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    Mark J. Kilgard, NVIDIA Corporation (mjk 'at'


    Copyright NVIDIA Corporation, 1999.


    Shipping (version 1.0)
NVIDIA, Mesa 3.1, and ATI support this.

This extension's texture coordinate generation functionality is
incoporated into the ARB_texture_cube_map extension. The same
enumerant values are used.

The ARB_texture_cube_map functionality, including this texgen
reflection functionality, is part of OpenGL 1.3 and subsequent
revisions of the core OpenGL standard.


    June 17, 2003
$Date: 2003/06/17 $ $Revision: #10 $




    Written based on the wording of the OpenGL 1.2 specification but
not dependent on it.


    This extension provides two new texture coordinate generation modes
that are useful texture-based lighting and environment mapping.
The reflection map mode generates texture coordinates (s,t,r)
matching the vertex's eye-space reflection vector. The reflection
map mode is useful for environment mapping without the singularity
inherent in sphere mapping. The normal map mode generates texture
coordinates (s,t,r) matching the vertex's transformed eye-space
normal. The normal map mode is useful for sophisticated cube map
texturing-based diffuse lighting models.


    Should we place the normal/reflection vector in the (s,t,r) texture
coordinates or (s,t,q) coordinates?

RESOLUTION: (s,t,r). Even if the proposed hardware uses "q" for
the third component, the API should claim to support generation of
(s,t,r) and let the texture matrix (through a concatenation with
the user-supplied texture matrix) move "r" into "q".

Should you be able to have some texture coordinates computing
REFLECTION_MAP_NV and others not? Same question with NORMAL_MAP_NV.

RESOLUTION: YES. This is the way that SPHERE_MAP works. It is
not clear that this would ever be useful though.

Should something special be said about the handling of the q
texture coordinate for this spec?

RESOLUTION: NO. But the following paragraph is useful for
implementors concerned about the handling of q.

The REFLECTION_MAP_NV and NORMAL_MAP_NV modes are intended to supply
reflection and normal vectors for cube map texturing hardware.
When these modes are used for cube map texturing, the generated
texture coordinates can be thought of as a reflection vector.
The value of the q texture coordinate then simply scales the
vector but does not change its direction. Because only the vector
direction (not the vector magnitude) matters for cube map texturing,
implementations are free to leave q undefined when any of the s,
t, or r texture coordinates are generated using REFLECTION_MAP_NV

New Procedures and Functions


New Tokens

    Accepted by the <param> parameters of TexGend, TexGenf, and TexGeni
when <pname> parameter is TEXTURE_GEN_MODE:


When the <pname> parameter of TexGendv, TexGenfv, and TexGeniv is
TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, then the array <params> may also contain

Additions to Chapter 2 of the 1.2 Specification (OpenGL Operation)

 --  Section 2.10.4 "Generating Texture Coordinates"

Change the last sentence in the 1st paragraph to:

"If <pname> is TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, then either <params> points to
or <param> is an integer that is one of the symbolic constants

Add these paragraphs after the 4th paragraph:

"If TEXTURE_GEN_MODE indicates REFLECTION_MAP_NV, compute the
reflection vector r as described for the SPHERE_MAP mode. Then the
value assigned to an s coordinate (the first TexGen argument value
is S) is s = rx; the value assigned to a t coordinate is t = ry;
and the value assigned to a r coordinate is r = rz. Calling TexGen
with a <coord> of Q when <pname> indicates REFLECTION_MAP_NV
generates the error INVALID_ENUM.

If TEXTURE_GEN_MODE indicates NORMAL_MAP_NV, compute the normal
vector n' as described in section 2.10.3. Then the value assigned
to an s coordinate (the first TexGen argument value is S) is s =
nfx; the value assigned to a t coordinate is t = nfy; and the
value assigned to a r coordinate is r = nfz. (The values nfx, nfy,
and nfz are the components of nf.) Calling TexGen with a <coord>
of Q when <pname> indicates REFLECTION_MAP_NV generates the error

The last paragraph's first sentence should be changed to:

"The state required for texture coordinate generation comprises a
five-valued integer for each coordinate indicating coordinate
generation mode, ..."

Additions to Chapter 3 of the 1.2 Specification (Rasterization)


Additions to Chapter 4 of the 1.2 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer)


Additions to Chapter 5 of the 1.2 Specification (Special Functions)


Additions to Chapter 6 of the 1.2 Specification (State and State Requests)


Additions to the GLX Specification



     INVALID_ENUM is generated when TexGen is called with a <coord> of Q
when <pname> indicates REFLECTION_MAP_NV or NORMAL_MAP_NV.

New State

(table 6.14, p204) change the entry for TEXTURE_GEN_MODE to:

Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Sec Attribute
--------- ---- ----------- ------------- ----------- ------ ---------
TEXTURE_GEN_MODE 4xZ5 GetTexGeniv EYE_LINEAR Function used for 2.10.4 texture
texgen (for s,t,r,
and q)

(the type changes from 4xZ3 to 4xZ5)

New Implementation State


Revision History


Implementation Support

   List of OpenGL implementations supporting the GL_NV_texgen_reflection extension

Original File

   Original text file for the GL_NV_texgen_reflection extension

Page generated on Sun Nov 20 18:39:05 2005