CppUnit project page | FAQ |
MfcUi | |
QtUi | |
TextUi | |
AdditionalMessage | An additional Message for assertions.Provides a implicit constructor that takes a single string. This allow this class to be used as the message arguments in macros |
Asserter | A set of functions to help writing assertion macros.Here is an example of assertion, a simplified version of the actual assertion implemented in examples/cppunittest/XmlUniformiser.h: |
assertion_traits | Traits used by CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL() |
assertion_traits< double > | Traits used by CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL() |
AutoRegisterRegistry | (Implementation) Automatically adds a registry into another registry |
AutoRegisterSuite | (Implementation) Automatically register the test suite of the specified type |
BriefTestProgressListener | TestListener that prints the name of each test before running it |
CompilerOutputter | Outputs a TestResultCollector in a compiler compatible format.Printing the test results in a compiler compatible format (assertion location has the same format as compiler error), allow you to use your IDE to jump to the assertion failure. Location format can be customized (see setLocationFormat() ) |
ConcretTestFixtureFactory | Concret TestFixture factory (Implementation) |
CppUnitTestPlugIn | Test plug-in interface.This class define the interface implemented by test plug-in. A pointer to that interface is returned by the function exported by the test plug-in |
DefaultProtector | Default protector that catch all exceptions (Implementation) |
DynamicLibraryManager | Manages dynamic libraries |
DynamicLibraryManagerException | Exception thrown by DynamicLibraryManager when a failure occurs |
Exception | Exceptions thrown by failed assertions.Exception is an exception that serves descriptive strings through its what() method |
ExceptionTestCaseDecorator | Expected exception test case decorator |
Functor | |
ITestRunnerDSPluginVtbl | |
Message | Message associated to an Exception.A message is composed of two items: |
MfcTestRunner | MFC test runner.Use this to launch the MFC TestRunner. Usually called from you CWinApp subclass: |
Orthodox | |
Outputter | Abstract outputter to print test result summary |
PlugInManager | Manges TestPlugIn |
PlugInInfo | (INTERNAL) Information about a specific plug-in |
PlugInParameters | Test plug-ins parameters |
Protector | Protects one or more test case run |
ProtectorChain | Protector chain (Implementation). Implementation detail |
ProtectFunctor | |
ProtectorContext | Protector context (Implementation). Implementation detail |
ProtectorGuard | Scoped protector push to TestResult |
QtTestRunner | QT test runner.Here is an example of usage: |
RepeatedTest | Decorator that runs a test repeatedly |
SourceLine | Represents a source line location.Used to capture the failure location in assertion |
StringTools | Tool functions to manipulate string |
SynchronizedObject | Base class for synchronized object |
ExclusiveZone | Locks a synchronization object in the current scope |
SynchronizationObject | Abstract synchronization object (mutex) |
Test | Base class for all test objects.All test objects should be a subclass of Test. Some test objects, TestCase for example, represent one individual test. Other test objects, such as TestSuite, are comprised of several tests |
TestCaller | Generate a test case from a fixture method.A test caller provides access to a test case method on a test fixture class. Test callers are useful when you want to run an individual test or add it to a suite. Test Callers invoke only one Test (i.e. test method) on one Fixture of a TestFixture |
TestCase | A single test object |
TestCaseDecorator | Decorator for Test cases |
TestCaseMethodFunctor | Functor to call test case method (Implementation) |
TestComposite | A Composite of Tests |
TestDecorator | Decorator for Tests |
TestFactory | Abstract Test factory |
TestFactoryRegistry | Registry for TestFactory.Notes that the registry DON'T assumes lifetime control for any registered tests anymore |
TestFactoryRegistryList | (INTERNAL) List of all TestFactoryRegistry |
TestFailure | Record of a failed Test execution.A TestFailure collects a failed test together with the caught exception |
TestFixture | Wraps a test case with setUp and tearDown methods.A TestFixture is used to provide a common environment for a set of test cases |
TestFixtureFactory | Abstract TestFixture factory (Implementation) |
TestLeaf | A single test object |
TestListener | Listener for test progress and result.Implementing the Observer pattern a TestListener may be registered to a TestResult to obtain information on the testing progress. Use specialized sub classes of TestListener for text output (TextTestProgressListener). Do not use the Listener for the test result output, use a subclass of Outputter instead |
TestNamer | Names a test or a fixture suite |
TestPath | A List of Test representing a path to access a Test.The path can be converted to a string and resolved from a string with toString() and TestPath( Test *root, const std::string &pathAsString ) |
TestPlugInDefaultImpl | Default implementation of test plug-in interface.Override getSuiteName() to specify the suite name. Default is "All Tests" |
TestPlugInInterface | Abstract TestPlugIn for DLL |
TestResult | Manages TestListener.A single instance of this class is used when running the test. It is usually created by the test runner (TestRunner) |
TestResultCollector | Collects test result.A TestResultCollector is a TestListener which collects the results of executing a test case. It is an instance of the Collecting Parameter pattern |
TestRunner | Generic test runner.The TestRunner assumes ownership of all added tests: you can not add test or suite that are local variable since they can't be deleted |
WrappingSuite | (INTERNAL) Mutating test suite |
TestSetUp | Decorates a test by providing a specific setUp() and tearDown() |
TestSuccessListener | TestListener that checks if any test case failed |
TestSuite | A Composite of Tests.It runs a collection of test cases. Here is an example |
TestSuiteBuilderContext | Type-sage context used when creating test suite in HelperMacros |
TestSuiteBuilderContextBase | Context used when creating test suite in HelperMacros |
TestSuiteFactory | TestFactory for TestFixture that implements a static suite() method |
TextOutputter | Prints a TestResultCollector to a text stream |
TextTestProgressListener | TestListener that show the status of each TestCase test result |
TextTestResult | Holds printable test result (DEPRECATED).deprecated Use class TextTestProgressListener and TextOutputter instead |
TextTestRunner | A text mode test runner.The test runner manage the life cycle of the added tests |
XmlDocument | A XML Document |
XmlElement | A XML Element |
XmlOutputter | Outputs a TestResultCollector in XML format.Save the test result as a XML stream |
XmlOutputterHook | Hook to customize Xml output |
Send comments to: CppUnit Developers |