
zif-store-array — Container for one or more stores


GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_new                 (void);
ZifStore *          zif_store_array_find_by_id          (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         const gchar *id);
gboolean            zif_store_array_add_store           (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         ZifStore *store);
gboolean            zif_store_array_add_stores          (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         GPtrArray *stores);
gboolean            zif_store_array_add_local           (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            zif_store_array_add_remote          (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            zif_store_array_add_remote_enabled  (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            zif_store_array_clean               (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            zif_store_array_refresh             (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         gboolean force,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_resolve             (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         gchar **search,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_resolve_full        (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         gchar **search,
                                                         ZifStoreResolveFlags flags,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_search_name         (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         gchar **search,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_search_details      (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         gchar **search,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_search_group        (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         gchar **group_enum,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_search_category     (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         gchar **group_id,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_search_file         (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         gchar **search,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_what_provides       (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         GPtrArray *depends,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_what_requires       (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         GPtrArray *depends,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_what_obsoletes      (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         GPtrArray *depends,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_what_conflicts      (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         GPtrArray *depends,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_get_packages        (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
ZifPackage *        zif_store_array_find_package        (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         const gchar *package_id,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_get_categories      (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);
GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_get_updates         (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         ZifStore *store_local,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);


A GPtrArray is the container where ZifStore's are kept. Global operations can be done on the array and not the indervidual stores.

IMPORTANT: any errors that happen on the ZifStores are fatal unless you're using zif_state_set_error_handler().


zif_store_array_new ()

GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_new                 (void);

Returns :

A new GPtrArray instance. [element-type ZifStore][transfer container]

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_find_by_id ()

ZifStore *          zif_store_array_find_by_id          (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         const gchar *id);

Finds a single ZifStore in the GPtrArray.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

id :

The ID of the ZifStore, e.g. 'fedora-debuginfo'

Returns :

a ZifStore for success, NULL otherwise. [transfer none]

Since 0.3.4

zif_store_array_add_store ()

gboolean            zif_store_array_add_store           (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         ZifStore *store);

Add a single ZifStore to the GPtrArray if it does not already exist.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

store :

A ZifStore to add

Returns :

TRUE for success, FALSE otherwise

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_add_stores ()

gboolean            zif_store_array_add_stores          (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         GPtrArray *stores);

Add an array of ZifStore's to the GPtrArray.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

stores :

An a rray of ZifStore's to add

Returns :

TRUE for success, FALSE otherwise

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_add_local ()

gboolean            zif_store_array_add_local           (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Convenience function to add local store to the GPtrArray.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE for success, FALSE otherwise

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_add_remote ()

gboolean            zif_store_array_add_remote          (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Convenience function to add remote stores to the GPtrArray.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE for success, FALSE otherwise

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_add_remote_enabled ()

gboolean            zif_store_array_add_remote_enabled  (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Convenience function to add enabled remote stores to the GPtrArray.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE for success, FALSE otherwise

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_clean ()

gboolean            zif_store_array_clean               (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Cleans the ZifStoreRemote objects by deleting cache.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE for success, FALSE otherwise

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_refresh ()

gboolean            zif_store_array_refresh             (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         gboolean force,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Refreshes the ZifStoreRemote objects by downloading new data

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

force :

if the data should be re-downloaded if it's still valid

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE for success, FALSE otherwise

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_resolve ()

GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_resolve             (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         gchar **search,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Finds packages matching the package name exactly.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

search :

The search terms, e.g. "gnome-power-manager". [array zero-terminated=1][element-type utf8]

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

An array of ZifPackage's. [element-type ZifPackage][transfer container]

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_resolve_full ()

GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_resolve_full        (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         gchar **search,
                                                         ZifStoreResolveFlags flags,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Finds packages matching the package in a certain way, for instance matching the name, the name.arch or even the name-version depending on the flags used..

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

search :

The search terms, e.g. "gnome-power-manager". [array zero-terminated=1][element-type utf8]

flags :

A bitfield of ZifStoreResolveFlags, e.g. ZIF_STORE_RESOLVE_FLAG_USE_NAME_ARCH

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

An array of ZifPackage's. [element-type ZifPackage][transfer container]

Since 0.2.4

zif_store_array_search_name ()

GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_search_name         (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         gchar **search,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Find packages that match the package name in some part.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

search :

The search terms, e.g. "power". [array zero-terminated=1][element-type utf8]

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

An array of ZifPackage's. [element-type ZifPackage][transfer container]

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_search_details ()

GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_search_details      (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         gchar **search,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Find packages that match some detail about the package.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

search :

The search terms, e.g. "trouble". [array zero-terminated=1][element-type utf8]

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

An array of ZifPackage's. [element-type ZifPackage][transfer container]

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_search_group ()

GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_search_group        (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         gchar **group_enum,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Find packages that belong in a specific group.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

group_enum :

The group enumerated values, e.g. "games"

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

An array of ZifPackage's. [element-type ZifPackage][transfer container]

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_search_category ()

GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_search_category     (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         gchar **group_id,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Find packages that belong in a specific category.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

group_id :

A group id, e.g. "gnome-system-tools"

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

An array of ZifPackage's. [element-type ZifPackage][transfer container]

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_search_file ()

GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_search_file         (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         gchar **search,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Find packages that provide the specified file.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

search :

The search terms, e.g. "/usr/bin/gnome-power-manager". [array zero-terminated=1][element-type utf8]

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

An array of ZifPackage's. [element-type ZifPackage][transfer container]

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_what_provides ()

GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_what_provides       (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         GPtrArray *depends,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Find packages that provide a specific string.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

depends :

A ZifDepend to search for

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

An array of ZifPackage's. [element-type ZifPackage][transfer container]

Since 0.1.3

zif_store_array_what_requires ()

GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_what_requires       (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         GPtrArray *depends,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Find packages that require a specific string.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

depends :

A ZifDepend to search for

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

An array of ZifPackage's. [element-type ZifPackage][transfer container]

Since 0.1.3

zif_store_array_what_obsoletes ()

GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_what_obsoletes      (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         GPtrArray *depends,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Find packages that conflict with a specific string.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

depends :

A ZifDepend to search for

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

An array of ZifPackage's. [element-type ZifPackage][transfer container]

Since 0.1.3

zif_store_array_what_conflicts ()

GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_what_conflicts      (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         GPtrArray *depends,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Find packages that conflict with a specific string.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

depends :

A ZifDepend to search for

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

An array of ZifPackage's. [element-type ZifPackage][transfer container]

Since 0.1.3

zif_store_array_get_packages ()

GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_get_packages        (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Return all packages in the GPtrArray's.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

An array of ZifPackage's. [element-type ZifPackage][transfer container]

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_find_package ()

ZifPackage *        zif_store_array_find_package        (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         const gchar *package_id,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Find a single package in the GPtrArray.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

package_id :

A PackageId which defines the package

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

A single ZifPackage or NULL. [transfer full]

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_get_categories ()

GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_get_categories      (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Return a list of custom categories from all repos.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

An array of ZifCategory's. [element-type ZifCategory][transfer container]

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_array_get_updates ()

GPtrArray *         zif_store_array_get_updates         (GPtrArray *store_array,
                                                         ZifStore *store_local,
                                                         ZifState *state,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the list of packages that can be updated to newer versions.

store_array :

An array of ZifStores. [element-type ZifStore]

store_local :

The ZifStoreLocal to use for the installed packages

state :

A ZifState to use for progress reporting

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

An array of the *new* ZifPackage's, not the existing installed packages that are going to be updated. Note: this is a convenience function which makes a few assumptions. [element-type ZifPackage][transfer container]

Since 0.2.1