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English/Español/Français/Português/Russian/Italian/Türkçe/Translation Team

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1. Translation Team/ Grupo de Traducción / Groupe de Traduction / Çeviri Ekibi

English to Spanish / Inglés a Español / Anglais à Espagnol:

Julián Pibuel (Kanguro) / Argentina (kangurodecker<en>gmail.com)
Rafael Villar Burke/España - (pachi <at> rvburke <dot> com) - tindc only

English to French / Inglés a Francés / Anglais à Français:

Damien Thébault (tuXXX) (tuxxx <at> laposte <dot> net) - tindc only

English to Russian / Inglés a Ruso / Anglais à Russe:

Alexey Smirnoff (fling) (fling ‘ät’ xakep ‹đøł› ru)

English to German / Inglés a Alemán / Anglais à Allemand:


English to Italian/ Inglés a Italian / Anglais à Italian:

Francesco Marella (fmarl) <fmarl AT paranoici DOT org>

English to Brazilian Portuguese/ Inglês para português do Brasil:

HelioSantos (mano_97h@hotmail.com) FelipeAmado (amadofelipe <at> gmail <dot> com)

English to Japanese / Inglês para Japonés / Anglais à Japonais:


English to Turkish/ İngilizce'den Türkçe'ye:

Özgür Sarıer (ozgursarier1011601115<at>gmail<dot>com)

2. Quieres ayudar a traducir?

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3. Want to help translating?

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4. Quer ajudar a traduzir?

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7. Willst du bei der Übersetzung mithelfen?

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8. 翻訳に助けが必要なら


9. Çevirilere yardımcı olmak mı istiyorsunuz?

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2013-03-24 13:16