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Name Strings



    Ross Cunniff
Matt Craighead
Daniel Ginsburg
Kevin Lefebvre
Bill Licea-Kane
Nick Triantos


    Matt Craighead, NVIDIA Corporation (mcraighead 'at'
Daniel Ginsburg, ATI Research (dginsbur 'at'


    Copyright NVIDIA Corporation, 2001-2003.

IP Status

    HP has claimed that they hold IP around use of this extension.  HP
has committed to releasing rights to this IP to the ARB if the
functionality is included in OpenGL (April 10, 2003).


    Approved by the ARB (version 1.0), June 10, 2003, pending further minor


    NVIDIA Date: June 24, 2003
$Id: //sw/main/docs/OpenGL/specs/GL_ARB_occlusion_query.txt#4 $


    ARB Extension #29


    Written based on the wording of the OpenGL 1.4 specification.

HP_occlusion_test affects the definition of this extension.


    This extension defines a mechanism whereby an application can query
the number of pixels (or, more precisely, samples) drawn by a
primitive or group of primitives.

The primary purpose of such a query (hereafter referred to as an
"occlusion query") is to determine the visibility of an object.
Typically, the application will render the major occluders in the
scene, then perform an occlusion query for the bounding box of each
detail object in the scene. Only if said bounding box is visible,
i.e., if at least one sample is drawn, should the corresponding object
be drawn.

The earlier HP_occlusion_test extension defined a similar mechanism,
but it had two major shortcomings.

- It returned the result as a simple GL_TRUE/GL_FALSE result, when in
fact it is often useful to know exactly how many samples were
- It provided only a simple "stop-and-wait" model for using multiple
queries. The application begins an occlusion test and ends it;
then, at some later point, it asks for the result, at which point
the driver must stop and wait until the result from the previous
test is back before the application can even begin the next one.
This is a very simple model, but its performance is mediocre when
an application wishes to perform many queries, and it eliminates
most of the opportunities for parallelism between the CPU and GPU.

This extension solves both of those problems. It returns as its
result the number of samples that pass the depth and stencil tests,
and it encapsulates occlusion queries in "query objects" that allow
applications to issue many queries before asking for the result of
any one. As a result, they can overlap the time it takes for the
occlusion query results to be returned with other, more useful work,
such as rendering other parts of the scene or performing other
computations on the CPU.

There are many situations where a pixel/sample count, rather than a
boolean result, is useful.

- Objects that are visible but cover only a very small number of
pixels can be skipped at a minimal reduction of image quality.
- Knowing exactly how many pixels an object might cover may help the
application decide which level-of-detail model should be used. If
only a few pixels are visible, a low-detail model may be
- "Depth peeling" techniques, such as order-independent transparency,
need to know when to stop rendering more layers; it is difficult to
determine a priori how many layers are needed. A boolean result
allows applications to stop when more layers will not affect the
image at all, but this will likely result in unacceptable
performance. Instead, it makes more sense to stop rendering when
the number of pixels in each layer falls below a given threshold.
- Occlusion queries can replace glReadPixels of the depth buffer to
determine whether (for example) a light source is visible for the
purposes of a lens flare effect or a halo to simulate glare. Pixel
counts allow you to compute the percentage of the light source that
is visible, and the brightness of these effects can be modulated


    How is this extension different from NV_occlusion_query?

The following changes have been made.
- A "target" parameter has been added. Only one target exists at
present, SAMPLES_PASSED_ARB, but future extensions could add
additional types of queries.
- Terminology changed slightly. "Pixel" was being used
incorrectly, where "fragment" or "sample" would be more
- Various NVIDIA-specific references have been removed.
- Interactions with multisample have been changed slightly to
allow implementations based on either a sample count or a
fragment count. The result is returned in units of samples.
- Clarified that using an id of zero is illegal.
- Added missing spec language for IsQuery entry point.
- General language, issues, etc. cleanup.
- HP_occlusion_test is no longer required.
- Modified the minimum required counter bits to be dependent on
the implementation's maximum viewport or the value 0
- Clarified that active query state is per target server state.
This implies that a loop of QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE_ARB will
return TRUE in finite time. NV_occlusion_query asked
that the application flush to prevent an infinite loop.
- Clarified the behavior of the async QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE_ARB
- When the count of samples that pass the occlusion query overflows,
the value should saturate.

Should we use an object-based interface?

RESOLVED: Yes, this makes the interface much simpler, and it is
friendly for indirect rendering.

What is the difference between a "query object" and an "occlusion

"Occlusion query" is a synonym for "query object used with target

Should we offer a way to poll whether an occlusion query has
completed and its result is available?

RESOLVED. Yes, this allows applications to use CPU time that might
have been spent spinning more usefully. However, the polling
method introduced in the NV_occlusion_query spec allowed for a
potential infinite loop if the application does not do a flush.
This version of the spec clarifies the behavior which now makes such
a flush unnecessary.

Is GetQueryObjectuivARB necessary?

RESOLVED: Yes, it makes using a 32-bit count less painful.

Should there be a limit on how many queries can be outstanding?

RESOLVED: No. This would make the extension much more
difficult to spec and use. Allowing this does not add any
significant implementation burden; and even if drivers have some
internal limit on the number of outstanding queries, it is not
expected that applications will need to know this to achieve
optimal or near-optimal performance.

What happens if BeginQueryARB is called when a query is already
outstanding for a different object on the same target?


What happens if BeginQueryARB is called with an ID of a query that is
already in progress?

RESOLVED: This is also an INVALID_OPERATION error.

What parameters should EndQueryARB have?

RESOLVED: Just a target. It doesn't need to take an "id"
argument, since this would be redundant -- only one query can be
active for any given target at a given time.

How many bits should we require the samples-passed count to be, at

RESOLVED. The largest minimum that can be required of a GL
implementation is 32, the minimum bit width of an int or uint.

The minimum number of bits required for the samples-passed
count will be dependent on the implementation's maximum viewport size.
In order to allow for two overdraws in the case of only one sample
buffer, the minimum counter precision (n) will be determined by:

n = min (32 , ceil (log2 (maxViewportWidth x maxViewportHeight x
1 sample x 2 overdraws) ) )

An implementation can either set QUERY_COUNTER_BITS_ARB to the
value 0, or to some number greater than or equal to n. If an
implementation returns 0 for QUERY_COUNTER_BITS_ARB, then the
occlusion queries will always return that zero samples passed the
occlusion test, and so an application should not use occlusion queries
on that implementation.

Note that other targets may come along in the future that require more
or fewer bits.

What should we do about overflows?

RESOLVED: Overflows are required to saturate, though it is expected
that several current implementations will not conform to this

The ideal behavior is to saturate. This ensures that you always
get a "large" result when you render many samples. It also
ensures that apps which want a boolean test can do this without
worrying about the rare case where the result ends up exactly at
zero after wrapping.

Either way, it's unlikely that this matters much as long as a
sufficient number of bits are required.

What is the interaction with multisample?

RESOLVED: We count samples, not pixels -- even if MULTISAMPLE is
disabled but SAMPLE_BUFFERS is 1.

A given fragment may have anywhere between zero and SAMPLES of
its samples covered. Ideally, the samples-passed count would be
incremented by the precise number of samples, but we permit
implementations to instead increment the samples-passed count by
SAMPLES if at least one sample in a given fragment is covered.

Note that the depth/stencil test optimization whereby
implementations may choose to depth test at only one of the
samples when MULTISAMPLE is disabled does not cause this to
become ill-specified, because we are counting the number of
samples that are still alive _after_ the depth test stage. The
particular mechanism used to decide whether to kill or keep those
samples is not relevant.

Exactly what stage in the pipeline are we counting samples at?

RESOLVED: We are counting immediately after _both_ the depth and
stencil tests, i.e., samples that pass both. Note that the depth
test comes after the stencil test, so to say that it is the
number that pass the depth test is sufficient; though it is often
conceptually helpful to think of the depth and stencil tests as
being combined, because the depth test's result impacts the
stencil operation used.

Is it guaranteed that occlusion queries return in order?

RESOLVED: Yes. It makes sense to do this. If occlusion test X
occurred before occlusion query Y, and the driver informs the app
that occlusion query Y is done, the app can infer that occlusion
query X is also done. For applications that do poll, this allows
them to do so with less effort.

Will polling a query without a Flush possibly cause an infinite loop?

RESOLVED: No. An infinite loop was possible in the original
NV_occlusion_query spec if an application did not perform a
flush prior to polling. This behavior was removed in this version
of the spec as it violated language in the core GL spec.

Instead of allowing for an infinite loop, performing a
QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE_ARB will perform a flush if the result
is not ready yet on the first time it is queried. This ensures
that the async query will return true in finite time.

This behavior is not a significant performance loss over the original
version of the spec. A flush would need to be performed at some
point anyway and the flush performed when QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE_ARB
is requested will only occur *if the result is not back yet*.

What should be the interaction between this spec and

RESOLVED: Whereas NV_occlusion_query required that you implement
HP_occlusion_test, and even went so far as to specify the precise
behavior of HP_occlusion_test (since the HP_occlusion_test spec
did not contain those details), this spec does not. This spec
explains the interaction with HP_occlusion_test, but does not
attempt to double as a spec for that extension.

What happens if HP_occlusion_test and ARB_occlusion_query usage is

RESOLVED: The two can be overlapped safely. Counting is enabled
if either an occlusion query is active *or* OCCLUSION_TEST_HP is
enabled. The alternative (producing an error) does not work --
it would require that PopAttrib be capable of producing an error,
which would be rather problematic.

Note that BeginQueryARB, not EndQueryARB, resets the sample
count (and therefore the occlusion test result). This can avoid
certain types of strange behavior where an occlusion query's
samples-passed count does not always correspond to the samples
rendered during the occlusion query. The spec would make sense
the other way, but the behavior would be strange.

Should there be a "target" parameter to BeginQueryARB?

RESOLVED: Yes. Whereas NV_occlusion_query wasn't trying to solve
a problem beyond simple occlusion queries, this extension creates
a framework useful for future queries.

Does GenQueriesARB need a "target" parameter?

RESOLVED: No. A query can be reused any number of times with any

How can one ask for the currently active query?

RESOLVED: A new entry point has been added to query information
about a given query target. This makes it unnecessary to add two
new enumerants (# of bits and current query ID) for each new
target that is introduced.

Are query objects shareable between multiple contexts?

RESOLVED: No. Query objects are lightweight and we normally share
large data across contexts. Also, being able to share query objects
across contexts is not particularly useful. In order to do the async
query across contexts, a query on one context would have to be finished
before the other context could query it.

What happens when an app begins a query on a target, ends it, begins
a query on the same target with the same id, ends it, and then tries
to retrieve data about the query using GetQueryObjecti[u]vARB? Which
query does the GetQueryObjecti[u]vARB return results for?

RESOLVED. In this case, the result retrieved from
GetQueryObjecti[u]vARB will be from the last query on that target and
id. The result returned from GetQueryObjecti[u]vARB will always be from
the last BeginQueryARB/EndQueryARB pair on that target and id.

Is this extension useful for saving geometry, fill rate, or both?

The answer to this question is to some extent implementation-
dependent, but it is expected that it is most useful for reducing
geometry workload, and less so for fill rate.

For the cost of rendering a bounding box, you can potentially
save rendering a normal object. A bounding box consists of only
12 triangles, whereas the original object might have contained
thousands or even millions of triangles.

Using bounding box occlusion queries may either help or hurt in
fill-limited situations, because rendering the pixels of a
bounding box is not free. In most situations, a bounding box
will probably have more pixels than the original object. Those
pixels can probably be rendered more quickly, though, since they
involve only Z reads (no Z writes or color traffic), and they
need not be textured or otherwise shaded.

In multipass rendering situations, however, occlusion queries can
almost always save fill rate, because wrapping an object with an
occlusion query is generally cheap. See "Usage Examples" for an

What can be said about guaranteeing correctness when using
occlusion queries, especially as it relates to invariance?

Invariance is critical to guarantee the correctness of occlusion
queries. If occlusion queries go through a different code path
than standard rendering, the fragments rendered may be different.

However, the invariance issues are difficult at best to solve.
Because of the vagaries of floating-point precision, it is
difficult to guarantee that rendering a bounding box will render
at least as many pixels with equal or smaller Z values than the
object itself would have rendered.

Likewise, many other aspects of rendering state tend to be
different when performing an occlusion query. Color and depth
writes are typically disabled, as are texturing, vertex programs,
and any fancy per-fragment math. So unless all these features
have guarantees of invariance themselves (unlikely at best),
requiring invariance for ARB_occlusion_query would be futile.

In general, implementations are recommended to be fully invariant
with respect to whether any given type of query is active,
insofar as it is possible. That is, having an occlusion query
active should not affect the operation of any other stage of the
pipeline. Following this rule is essential to numerous occlusion
query algorithms working correctly. However, to permit
implementations where this feature is implemented in software,
this rule is only a recommendation, not a requirement.

Another unrelated problem that can threaten correctness is near
and far clipping. The bounding box of an object may penetrate
the near clip plane, even though the original object may not
have. In such a circumstance, a bounding box occlusion query may
produce an incorrect result. Whenever you design an algorithm
using occlusion queries, it is best to be careful about the near
and far clip planes.

How can frame-to-frame coherency help applications using this
extension get even higher performance?

Usually, if an object is visible one frame, it will be visible
the next frame, and if it is not visible, it will not be visible
the next frame.

Of course, for most applications, "usually" isn't good enough.
It is undesirable, but acceptable, to render an object that
*isn't* visible, because that only costs performance. It is
generally unacceptable to *not* render an object that *is*

The simplest approach is that visible objects should be checked
every N frames (where, say, N=5) to see if they have become
occluded, while objects that were occluded last frame must be
rechecked again in the current frame to guarantee that they are
still occluded. This will reduce the number of wasteful
occlusion queries by almost a factor of N.

Other, more complicated techniques exist but are beyond the scope
of this extension document.

Do occlusion queries make other visibility algorithms obsolete?


Occlusion queries are helpful, but they are not a cure-all. They
should be only one of many items in your bag of tricks to decide
whether objects are visible or invisible. They are not an excuse
to skip frustum culling, or precomputing visibility using portals
for static environments, or other standard visibility techniques.

New Procedures and Functions

    void GenQueriesARB(sizei n, uint *ids);
void DeleteQueriesARB(sizei n, const uint *ids);
boolean IsQueryARB(uint id);
void BeginQueryARB(enum target, uint id);
void EndQueryARB(enum target);
void GetQueryivARB(enum target, enum pname, int *params);
void GetQueryObjectivARB(uint id, enum pname, int *params);
void GetQueryObjectuivARB(uint id, enum pname, uint *params);

New Tokens

    Accepted by the <target> parameter of BeginQueryARB, EndQueryARB,
and GetQueryivARB:


Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetQueryivARB:


Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetQueryObjectivARB and


Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification (OpenGL Operation)

    Modify Section 2.1, OpenGL Fundamentals (p. 4)

(modify fourth paragraph, p. 4) It also means that queries and
pixel read operations return state consistent with complete
execution of all previously invoked GL commands, except where
explicitly specified otherwise

Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification (Rasterization)


Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer)

    Add a new section "Occlusion Queries" between sections 4.1.6 and

"4.1.6A Occlusion Queries

Occlusion queries can be used to track the number of fragments or
samples that pass the depth test.

Occlusion queries are associated with query objects. The command

void GenQueriesARB(sizei n, uint *ids);

returns <n> previously unused query object names in <ids>. These
names are marked as used, but no object is associated with them until
the first time they are used by BeginQueryARB. Query objects contain
one piece of state, an integer result value. This result value is
initialized to zero when the object is created. Any positive integer
except for zero (which is reserved for the GL) is a valid query
object name.

Query objects are deleted by calling

void DeleteQueriesARB(sizei n, const uint *ids);

<ids> contains <n> names of query objects to be deleted. After a
query object is deleted, its name is again unused. Unused names in
<ids> are silently ignored.

An occlusion query can be started and finished by calling

void BeginQueryARB(enum target, uint id);
void EndQueryARB(enum target);

where <target> is SAMPLES_PASSED_ARB. If BeginQueryARB is called
with an unused <id>, that name is marked as used and associated with
a new query object. If BeginQueryARB is called while another query
is already in progress with the same target, an INVALID_OPERATION
error is generated. If EndQueryARB is called while no query with the
same target is in progress, an INVALID_OPERATION error is generated.
Calling either GenQueriesARB or DeleteQueriesARB while any query of
any target is active causes an INVALID_OPERATION error to be

BeginQueryARB with a <target> of SAMPLES_PASSED_ARB resets the
current samples-passed count to zero and sets the query active
state to TRUE and the active query id to <id>. EndQueryARB with
a target of SAMPLES_PASSED_ARB initializes a copy of the current
samples-passed count into the active occlusion query object's results
value, sets the active occlusion query object's result available to
FALSE, sets the query active state to FALSE, and the active query
id to 0.

If BeginQueryARB is called with an <id> of zero, or where <id> is the
name of a query currently in progress, an INVALID_OPERATION error is

When an occlusion query is active, the samples-passed count increases
by a certain quantity for each fragment that passes the depth test.
If the value of SAMPLE_BUFFERS is 0, then the samples-passed count
increases by 1 for each fragment. If the value of SAMPLE_BUFFERS is
1, then the samples-passed count increases by the number of samples
whose coverage bit is set. However, implementations, at their
discretion, are allowed to instead increase the samples-passed count
by the value of SAMPLES if any sample in the fragment is covered.

If the samples-passed count overflows, i.e., exceeds the value 2^n-1
(where n is the number of bits in the samples-passed count), its
value becomes undefined. It is recommended, but not required, that
implementations handle this overflow case by saturating at 2^n-1 and
incrementing no further.

The necessary state is a single bit indicating whether an occlusion
query is active, the identifier of the currently active occlusion
query, and a counter keeping track of the number of samples that
have passed."

Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification (Special Functions)

    Add to the end of Section 5.4 "Display Lists":

"DeleteQueriesARB, GenQueriesARB, IsQueryARB, GetQueryivARB,
GetQueryObjectivARB, and GetQueryObjectuivARB are not compiled into
display lists but are executed immediately."

Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification (State and State Requests)

    Add a new section 6.1.13 "Occlusion Queries":

"The command

boolean IsQueryARB(uint id);

returns TRUE if <id> is the name of a query object. If <id> is zero,
or if <id> is a non-zero value that is not the name of a query
object, IsQueryARB returns FALSE.

Information about a query target can be queried with the command

void GetQueryivARB(enum target, enum pname, int *params);

If <pname> is CURRENT_QUERY_ARB, the name of the currently active
query for <target>, or zero if no query is active, will be placed in

If <pname> is QUERY_COUNTER_BITS_ARB, the number of bits in the counter for
<target> will be placed in <params>. The minimum number of query counter
bits allowed is a function of the implementation's maximum viewport
dimensions (MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS). If the counter is non-zero, then the
counter must be able to represent at least two overdraws for every pixel
in the viewport using only one sample buffer. The formula to compute the
allowable minimum value is below (where n is the minimum number of bits):

n = (min (32, ceil (log2 (maxViewportWidth x maxViewportHeight x 2) ) ) ) or

If the value of n is 0, then the result from GetQueryiv(SAMPLES_PASSED_ARB)
will always return 0,

The state of a query object can be queried with the commands

void GetQueryObjectivARB(uint id, enum pname, int *params);
void GetQueryObjectuivARB(uint id, enum pname, uint *params);

If <id> is not the name of a query object, or if the query object
named by <id> is currently active, then an INVALID_OPERATION error is

If <pname> is QUERY_RESULT_ARB, then the query object's result value
is placed in <params>.

Often, query object results will be returned asynchronously with
respect to the host processor's operation. As a result, sometimes,
if a result is queried, the host must wait until the result is back.
If <pname> is QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE_ARB, the value placed in
<params> indicates whether or not such a wait would occur if the
result of that query object were to be queried presently. A result
of TRUE means no wait would be required; a result of FALSE means that
some wait would occur. It must always be true that if the result for one
query is available, the result for all previous queries must also be
available at that point in time.

Querying the state for a given occlusion query forces that occlusion
query to complete within a finite amount of time.

If multiple queries are issued on the same target and id prior to
calling GetQueryObject[u]iVARB, the result returned will always be
from the last query issued. The results from any queries before the
last one will be lost if the results are not retrieved before starting
a new query on the same target and id."

Dependencies on HP_occlusion_test

    When GetIntegerv is called with <pname> of OCCLUSION_TEST_RESULT_HP,
the current samples-passed count is reset to zero. The occlusion
test result is TRUE when the samples-passed count is nonzero, and
FALSE when it is zero. Sample counting is active (i.e. the samples-
passed count increases as fragments are drawn) whenever either an
occlusion query is active *or* OCCLUSION_TEST_HP is enabled.

GLX Protocol

    Seven new GL commands are added.

The following two rendering commands are sent to the server as part
of a glXRender request:

2 12 rendering command length
2 231 rendering command opcode
4 ENUM target
4 CARD32 id

2 8 rendering command length
2 232 rendering command opcode
4 ENUM target

The remaining fivecommands are non-rendering commands. These
commands are sent separately (i.e., not as part of a glXRender or
glXRenderLarge request), using glx single requests:

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 161 GLX opcode
2 3+n request length
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 INT32 n
n*4 LISTofCARD32 ids

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 162 GLX opcode
2 3 request length
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 INT32 n
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 n reply length
24 unused
n*4 LISTofCARD32 queries

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 163 GLX opcode
2 3 request length
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 id
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 0 reply length
4 BOOL32 return value
20 unused

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 164 GLX opcode
2 4 request length
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 ENUM target
4 ENUM pname
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n

if (n=1) this follows:

4 INT32 params
12 unused

otherwise this follows:

16 unused
n*4 LISTofINT32 params

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 165 GLX opcode
2 4 request length
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 id
4 ENUM pname
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n

if (n=1) this follows:

4 INT32 params
12 unused

otherwise this follows:

16 unused
n*4 LISTofINT32 params

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 166 GLX opcode
2 4 request length
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 id
4 ENUM pname
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n

if (n=1) this follows:

4 CARD32 params
12 unused

otherwise this follows:

16 unused
n*4 LISTofCARD32 params


    The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if GenQueriesARB is called where
<n> is negative.

The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if DeleteQueriesARB is called
where <n> is negative.

The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if GenQueriesARB or
DeleteQueriesARB is called when a query of any target is active.

The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if BeginQueryARB, EndQueryARB, or
GetQueryivARB is called where <target> is not SAMPLES_PASSED_ARB.

The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if BeginQueryARB is called
when a query of the given <target> is already active.

The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if EndQueryARB is called
when a query of the given <target> is not active.

The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if BeginQueryARB is called
where <id> is zero.

The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if BeginQueryARB is called
where <id> is is the name of a query currently in progress.

The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if GetQueryivARB is called where

The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if GetQueryObjectivARB or
GetQueryObjectuivARB is called where <id> is not the name of a query

The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if GetQueryObjectivARB or
GetQueryObjectuivARB is called where <id> is the name of a currently
active query object.

The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if GetQueryObjectivARB or
GetQueryObjectuivARB is called where <pname> is not QUERY_RESULT_ARB

The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if any of the commands
defined in this extension is executed between the execution of Begin
and the corresponding execution of End.

New State

(table 6.18, p. 233)

Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Sec Attribute
--------- ---- ----------- ------------- ----------- ------ ---------
- B - FALSE query active 4.1.6A -
CURRENT_QUERY_ARB Z+ GetQueryiv 0 active query ID 4.1.6A -
- Z+ - 0 samples-passed count 4.1.6A -

New Implementation Dependent State

(table 6.29, p. 224) Add the following entry:

Get Value Type Get Command Minimum Value Description Sec Attribute
-------------------------- ---- ----------- ------------- ---------------- ------ --------------
QUERY_COUNTER_BITS_ARB Z+ GetQueryiv see 6.1.13 Number of bits in 6.1.13 -
query counter

Revision History

   Date: 10/27/2004
Revision: 5? (James Jones, NVIDIA)
- Added GLX protocol.

Usage Examples

    Here is some rough sample code that illustrates how this extension
can be used.

GLuint queries[N];
GLuint sampleCount;
GLint available;
GLuint bitsSupported;

// check to make sure functionality is supported
glGetQueryiv(GL_QUERY_COUNTER_BITS_ARB, &bitsSupported);
if (bitsSupported == 0) {
// render scene without using occlusion queries

glGenQueriesARB(N, queries);
// before this point, render major occluders
// also disable texturing and any fancy shaders
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
glBeginQueryARB(GL_SAMPLES_PASSED_ARB, queries[i]);
// render bounding box for object i


// Do other work until "most" of the queries are back, to avoid
// wasting time spinning
i = N*3/4; // instead of N-1, to prevent the GPU from going idle
do {
} while (!available);

// reenable other state, such as texturing
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
glGetQueryObjectuivARB(queries[i], GL_QUERY_RESULT_ARB,
if (sampleCount > 0) {
// render object i

Here is some rough sample code for a simple multipass rendering
application that does not use occlusion queries.

for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
// First rendering pass
// configure shader 0
// render object i

// Second rendering pass
// configure shader 1
// render object i

Here is the previous example, enhanced using occlusion queries.

GLuint queries[N];
GLuint sampleCount;

glGenQueriesARB(N, queries);
// First rendering pass plus almost-free visibility checks
// configure shader 0
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
glBeginQueryARB(GL_SAMPLES_PASSED_ARB, queries[i]);
// render object i

// Second pass only on objects that were visible
// configure shader 1
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
glGetQueryObjectuivARB(queries[i], GL_QUERY_RESULT_ARB,
if (sampleCount > 0) {
// render object i

Implementation Support

   List of OpenGL implementations supporting the GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension

Original File

   Original text file for the GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension

Page generated on Sun Nov 20 18:36:41 2005