Interface Protocol.Interface.Avatars.DRAFT

Interface Index (Compact) | Summary | Description | Properties


SupportedAvatarMIMETypes as Read only
MinimumAvatarHeight u Read only
MinimumAvatarWidth u Read only
RecommendedAvatarHeight u Read only
RecommendedAvatarWidth u Read only
MaximumAvatarHeight u Read only
MaximumAvatarWidth u Read only
MaximumAvatarBytes u Read only
WARNING: This interface is experimental and is likely to cause havoc to your API/ABI if bindings are generated. Do not include this interface in libraries that care about compatibility.
Added in 0.19.UNRELEASED. (draft 1)
Objects implementing this interface must also implement:


An interface for protocols where it might be possible to set the user's avatar, and the expected size limits and supported MIME types are known before connecting.

If the avatar requirements cannot be discovered while offline, it's impossible to avoid setting the Account's Avatar property to an unsupported avatar.

Each property on this interface SHOULD be cached in the .manager file, using a key of the same name as the property in the [Protocol proto] group. All properties are encoded in ASCII decimal in the obvious way, except for SupportedAvatarMIMETypes which is encoded as a sequence of strings each followed by a semicolon (as for the "localestrings" type in the Desktop Entry Specification).

For instance, an XMPP connection manager might have this .manager file:

[Protocol jabber]
param-account=s required
param-password=s required


Accessed using the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties interface.

SupportedAvatarMIMETypes — as

Read only
The expected value of the Connection.Interface.Avatars.SupportedAvatarMIMETypes property on connections to this protocol.

MinimumAvatarHeight — u

Read only
The expected value of the Connection.Interface.Avatars.MinimumAvatarHeight property on connections to this protocol.

MinimumAvatarWidth — u

Read only
The expected value of the Connection.Interface.Avatars.MinimumAvatarWidth property on connections to this protocol.

RecommendedAvatarHeight — u

Read only
The expected value of the Connection.Interface.Avatars.RecommendedAvatarHeight property on connections to this protocol.

RecommendedAvatarWidth — u

Read only
The expected value of the Connection.Interface.Avatars.RecommendedAvatarWidth property on connections to this protocol.

MaximumAvatarHeight — u

Read only
The expected value of the Connection.Interface.Avatars.MaximumAvatarHeight property on connections to this protocol.

MaximumAvatarWidth — u

Read only
The expected value of the Connection.Interface.Avatars.MaximumAvatarWidth property on connections to this protocol.

MaximumAvatarBytes — u

Read only
The expected value of the Connection.Interface.Avatars.MaximumAvatarBytes property on connections to this protocol.