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Name Strings



    $Date: 1995/10/03 05:39:56 $ $Revision: 1.27 $




    EXT_texture3D affects the definition of this extension


    This extension introduces named texture objects.  The only way to name
a texture in GL 1.0 is by defining it as a single display list. Because
display lists cannot be edited, these objects are static. Yet it is
important to be able to change the images and parameters of a texture.


    *	Should the dimensions of a texture object be static once they are
changed from zero? This might simplify the management of texture
memory. What about other properties of a texture object?



    *	Previous proposals overloaded the <target> parameter of many Tex
commands with texture object names, as well as the original
enumerated values. This proposal eliminated such overloading,
choosing instead to require an application to bind a texture object,
and then operate on it through the binding reference. If this
constraint ultimately proves to be unacceptable, we can always
extend the extension with additional binding points for editing and
querying only, but if we expect to do this, we might choose to bite
the bullet and overload the <target> parameters now.

* Commands to directly set the priority of a texture object and to
query the resident status of a texture object are included. I feel
that binding a texture object would be an unacceptable burden for
these management operations. These commands also allow queries and
operations on lists of texture objects, which should improve

* GenTexturesEXT does not return a success/failure boolean because
it should never fail in practice.

New Procedures and Functions

    void GenTexturesEXT(sizei n,
uint* textures);

void DeleteTexturesEXT(sizei n,
const uint* textures);

void BindTextureEXT(enum target,
uint texture);

void PrioritizeTexturesEXT(sizei n,
const uint* textures,
const clampf* priorities);

boolean AreTexturesResidentEXT(sizei n,
const uint* textures,
boolean* residences);

boolean IsTextureEXT(uint texture);

New Tokens

    Accepted by the <pname> parameters of TexParameteri, TexParameterf,
TexParameteriv, TexParameterfv, GetTexParameteriv, and GetTexParameterfv:


Accepted by the <pname> parameters of GetTexParameteriv and


Accepted by the <pname> parameters of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
GetFloatv, and GetDoublev:


Additions to Chapter 2 of the 1.0 Specification (OpenGL Operation)


Additions to Chapter 3 of the 1.0 Specification (Rasterization)

    Add the following discussion to section 3.8 (Texturing).  In addition
to the default textures TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, and TEXTURE_3D_EXT, it
is possible to create named 1, 2, and 3-dimensional texture objects.
The name space for texture objects is the unsigned integers, with zero
reserved by the GL.

A texture object is created by binding an unused name to TEXTURE_1D,
TEXTURE_2D, or TEXTURE_3D_EXT. This binding is accomplished by calling
BindTextureEXT with <target> set to TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, or
TEXTURE_3D_EXT, and <texture> set to the name of the new texture object.
When a texture object is bound to a target, the previous binding for
that target is automatically broken.

When a texture object is first bound it takes the dimensionality of its
target. Thus, a texture object first bound to TEXTURE_1D is
1-dimensional; a texture object first bound to TEXTURE_2D is
2-dimensional, and a texture object first bound to TEXTURE_3D_EXT is
3-dimensional. The state of a 1-dimensional texture object
immediately after it is first bound is equivalent to the state of the
default TEXTURE_1D at GL initialization. Likewise, the state of a
2-dimensional or 3-dimensional texture object immediately after it is
first bound is equivalent to the state of the default TEXTURE_2D or
TEXTURE_3D_EXT at GL initialization. Subsequent bindings of a texture
object have no effect on its state. The error INVALID_OPERATION is
generated if an attempt is made to bind a texture object to a target of
different dimensionality.

While a texture object is bound, GL operations on the target to which it
is bound affect the bound texture object, and queries of the target to
which it is bound return state from the bound texture object. If
texture mapping of the dimensionality of the target to which a texture
object is bound is active, the bound texture object is used.

By default when an OpenGL context is created, TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D,
and TEXTURE_3D_EXT have 1, 2, and 3-dimensional textures associated
with them. In order that access to these default textures not be
lost, this extension treats them as though their names were all zero.
Thus the default 1-dimensional texture is operated on, queried, and
applied as TEXTURE_1D while zero is bound to TEXTURE_1D. Likewise,
the default 2-dimensional texture is operated on, queried, and applied
as TEXTURE_2D while zero is bound to TEXTURE_2D, and the default
3-dimensional texture is operated on, queried, and applied as
TEXTURE_3D_EXT while zero is bound to TEXTURE_3D_EXT.

Texture objects are deleted by calling DeleteTexturesEXT with <textures>
pointing to a list of <n> names of texture object to be deleted. After
a texture object is deleted, it has no contents or dimensionality, and
its name is freed. If a texture object that is currently bound is
deleted, the binding reverts to zero. DeleteTexturesEXT ignores names
that do not correspond to textures objects, including zero.

GenTexturesEXT returns <n> texture object names in <textures>. These
names are chosen in an unspecified manner, the only condition being that
only names that were not in use immediately prior to the call to
GenTexturesEXT are considered. Names returned by GenTexturesEXT are
marked as used (so that they are not returned by subsequent calls to
GenTexturesEXT), but they are associated with a texture object only
after they are first bound (just as if the name were unused).

An implementation may choose to establish a working set of texture
objects on which binding operations are performed with higher
performance. A texture object that is currently being treated as a
part of the working set is said to be resident. AreTexturesResidentEXT
returns TRUE if all of the <n> texture objects named in <textures> are
resident, FALSE otherwise. If FALSE is returned, the residence of each
texture object is returned in <residences>. Otherwise the contents of
the <residences> array are not changed. If any of the names in
<textures> is not the name of a texture object, FALSE is returned, the
error INVALID_VALUE is generated, and the contents of <residences> are
indeterminate. The resident status of a single bound texture object
can also be queried by calling GetTexParameteriv or GetTexParameterfv
with <target> set to the target to which the texture object is bound,
and <pname> set to TEXTURE_RESIDENT_EXT. This is the only way that the
resident status of a default texture can be queried.

Applications guide the OpenGL implementation in determining which
texture objects should be resident by specifying a priority for each
texture object. PrioritizeTexturesEXT sets the priorities of the <n>
texture objects in <textures> to the values in <priorities>. Each
priority value is clamped to the range [0.0, 1.0] before it is
assigned. Zero indicates the lowest priority, and hence the least
likelihood of being resident. One indicates the highest priority, and
hence the greatest likelihood of being resident. The priority of a
single bound texture object can also be changed by calling
TexParameteri, TexParameterf, TexParameteriv, or TexParameterfv with
<target> set to the target to which the texture object is bound, <pname>
set to TEXTURE_PRIORITY_EXT, and <param> or <params> specifying the new
priority value (which is clamped to [0.0,1.0] before being assigned).
This is the only way that the priority of a default texture can be
specified. (PrioritizeTexturesEXT silently ignores attempts to
prioritize nontextures, and texture zero.)

Additions to Chapter 4 of the 1.0 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer)


Additions to Chapter 5 of the 1.0 Specification (Special Functions)

    BindTextureEXT and PrioritizeTexturesEXT are included in display lists.
All other commands defined by this extension are not included in display

Additions to Chapter 6 of the 1.0 Specification (State and State Requests)

    IsTextureEXT returns TRUE if <texture> is the name of a valid texture
object. If <texture> is zero, or is a non-zero value that is not the
name of a texture object, or if an error condition occurs, IsTextureEXT
returns FALSE.

Because the query values of TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, and TEXTURE_3D_EXT
are already defined as booleans indicating whether these textures are
enabled or disabled, another mechanism is required to query the
binding associated with each of these texture targets. The name
of the texture object currently bound to TEXTURE_1D is returned in
<params> when GetIntegerv is called with <pname> set to
TEXTURE_1D_BINDING_EXT. If no texture object is currently bound to
TEXTURE_1D, zero is returned. Likewise, the name of the texture object
bound to TEXTURE_2D or TEXTURE_3D_EXT is returned in <params> when
GetIntegerv is called with <pname> set to TEXTURE_2D_BINDING_EXT or
TEXTURE_3D_BINDING_EXT. If no texture object is currently bound to
TEXTURE_2D or to TEXTURE_3D_EXT, zero is returned.

A texture object comprises the image arrays, priority, border color,
filter modes, and wrap modes that are associated with that object. More
explicitly, the state list


composes a single texture object.

When PushAttrib is called with TEXTURE_BIT enabled, the priorities,
border colors, filter modes, and wrap modes of the currently bound
texture objects are pushed, as well as the current texture bindings and
enables. When an attribute set that includes texture information is
popped, the bindings and enables are first restored to their pushed
values, then the bound texture objects have their priorities, border
colors, filter modes, and wrap modes restored to their pushed values.

Additions to the GLX Specification

    Texture objects are shared between GLX rendering contexts if and only
if the rendering contexts share display lists. No change is made to
the GLX API.

GLX Protocol

    Six new GL commands are added.

The following rendering command is sent to the server as part of a
glXRender request:

2 12 rendering command length
2 4117 rendering command opcode
4 ENUM target
4 CARD32 texture

The following rendering command can be sent to the server as part of a
glXRender request or as part of a glXRenderLarge request:

2 8+(n*8) rendering command length
2 4118 rendering command opcode
4 INT32 n
n*4 LISTofCARD32 textures
n*4 LISTofFLOAT32 priorities

If the command is encoded in a glXRenderLarge request, the
command opcode and command length fields above are expanded to
4 bytes each:

4 12+(n*8) rendering command length
4 4118 rendering command opcode

The remaining commands are non-rendering commands. These commands are
sent separately (i.e., not as part of a glXRender or glXRenderLarge
request), using either the glXVendorPrivate request or the
glXVendorPrivateWithReply request:

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 16 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivate)
2 4+n request length
4 12 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 INT32 n
n*4 CARD32 textures

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 4 request length
4 13 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 INT32 n
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 n reply length
24 unused
4*n LISTofCARD32 textures

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 4+n request length
4 11 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 INT32 n
4*n LISTofCARD32 textures
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 (n+p)/4 reply length
4 BOOL32 return_value
20 unused
n LISTofBOOL residences
p unused, p=pad(n)

1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 4 request length
4 14 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 textures
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 0 reply length
4 BOOL32 return_value
20 unused

Dependencies on EXT_texture3D

    If EXT_texture3D is not supported, then all references to 3D textures
in this specification are invalid.


    INVALID_VALUE is generated if GenTexturesEXT parameter <n> is negative.

INVALID_VALUE is generated if DeleteTexturesEXT parameter <n> is

INVALID_ENUM is generated if BindTextureEXT parameter <target> is not

INVALID_OPERATION is generated if BindTextureEXT parameter <target> is
TEXTURE_1D, and parameter <texture> is the name of a 2-dimensional or
3-dimensional texture object.

INVALID_OPERATION is generated if BindTextureEXT parameter <target> is
TEXTURE_2D, and parameter <texture> is the name of a 1-dimensional or
3-dimensional texture object.

INVALID_OPERATION is generated if BindTextureEXT parameter <target> is
TEXTURE_3D_EXT, and parameter <texture> is the name of a 1-dimensional
or 2-dimensional texture object.

INVALID_VALUE is generated if PrioritizeTexturesEXT parameter <n>

INVALID_VALUE is generated if AreTexturesResidentEXT parameter <n>
is negative.

INVALID_VALUE is generated by AreTexturesResidentEXT if any of the
names in <textures> is zero, or is not the name of a texture.

INVALID_OPERATION is generated if any of the commands defined in this
extension is executed between the execution of Begin and the
corresponding execution of End.

New State

Get Value Get Command Type Initial Value Attribute
--------- ----------- ---- ------------- ---------
TEXTURE_1D IsEnabled B FALSE texture/enable
TEXTURE_2D IsEnabled B FALSE texture/enable
TEXTURE_3D_EXT IsEnabled B FALSE texture/enable
TEXTURE_1D_BINDING_EXT GetIntegerv Z+ 0 texture
TEXTURE_2D_BINDING_EXT GetIntegerv Z+ 0 texture
TEXTURE_3D_BINDING_EXT GetIntegerv Z+ 0 texture
TEXTURE_PRIORITY_EXT GetTexParameterfv n x Z+ 1 texture
TEXTURE_RESIDENT_EXT AreTexturesResidentEXT n x B unknown -

TEXTURE GetTexImage n x levels x I null -
TEXTURE_RED_SIZE_EXT GetTexLevelParameteriv n x levels x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_GREEN_SIZE_EXT GetTexLevelParameteriv n x levels x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_BLUE_SIZE_EXT GetTexLevelParameteriv n x levels x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_ALPHA_SIZE_EXT GetTexLevelParameteriv n x levels x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_SIZE_EXT GetTexLevelParameteriv n x levels x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_INTENSITY_SIZE_EXT GetTexLevelParameteriv n x levels x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_WIDTH GetTexLevelParameteriv n x levels x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_HEIGHT GetTexLevelParameteriv n x levels x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_DEPTH_EXT GetTexLevelParameteriv n x levels x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_4DSIZE_SGIS GetTexLevelParameteriv n x levels x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_BORDER GetTexLevelParameteriv n x levels x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_COMPONENTS (1D and 2D) GetTexLevelParameteriv n x levels x Z42 1 -
TEXTURE_COMPONENTS (3D and 4D) GetTexLevelParameteriv n x levels x Z38 LUMINANCE -
TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR GetTexParameteriv n x C 0, 0, 0, 0 texture
TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER GetTexParameteriv n x Z3 LINEAR texture
TEXTURE_WRAP_S GetTexParameteriv n x Z2 REPEAT texture
TEXTURE_WRAP_T GetTexParameteriv n x Z2 REPEAT texture
TEXTURE_WRAP_R_EXT GetTexParameteriv n x Z2 REPEAT texture
TEXTURE_WRAP_Q_SGIS GetTexParameteriv n x Z2 REPEAT texture

New Implementation Dependent State


Implementation Support

   List of OpenGL implementations supporting the GL_EXT_texture_object extension

Original File

   Original text file for the GL_EXT_texture_object extension

Page generated on Sun Nov 20 18:37:28 2005