Table X.5: Summary of vertex program instructions. "v" indicates a
floating-point vector input or output, "s" indicates a floating-point
scalar input, "ssss" indicates a scalar output replicated across a
4-component result vector, and "a" indicates a single address register

Section, Vertex Program Operands

Most vertex program instructions operate on floating-point vectors or
scalars, as indicated by the grammar rules <swizzleSrcReg> and
<scalarSrcReg>, respectively.

Vector and scalar operands can be obtained from vertex attribute, program
parameter, or temporary registers, as indicated by the <srcReg> rule. For
scalar operands, a single vector component is selected by the
<scalarSuffix> rule, where the characters "x", "y", "z", and "w" select
the x, y, z, and w components, respectively, of the vector.

Vector operands can be swizzled according to the <swizzleSuffix> rule. In
its most general form, the <swizzleSuffix> rule matches the pattern
".????" where each question mark is replaced with one of "x", "y", "z", or
"w". For such patterns, the x, y, z, and w components of the operand are
taken from the vector components named by the first, second, third, and
fourth character of the pattern, respectively. For example, if the
swizzle suffix is ".yzzx" and the specified source contains {2,8,9,0}, the
swizzled operand used by the instruction is {8,9,9,2}.

If the <swizzleSuffix> rule matches "", it is treated as though it were
".xyzw". If the <swizzleSuffix> rule matches (ignoring whitespace) ".x",
".y", ".z", or ".w", these are treated the same as ".xxxx", ".yyyy",
".zzzz", and ".wwww" respectively.

Floating-point scalar or vector operands can optionally be negated
according to the <optionalSign> rule in <scalarSrcReg> and
<swizzleSrcReg>. If the <optionalSign> matches "-", each operand or
operand component is negated.

The following pseudo-code spells out the operand generation process. In
the example, "float" is a floating-point scalar type, while "floatVec" is
a four-component vector. "source" refers to the register used for the
operand, matching the <srcReg> rule. "negate" is TRUE if the
<optionalSign> rule in <scalarSrcReg> or <swizzleSrcReg> matches "-" and
FALSE otherwise. The ".c***", ".*c**", ".**c*", ".***c" modifiers refer
to the x, y, z, and w components obtained by the swizzle operation; the
".c" modifier refers to the single component selected for a scalar load.

floatVec VectorLoad(floatVec source)
floatVec operand;

operand.x = source.c***;
operand.y = source.*c**;
operand.z = source.**c*;
operand.w = source.***c;
if (negate) {
operand.x = -operand.x;
operand.y = -operand.y;
operand.z = -operand.z;
operand.w = -operand.w;

return operand;

float ScalarLoad(floatVec source)
float operand;

operand = source.c;
if (negate) {
operand = -operand;

return operand;

Section, Vertex Program Parameter Arrays

A vertex program can load a single element of a program parameter array
using either absolute or relative addressing. Program parameter arrays
are accessed when the <progParamArray> rule is matched.

Absolute addressing is used when the <progParamArrayMem> grammar rule
matches <progParamArrayAbs>. When using absolute addressing, the offset
of the selected entry in the array is given by the number matching

Relative addressing is used when the <progParamArrayMem> grammar rule
matches <progParamArrayRel>. When using relative addressing, the offset
of the selected entry in the array is computed by adding the address
register component specified by the <addrReg> and <addrComponent> rules to
the positive or negative offset specified by the <addrRegRelOffset> rule.
If <addrRegRelOffset> matches "", no fixed offset is added to the address
register component. If the computed offset is negative or exceeds the
size of the array, the results of the access are undefined, but may not
lead to program or GL termination.

The following pseudo-code spells out the process of loading a program
parameter from an array. "addrReg" refers to the address register
component used for relative addressing, "absolute" is TRUE if the operand
uses absolute addressing and FALSE otherwise. "paramNumber" is the
program parameter number for absolute addressing; "paramOffset" is the
constant program parameter offset for relative addressing. "paramArray"
is the parameter array that matches the <progParamArray> rule.

floatVec ProgramParameterLoad(int addrReg)
int index;

if (absolute) {
index = paramNumber;
} else {
index = addrReg + paramOffset

return paramArray[index];

Relative addressing can only be used for accessing program parameter

Section, Vertex Program Destination Register Update

Most vertex program instructions write a 4-component result vector to a
single temporary or vertex result register. Writes to individual
components of the destination register are controlled by individual
component write masks specified as part of the instruction.

The component write mask is specified by the <optionalMask> rule found in
the <maskedDstReg> rule. If the optional mask is "", all components are
enabled. Otherwise, the optional mask names the individual components to
enable. The characters "x", "y", "z", and "w" match the x, y, z, and w
components respectively. For example, an optional mask of ".xzw"
indicates that the x, z, and w components should be enabled for writing
but the y component should not. The grammar requires that the destination
register mask components must be listed in "xyzw" order.

Each component of the destination register is updated with the result of
the vertex program instruction if and only if the component is enabled for
writes by the component write mask. Otherwise, the component of the
destination register remains unchanged.

The following pseudocode illustrates the process of writing a result
vector to the destination register. In the pseudocode, "instrmask" refers
to the component write mask given by the <optionalMask> rule. "result"
and "destination" refer to the result vector and the register selected by
<dstReg>, respectively.

void UpdateDestination(floatVec destination, floatVec result)
floatVec merged;

// Merge the converted result into the destination register, under
// control of the compile-time write mask.
merged = destination;
if (instrMask.x) {
merged.x = result.x;
if (instrMask.y) {
merged.y = result.y;
if (instrMask.z) {
merged.z = result.z;
if (instrMask.w) {
merged.w = result.w;

// Write out the new destination register.
destination = merged;

The "ARL" instruction updates the single address register component
similarly; the grammar is designed so that it writes to only the "x"
component of an address register variable.

Section, Vertex Program Result Processing

As a vertex program executes, it will write to one or more result
registers that are mapped to transformed vertex attributes. When a vertex
program completes, the transformed vertex attributes are used to generate

The clip coordinates written to "result.position" are used to generate
normalized device coordinates and window coordinates for the vertex in the
manner described section 2.10.

Transformed vertices are then assembled into primitives and clipped as
described in section 2.11.

The selection between front-facing and back-facing color attributes
depends on the primitive to which the vertex belongs. If the primitive is
a point or a line segment, or if vertex program two-sided color mode is
disabled, the front-facing colors are always selected. If it is a polygon
and two-sided color mode is enabled, then the selection is performed in
exactly the same way as in two-sided lighting mode (section 2.13.1).
Vertex program two-sided color mode is enabled and disabled by calling
Enable or Disable with the symbolic value VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_ARB.

Finally, as primitives are assembled, color clamping (section 2.13.6),
flatshading (section 2.13.7), color, attribute clipping (section 2.13.8),
and final color processing (section 2.13.9) operations are applied to the
transformed vertices.

Section, Vertex Program Options

The <optionSequence> grammar rule provides a mechanism for programs to
indicate that one or more extended language features are used by the
program. All program options used by the program must be declared at the
beginning of the program string. Each program option specified in a
program string will modify the syntactic or semantic rules used to
interpet the program and the execution environment used to execute the
program. Program options not present in the program string are ignored,
even if they are supported by the GL.

The <identifier> token in the <option> rule must match the name of a
program option supported by the implementation. To avoid option name
conflicts, option identifiers are required to begin with a vendor prefix.
A program will fail to load if it specifies a program option not supported
by the GL.

Vertex program options should confine their semantic changes to the domain
of vertex programs. Support for a vertex program option should not change
the specification and behavior of vertex programs not requesting use of
that option., Position-Invariant Vertex Program Option

If a vertex program specifies the "ARB_position_invariant" option, the
program is used to generate all transformed vertex attributes except for
position. Instead, clip coordinates are computed as specified in section
2.10. Additionally, user clipping is performed as described in section
2.11. Use of position-invariant vertex programs should generally
guarantee that the transformed position of a vertex should be the same
whether vertex program mode is enabled or disabled, allowing for correct
mixed multi-pass rendering semantics.

When the position-invariant option is specified in a vertex program,
vertex programs can no longer produced a transformed position. The
<resultBinding> rule is modified to remove "result.position" from the list
of token sequences matching the rule. A semantic restriction is added to
indicate that a vertex program will fail to load if the number of
instructions it contains exceeds the implementation-dependent limit minus

Section 2.14.5, Vertex Program Instruction Set

The following sections describe the set of supported vertex program
instructions. Each section contains pseudocode describing the
instruction. Instructions will have up to three operands, referred to as
"op0", "op1", and "op2". The operands are loaded using the mechanisms
specified in section The variables "tmp", "tmp0", "tmp1", and
"tmp2" describe scalars or vectors used to hold intermediate results in
the instruction. Most instructions will generate a result vector called
"result". The result vector is then written to the destination register
specified in the instruction as described in section

Section, ABS: Absolute Value

The ABS instruction performs a component-wise absolute value operation on
the single operand to yield a result vector.

tmp = VectorLoad(op0);
result.x = fabs(tmp.x);
result.y = fabs(tmp.y);
result.z = fabs(tmp.z);
result.w = fabs(tmp.w);

Section, ADD: Add

The ADD instruction performs a component-wise add of the two operands to
yield a result vector.

tmp0 = VectorLoad(op0);
tmp1 = VectorLoad(op1);
result.x = tmp0.x + tmp1.x;
result.y = tmp0.y + tmp1.y;
result.z = tmp0.z + tmp1.z;
result.w = tmp0.w + tmp1.w;

The following rules apply to addition:

1. <x> + <y> == <y> + <x>, for all <x> and <y>.
2. <x> + 0.0 == <x>, for all <x>.

Section, ARL: Address Register Load

The ARL instruction loads a single scalar operand and performs a floor
operation to generate a signed integer scalar result:

result = floor(ScalarLoad(op0));

The floor operation returns the largest integer less than or equal to the
operand. For example floor(-1.7) = -2.0, floor(+1.0) = +1.0, and
floor(+3.7) = +3.0.

Section, DP3: Three-Component Dot Product

The DP3 instruction computes a three-component dot product of the two
operands (using the x, y, and z components) and replicates the dot product
to all four components of the result vector.

tmp0 = VectorLoad(op0);
tmp1 = VectorLoad(op1);
dot = (tmp0.x * tmp1.x) + (tmp0.y * tmp1.y) +
(tmp0.z * tmp1.z);
result.x = dot;
result.y = dot;
result.z = dot;
result.w = dot;

Section, DP4: Four-Component Dot Product

The DP4 instruction computes a four-component dot product of the two
operands and replicates the dot product to all four components of the
result vector.

tmp0 = VectorLoad(op0);
tmp1 = VectorLoad(op1):
dot = (tmp0.x * tmp1.x) + (tmp0.y * tmp1.y) +
(tmp0.z * tmp1.z) + (tmp0.w * tmp1.w);
result.x = dot;
result.y = dot;
result.z = dot;
result.w = dot;

Section, DPH: Homogeneous Dot Product

The DPH instruction computes a three-component dot product of the two
operands (using the x, y, and z components), adds the w component of the
second operand, and replicates the sum to all four components of the
result vector. This is equivalent to a four-component dot product where
the w component of the first operand is forced to 1.0.

tmp0 = VectorLoad(op0);
tmp1 = VectorLoad(op1):
dot = (tmp0.x * tmp1.x) + (tmp0.y * tmp1.y) +
(tmp0.z * tmp1.z) + tmp1.w;
result.x = dot;
result.y = dot;
result.z = dot;
result.w = dot;

Section, DST: Distance Vector

The DST instruction computes a distance vector from two specially-
formatted operands. The first operand should be of the form [NA, d^2,
d^2, NA] and the second operand should be of the form [NA, 1/d, NA, 1/d],
where NA values are not relevant to the calculation and d is a vector
length. If both vectors satisfy these conditions, the result vector will
be of the form [1.0, d, d^2, 1/d].

The exact behavior is specified in the following pseudo-code:

tmp0 = VectorLoad(op0);
tmp1 = VectorLoad(op1);
result.x = 1.0;
result.y = tmp0.y * tmp1.y;
result.z = tmp0.z;
result.w = tmp1.w;

Given an arbitrary vector, d^2 can be obtained using the DP3 instruction
(using the same vector for both operands) and 1/d can be obtained from d^2
using the RSQ instruction.

This distance vector is useful for per-vertex light attenuation
calculations: a DP3 operation using the distance vector and an
attenuation constants vector as operands will yield the attenuation

Section, EX2: Exponential Base 2

The EX2 instruction approximates 2 raised to the power of the scalar
operand and replicates the approximation to all four components of the
result vector.

tmp = ScalarLoad(op0);
result.x = Approx2ToX(tmp);
result.y = Approx2ToX(tmp);
result.z = Approx2ToX(tmp);
result.w = Approx2ToX(tmp);

Section, EXP: Exponential Base 2 (approximate)

The EXP instruction computes a rough approximation of 2 raised to the
power of the scalar operand. The approximation is returned in the "z"
component of the result vector. A vertex program can also use the "x" and
"y" components of the result vector to generate a more accurate
approximation by evaluating

result.x * f(result.y),

where f(x) is a user-defined function that approximates 2^x over the
domain [0.0, 1.0). The "w" component of the result vector is always 1.0.

The exact behavior is specified in the following pseudo-code:

tmp = ScalarLoad(op0);
result.x = 2^floor(tmp);
result.y = tmp - floor(tmp);
result.z = RoughApprox2ToX(tmp);
result.w = 1.0;

The approximation function is accurate to at least 10 bits:

| RoughApprox2ToX(x) - 2^x | < 1.0 / 2^11, if 0.0 <= x < 1.0,

and, in general,

| RoughApprox2ToX(x) - 2^x | < (1.0 / 2^11) * (2^floor(x)).

Section, FLR: Floor

The FLR instruction performs a component-wise floor operation on the
operand to generate a result vector. The floor of a value is defined as
the largest integer less than or equal to the value. The floor of 2.3 is
2.0; the floor of -3.6 is -4.0.

tmp = VectorLoad(op0);
result.x = floor(tmp.x);
result.y = floor(tmp.y);
result.z = floor(tmp.z);
result.w = floor(tmp.w);

Section, FRC: Fraction

The FRC instruction extracts the fractional portion of each component of
the operand to generate a result vector. The fractional portion of a
component is defined as the result after subtracting off the floor of the
component (see FLR), and is always in the range [0.0, 1.0).

For negative values, the fractional portion is NOT the number written to
the right of the decimal point -- the fractional portion of -1.7 is not
0.7 -- it is 0.3. 0.3 is produced by subtracting the floor of -1.7 (-2.0)
from -1.7.

tmp = VectorLoad(op0);
result.x = fraction(tmp.x);
result.y = fraction(tmp.y);
result.z = fraction(tmp.z);
result.w = fraction(tmp.w);

Section, LG2: Logarithm Base 2

The LG2 instruction approximates the base 2 logarithm of the scalar
operand and replicates it to all four components of the result vector.

tmp = ScalarLoad(op0);
result.x = ApproxLog2(tmp);
result.y = ApproxLog2(tmp);
result.z = ApproxLog2(tmp);
result.w = ApproxLog2(tmp);

If the scalar operand is zero or negative, the result is undefined.

Section, LIT: Light Coefficients

The LIT instruction accelerates per-vertex lighting by computing lighting
coefficients for ambient, diffuse, and specular light contributions. The
"x" component of the single operand is assumed to hold a diffuse dot
product (n dot VP_pli, as in the vertex lighting equations in Section
2.13.1). The "y" component of the operand is assumed to hold a specular
dot product (n dot h_i). The "w" component of the operand is assumed to
hold the specular exponent of the material (s_rm), and is clamped to the
range (-128, +128) exclusive.

The "x" component of the result vector receives the value that should be
multiplied by the ambient light/material product (always 1.0). The "y"
component of the result vector receives the value that should be
multiplied by the diffuse light/material product (n dot VP_pli). The "z"
component of the result vector receives the value that should be
multiplied by the specular light/material product (f_i * (n dot h_i) ^
s_rm). The "w" component of the result is the constant 1.0.

Negative diffuse and specular dot products are clamped to 0.0, as is done
in the standard per-vertex lighting operations. In addition, if the
diffuse dot product is zero or negative, the specular coefficient is
forced to zero.

tmp = VectorLoad(op0);
if (tmp.x < 0) tmp.x = 0;
if (tmp.y < 0) tmp.y = 0;
if (tmp.w < -(128.0-epsilon)) tmp.w = -(128.0-epsilon);
else if (tmp.w > 128-epsilon) tmp.w = 128-epsilon;
result.x = 1.0;
result.y = tmp.x;
result.z = (tmp.x > 0) ? RoughApproxPower(tmp.y, tmp.w) : 0.0;
result.w = 1.0;

The exponentiation approximation function may be defined in terms of the
base 2 exponentiation and logarithm approximation operations in the EXP
and LOG instructions, where

RoughApproxPower(a,b) = RoughApproxExp2(b * RoughApproxLog2(a)).

In particular, the approximation may not be any more accurate than the
underlying EXP and LOG operations.

Also, since 0^0 is defined to be 1, RoughApproxPower(0.0, 0.0) will
produce 1.0.

Section, LOG: Logarithm Base 2 (approximate)

The LOG instruction computes a rough approximation of the base 2 logarithm
of the absolute value of the scalar operand. The approximation is
returned in the "z" component of the result vector. A vertex program can
also use the "x" and "y" components of the result vector to generate a
more accurate approximation by evaluating

result.x + f(result.y),

where f(x) is a user-defined function that approximates 2^x over the
domain [1.0, 2.0). The "w" component of the result vector is always 1.0.

The exact behavior is specified in the following pseudo-code:

tmp = fabs(ScalarLoad(op0));
result.x = floor(log2(tmp));
result.y = tmp / 2^(floor(log2(tmp)));
result.z = RoughApproxLog2(tmp);
result.w = 1.0;

Here, "floor(log2(tmp))" refers to the floor of the exact logarithm, which
can be easily computed for standard floating-point representations. The
approximation function is accurate to at least 10 bits:

| RoughApproxLog2(x) - log_2(x) | < 1.0 / 2^11.

Section, MAD: Multiply and Add

The MAD instruction performs a component-wise multiply of the first two
operands, and then does a component-wise add of the product to the third
operand to yield a result vector.

tmp0 = VectorLoad(op0);
tmp1 = VectorLoad(op1);
tmp2 = VectorLoad(op2);
result.x = tmp0.x * tmp1.x + tmp2.x;
result.y = tmp0.y * tmp1.y + tmp2.y;
result.z = tmp0.z * tmp1.z + tmp2.z;
result.w = tmp0.w * tmp1.w + tmp2.w;

The multiplication and addition operations in this instruction are subject
to the same rules as described for the MUL and ADD instructions.

Section, MAX: Maximum

The MAX instruction computes component-wise maximums of the values in the
two operands to yield a result vector.

tmp0 = VectorLoad(op0);
tmp1 = VectorLoad(op1);
result.x = (tmp0.x > tmp1.x) ? tmp0.x : tmp1.x;
result.y = (tmp0.y > tmp1.y) ? tmp0.y : tmp1.y;
result.z = (tmp0.z > tmp1.z) ? tmp0.z : tmp1.z;
result.w = (tmp0.w > tmp1.w) ? tmp0.w : tmp1.w;

Section, MIN: Minimum

The MIN instruction computes component-wise minimums of the values in the
two operands to yield a result vector.

tmp0 = VectorLoad(op0);
tmp1 = VectorLoad(op1);
result.x = (tmp0.x > tmp1.x) ? tmp1.x : tmp0.x;
result.y = (tmp0.y > tmp1.y) ? tmp1.y : tmp0.y;
result.z = (tmp0.z > tmp1.z) ? tmp1.z : tmp0.z;
result.w = (tmp0.w > tmp1.w) ? tmp1.w : tmp0.w;

Section, MOV: Move

The MOV instruction copies the value of the operand to yield a result

result = VectorLoad(op0);

Section, MUL: Multiply

The MUL instruction performs a component-wise multiply of the two operands
to yield a result vector.

tmp0 = VectorLoad(op0);
tmp1 = VectorLoad(op1);
result.x = tmp0.x * tmp1.x;
result.y = tmp0.y * tmp1.y;
result.z = tmp0.z * tmp1.z;
result.w = tmp0.w * tmp1.w;

The following rules apply to multiplication:

1. <x> * <y> == <y> * <x>, for all <x> and <y>.
2. +/-0.0 * <x> = +/-0.0, at least for all <x> that correspond to
representable numbers (IEEE "not a number" and "infinity" encodings
may be exceptions).
3. +1.0 * <x> = <x>, for all <x>.

Multiplication by zero and one should be invariant, as it may be used to
evaluate conditional expressions without branching.

Section, POW: Exponentiate

The POW instruction approximates the value of the first scalar operand
raised to the power of the second scalar operand and replicates it to all
four components of the result vector.

tmp0 = ScalarLoad(op0);
tmp1 = ScalarLoad(op1);
result.x = ApproxPower(tmp0, tmp1);
result.y = ApproxPower(tmp0, tmp1);
result.z = ApproxPower(tmp0, tmp1);
result.w = ApproxPower(tmp0, tmp1);

The exponentiation approximation function may be implemented using the
base 2 exponentiation and logarithm approximation operations in the EX2
and LG2 instructions. In particular,

ApproxPower(a,b) = ApproxExp2(b * ApproxLog2(a)).

Note that a logarithm may be involved even for cases where the exponent is
an integer. This means that it may not be possible to exponentiate
correctly with a negative base. In constrast, it is possible in a
"normal" mathematical formulation to raise negative numbers to integral
powers (e.g., (-3)^2== 9, and (-0.5)^-2==4).

Section, RCP: Reciprocal

The RCP instruction approximates the reciprocal of the scalar operand and
replicates it to all four components of the result vector.

tmp = ScalarLoad(op0);
result.x = ApproxReciprocal(tmp);
result.y = ApproxReciprocal(tmp);
result.z = ApproxReciprocal(tmp);
result.w = ApproxReciprocal(tmp);

The following rule applies to reciprocation:

1. ApproxReciprocal(+1.0) = +1.0.

Section, RSQ: Reciprocal Square Root

The RSQ instruction approximates the reciprocal of the square root of the
absolute value of the scalar operand and replicates it to all four
components of the result vector.

tmp = fabs(ScalarLoad(op0));
result.x = ApproxRSQRT(tmp);
result.y = ApproxRSQRT(tmp);
result.z = ApproxRSQRT(tmp);
result.w = ApproxRSQRT(tmp);

Section, SGE: Set On Greater or Equal Than

The SGE instruction performs a component-wise comparison of the two
operands. Each component of the result vector is 1.0 if the corresponding
component of the first operands is greater than or equal that of the
second, and 0.0 otherwise.

tmp0 = VectorLoad(op0);
tmp1 = VectorLoad(op1);
result.x = (tmp0.x >= tmp1.x) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
result.y = (tmp0.y >= tmp1.y) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
result.z = (tmp0.z >= tmp1.z) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
result.w = (tmp0.w >= tmp1.w) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

Section, SLT: Set On Less Than

The SLT instruction performs a component-wise comparison of the two
operands. Each component of the result vector is 1.0 if the corresponding
component of the first operand is less than that of the second, and 0.0

tmp0 = VectorLoad(op0);
tmp1 = VectorLoad(op1);
result.x = (tmp0.x < tmp1.x) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
result.y = (tmp0.y < tmp1.y) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
result.z = (tmp0.z < tmp1.z) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
result.w = (tmp0.w < tmp1.w) ? 1.0 : 0.0;

Section, SUB: Subtract

The SUB instruction performs a component-wise subtraction of the second
operand from the first to yield a result vector.

tmp0 = VectorLoad(op0);
tmp1 = VectorLoad(op1);
result.x = tmp0.x - tmp1.x;
result.y = tmp0.y - tmp1.y;
result.z = tmp0.z - tmp1.z;
result.w = tmp0.w - tmp1.w;

Section, SWZ: Extended Swizzle

The SWZ instruction loads the single vector operand, and performs a
swizzle operation more powerful than that provided for loading normal
vector operands to yield an instruction vector.

After the operand is loaded, the "x", "y", "z", and "w" components of the
result vector are selected by the first, second, third, and fourth matches
of the <extSwizComp> pattern in the <extendedSwizzle> rule.

A result component can be selected from any of the four components of the
operand or the constants 0.0 and 1.0. The result component can also be
optionally negated. The following pseudocode describes the component
selection method. "operand" refers to the vector operand, "select" is an
enumerant where the values ZERO, ONE, X, Y, Z, and W correspond to the
<extSwizSel> rule matching "0", "1", "x", "y", "z", and "w", respectively.
"negate" is TRUE if and only if the <optionalSign> rule in <extSwizComp>
matches "-".

float ExtSwizComponent(floatVec operand, enum select, boolean negate)
float result;
switch (select) {
case ZERO: result = 0.0; break;
case ONE: result = 1.0; break;
case X: result = operand.x; break;
case Y: result = operand.y; break;
case Z: result = operand.z; break;
case W: result = operand.w; break;
if (negate) {
result = -result;
return result;

The entire extended swizzle operation is then defined using the following

tmp = VectorLoad(op0);
result.x = ExtSwizComponent(tmp, xSelect, xNegate);
result.y = ExtSwizComponent(tmp, ySelect, yNegate);
result.z = ExtSwizComponent(tmp, zSelect, zNegate);
result.w = ExtSwizComponent(tmp, wSelect, wNegate);

"xSelect", "xNegate", "ySelect", "yNegate", "zSelect", "zNegate",
"wSelect", and "wNegate" correspond to the "select" and "negate" values
above for the four <extSwizComp> matches.

Since this instruction allows for component selection and negation for
each individual component, the grammar does not allow the use of the
normal swizzle and negation operations allowed for vector operands in
other instructions.

Section, XPD: Cross Product

The XPD instruction computes the cross product using the first three
components of its two vector operands to generate the x, y, and z
components of the result vector. The w component of the result vector is

tmp0 = VectorLoad(op0);
tmp1 = VectorLoad(op1);
result.x = tmp0.y * tmp1.z - tmp0.z * tmp1.y;
result.y = tmp0.z * tmp1.x - tmp0.x * tmp1.z;
result.z = tmp0.x * tmp1.y - tmp0.y * tmp1.x;

Section 2.14.6, Program Matrices

In addition to GL's conventional matrices, several additional program
matrices are available for use as program parameters. These matrices have
names of the form MATRIX<i>_ARB where <i> is between zero and <n>-1 where
<n> is the value of the implementation-dependent constant
= MATRIX0_ARB + <i>. The value of MAX_PROGRAM_MATRICES_ARB must be at
least eight. The maximum stack depth for program matrices is defined by
the MAX_PROGRAM_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_ARB and must be at least 1.

Section 2.14.7 Required Vertex Program State

The state required to support program objects of all targets consists of:

an integer for the program error position, initially -1;

an array of ubytes for the program error string, initially empty;

and the state that must be maintained to indicate which integers are
currently in use as program object names.

The state required to support the vertex program target consists of:

a bit indicating whether or not program mode is enabled, initially

a bit indicating whether or not vertex program two-sided color mode is
enabled, initially disabled;

a bit indicating whether or not vertex program point size mode is
enabled, initially disabled;

a set of MAX_PROGRAM_ENV_PARAMETERS_ARB four-component floating-point
program environment parameters, initially set to (0,0,0,0);

and an unsigned integer naming the currently bound vertex program,
initially zero.

The state required for each vertex program object consists of:

an unsigned integer indicating the program object name;

an array of type ubyte containing the program string, initially empty;

an unsigned integer holding the length of the program string, initially

an enum indicating the program string format, initially

five unsigned integers holding the number of instruction, temporary
variable, vertex attribute binding, address register, and program
parameter binding resources used by the program, initially all zero;

five unsigned integers holding the number of native instruction,
temporary variable, vertex attribute binding, address register, and
program parameter binding resources used by the program, initially all

and a set of MAX_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMETERS_ARB four-component
floating-point program local parameters, initially set to (0,0,0,0).

Initially, no vertex program objects exist.

Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 1.3 Specification (Rasterization)

    Modify Section 3.3, Points (p. 63)

(replace the first paragraph) When vertex program mode and vertex progam
point size mode are both enabled, the point size used for point
rasterization is taken from the transformed vertex's point size attribute.
Otherwise, it is controlled with

void PointSize(float size);

size specifies the width or diameter of a point. The initial point size
value is 1.0. A value less than or equal to zero results in the error

Vertex program point size mode is enabled and disabled by calling Enable
or Disable with the symbolic value VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB.

Modify Section 3.9, Color Sum (p. 154)

After texturing, a fragment has two RGBA colors: a primary color c_pri
(which texturing, if enabled, may have modified) and a secondary color
c_sec. If color sum is enabled, the R, G, and B components of these two
colors are summed, and with the A component of the primary color produce a
single post-texturing RGBA color c. The components of c are then clamped
to the range [0,1]. If color sum is disabled, then c_pri is assigned to
the post-texturing color.

Color sum is enabled or disabled using the generic Enable and Disable
commands, respectively, with the symbolic constant COLOR_SUM_ARB. If
vertex program mode is disabled and lighting is enabled, the color sum
stage is always applied, ignoring the value of COLOR_SUM_ARB.

The state required is a single bit indicating whether color sum is enabled
or disabled. In the initial state, color sum is disabled.

Modify Section 3.10, Fog (p. 154)

(modify second paragraph) This factor f may be computed according to one
of three equations:

f = exp(-d*c), (3.24)
f = exp(-(d*c)^2), or (3.25)
f = (e-c)/(e-s) (3.26)

If vertex program mode is enabled or if the fog source (as defined below)
is FOG_COORDINATE_EXT, then c is the fragment's fog coordinate.
Otherwise, the c is the eye-coordinate distance from the eye, (0,0,0,1) in
eye-coordinates, to the fragment center. ...

Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 1.3 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Framebuffer)


Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 1.3 Specification (Special Functions)

    Modify Section 5.1, Evaluators (p. 181)

(modify next-to-last paragraph, p. 184) For MAP VERTEX 3, let q = p. For
MAP VERTEX 4, let q=(x/w,y/w,z/w), where (x; y; z;w) = p. Then let

dq dq
m = -- x --.
du dv

The the generated analytic normal, n, is given by n=m if vertex program
mode is enabled or by n=m/|m| if vertex program mode is disabled.

Modify Section 5.4, Display Lists (p. 191)

(modify third paragraph, p. 195) ... These are IsList, GenLists, ...,
IsProgramARB, GenProgramsARB, DeleteProgramsARB, and
VertexAttribPointerARB, EnableVertexAttribArrayARB,
DisableVertexAttribArrayARB, as well as IsEnabled and all the Get commands
(chapter 6).

Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 1.3 Specification (State and State Requests)

    Modify Section 6.1.2, Data Conversions (p. 198)

(add before last paragraph, p. 198) The matrix selected by the current
matrix mode can be queried by calling GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv,
and GetDoublev with <pname> set to CURRENT_MATRIX_ARB; the matrix will be
returned in transposed form with <pname> set to
TRANSPOSE_CURRENT_MATRIX_ARB. The depth of the selected matrix stack can
be queried with <pname> set to CURRENT_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_ARB. Querying
for querying the matrix and matrix stack depth of the program matrices
described in section 2.14.6.

Modify Section 6.1.11, Pointer and String Queries (p. 206)

(modify last paragraph, p. 206) ... The possible values for <name> are

(add after last paragraph of section, p. 207) Queries of
PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB return a pointer to an implementation-dependent
program load error string. If the last call to ProgramStringARB failed to
load a program, the returned string describes at least one reason why the
program failed to load. If the last call to ProgramStringARB successfully
loaded a program, the returned string may be empty (containing only a zero
terminator) or may contain one or more implementation-dependent warning
messages. The contents of the error string are guaranteed to remain
constant only until the next ProgramStringARB command, which may overwrite
the error string.

Insert a new Section 6.1.12, Program Queries (p. 207), between existing
sections 6.1.11 and 6.1.12.

Section 6.1.12, Program Queries

The commands

void GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB(enum target, uint index,
double *params);
void GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB(enum target, uint index,
float *params);

obtain the current value for the program environment parameter numbered
<index> for the given program target <target>, and places the information
in the array <params>. The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if <target>
specifies a nonexistent program target or a program target that does not
support program environment parameters. The error INVALID_VALUE is
generated if <index> is greater than or equal to the
implementation-dependent number of supported program environment
parameters for the program target.

When <target> is VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB, each program parameter returned is an
array of four values.

The commands

void GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB(enum target, uint index,
double *params);
void GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB(enum target, uint index,
float *params);

obtain the current value for the program local parameter numbered <index>
belonging to the program object currently bound to <target>, and places
the information in the array <params>. The error INVALID_ENUM is
generated if <target> specifies a nonexistent program target or a program
target that does not support program local parameters. The error
INVALID_VALUE is generated if <index> is greater than or equal to the
implementation-dependent number of supported program local parameters for
the program target.

When the program target type is VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB, each program
local parameter returned is an array of four values.

The command

void GetProgramivARB(enum target, enum pname, int *params);

obtains program state for the program target <target>, writing the state
into the array given by <params>. GetProgramivARB can be used to
determine the properties of the currently bound program object or
implementation limits for <target>.

PROGRAM_BINDING_ARB, GetProgramivARB returns one integer holding the
program string length (in bytes), program string format, and program name,
respectively, for the program object currently bound to <target>.

MAX_PROGRAM_ENV_PARAMETERS_ARB, GetProgramivARB returns one integer
holding the maximum number of program local parameters or program
environment parameters, respectively, supported for the program target

integer giving the maximum number of instructions, temporaries,
parameters, attributes, and address registers that can be used by a
program of type <target>. If <pname> is PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB,
PROGRAM_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB, GetProgramivARB returns a single integer
giving the number of instructions, temporaries, parameters, attributes,
and address registers used by the current program for <target>.

integer giving the maximum number of native instruction, temporary,
parameter, attribute, and address register resources available to a
program of type <target>. If <pname> is PROGRAM_NATIVE_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB,
GetProgramivARB returns a single integer giving the number of native
instruction, temporary, parameter, attribute, and address register
resources consumed by the program currently bound to <target>. Native
resource counts will reflect the results of implementation-dependent
scheduling and optimization algorithms applied by the GL, as well as
emulation of non-native features. If <pname> is
PROGRAM_UNDER_NATIVE_LIMITS_ARB, GetProgramivARB returns 0 if the native
resource consumption of the program currently bound to <target> exceeds
the number of available resources for any resource type, and 1 otherwise.

The command

void GetProgramStringARB(enum target, enum pname, void *string);

obtains the program string for the program object bound to <target> and
places the information in the array <string>. <pname> must be
PROGRAM_STRING_ARB. <n> ubytes are returned into the array program where
<n> is the length of the program in ubytes, as returned by GetProgramivARB
when <pname> is PROGRAM_LENGTH_ARB. The program string is always returned
using the format given when the program string was specified.

The commands

void GetVertexAttribdvARB(uint index, enum pname, double *params);
void GetVertexAttribfvARB(uint index, enum pname, float *params);
void GetVertexAttribivARB(uint index, enum pname, int *params);

obtain the vertex attribute state named by <pname> for the vertex
attribute numbered <index> and places the information in the array
<params>. <pname> must be one of VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED_ARB,
CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB. Note that all the queries except
CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB return client state. The error INVALID_VALUE is
generated if <index> is greater than or equal to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if <index> is zero and <pname> is
CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB, as there is no current value for vertex
attribute zero.

The command

void GetVertexAttribPointervARB(uint index, enum pname, void **pointer);

obtains the pointer named <pname> for vertex attribute numbered <index>
and places the information in the array <pointer>. <pname> must be
<index> is greater than or equal to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS_ARB.

The command

boolean IsProgramARB(uint program);

returns TRUE if <program> is the name of a program object. If <program>
is zero or is a non-zero value that is not the name of a program object,
or if an error condition occurs, IsProgramARB returns FALSE. A name
returned by GenProgramsARB, but not yet bound, is not the name of a
program object.

Concerning Section 6.1.12, Saving and Restoring State (p. 207):

(no actual modifications to the spec) Only the enables, current vertex
attributes, and vertex array state introduced by this extension can be
pushed and popped. See the attribute column in Table X.6 for determining
what vertex program state can be pushed and popped with PushAttrib,
PopAttrib, PushClientAttrib, and PopClientAttrib.

Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 1.3 Specification (Invariance)

    Add to end of Section A.3 (p. 242):

Rule 4. Vertex program instructions not relevant to the calculation of
any result must have no effect on that result.

Rule 5. Vertex program instructions relevant to the calculation of any
result must always produce the identical result.

Instructions relevant to the calculation of a result are any instructions
in a sequence of instructions that eventually determine the source values
for the calculation under consideration.

There is no guaranteed invariance between vertices transformed by
conventional GL vertex transform mode and vertices transformed by vertex
program mode. Multi-pass rendering algorithms that require rendering
invariances to operate correctly should not mix conventional GL vertex
transform mode with vertex program mode for different rendering passes,
except by using the position invariance option (section in all
vertex program mode passes. However, such algorithms will operate
correctly if the algorithms limit themselves to a single mode of vertex

Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications

    Program objects are shared between AGL/GLX/WGL rendering contexts if
and only if the rendering contexts share display lists. No change
is made to the AGL/GLX/WGL API.

Changes to program objects shared between multiple rendering contexts will
be serialized (i.e., the changes will occur in a specific order).

Changes to a program object made by one rendering context are not
guaranteed to take effect in another rendering context until the other
calls BindProgram to bind the program object.

When a program object is deleted by one rendering context, the object
itself is not destroyed until it is no longer the current program object
in any context. However, the name of the deleted object is removed from
the program object name space, so the next attempt to bind a program using
the same name will create a new program object. Recall that destroying a
program object bound in the current rendering context effectively unbinds
the object being destroyed.

Dependencies on EXT_vertex_weighting and ARB_vertex_blend

    If EXT_vertex_weighting and ARB_vertex_blend are both not supported, all
discussions of vertex weights should be removed.

In particular, references to vertex weights should be removed from Table
X.1, and the description of ArrayElement in section 2.8. The line

"weight" <vtxOptWeightNum>

should be removed from the <vtxAttribItem> grammar rule, and the grammar
rules <vtxOptWeightNum> and <vtxWeightNum> should be deleted.
"vertex.weight" and "vertex.weight[n]" should be removed from Table X.2.
The discussion of vertex weights in section should be removed.

Additionally, the first line of Table X.3.8 should be modified to read:

Binding Underlying State
------------------------------------ ---------------------------
state.matrix.modelview modelview matrix

Dependencies on ARB_matrix_palette:

    If ARB_matrix_palette is not supported, all discussions of per-vertex
matrix indices and the matrix palette should be removed.

In particular, the reference to matrix indices should be removed from the
description of ArrayElement in section 2.8. The line

"matrixindex" "[" <vtxWeightNum> "]"

should be removed from the <vtxAttribItem> grammar rule. The line

"palette" "[" <statePaletteMatNum> "]"

should be removed from the <stateMatrixName> grammar rule, and the
<statePaletteMatNum> grammar rule should be removed entirely.
"vertex.matrixindex[n]" should be removed from Table X.2, and
"state.matrix.palette[n]" should be removed from Table X.3.8. The
discussion of vertex matrix indices in section should be removed.

Dependencies on EXT_point_parameters and ARB_point_parameters

    The discussion of point size determination in EXT/ARB_point_parameters
should qualified to indicate that this functionality only applies when
vertex program mode is disabled.

If EXT/ARB_point_parameters is not supported, references to point
parameter state should be eliminated. In particular,


should be eliminated from the <statePointProperty> grammar rule, and the
corresponding entries in Table X.3.7 should be eliminated.

Additionally, references to the minimum and maximum point sizes and the
fade threshold should be removed from Table X.3.7 and the explanatory text
immediately thereafter. The components column of the "state.point.size"
binding in Table X.3.7 should read (s,0,0,1).

Even if EXT/ARB_point_parameters is not supported, the point size result
(result.pointsize) still operates as specified.

Dependencies on EXT_fog_coord

    If EXT_fog_coord is not supported, references to fog coordinates should be
removed from Table X.1, and the description of ArrayElement in section
2.8. The line "fogcoord" should be removed from the <vtxAttribItem>
grammar rule, and "vertex.fogcoord" should be removed from Table X.2.
Also, the use of FOG_COORDINATE_SOURCE_EXT in section 3.10 should be

Even if EXT_fog_coord is not supported, the fog coordinate output
(result.fogcoord) still operates as specified. When in vertex program
mode, there are no well-defined eye coordinates that could be used for
fog. This means that the functionality of EXT_fog_coord is required to
implement ARB_vertex_program even if the EXT_fog_coord extension itself is
not supported.

Dependencies on EXT_secondary_color

    If EXT_secondary_color is not supported, references to secondary color
should be removed from Table X.1, and the description of ArrayElement in
section 2.8. The line "secondary" should be removed from the
<vtxOptColorType> grammar rule, and "vertex.color.secondary" should be
removed from Table X.2.

Even if EXT_secondary_color is not supported, the secondary color results
(result.color.secondary, result.color.front.secondary,
result.color.back.secondary) still operate as specified in program mode,
and when in program mode, the color sum enable behaves exactly as
specified in EXT_secondary_color. These vertex result registers are
required to implement OpenGL 1.2's separate specular mode within a vertex

The color sum enable enumerant from EXT_secondary_color has been brought
over and renamed to COLOR_SUM_ARB. The enumerant value itself is
unchanged from EXT_secondary_color.

Dependencies on ARB_transpose_matrix

    If ARB_transpose_matrix is not supported, the discussion of
TRANSPOSE_CURRENT_MATRIX_ARB in the edits to section 6.1.2 should be

Interactions with NV_vertex_program

    The existing NV_vertex_program extension, if supported, also provides a
similar vertex programming model. This extension is incompatible with
NV_vertex_program in a number of different ways. Mixing the two models in
a single application is possible but not recommended. The interactions
between the extensions are defined below.

Functions, enumerants, and programs defined in NV_vertex_program are
called "NV functions", "NV enumerants", and "NV programs" respectively.
Functions, enumerants, and programs defined in ARB_vertex_program are
called "ARB functions", "ARB enumerants", and "ARB programs" respectively.

The following enumerants are identical in the two extensions:

ARB_vertex_program NV_vertex_program
------------------------------ ------------------------------

The following GL state is identical in the two extensions and can be set
or queried using either NV functions or ARB functions.

- Vertex program mode enable.

- Vertex program point size mode enable.

- Vertex program two sided mode enable.

- Program error position.

- NV_vertex_program "program parameters" and ARB_vertex_program "program
environment parameters".

- Current values of generic vertex attributes. Conventional and generic
vertex attributes will alias according to the NV_vertex_program spec,
which is permissible but optional under ARB_vertex_program.

- NV_vertex_program "tracking matrices" and ARB_vertex_program "program
matrices". The NV and ARB enumerants passed to MatrixMode are
different, however.

- Vertex attribute array sizes, types, strides, and pointers.

- Vertex program object names, targets, formats, program string, program
string lengths, and residency information. The ARB and NV query
functions operate differently. The ARB query function does not allow
queries of target (passed in to the query) and residency information.
The NV query function does not allow queries of program name (passed
in to the query) or format. The format of NV programs is always

- Current matrix and current matrix stack depth.

- Implementation-dependent limits on number of tracking/program matrices
and tracking/program matrix stack depth.

- Program object name space. Program objects are created differently in
the NV and ARB specs. Under the NV spec, program objects are created
by calling LoadProgramNV. Under the ARB spec, program objects are
created by calling BindProgramARB with an unused program name.

The following state is provided only by ARB_vertex_program:

- Program error string. Querying the error string after calling
LoadProgramNV produces undefined results.

- Vertex attribute array normalization enables. Setting up vertex
attribute arrays through NV functions will set the normalization
enable appropriately based on the NV spec.

- Vertex program object resource counts and native resource counts.
These values are undefined for NV programs.

- Vertex program local parameters. They can not be used by NV programs.

- Implementation-dependent limits on the number of program environment
parameters, program local parameters, resource counts, and native
resource counts. These limits are baked into the NV spec, except for
native counts, which don't exist.

The following state is provided only by NV_vertex_program:

- TrackMatrix enables and transforms.

- Generic vertex attribute evaluator maps. The NV evaluator
functionality will be supported even for ARB programs.

The following are additional functional differences between
ARB_vertex_program and NV_vertex_program:

- ARB program temporaries, address registers, and result registers are
initially undefined. The corresponding values in NV programs are
initialized to (0,0,0,0), 0, and (0,0,0,1), respectively. ARB
programs running on NV_vertex_program platforms can not rely on
NV_vertex_program initialization behavior for temporaries or address
registers, but result registers will be initialized to (0,0,0,1). In
any event, ARB programs that rely on NV_vertex_program initialization
may not behave properly on other platforms that support
ARB_vertex_program but not NV_vertex_program.

- NV programs use a set of fixed variable and register names, with no
support for user-defined variables. ARB programs provide no support
for fixed variable names; all variables must be declared, explicitly
or implicitly, in the program.

- ARB programs support parameter variables that can be bound to selected
GL state variables, and are updated automatically when the underlying
state changes. NV programs provide no such support; applications must
set program parameters themselves.

- ARB programs allow program constants to be declared in the program
text; NV programs require that constants be loaded into the program
parameter array.

- ARB programs support program local parameters; NV programs do not.
Applications using multiple NV programs must manage the shared program
parameter array appropriately.

- ARB_vertex_program vertex array support provides a normalized flag to
optionally normalize fixed-point array data to the [0,1] or [-1,1]
range. ARB_vertex_program also provides several immediate-mode entry
points with the same support. NV_vertex_program supports normalized
data only for unsigned byte data types, and does not support
non-normalized unsigned bytes. VertexAttrib4ub{v}NV was renamed to
VertexAttrib4Nub{v}ARB to indicate that the 4ub call normalizes its
parameters to a [0,1] range.

- ARB_vertex_blend and ARB_matrix_palette support are documented by the
ARB spec, but not by the NV spec.

- ARB_vertex_program contains an OPTION mechanism for future
extensibility, and a position invariant program option. Both features
are found in NV_vertex_program1_1, but not in NV_vertex_program.

- NV_vertex_program supports a vertex state program target that allows
programs to write to program parameters (VERTEX_STATE_PROGRAM_NV). No
such support exists in ARB_vertex_program. Running a NV state program
will update the program parameter/program environment parameter array,
and such updates can be visible through ARB programs.

- LoadProgramNV entry point was changed to ProgramStringARB to match
OpenGL convention that a verb should not be included in a command name
that merely sets state.

- The formal parameter name for program objects was "id" in
NV_vertex_program; in ARB_vertex_program, this formal name is now
"program" to match how texture object routines name their formal
texture object names "texture".

- NV_vertex_program has language that makes it sound that LoadProgramNV
(ProgramStringARB) only accepts the VERTEX_PROGRAM_NV target and the
start token must be "!!VP1.0". This extension clarifies the language
so that it is clear that other targets and start token types are

- NV_vertex_program numeric requirements are not present in the ARB
spec. The ARB spec requires nothing more than the numeric
requirements spelled out in section 2.1.1 (Floating-Point
Computations) in the core specification.

- ARB programs allow single instructions to source multiple distinct
vertex attributes or program parameters. NV programs do not. On
current NV_vertex_program hardware, such instructions may require
additional instructions and temporaries to execute.

- ARB programs support the folowing instructions not supported by NV
"VP1.0" programs:

* ABS: absolute value. Supported on VP1.1 NV programs, but not
on VP1.0 programs. Equivalent to "MAX dst, src, -src".

* EX2: exponential base 2. On VP1.0 and VP1.1 hardware, this
instruction will be emulated using EXP and a number of
additional instructions.

* FLR: floor. On VP1.0 and VP1.1 hardware, this instruction will
be emulated using an EXP and an ADD instruction.

* FRC: fraction. On VP1.0 and VP1.1 hardware, this instruction
will be emulated using an EXP instruction, and possibly a MOV
instruction to replicate the scalar result.

* LG2: logarithm base 2. On VP1.0 and VP1.1 hardware, this
instruction will be emulated using LOG and a number of
additional instructions.

* POW: exponentiation. On VP1.0 and VP1.1 hardware, this
instruction will be emulated using LOG, MUL, and EXP
instructions, and possibly additional instructions to generate a
high-precision result.

* SUB: subtraction. Supported on VP1.1 NV programs, but not on
VP1.0 programs. Equivalent to "ADD dst, src1, -src2".

* SWZ: extended swizzle. On VP1.0 and VP1.1 hardware, this
instruction will be emulated using a single MAD instruction and
a program parameter constant.

* XPD: cross product. On VP1.0 and VP1.1 hardware, this
instruction will be emulated using a MUL and a MAD instruction.

- The COLOR_SUM_EXT enable is ignored when NV programs are executed
(default secondary color outputs are zero) but not when ARB programs
are executed (default secondary color outputs are undefined). The
driver will take care of the color sum operation based on which type
of program is currently bound.

- NV programs are required to write a vertex position; ARB programs are

NV_vertex_program interaction Issues:

- Should matrix tracking support extend to ARB program environment

- Should the vertex array enables be the same state or not?

Interactions with EXT_vertex_shader

    The existing EXT_vertex_shader extension, if supported, also provides a
similar vertex programming model. This extension is incompatible with
ARB_vertex_program in a number of different ways. Mixing the two models
in a single application is possible but not recommended. The interactions
between the extensions are defined below.

First, it should be trivially noted that an EXT_vertex_shader "shader"
serves the same purpose as an ARB_vertex_program "program". The two terms
will be used interchangeably throughout this discussion.

The most obvious difference between the two extensions is that the
definition of the vertex program is accomplished in EXT_vertex_shader
through the use of instruction-specifying procedure calls and is
accomplished in ARB_vertex_program by providing a textual string
describing the program. This is mostly a distinction of interface rather
than functionality.

Each extension provides its own distinct set of GL state, entry points,
and enumerants. However, there are several areas of overlap both in
conceptual framework and in programming model that are worth noting for
those familiar with both API's.

1. Resource terminology and types

Both ARB_vertex_program and EXT_vertex_shader offer access to similar
types of resources for use by vertex programs.

The following terms describe roughly equivalent resources in their
respective extensions:

EXT_vertex_shader ARB_vertex_program Note
----------------- ------------------ ----
instructions instructions
variants attributes
locals temporaries
local constants parameters bound to inline constants (a)
invariants parameters bound to GL state and (b)
program environment parameters

a. ARB_vertex_program has no intrinsic storage type that corresponds
to EXT_vertex_shader's LOCAL_CONSTANT storage type, but rather
supports program parameters bound to inline constant vectors
specified within the program text. This essentially makes
LOCAL_CONSTANT a special case of an ARB_vertex_program program
parameter. The values of these inline constant parameters can not
be changed without redefining the program itself, just like the
values of EXT_vertex_shader LOCAL_CONSTANTs.

b. ARB_vertex_program has no intrinsic storage type that corresponds
to EXT_vertex_shader's INVARIANT storage type, but rather supports
program parameters bound to GL state variables, program
environment parameters, and program local parameters. This
essentially makes INVARIANT a special case of an
ARB_vertex_program program parameter. The values of these bound
program parameters can be changed without redefining the program
itself, but remain constant from vertex to vertex during vertex
program execution, just like the values of EXT_vertex_shader

ARB_vertex_program also adds the concept of a program local parameter,
which has no direct analogue in EXT_vertex_shader, as it represents a
parameter that is stored locally with the program object, but the
values of these parameters can be changed without redefining the
program itself.

2. Resource usage queries

Both ARB_vertex_program and EXT_vertex_shader provide queries to assist
in determining the resource usage of a given shader and whether the
shader would "fit" within the limits imposed by the underlying hardware
implementation. The application can investigate the maximum numbers of
shader resources supported by an implementation, shader resources
available in hardware, and resources consumed by a given shader after
being compiled into the implementation's native representation.

In EXT_vertex_shader (see the end of section 2.14 of the
EXT_vertex_shader specification), the queries are handled by glGet.

In ARB_vertex_programs (see section of this specification),
similar queries are handled by GetProgramivARB, with a target of

The following queries exist in both extensions and serve roughly
equivalent purposes in each:

EXT_vertex_shader ARB_vertex_program
----------------- ------------------




ARB_vertex_program offers additional queries to account for differences
in some of the resource definitions (program environment parameters and
program local parameters, address registers, etc.) as well as the
ability to separately query a compiled program's resource usage
according to the specification versus a possibly more efficient
resource usage obtained by passing the program through by a "smart"

The following queries do not exist in ARB_vertex_program due to the
slightly different resource models:

EXT_vertex_shader ARB_vertex_program
----------------- ------------------

a. ARB_vertex_program coalesces all of the different program
parameters (environment, local, inline constant, and those bound
to GL state) into a single queryable resource for
PROGRAM_PARAMETERS. EXT_vertex_shader provides separate queries
even though these parameters may consume the same resource on some

The following queries do not exist in EXT_vertex_shader due to the
slightly different resource models:

EXT_vertex_shader ARB_vertex_program
----------------- ------------------



b. These queries are used to find out how many resources a given
program used according to the specification, *before* running the
program through an optimizing compiler. This distinction is not
made in EXT_vertex_shader.

c. These queries are used to find out how many parameters were used
by a program or are allowed by an implementation, in total without
distinguishing between environment parameters, program local
parameters, inline constant parameters, or parameters bound to GL
state. EXT_vertex_shader does not provide this information.

d. EXT_vertex_shader does not provide have any address register
resources since all dynamic array references are handled with the
atomic OP_INDEX instruction.

3. Symbols and variable names

In EXT_vertex_shader resources that represent storage locations
referenced through a GL-allocated symbol id obtained from
GenSymbolsEXT. This level of abstraction is provided to allow the
implementation to make hardware-dependent decisions about the best way
to arrange, allocate, and re-use hardware resources.

Though ARB_vertex_program does not use symbol id's to refer to similar
types of resources, it does provide similar functionality by allowing a
vertex program to declare arbitrarily named variables for each resource
in use. These names are assigned using the declaration syntax
associated with the "PARAM", "ATTRIB", "TEMP", and "OUTPUT", and
"ADDRESS" keywords.

4. Program management

With the exception of the actual program specification itself,
EXT_vertex_shader and ARB_vertex_program have very similar program
management API's.

The following procedures serve roughly equivalent functions in their
respective extensions.

EXT_vertex_shader ARB_vertex_program
----------------- ------------------
BindVertexShaderEXT BindProgramARB
GenVertexShadersEXT GenProgramsARB
DeleteVertexShaderEXT DeleteProgramsARB

The following procedures are used in EXT_vertex_shader to define the
program instruction sequence, and are not present in ARB_vertex_program
since the string provided to ProgramStringARB fully defines the program


5. Data specification routines

With the exception of the discrepancies in data types and resource
names described above, EXT_vertex_shader and ARB_vertex_program provide
similar program data specification and "current data query" API's.

The following procedures serve roughly equivalent functions in their
respective extensions:

EXT_vertex_shader ARB_vertex_program Note
----------------- ------------------ -----
SetInvariantEXT ProgramEnvParameter4*ARB (a)
GetInvariant*vEXT GetProgramEnvParameter*vARB (a)
Variant*vEXT VertexAttrib*ARB
VariantPointerEXT VertexAttribPointerARB
GetVariant*vEXT GetVertexAttrib*vARB
GetVariantPointervEXT GetVertexAttribPointervARB
EnableVariantClientStateEXT EnableVertexAttribArrayARB
DisableVariantClientStateEXT DisableVertexAttribArrayARB
IsVariantEnabledEXT GetVertexAttrib*vARB (b)

a. See item #1 and #2 for more information on the relationship
between EXT_vertex_shader invariants and ARB_vertex_program
program parameters.

b. The enabled state of an attribute array in ARB_vertex_program can
be queried with GetVertexAttrib*v and a parameter of
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED_ARB. In EXT_vertex_shader there is a
dedicated enabled query procedure.

However, there are some data specification routines in
EXT_vertex_shader that have no procedure call analogue in
ARB_vertex_program as their functions are subsumed by the string
representation of the program itself.

The following procedures in EXT_vertex_shader have functionality
roughly covered by the following strings within the program text in

EXT_vertex_shader ARB_vertex_program Note
----------------- ------------------ -----
SetLocalConstantEXT PARAM C = {<x>,<y>,<z>,<w>}; (c)

BindLightParameterEXT state.light[n].*
BindMaterialParameterEXT state.material.* (d)
BindTexGenParameterEXT state.texgen[n].*

CURRENT_TEXTURE_COORDS vertex.texcoord[n]
TEXTURE_MATRIX state.matrix.texture[n]

CURRENT_VERTEX_EXT vertex.position
CURRENT_NORMAL vertex.normal
CURRENT_COLOR vertex.color.*
MODELVIEW_MATRIX state.matrix.modelview[n]
PROJECTION_MATRIX state.matrix.projection
MVP_MATRIX_EXT state.matrix.mvp
COLOR_MATRIX <unavailable> (e)
CLIP_PLANE state.clip[n].plane
FOG_COLOR state.fog.color
FOG_DENSITY state.fog.params.x
FOG_START state.fog.params.y
FOG_END state.fog.params.z
LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT state.lightmodel.ambient

c. Note that while EXT_vertex_shader style local constants can be
specified using inline constants in the program text, there is no
functionality in ARB_vertex_program that corresponds to the
GetLocalConstant*vEXT call. That is, program parameters bound to
inline constant vectors can be set in the text, but not queried
from the application.

d. Note that while EXT_vertex_shader supports binding material
properties to variants, ARB_vertex_shader only supports binding
them to program parameters (invariants). See item #11 below for
more information.

e. Note that while EXT_vertex_shader supports binding color matrix if
the ARB_imaging subset is supported, ARB_vertex_shader does not
allow for such a binding. See item #11 below for more information.

6. Data types

EXT_vertex_shader supports data types of SCALAR, VECTOR, and MATRIX.

ARB_vertex_program intrinsically supports only vectors, though it
allows for the definition of a matrix as a contiguous allocation of
four row vectors. Some operations that, in EXT_vertex_shader require
scalar inputs or scalar outputs, will, in ARB_vertex_program, use the
selected component of the source vector as input and/or replicate their
output to all components.

Further, EXT_vertex_shader supports a pair of InsertComponents and
ExtractComponents functions that are not available (nor required) in
ARB_vertex_program, as they essentially provide for conversion between
the SCALAR, VECTOR, and MATRIX data types.

7. Input swizzles and output write-masks

In EXT_vertex_shader, write masks are specified as a type of
"instruction", using WriteMaskEXT, while in ARB_vertex_program, write
masks are specified as modifiers to the destination resource with
writemask modifiers, such as ".xyz" or ".w".

In EXT_vertex_shader, source operand swizzles (component re- ordering,
negation, and hard-coding to the value 0 and +/- 1.0) are also
specified as a type of "instruction", using SwizzleEXT.

In ARB_vertex_program, swizzles can either be handled as instruction
("SWZ") or as part of a modifier of the source argument to an
instruction. The only differences between the two methods is that the
source modifiers in ARB_vertex_program do not provide the ability to
use 0.0 and +/- 1.0, or negate individual components, while the "SWZ"
instruction does.

8. Support for clipping and user clip planes

Both extensions provide similar support for traditional clipping to the
view frustum, namely that frustum clipping is not subsumed by vertex
shader, or vertex program execution.

Additionally, EXT_vertex_shader supports user clip planes by
transforming the user clip planes from eye-space into clip space and
clipping in the clip space coordinate system. This is supported as long
as the projection matrix is non-singular.

ARB_vertex_program provides similar functionality but only for programs
specified using the "position invariant" option. For more information on
user clip-plane support, see issue #20 and section of this

9. Support for glRasterPos

EXT_vertex_shader does not support transforming the current raster
position vertex by the current vertex shader, while ARB_vertex_program

10. Relative addressing.

The string based syntax of ARB_vertex_program supports a relative
addressing model where a given declared array can be dynamically
dereferenced by first loading a declared ADDRESS register, using the
"ARL" instruction with a value obtained at program execution then using
that named ADDRESS register as the index to dereference a declared array
of parameters later on. See section of this specification for

For example, in ARB_vertex_program you can specify the following
piece of a program.

PARAM arr[5] = { program.env[0..4] };
ATTRIB v1 = vertex.attrib[1];
ARL addr, v1;
MOV result, arr[addr.x + 1];

EXT_vertex_shader supports relative addressing as as a single atomic
operation through the use of the instruction OP_INDEX_EXT, as in

ShaderOp2EXT(OP_INDEX_EXT, <res>, <arg1>, <arg2>).

OP_INDEX_EXT supports relative addressing by taking the value stored in
the register referred to by <arg1> and adding that value to the register
number referred to by <arg2>, and loading <res> with the value stored in
the register at the resulting offset. EXT_vertex_shader has the
requirement that the register referred to by <arg2> is allocated as one
of a contiguous range of symbols obtained from a single call to

To achieve the same functionality as the above ARB_vertex_program, using
EXT_vertex_shader, one could allocate a LOCAL symbol to hold a "fake"
address register, and do a similar type of dynamic dereference
operation, placing the output in a temporary LOCAL before giving it as
an source argument to the "real" instruction.

arr_contiguousArraySymbol =

addr_fakeAddressRegSymbol =

v1_srcSymbolForARLOp =

temp =

result_ForMovOpSymbol =

// load fake ADDRESS register

// do dynamic dereference into a temp

// do operation we really wanted (MOV) using looked up src value
(arr_contiguousArraySymbol + 1));

11. Available GL state bindings

Both EXT_vertex_shader and ARB_vertex_program offer the ability to bind
program resources to pieces of OpenGL state so that the values of
OpenGL state parameters are available to the program without the
application having to copy the state values manually into program

The two extensions differ in exactly which pieces of state are
available to a vertex program, with the main difference being that
ARB_vertex_program offers a more comprehensive set of state bindings.

First, EXT_vertex_shader can bind pieces of GL state considered to be
"scalar" values to a single SCALAR symbol, whereas ARB_vertex_program,
which handles only vectors, packs up to 4 scalar bindings into a single
vector parameter.

Similarly, EXT_vertex_shader can bind pieces of GL state considered to
be "matrix" values to a single MATRIX symbol, whereas
ARB_vertex_program supports bindings to matrix data by using up to four
vectors to store the rows of the matrix.

Other differences between the state bindings available in both API's
are listed below:

a. In EXT_vertex_shader, the light attenuation factors (CONSTANT,
LINEAR, QUADRATIC, and SPOT_EXPONENT), are available as separate
SCALAR bindings.

In ARB_vertex_program, the light attenuation factors are all
packed into a single vector called state.light[n].attenuation with
x,y,z, and w parameters respectively.

b. In EXT_vertex_shader the spotlight direction (SPOT_DIRECTION) and
spot light cutoff angle (SPOT_CUTOFF), are available as separate

In ARB_vertex_program, these parameters are all packed into a
single vector called state.light[n].spot.direction with the with
the x,y,z parameters of the spotlight direction and the the
*cosine* of the cutoff angle in the x,y,z, and w parameters

c. In EXT_vertex_shader, the fog equation factors (FOG_DENSITY,
FOG_START, FOG_END), are avaiable as separate SCALAR bindings.

In ARB_vertex_program, the fog equation factors are all packed
into a single vector called state.fog.params with the fog density,
linear start, linear end, and pre-computed 1.0/ (end-start)
factors in the x,y,z, and w parameters respectively.

d. In EXT_vertex_shader, material properties can be bound to a
variant (i.e. "attribute" in ARB_vertex_program terminology) and
can change per vertex, and the changes take effect immediately.

In ARB_vertex_program, material properties can only be bound to
program parameters, and any changes to material properties between
a Begin/End pair are not guaranteed to take effect until the
following End command.

e. In EXT_vertex_shader, the material shininess property is bound to
a SCALAR variable.

In ARB_vertex_program, the material shininess property is bound to
a vector with elements { s, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 } where "s" is the
material shininess property.

f. In EXT_vertex_shader, a program can bind to the current modelview,
projection, composite modelview-projection, color, and texture
matrices only in their entirety.

In ARB_vertex_program, a program can bind to individual rows of
any matrix, with the exception of the color matrix, which is not
available in ARB_vertex_program.

Additionally, ARB_vertex_program adds the ability to bind to
multiple modelview matrices, multiple palette matrices, and a set
of matrices dedicated for use with vertex programs called "program
matrices". Further, ARB_vertex_program offers the ability to bind
to the inverse, transpose, and inverse_transpose of any of the
matrices available for binding.

If an application desires the functionality of binding to the
color matrix in ARB_vertex_program, that application can use one
of the other matrices, for instance program matrices, to store the
current color matrix.

12. Instruction set differences.

In general, ARB_vertex_program's instruction set is a super-set of the
EXT_vertex_shader instructions that take VECTOR inputs and produce
VECTOR outputs. The versions of the EXT_vertex_shader instructions that
take non-vector (i.e. SCALAR or MATRIX) operands are almost all
available in vector form as well.

The instructions from each set correspond as follows:

EXT_vertex_shader ARB_vertex_program Note
----------------- ------------------ -----
OP_INDEX_EXT <unavailable> (a)
OP_NEGATE_EXT <unavailable> (b)
OP_DOT3_EXT "DP3" (c)
OP_CLAMP_EXT <unavailable> (d)
OP_ROUND_EXT <unavailable> (e)
OP_MULTIPLY_MATRIX_EXT <unavailable> (l)
<unavailable> "ARL" (a)
<unavailable> "ABS"
<unavailable> "LIT"
<unavailable> "EXP" (f)
<unavailable> "LOG" (g)
<unavailable> "DPH"
<unavailable> "DST"

There are a few minor differences, however.

a. EXT_vertex_shader's OP_INDEX_EXT is not available in
ARB_vertex_program which uses the "ARL" instruction and array syntax
to handle dynamically dereferencing source data. See item #10 above
and the discussion of "ARL" in section

b. EXT_vertex_shader's OP_NEGATE_EXT is not available in
ARB_vertex_program. ARB_vertex_program can support a "NEGATE"
operation through the use of swizzle modifiers on source operands or
the "SWZ" instruction.

MOV tempA, -tempB;


SWZ tempA, -tempB, x,y,z,w;

c. The "w" component of EXT_vertex_shader's OP_DOT3_EXT instruction is
left unchanged.

However, in ARB_vertex_program, the "w" component gets the same
result as the "x", "y", and "z" components.

d. EXT_vertex_shader's OP_CLAMP_EXT is not available in
ARB_vertex_program. ARB_vertex_program can support a "CLAMP"
operation by using a pair of "MAX" and "MIN" instructions as in:

# CLAMP arg1 to be within [arg2, arg3]
MAX temp, arg1, arg2;
MIN result, temp, arg3;

e. EXT_vertex_shader's OP_ROUND_EXT is not available in
ARB_vertex_program. ARB_vertex_program can support a "ROUND"
operation by using a pair of "ADD" and "FLOOR" instructions as in:

ADD temp, arg1, 0.5;
FLOOR result, temp;

f. EXT_vertex_shader's OP_EXP_BASE_2_EXT is designed to support high
precision calculations of base-2 exponentiation.

ARB_vertex_program's "EX2" is the equivalent function, however
ARB_vertex_program also offers an "EXP" function that is designed to
support a lower precision approximation of base-2 exponentiation
that can be further refined through an iterative process.

On some implementations, both "EX2" and "EXP" may be carried out
with the same high precision at no cost relative to each other. As
such, if a vertex program is using "EXP" with the intent of
iteratively refining the approximation by using several successive
instructions it may be more efficient to use a single call to "EX2"
and get the high precision with a single instruction.

If on the other hand, a single approximation is good enough, there
is no additional cost to using "EXP" on such implementations.

Further note that in EXT_vertex_shader, OP_EXP_BASE_2_EXT is
specified to take a scalar operand, whereas ARB_vertex_program's
"EXP" and "EX2" instruction each take a vector operand, use the "x"
component, and then write (partial) results to all components of a
destination vector.

g. EXT_vertex_shader's OP_LOG_BASE_2_EXT is designed to support high
precision calculations of base-2 logarithms.

ARB_vertex_program's "LG2" is the equivalent function, however
ARB_vertex_program also offers an "LOG" function that is designed to
support a lower precision approximation of base-2 logarithms that
can be further refined through an iterative process.

On some implementations, both "LG2" and "LOG" may be carried out
with the same high precision at no cost relative to each other. As
such, if a vertex program is using "LOG" with the intent of
iteratively refining the approximation by using several successive
instructions it may be more efficient to use a single call to "LG2"
and get the high precision with a single instruction.

If on the other hand, a single approximation is good enough, there
is no additional cost to using "LOG" on such implementations.

Further note that in EXT_vertex_shader, OP_LOG_BASE_2_EXT is
specified to take a scalar operand, whereas ARB_vertex_program's
"LOG" and "LOG2" instruction each take a vector operand, use the "x"
component, and then write (partial) results to all components of a
destination vector.

h. EXT_vertex_shader's OP_POWER_EXT is designed to support high
precision calculations of the power function.

ARB_vertex_program's "POW" is the equivalent function.

Further note that in EXT_vertex_shader, OP_POWER_EXT is specified to
take a scalar operand, whereas ARB_vertex_program's "POW"
instruction takes a vector operand, uses the "x" component, and
replicates the same result to all components of a destination

i. EXT_vertex_shader's OP_RECIP_EXT is specified to take a scalar
operand, whereas ARB_vertex_program's "RCP" instruction takes a
single component of a vector and replicates the same result to all
components of the destination vector.

j. EXT_vertex_shader's OP_RECIP_SQRT_EXT is specified to take a scalar
operand, whereas ARB_vertex_program's "RSQ" instruction takes a
single component of a vector and replicates the same result to all
components of the destination vector.

k. The "w" component of EXT_vertex_shader's OP_CROSS_PRODUCT_EXT
instruction is forced to 1.0;

However, in ARB_vertex_program, the "w" component is left undefined
and "writes to the w component of the destination are treated as
disabled, regardless of the write mask specified in the XPD

l. EXT_vertex_shader's OP_MULTIPLY_MATRIX is not available in
ARB_vertex_program. ARB_vertex_program can support a "MATRIX
MULTIPLY" operation by using a series of "DP4" instructions as in:

PARAM mat[4] = { state.matrix.modelview };
DP4 result.x, vec, mat[0];
DP4 result.y, vec, mat[1];
DP4 result.z, vec, mat[2];
DP4 result.w, vec, mat[3];

13. Vertex provoking behavior

EXT_vertex_shader does not provoke vertex shader execution when variant
0 is specified (either using Variant*EXT, or variant
arrays). Applications are required to use the conventional Vertex* or
vertex arrays to provoke a vertex in both vertex shader mode and
conventional mode. Variant 0 is considered current state and is

Conversely, ARB_vertex_program does provoke vertex program execution
when attribute 0 is specified (either using VertexAttrib*vARB, or
attribute arrays) in both vertex program mode and conventional mode.
Attribute 0 is not considered current state and is not queryable.

For implementations that support both extensions, this means that if
ARB_vertex_program is disabled, and EXT_vertex_shader is enabled, then
specifying ARB_vertex_program's attribute 0 will still provoke
execution of the currently bound EXT_vertex_shader defined shader.

14. Enabled state

On implementations that support both EXT_vertex_shader, and
ARB_vertex_program, priority is given to ARB_vertex_program. That is to
say, if both are enabled, the implementation uses the program defined
by ARB_vertex_program and does not execute the currently bound
EXT_vertex_shader shader unless or until ARB_vertex_program is
subsequently disabled. Needless to say, it is not expected that a given
application will actually attempt to use both vertex program API's at

GLX Protocol

     The following rendering commands are sent to the server as part of a
glXRender request:

2 12 rendering command length
2 4189 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
2 INT16 v[0]
2 unused

2 12 rendering command length
2 4193 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
4 FLOAT32 v[0]

2 16 rendering command length
2 4197 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
8 FLOAT64 v[0]

2 12 rendering command length
2 4190 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
2 INT16 v[0]
2 INT16 v[1]

2 16 rendering command length
2 4194 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
4 FLOAT32 v[0]
4 FLOAT32 v[1]

2 24 rendering command length
2 4198 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
8 FLOAT64 v[0]
8 FLOAT64 v[1]

2 16 rendering command length
2 4191 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
2 INT16 v[0]
2 INT16 v[1]
2 INT16 v[2]
2 unused

2 20 rendering command length
2 4195 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
4 FLOAT32 v[0]
4 FLOAT32 v[1]
4 FLOAT32 v[2]

2 32 rendering command length
2 4199 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
8 FLOAT64 v[0]
8 FLOAT64 v[1]
8 FLOAT64 v[2]

2 12 rendering command length
2 4230 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
1 INT8 v[0]
1 INT8 v[1]
1 INT8 v[2]
1 INT8 v[3]

2 16 rendering command length
2 4192 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
2 INT16 v[0]
2 INT16 v[1]
2 INT16 v[2]
2 INT16 v[3]

2 24 rendering command length
2 4231 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
4 INT32 v[0]
4 INT32 v[1]
4 INT32 v[2]
4 INT32 v[3]

2 12 rendering command length
2 4232 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
1 CARD8 v[0]
1 CARD8 v[1]
1 CARD8 v[2]
1 CARD8 v[3]

2 16 rendering command length
2 4233 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
2 CARD16 v[0]
2 CARD16 v[1]
2 CARD16 v[2]
2 CARD16 v[3]

2 24 rendering command length
2 4234 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
4 CARD32 v[0]
4 CARD32 v[1]
4 CARD32 v[2]
4 CARD32 v[3]

2 24 rendering command length
2 4196 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
4 FLOAT32 v[0]
4 FLOAT32 v[1]
4 FLOAT32 v[2]
4 FLOAT32 v[3]

2 40 rendering command length
2 4200 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
8 FLOAT64 v[0]
8 FLOAT64 v[1]
8 FLOAT64 v[2]
8 FLOAT64 v[3]

2 12 rendering command length
2 4235 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
1 INT8 v[0]
1 INT8 v[1]
1 INT8 v[2]
1 INT8 v[3]

2 16 rendering command length
2 4236 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
2 INT16 v[0]
2 INT16 v[1]
2 INT16 v[2]
2 INT16 v[3]

2 24 rendering command length
2 4237 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
4 INT32 v[0]
4 INT32 v[1]
4 INT32 v[2]
4 INT32 v[3]

2 12 rendering command length
2 4201 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
1 CARD8 v[0]
1 CARD8 v[1]
1 CARD8 v[2]
1 CARD8 v[3]

2 16 rendering command length
2 4238 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
2 CARD16 v[0]
2 CARD16 v[1]
2 CARD16 v[2]
2 CARD16 v[3]

2 24 rendering command length
2 4239 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 index
4 CARD32 v[0]
4 CARD32 v[1]
4 CARD32 v[2]
4 CARD32 v[3]

2 12 rendering command length
2 4180 rendering command opcode
4 ENUM target
4 CARD32 program

2 32 rendering command length
2 4184 rendering command opcode
4 ENUM target
4 CARD32 index
4 FLOAT32 params[0]
4 FLOAT32 params[1]
4 FLOAT32 params[2]
4 FLOAT32 params[3]

2 44 rendering command length
2 4185 rendering command opcode
4 ENUM target
4 CARD32 index
8 FLOAT64 params[0]
8 FLOAT64 params[1]
8 FLOAT64 params[2]
8 FLOAT64 params[3]

2 32 rendering command length
2 4215 rendering command opcode
4 ENUM target
4 CARD32 index
4 FLOAT32 params[0]
4 FLOAT32 params[1]
4 FLOAT32 params[2]
4 FLOAT32 params[3]

2 44 rendering command length
2 4216 rendering command opcode
4 ENUM target
4 CARD32 index
8 FLOAT64 params[0]
8 FLOAT64 params[1]
8 FLOAT64 params[2]
8 FLOAT64 params[3]

The ProgramStringARB is potentially large, and hence can be sent in a
glXRender or glXRenderLarge request.

2 16+len+p rendering command length
2 4217 rendering command opcode
4 ENUM target
4 ENUM format
4 sizei len
len LISTofBYTE program
p unused, p=pad(len)

If the command is encoded in a glxRenderLarge request, the command
opcode and command length fields above are expanded to 4 bytes each:

4 16+len+p rendering command length
4 4217 rendering command opcode

VertexAttribPointerARB, EnableVertexAttribArrayARB, and
DisableVertexAttribArrayARB are entirely client-side commands.

The remaining commands are non-rendering commands. These commands are
sent separately (i.e., not as part of a glXRender or glXRenderLarge
request), using the glXVendorPrivateWithReply request:

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 4+n request length
4 1294 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 INT32 n
n*4 LISTofCARD32 programs

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 4 request length
4 1295 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 INT32 n
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 n reply length
24 unused
n*4 LISTofCARD322 programs

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 6 request length
4 1296 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 ENUM target
4 CARD32 index
4 unused
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n (number of parameter components)

if (n=1) this follows:

4 FLOAT32 params
12 unused

otherwise this follows:

16 unused
n*4 LISTofFLOAT32 params

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 6 request length
4 1297 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 ENUM target
4 CARD32 index
4 unused
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n*2)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n (number of parameter components)

if (n=1) this follows:

8 FLOAT64 params
8 unused

otherwise this follows:

16 unused
n*8 LISTofFLOAT64 params

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 6 request length
4 1305 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 ENUM target
4 CARD32 index
4 unused
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n (number of parameter components)

if (n=1) this follows:

4 FLOAT32 params
12 unused

otherwise this follows:

16 unused
n*4 LISTofFLOAT32 params

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 6 request length
4 1306 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 ENUM target
4 CARD32 index
4 unused
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n*2)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n (number of parameter components)

if (n=1) this follows:

8 FLOAT64 params
8 unused

otherwise this follows:

16 unused
n*8 LISTofFLOAT64 params

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 5 request length
4 1307 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 ENUM target
4 ENUM pname
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n

if (n=1) this follows:

4 INT32 params
12 unused

otherwise this follows:

16 unused
n*4 LISTofINT32 params

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 5 request length
4 1308 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 ENUM target
4 ENUM pname
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 (n+p)/4 reply length
4 unused
4 CARD32 n
16 unused
n STRING program
p unused, p=pad(n)

may be queried by GetVertexAttrib[dfi]ARB, but generate no protocol
and return client-side state.

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 5 request length
4 1301 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 INT32 index
4 ENUM pname
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n*2)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n

if (n=1) this follows:

8 FLOAT64 params
8 unused

otherwise this follows:

16 unused
n*8 LISTofFLOAT64 params

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 5 request length
4 1302 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 INT32 index
4 ENUM pname
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n

if (n=1) this follows:

4 FLOAT32 params
12 unused

otherwise this follows:

16 unused
n*4 LISTofFLOAT32 params

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 5 request length
4 1303 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 INT32 index
4 ENUM pname
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n

if (n=1) this follows:

4 INT32 params
12 unused

otherwise this follows:

16 unused
n*4 LISTofINT32 params

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 4 request length
4 1304 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 INT32 n
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 0 reply length
4 BOOL32 return value
20 unused

When transferring vertex attribute array elements, there may not be a
protocol encoding that exactly matches the combination of combination of
size, normalization enable, and data type in the array. If no match
protocol encoding exists, the encoding for the corresponding 4-component
attribute is used. v[1] and v[2] are set to zero if not specified in the
vertex array. If v[3] is not specified in the vertex array, it is set to
0x7F, 0x7FFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0xFF, 0xFFFF, or 0xFFFFFFFF for the
VertexAttrib4NbvARB, VertexAttrib4NsvARB, VertexAttrib4NivARB,
VertexAttrib4NubvARB, VertexAttrib4NusvARB, and VertexAttrib4NuivARB
protocol encodings, respectively. v[3] is set to one if it is not
specified in the vertex array for the the VertexAttrib4bvARB,
VertexAttrib4svARB, VertexAttrib4ivARB, VertexAttrib4ubvARB,
VertexAttrib4usvARB, and VertexAttrib4uivARB protocol encodings.


    The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by any VertexAttrib*ARB or
GetVertexAttrib*ARB command if <index> is greater than or equal to

The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by VertexAttribPointerARB or
GetVertexAttribPointervARB if <index> is greater than or equal to

The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by VertexAttribPointerARB if <size>
is not one of 1, 2, 3, or 4.

The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by VertexAttribPointerARB if <stride>
is negative.

The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by EnableVertexAttribArrayARB or
DisableVertexAttribArrayARB if <index> is greater than or equal to

The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by ProgramStringARB if the
program string <string> is syntactically incorrect or violates any
semantic restriction of the execution environment of the specified program
target <target>.

The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by BindProgramARB if <program> is
the name of a program whose target does not match <target>.

The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by any ProgramEnvParameter*ARB or
GetProgramEnvParameter*ARB command if <index> is greater than or equal to
the value of MAX_PROGRAM_ENV_PARAMETERS_ARB corresponding to the program
target <target>.

The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by any ProgramLocalParameter*ARB or
GetProgramLocalParameter*ARB command if <index> is greater than or equal
to the value of MAX_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMETERS_ARB corresponding to the
program target <target>.

The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if Begin, RasterPos, or any
command that performs an explicit Begin is called when vertex program mode
is enabled and the currently bound vertex program object does not contain
a valid vertex program.

The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by GetVertexAttrib*ARB if <index>
is zero and <pname> is CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB.

New State

Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Section Attribute
------------------------------- ------ ------------- ------------- ------------------ ------------ ------------
VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB B IsEnabled False vertex program 2.10 enable
VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB B IsEnabled False program-specified enable
point size mode
VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE_ARB B IsEnabled False two-sided color enable
- 96+xR4 GetProgramEnv- (0,0,0,0) program environment 2.14.1 -
ParameterARB parameters
CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB 16+xR4 GetVertex- undefined generic vertex 2.7 current
AttribARB attributes
PROGRAM_ERROR_POSITION_ARB Z GetIntegerv -1 last program error 2.14.1 -
PROGRAM_ERROR_STRING_ARB 0+xub GetString "" last program error 2.14.1 -

Table X.6. New Accessible State Introduced by ARB_vertex_program.

Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Section Attribute
------------------------------- ------ ------------- ------------- ------------------ ------------ ------------
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED_ARB 16+xB GetVertex- False vertex attrib 2.8 vertex-array
AttribARB array enable
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE_ARB 16+xZ GetVertex- 4 vertex attrib 2.8 vertex-array
AttribARB array size
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE_ARB 16+xZ+ GetVertex- 0 vertex attrib 2.8 vertex-array
AttribARB array stride
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE_ARB 16+xZ4 GetVertex- FLOAT vertex attrib 2.8 vertex-array
AttribARB array type
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ 16+xB GetVertex- False vertex attrib 2.8 vertex-array
NORMALIZED_ARB AttribARB array normalized
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER_ARB 16+xP GetVertex- NULL vertex attrib 2.8 vertex-array
AttribPointerARB array pointer

Table X.7. New Accessible Client State Introduced by ARB_vertex_program.

Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Sec Attrib
-------------------- ----- ------------------- --------------- ---------------------- -------- ------
PROGRAM_BINDING_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB object-specific bound program name 6.1.12 -
PROGRAM_LENGTH_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 0 bound program length 6.1.12 -
PROGRAM_FORMAT_ARB Z1 GetProgramivARB PROGRAM_FORMAT_ bound program format 6.1.12 -
PROGRAM_STRING_ARB ubxn GetProgramStringARB (empty) bound program string 6.1.12 -
PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 0 bound program 6.1.12 -
PROGRAM_TEMPORARIES_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 0 bound program 6.1.12 -
PROGRAM_PARAMETERS_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 0 bound program 6.1.12 -
parameter bindings
PROGRAM_ATTRIBS_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 0 bound program 6.1.12 -
attribute bindings
PROGRAM_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 0 bound program 6.1.12 -
address registers
PROGRAM_NATIVE_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 0 bound program native 6.1.12 -
PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEMPORARIES_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 0 bound program native 6.1.12 -
PROGRAM_NATIVE_PARAMETERS_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 0 bound program native 6.1.12 -
parameter bindings
PROGRAM_NATIVE_ATTRIBS_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 0 bound program native 6.1.12 -
attribute bindings
PROGRAM_NATIVE_ADDRESS_ Z+ GetProgramivARB 0 bound program native 6.1.12 -
REGISTERS_ARB address registers
PROGRAM_UNDER_NATIVE_LIMITS_ARB B GetProgramivARB 0 bound program under 6.1.12 -
native resource limits
- 96+xR4 GetProgramLocal- (0,0,0,0) bound program local 2.14.1 -
ParameterARB parameter value

Table X.8. Program Object State. Program object queries return attributes of
the program object currently bound to the program target <target>.

Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Sec Attribute
--------- ------ ----------- ------------- ----------------------- -------- ---------
- 12+xR4 - undefined temporary registers -
- 8+xR4 - undefined vertex result registers -
1+xZ1 - undefined vertex program -
address registers

Table X.9. Vertex Program Per-vertex Execution State. All per-vertex
execution state registers are uninitialized at the beginning of program

Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Sec Attribute
------------------------------ -------- -------------- ------------- ------------------- ------- ---------
CURRENT_MATRIX_ARB m*n*xM^4 GetFloatv Identity current matrix 6.1.2 -
CURRENT_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_ARB m*Z+ GetIntegerv 1 current stack depth 6.1.2 -

Table X.10. Current matrix state where m is the total number of matrices
including texture matrices and program matrices and n is the number of
matrices on each particular matrix stack. Note that this state is aliased
with existing matrix state.

New Implementation Dependent State
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec Attrib
----------------------------------- ---- --------------- ---------- -------------------- ------------ ------
MAX_PROGRAM_ENV_PARAMETERS_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 96 maximum program 2.14.1 -
env parameters
MAX_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMETERS_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 96 maximum program 2.14.1 -
local parameters
MAX_PROGRAM_MATRICES_ARB Z+ GetIntegerv 8 (not to maximum number of 2.14.6 -
exceed 32) program matrices
MAX_PROGRAM_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_ARB Z+ GetIntegerv 1 maximum program 2.14.6 -
matrix stack depth
MAX_PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 128 maximum program 6.1.12 -
MAX_PROGRAM_TEMPORARIES_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 12 maximum program 6.1.12 -
MAX_PROGRAM_PARAMETERS_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 96 maximum program 6.1.12 -
parameter bindings
MAX_PROGRAM_ATTRIBS_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 16 maximum program 6.1.12 -
attribute bindings
MAX_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_REGISTERS_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB 1 maximum program 6.1.12 -
address registers
MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_INSTRUCTIONS_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB - maximum program native 6.1.12 -
MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_TEMPORARIES_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB - maximum program native 6.1.12 -
MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_PARAMETERS_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB - maximum program native 6.1.12 -
parameter bindings
MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ATTRIBS_ARB Z+ GetProgramivARB - maximum program native 6.1.12 -
attribute bindings
MAX_PROGRAM_NATIVE_ADDRESS_ Z+ GetProgramivARB - maximum program native 6.1.12 -
REGISTERS_ARB address registers

Table X.11. New Implementation-Dependent Values Introduced by
ARB_vertex_program. Values queried by GetProgramivARB require a <pname> of

Revision History

    Rev.    Date    Author    Changes
---- -------- -------- --------------------------------------------
45 09/27/04 pbrown Fixed GLX protocol, removing the unused <pname>
parameters for GetProgram{Env,Local}Parameter
[df]vARB, leaving an unused CARD32 in its place.
This was an error when propogating
NV_vertex_program protocol, which did have a
<pname> parameter.

44 09/12/03 pbrown Fixed opcode table entry for "ARL" -- it takes a
scalar operand as specified in the grammar.

43 08/17/03 pbrown Fixed a couple minor typos (missing quotes)
in the grammar.

42 05/01/03 pbrown Clarified the handling of color sum; old text
suggested that COLOR_SUM controlled the
operation even when doing separate specular

41 04/18/03 pbrown Add a couple overlooked contributors.

40 03/03/03 pbrown Fixed list of immediate-mode VertexAttrib
functions in Section 2.7 -- there are no
normalized float functions (e.g.,
VertexAttrib4Nfv). Clarified issue (42)
describing how point size is handled in vertex
program mode.

39 01/31/03 pbrown Fixed minor bug in the description of vertex
array state kept by the GL -- normalization
flags were omitted from the text (but were in
the state tables).

38 01/08/03 pbrown Fixed bug where "state.matrix.mvp" was specified
incorrectly -- it should be P*M0 rather than

37 12/23/02 pbrown Fixed minor typos. Fixed state table bug where
CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARB was incorrectly called

36 09/09/02 pbrown Fixed incorrect example of matrix row bindings
(and transposition). Small wording/typo fixes.

35 08/27/02 pbrown Fixed several minor typos. Documented that a
program string should not include a null
terminator in its first <len> characters. Fixed
dangling reference in <paramMultipleItem>
grammar rule. Fix incorrect wording in
computation of state.light.half vector.
Documented that the inverse of a singular matrix
is undefined. Clarified that native
instructions can include additions due to
emulation of features not supported natively.
Documented that LG2 produces undefined results
with zero or negative inputs. Clarified that
POW may be a LOG/MUL/EXP sequence, but isn't
necessarily so. Disallowed multiple modelview
matrix syntax if ARB_vertex_blend or
EXT_vertex_weighting is unsupported. Fixed
state table query function for attribute array
enables. Added missing state table entry for

34 07/19/02 pbrown Fixed typo in ArrayElement pseudo-code.

33 07/17/02 pbrown Fixed bug in the <stateLModProperty> grammar
rule. Fixed documentation to indicate that
Enable/DisableVertexAttribArray are not display

31 07/15/02 pbrown Fixed <SWZ_instruction> grammar rule to match
the spec language -- base operand negation
doesn't apply, since you can independently
negate components. Modified "XPD" instruction
to eliminate the implicit masking of the "w"
component; slight efficiency gain for some SW
implementations. Modified "scenecolor" binding
to pass the diffuse alpha instead of the ambient
alpha; the former is more useful.

30 07/02/02 pbrown Minor wording fixes.

29 06/21/02 pbrown Mostly minor bug fixes from reviewer feedback;
also added one new item approved at ARB meeting.

Additions: Added a "lightmodel.*.scenecolor"
holding lit color containing the composite
lighting result ignoring individual lights --
i.e., from only emissive materials and the light
model. Added GLX protocol.

Minor changes: Numerous minor typo and wording
fixes. Added missing vertex array types to
vertex array size/type/normalized table. Added
missing description of ambient light model color
binding. Removed several references to language
features long since deleted. Documented that
POW is not necessarily implemented as
LOG/MUL/EXP. Fixed a couple minor errata in the
EXT_vertex_shader interaction section. Added a
list of reserved keywords.

28 06/16/02 pbrown Minor updates based on feedback given on
versions 26 and 27.

Additions: Added section on EXT_vertex_shader
interaction, provided by ATI.

Minor changes: Minor grammar and readability
fixes. Fixed several incomplete definitions.
Removed "GL" and "gl" prefixes from several
enumerants and function names to match spec
conventions. Clarified the precision issue on
EX2/LG2. Added missing functions that take
VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB. Clarified component
normalization on vertex arrays. Clarified
clipping section to note that user clipping is
done with position invariant programs.
Clarified the handling of program zero in
BindProgramARB. Fixed a couple incorrect
grammar rules. Fixed incorrect grammar
references in description of vertex program
parameter array accesses. Documented that the
SWZ instruction doesn't take "normal" swizzle
and negation modifiers, since it already has
some. Clarified some NV_vertex_program

27 06/07/02 pbrown Minor update based on ARB_vertex_program sample
implementation work.

Changes: Changed fog coordinate attribute and
result binding name to "fogcoord" (was "fog").
Rearranged grammar based on sample
implementation verification. There might be a
minor fix or two stuck in there.

26 06/04/02 pbrown Spec checkpoint published on the working group
web site. Resolves most of the remaining open

Deletions: Removed the ability to bind the
color matrix (from ARB_imaging).

Changes: Resolved the handling of vertex
attribute zero (it always specifies a vertex, in
program mode or not). Resolved the handling of
generic and conventional vertex attribute arrays
(they are always sent, although they also have
"undefined aliasing" behavior). Default values
of generic attributes are undefined, to
accommodate aliasing and non-aliasing
implementations. Added pseudocode to document
the processing of ArrayElement. Moved program
object language into the vertex program section.
Renamed the fog coordinate attribute and result
binding to "fogcoord". Added missing
documentation of the agreed-upon semantic
restriction that programs can't bind
conventional / generic attribute pairs that may
alias. Added documentation of what happens when
multiple contexts share program objects
Disallowed queries of generic attribute zero.

Fixes: Fixed prototype for VertexAttrib4Nub.

Minor Changes: Minor typo and language
fixes. Added guidelines for future
programmability extensions. Added several
missing grammar rules.

25 05/30/02 pbrown Spec checkpoint published on the working group
web site.

Additions: Add "DPH" (dot product homogeneous)
instruction. Added the ability to query the
current matrix in transposed form. Assigned
enumerant values for program matrices. Added
the ability bind selected rows of a matrix.
Added ability to bind matrix palette matrices.

Changes: Renamed PROGRAM_NAME_ARB to
PROGRAM_BINDING_ARB. Specifying the number of
elements in parameter arrays is now optional,
but compilation will fail if the specified count
does not match. Programs performing
out-of-bounds array accesses using absolute
addressing will now fail to load. Allow "$" in
token names.

Minor changes: Completed scrub of the issues
and error list. Added new issues about reserved
keywords, identifier characters, and parsing of
floating-point constants in programs.
Miscellaneous typo fixes. Updated the grammar
to include light products and half angles, moved
material properties from per-vertex to parameter
bindings, and a few other miscellaneous fixes.
Simplified the matrix binding table. Modified
the color sum portion of the spec to explicitly
add R,G,B only. Removed several incorrect
errors. Fixed program object state table.

24 05/21/02 pbrown Spec checkpoint published on the working group
web site.

Deletions: Removed the semantic requirement
that vertex programs write a vertex position,
per working group resolution.

Minor changes: Cleaned up cruft in a number of
issues; many more to go. Added several issues.
Documented that VertexAttrib functions are
allowed inside Begin/End pairs. Changed default
initialization values of generic attributes to
accommodate attribute aliasing. Documented that
point sizes and fog coordinates computed by
vertex programs are clipped during primitive
clipping. Documented that vertex program
behavior is undefined in color index mode.

23 05/21/02 pbrown Spec checkpoint. More changes from working
group deliberations.

Additions: Added vertex materials as allowed
program parameter bindings. Allow programs to
use vertex attribute binding names, program
parameter binding names, result variable binding
names, and constants in executable statements,
resulting in implicit bindings. Added support
for binding a single row of a matrix. Added
support for binding precomputed light/material
products. Added restriction that a single GL
state vector can't be bound multiple times in
two separate arrays accessed with relative
addressing. Added new section documenting the
various resource limits, and introducting the
idea of "native" resource limits and counts.

Deletions: Removed vertex materials as allowed
vertex attribute bindings.

Minor changes: Added more names to the
contributors list. Updated issues concerning
undefined aliasing. Moved NV_vertex_program
related issues to the NV_vertex_program
interaction sections. Updated NV_vertex_program
interactions. Updated lighting example using
new derived state bindings. Clarified that
"!!ARBvp1.0" is not a token in the grammar and
that programs are parsed beginning immediately
after the header string. Added text to explain
all attribute, program parameter, and result
bindings instead of depending on binding table
interpretations. Broke the large program
parameter binding table into several smaller
tables, organized by function. Documented that
the queryable program error string may contain
warnings when a program loads successfully, and
that a queried program error string is
guaranteed to remain constant only until the
next program load attempt. Added PROGRAM_NAME
query to the appropriate state table.

22 05/20/02 pbrown Spec checkpoint. More changes from working
group deliberations.

Added functionality: Assigned enumerant values.
Added "undefined (vertex attribute) aliasing"
language, where setting a generic attribute
leaves a conventional one undefined, and vice
versa. Added support for matrix indices from
ARB_matrix_palette. Added default program
object zero. Added support for simple named
variable aliasing. Added queries of API-level
and "native" resources used by a program and
their corresponding limits. Added general query
to determine if a program fits in native limits.

Removed functionality: Removed extension string
entry for position-invariant programs (now

Modified functionality: GetProgram and
GetProgramString now take a target instead of a
program name. Default values for 3 generic
attributes are changed for consistent aliasing.
Added 1/(end-start) binding for fog parameters.
Added precomputed infinite light/viewer half
angle binding. ProgramString takes a "void *"
instead of a "ubyte *".

Minor Changes: Clarified key terms for the
extension. Documented that user clipping is not
supported in the base extension. Added warnings
on a couple pitfalls from uninitalized result
registers. Document that EXT_vertex_weighting
and ARB_vertex_blend use the same weight.
Cleaned up bindings for 4-component colors for
cases where only three components are used.
Documented the implicit absolute value operation
on the LOG instruction. Renamed query token for
querying generic vertex attribute array enables.
Renamed and relocated vertex program binding
query. Added language to Section 2.6. Changed
syntax to bind a range of the environment or
local paramater array to use double dots ("..").
Clarified what happens on a weight binding using
more weights than an implementation supports.
Clarified the component selection pseudocode for
scalar operand loads. Clarified what happens to
vertex program results during primitive
assembly. Fixed a number of errors in the state

21 04/29/02 pbrown More changes from working group deliberations.

Added functionality: Added "FLR", "FRC", "POW",
and "XPD" (cross product) instructions. Added
functions to enable/disable generic attribute
arrays. Added query of a program error string.
Added "format" enum argument to ProgramStringARB
to provide for possible programs not using ASCII
text. Added new enums to permit different
limits for overall numbers of program
environment and local parameters and the number
of parameters that can be bound by a program.

Removed functionality: Removed support for
evaluators for generic attributes. Removed
support for program residency management.
Removed support for user clipping in standard
vertex programs. Removed functionality to set
more than one program environment parameter at

Issues/Changes: Resolved set of immediate mode
VertexAttrib functions. Combined parameter
bindings for several groups of related GL state.
Resolved user clipping issue by disallowing
except for position invariant programs.
Resolved limits for array relative offsets.
GenProgramsARB and DeleteProgramsARB will use
texture object model. Program environment
parameters will not be pushed/popped.

Bug fixes: Fixed vertex attribute index
prototypes (should be uint instead of int).
Fixed tokens used to query generic attribute
state (should have VERTEX prefixes). Fixed
documentation of the alpha component of material
colors. Fixed documentation of initial state
for vertex program objects.

Temporarily removed dated GLX protocol language
(will restore in one pass after resolving
remaining issues).

20 04/17/02 pbrown Clarify the meaning of individual components of
program parameters where the component mapping
is not obvious from the mapping table.

18 04/15/02 pbrown Update spec to reflect issues resolved by the
working group on 4/11.

Started using "program matrix" terminology --
was "tracking matrix".

Address register variables must now be declared.
The number of address registers can be queried.
Only 1-component address registers are currently

VertexAttribPointer takes a separate argument to
indicate normalized data, now called
"normalized" (was "normalize").

ProgramString and functions to set and query
local parameters all take a <target> and refer
to the currently bound program (previously took
a program number). Have not touched other
somewhat related issues (e.g., is there a
program object zero?).

Added COLOR_SUM enable (taken directly from
EXT_secondary_color) for completeness and a
few updates to EXT_secondary_color

Fixed cut-and-paste error in specification of
the clip-space user clip dot product.

Documented special-case arithmetic for ADD, MAD,
and MUL.

Eliminated some wordiness in DP3 and DP4
instruction pseudo-code.

Minor changes not from working group: More
verbose documentation on the user clipping
issue. More detail on other opcode candidates.
Removed redundant color material issue. Minor
fixes to error roundup (not complete) and to
state tables to reflect that most program
execution variables are initially undefined.

17 04/08/02 pbrown Issues: Enumerated other candidates for
consideration in the instruction set -- there
may be more that I missed. Added a description
of some of the considerations on how color
material should be treated. Added issues on the
name of the program matrices, the number of MVP
matrices, and where variable declarations
can be done. Added numbers to all spec issues.
Fixed lighting example (issue 74) so it
compiles, and so that the half vector is
properly normalized.

Grammar: Eliminated stale hardwired temporary,
parameter array, and result register names
(R<n>, c[<n>], and o[...]). Should have been
deleted going from revision 5 to revision 12.
Added missing program matrix bindings to the
grammar. Eliminated state material-as-parameter
bindings. Fixed texgen paramete bindings, which
should have had both "eye" and "object" planes.
Added separate address register write masks and
selectors to reflect the current single-
component address register restriction. Added
an array[A0.x] rule -- before, you erroneously
had to add or subtract a constant. Modified SWZ
so that the register being swizzled can't take a
conventional swizzle suffix, too.

Also reorganized grammar to closely mirror the
sample implementation, consolidating a number of
redundant rules. Also fixed several bugs
found by the implementation.

Documentation changes to "LIT" to use the right
variable name and also indicate that 0^0=1.
Fixed the computation of result.y in the "LOG"

Other: Added dependency on ARB_imaging. Added
notation of Microsoft's IP claims. Fixed name

A few minor typo fixes.

12 03/11/02 pbrown Modified spec to reflect decisions made at
the March 2002 ARB meeting. Distributed
to the OpenGL participants list.

5 03/03/02 pbrown Distributed to the ARB prior to March 2002
ARB meeting.

Implementation Support

   List of OpenGL implementations supporting the GL_ARB_vertex_program extension

Original File

   Original text file for the GL_ARB_vertex_program extension

Page generated on Sun Nov 20 18:36:23 2005