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    $Date: 1997/03/20 02:19:19 $ $$




    EXT_copy_texture is affected by this specification.
EXT_convolution is affected by this specification.
SGI_color_table is affected by this specification.


    The association of the current context with a drawable is extended to allow
separate write and read drawables. This paves the way for allowing
preprocessing of image data in an "off screen" window which is then read
into the visible window for final display. Similarly it sets the
frame-work for direct transfer of video to the GL, by treating the video
as a special kind of read drawable (a.k.a, readable).

New Procedures and Functions

    Bool glXMakeCurrentReadSGI(Display* dpy,
GLXDrawable draw,
GLXDrawable read,
GLXContext ctx);

GLXDrawable glXGetCurrentReadDrawableSGI(void);

New Tokens


Additions to Chapter 2 of the 1.0 Specification (OpenGL Operation)


Additions to Chapter 3 of the 1.0 Specification (Rasterization)


Additions to Chapter 4 of the 1.0 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame buffer)

    If glXMakeCurrentReadSGI is used to associate two glXDrawables with
the current rendering context, glXDrawable <draw> is used for all
OpenGL operations except:

1. Any pixel data that are sourced based on the value of READ_BUFFER.
Note, that accumulation operations use the value of READ_BUFFER, but
are not allowed when <draw> in not identical to <read>.

2. Any depth values that are retrieved by glReadPixels, glCopyPixels,
or any OpenGL extension that sources depth images from the frame
buffer in the manner of glReadPixels and glCopyPixels.

3. Any stencil values that are retrieved by glReadPixels, glCopyPixels,
or any OpenGL extension that sources stencil images from the frame
buffer in the manner of glReadPixels and glCopyPixels.

These frame buffer values are taken from glXDrawable <read>.

No error will be generated if the value of READ_BUFFER at the time the
glXMakeCurrentReadSGI call is made does not correspond to a valid color
buffer in <read>. Also, no error due to READ_BUFFER mismatch will be
generated by subsequent calls to any of the operations enumerated above,
but the pixels values used will be undefined until READ_BUFFER is set to a
color buffer that is valid in the <read>. Operations that query the value
of READ_BUFFER (i.e., glGet, glPushAttrib) use the value set last in the
context, independent of whether it is a valid buffer in <read>.
Subsequent to a glXMakeCurrentRead call, it is possible that the
READ_BUFFER may be set to a color buffer that is not valid with respect to
the visual of the context. The preceding discussion also applies to
glXMakeCurrent where <read> is replaced by the single drawable parameter
to the call.

Error conditions set by glDrawBuffer (even when called implicitly via
glPopAttrib) and by the operations enumerated above are with respect to
color and ancillary buffers available in <read> (i.e.,
glReadBuffer(GL_BACK_BUFFER) will generate an error when <read> is single
buffered, and so will an operation that tries to source stencil images
when <read> does not have a stencil buffer).

The following restriction is added to the end of the introductory
paragraph of section 4.2.4 "The Accumulation Buffer": Accumulation
operations are only allowed when the glXDrawbles <write> and <draw> are

The list of error conditions at the end of section 4.2.4 "The Accumulation
Buffer" is modified to: If there is no accumulation buffer, the GL is in
color index mode, or if the glXDrawbles <write> and <read> are not
identical then Accum generates the error INVALID_OPERATION.

Additions to Chapter 5 of the 1.0 Specification (Special Functions)


Additions to Chapter 6 of the 1.0 Specification (State and State Requests)


Additions to the GLX Specification

    XXX - not complete yet


* glXMakeCurrentReadSGIX associates two GLXDrawables with a single
GLXContext. BadMatch is generated if <draw> was not created with
the same X screen and visual as <ctx>. BadMatch is also generated
if <read> was not created with the same X screen as <ctx>. The color,
depth, stencil, and accumulation buffers of <read> need not match the
resources of <draw>.

* glXMakeCurrentReadSGI returns True if it succeeds, and False if it
fails. It can fail for myriad reasons, including refusal to accept
a window or a GLXPixmap as the <read> GLXDrawable, and refusal to
accept as the <read> a GLXDrawable or a GLXPbuffer with color, depth,
stencil, or accumulation storage facilities that differ from those
of <draw>. This laxness may not be acceptable in a final
specification, but it will help allow early implementations to
be completed.

* glXMakeCurrentReadSGI may return False if <draw> and <read> cannot
exist in framebuffer memory simultaneously.

* glXGetCurrentReadDrawableSGI returns the name of the GLXDrawable
currently being used as a pixel query source. If glXMakeCurrent
specified the current rendering context, then
glXGetCurrentReadDrawableSGI returns the drawable specified as
<draw> by that glXMakeCurrent call. If glXMakeCurrentReadSGI
specified the current rendering context, then
glXGetCurrentReadDrawableSGI returns the drawable specified as
<read> by that glXMakeCurrentReadSGI call. If there is no
current read drawable, None is returned.

GLX Protocol

	One new GLX protocol command is added.

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 6 request length
4 65537 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG old context tag
4 GLX_DRAWABLE drawable
4 GLX_DRAWABLE read drawable
4 GLX_CONTEXT context id
1 1 Reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
24 unused

Dependencies on EXT_copy_texture

    Texture image data are sourced from GLXDrawable <read> if the
current OpenGL rendering context was specified by glXMakeCurrentReadSGIX.

Dependencies on EXT_convolution

    Convolution image data are sourced from GLXDrawable <read> if the
current OpenGL rendering context was specified by glXMakeCurrentReadSGIX,
and the transfer is specified by CopyConvolutionFilter1DEXT or

Dependencies on SGI_color_table

    Color table data are sourced from GLXDrawable <read> if the current
OpenGL rendering context was specified by glXMakeCurrentReadSGIX,
and the transfer is specified by CopyColorTableSGI.

New State


New Implementation Dependent State


Implementation Support

   List of OpenGL implementations supporting the GLX_SGI_make_current_read extension

Original File

   Original text file for the GLX_SGI_make_current_read extension

Page generated on Sun Nov 20 18:38:34 2005