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    $Date: 1997/4/3 






    Specularly lit textures enhance the realism of a scene greatly.
Using the current OpenGL lighting model, one cannot obtain specularly lit
textures. This is because in the current OpenGL lighting model lighting
is done ahead of texturing and texture-functions such as modulate are
inadequate for such a simulation. What needs to be addressed is that,
somehow an additional interpolant (specular color of that material) needs
to be propagated till that stage of the pipeline where texture-mapping is
performed. This interpolant is then added on to the fragment's color
resulting from the texturing process before proceeding with the rest of
the pipeline.

This can be addressed very easily in software, but hardware
is not so malleable. Currently most hardware does not support such a

lighting model. However, some current hardware does support fogging,
which takes place in the pipeline after texturing. This hardware
assumes that the fog blend factor f is computed per-vertex and
interpolates the value across the primitive. The WIN_specular_fog
extension enables the use of such existing fog circuitry to obtain
specularly lit textures without much performance degradation.

To use it the programmer simply enables the extension with a call to
Enable with the appropriate enumerant and sets the fog color to the
desired specular color.


    1) This extension works only if: 
* Lighting is enabled.
* Texturing is enabled.
* Texture function is MODULATE.
* Two sided lighting is disabled.
* RenderMode is RENDER.

2) When both fogging and the extension are enabled, the FOG_HINT bit
is ignored.

3) One limitation is that the FOG_COLOR is used as the specular-highlight

4) PushAttrib and PopAttrib calls save and restore the extension related
state when the FOG_BIT is set, along with the rest of the fog related
state information.

5) The highlight computed by this extension is linear-interpolation based
and therefore appears similar to the highlights available for untextured
Gouraud polygons. If Phong shading (ext #113) is enabled this similarity
will no longer hold as the Phong highlight is computed per-pixel. This
can result in the enabling of texture causing the highlight to move and
change shape.

New Procedures and Functions


New Tokens

    Accepted by the <cap> parameter of Enable and IsEnabled:


Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetDoublev, GetIntegerv
and GetFloatv


Additions to Chapter 2 of the 1.1 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
In section 2.6 titled "Begin/End Paradigm", add to the paragraph ending
with "...its assigned color, and its texture coordinates", the following
"In addition to these, an implementation may choose to associate a fog
blend factor f with the processed vertex, which is computed per vertex to
speed up fogging calcutaions. This value f is also used to store the
specular color factor computed in the lighting stage, to be applied after
texturing by the fog sub-system."

Modify the line "This may alter the primitive by altering....." to
"This may alter the primitive by altering vertex coordinates, texture
coordinates, fog blend-factor and color".

Figure 2.2 should be edited so that the "Associated Data" box includes
Fog value.

After the last paragraph of Section 2.13, "Colors and Coloring", the
following paragraph is added:

"If the WIN_specular_fog extension is enabled the fog value, which
represents the specular highlight color for the fragment, is computed
when lighting computation takes place."

Add the following to Section 2.13.1 as the last paragraph of subsection
titled "Lighting":
"When the WIN_specular_fog extension is enabled, the parameters used for
computing the color of the vertex are used to compute the fog value
associated with the vertex. This value represents the specular color of
the vertex. This value is used by the fog sub-system to add a specular
color to the vertex after texturing has taken place. This is a way
around one of OpenGL's shortcomings, where lighting is done before
texturing resulting in a complete loss of specular highlights."

Add the following to Section 2.13.1, subsection titled "Lighting
Operation", after the set of lighting equations and the line ending
"... V is zero":
"If the following conditions are met:
1) WIN_specular_fog is enabled,
2) Texturing is enabled,
3) Texture function is MODULATE,
4) Two sided lighting is disabled,
5) RenderMode is RENDER.
Then the fog value of the vertex is computed to be:

n-1 ^ srm
f = max (0, 1 - Sum [(att )(spot )(f )(n . h ) ]) (2.6)"
i=0 i i i i

= 1 , if the conditions are not met.

Renumber eq. 2.6 to 2.7.

Additions to Chapter 3 of the 1.1 Specification (Rasterization)

    Modify the first line of the second paragraph to:
"A grid square along with its parameters of assigned color, z (depth),
texture coordinates, normal and eye coordinates (for phong shading)
and f (fog blend-factor)"

In Section 3.4.1 "Basic Line Segment Rasterization", modify the line

"The value of an associated datum f......." after equation 3.1 to:

"The value of an associated datum f for the fragment, whether it be R, G,
B, or A (in RGBA mode) or a color index (in color index mode), or normal,
eye coordinate or material properties (when phong-shaded), or the s, t, or
r texture coordinate or fog blend factor.......... is found as"

Change the title of Section 3.9 from "Fog" to "Fog and Specular

Change the first line "If enabled..." to
"If either fog or WIN_specular_fog are enabled, the fog blends a fog-color
(which is also the specular highlight color) with a rasterized fragment's
post-texturing color using a blend-factor f."

Add the following line to the first paragraph:
"WIN_specular_fog is enabled and disabled with the Enable and Disable
commands using the symbolic constant FOG_SPECULAR_TEXTURE_WIN."

Change equations 3.16 3.17 and 3.18 to:

f = f' * exp (-d.z) (3.16)

f = f' * exp ((-d.z)**2) (3.17)
f = f' * (e - z)/(e - s) (3.18)

Modify the following line "(z is the eye-coordinate distance....)" to:
"(z is the eye-coordinate distance from the eye, (0,0,0,1) in eye
coordinates, f' is the specular color factor computed in equation 2.6
at the time of lighting)"

Modify the line beginning "Further, f need not ....."
to the following:
"Further, if WIN_specular_fog is enabled, f must be computed at each
vertex after f' has been computed during the lighting stage. f forms a
part of the data associated with the processed vertex and is interpolated
as other data are."

Modify the first line of the last paragraph in section 3.9 beginning

"The state required ..." to:
The state required for fog consists of a three valued integer to select
the fog equation, three .... a single bit to indicate whether or not fog
is enabled and another bit to indicate whether or not WIN_specular_fog
is enabled."

Additions to Chapter 4 of the 1.1 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer)


Additions to Chapter 5 of the 1.1 Specification (Special Functions)


Additions to Chapter 6 of the 1.1 Specification (State and State Requests)


Dependencies on other extensions




New State
Get Value Get Command Type Value Attrib
--------- ----------- ---- ------- ------
FOG_SPECULAR_TEXTURE_WIN IsEnabled B GL_FALSE WIN_specular_fog/enable

New Implementation Dependent State


Implementation Support

   List of OpenGL implementations supporting the GL_WIN_specular_fog extension

Original File

   Original text file for the GL_WIN_specular_fog extension

Page generated on Sun Nov 20 18:38:57 2005