
ZifStoreLocal — Store for installed packages


struct              ZifStoreLocal;
struct              ZifStoreLocalClass;
ZifStore *          zif_store_local_new                 (void);
gboolean            zif_store_local_set_prefix          (ZifStoreLocal *store,
                                                         const gchar *prefix,
                                                         GError **error);
const gchar *       zif_store_local_get_prefix          (ZifStoreLocal *store);

Object Hierarchy



A ZifStoreLocal is a subclassed ZifStore and operates on installed objects.


struct ZifStoreLocal

struct ZifStoreLocal;

struct ZifStoreLocalClass

struct ZifStoreLocalClass {
	ZifStoreClass		 parent_class;
	/* Padding for future expansion */
	void (*_zif_reserved1) (void);
	void (*_zif_reserved2) (void);
	void (*_zif_reserved3) (void);
	void (*_zif_reserved4) (void);

zif_store_local_new ()

ZifStore *          zif_store_local_new                 (void);

Returns :

A new ZifStoreLocal instance.

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_local_set_prefix ()

gboolean            zif_store_local_set_prefix          (ZifStoreLocal *store,
                                                         const gchar *prefix,
                                                         GError **error);

Sets the prefix to use for the install root.

Using prefix set to NULL to use the value from the config file has been supported since 0.1.3. Earlier versions will assert.

store :

A ZifStoreLocal

prefix :

The install root, e.g. "/", or NULL to use the default

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE for success, FALSE otherwise

Since 0.1.0

zif_store_local_get_prefix ()

const gchar *       zif_store_local_get_prefix          (ZifStoreLocal *store);

Gets the prefix to use for the install root.

store :

A ZifStoreLocal

Returns :

The install prefix, e.g. "/"

Since 0.1.3