Macros |
#define | CPPUNIT_ASSERT(condition) |
| Assertions that a condition is true .
#define | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE(message, condition) |
| Assertion with a user specified message.
#define | CPPUNIT_FAIL(message) |
| Fails with the specified message.
#define | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, actual) |
| Asserts that two values are equals.
#define | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(message, expected, actual) |
| Asserts that two values are equals, provides additional message on failure.
#define | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(expected, actual, delta) |
| Macro for primitive double value comparisons.The assertion pass if both expected and actual are finite and fabs ( expected - actual ) <= delta . If either expected or actual are infinite (+/- inf), the assertion pass if expected == actual . If either expected or actual is a NaN (not a number), then the assertion fails.
#define | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL_MESSAGE(message, expected, actual, delta) |
| Macro for primitive double value comparisons, setting a user-supplied message in case of failure.
#define | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(expression, ExceptionType) |
| Asserts that the given expression throws an exception of the specified type.
#define | CPPUNIT_EXTRACT_EXCEPTION_TYPE_(exception, no_rtti_message) std::string( no_rtti_message ) |
#define | CPPUNIT_GET_PARAMETER_STRING(parameter) #parameter |
#define | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW_MESSAGE(message, expression, ExceptionType) |
| Asserts that the given expression throws an exception of the specified type, setting a user supplied message in case of failure.
#define | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_NO_THROW(expression) |
| Asserts that the given expression does not throw any exceptions.
#define | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_NO_THROW_MESSAGE(message, expression) |
| Asserts that the given expression does not throw any exceptions, setting a user supplied message in case of failure.
#define | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_ASSERTION_FAIL(assertion) CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW( assertion, CPPUNIT_NS::Exception ) |
| Asserts that an assertion fail.
#define | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_ASSERTION_FAIL_MESSAGE(message, assertion) CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW_MESSAGE( message, assertion, CPPUNIT_NS::Exception ) |
| Asserts that an assertion fail, with a user-supplied message in case of error.
| Asserts that an assertion pass.
#define | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_ASSERTION_PASS_MESSAGE(message, assertion) CPPUNIT_ASSERT_NO_THROW_MESSAGE( message, assertion ) |
| Asserts that an assertion pass, with a user-supplied message in case of failure.