


GetDevices               (OUT ao        devices);
GetAllDevices            (OUT ao        devices);
GetDeviceByIpIface       (IN  s         iface,
                          OUT o         device);
ActivateConnection       (IN  o         connection,
                          IN  o         device,
                          IN  o         specific_object,
                          OUT o         active_connection);
AddAndActivateConnection (IN  a{sa{sv}} connection,
                          IN  o         device,
                          IN  o         specific_object,
                          OUT o         path,
                          OUT o         active_connection);
DeactivateConnection     (IN  o         active_connection);
Sleep                    (IN  b         sleep);
Enable                   (IN  b         enable);
GetPermissions           (OUT a{ss}     permissions);
SetLogging               (IN  s         level,
                          IN  s         domains);
GetLogging               (OUT s         level,
                          OUT s         domains);
CheckConnectivity        (OUT u         connectivity);
state                    (OUT u         state);


CheckPermissions  ();
StateChanged      (u     state);
PropertiesChanged (a{sv} properties);
DeviceAdded       (o     device_path);
DeviceRemoved     (o     device_path);


Devices                  readable   ao
AllDevices               readable   ao
NetworkingEnabled        readable   b
WirelessEnabled          readwrite  b
WirelessHardwareEnabled  readable   b
WwanEnabled              readwrite  b
WwanHardwareEnabled      readable   b
WimaxEnabled             readwrite  b
WimaxHardwareEnabled     readable   b
ActiveConnections        readable   ao
PrimaryConnection        readable   o
PrimaryConnectionType    readable   s
Metered                  readable   u
ActivatingConnection     readable   o
Startup                  readable   b
Version                  readable   s
State                    readable   u
Connectivity             readable   u
GlobalDnsConfiguration   readwrite  a{sv}


Method Details

The GetDevices() method

GetDevices (OUT ao devices);

Get the list of realized network devices.

OUT ao devices:

List of object paths of network devices known to the system. This list does not include device placeholders (see GetAllDevices()).

The GetAllDevices() method

GetAllDevices (OUT ao devices);

Get the list of all network devices.

OUT ao devices:

List of object paths of network devices and device placeholders (eg, devices that do not yet exist but which can be automatically created by NetworkManager if one of their AvailableConnections was activated).

The GetDeviceByIpIface() method

GetDeviceByIpIface (IN  s iface,
                    OUT o device);

Return the object path of the network device referenced by its IP interface name. Note that some devices (usually modems) only have an IP interface name when they are connected.

IN s iface:

Interface name of the device to find.

OUT o device:

Object path of the network device.

The ActivateConnection() method

ActivateConnection (IN  o connection,
                    IN  o device,
                    IN  o specific_object,
                    OUT o active_connection);

Activate a connection using the supplied device.

IN o connection:

The connection to activate. If "/" is given, a valid device path must be given, and NetworkManager picks the best connection to activate for the given device. VPN connections must always pass a valid connection path.

IN o device:

The object path of device to be activated for physical connections. This parameter is ignored for VPN connections, because the specific_object (if provided) specifies the device to use.

IN o specific_object:

The path of a connection-type-specific object this activation should use. This parameter is currently ignored for wired and mobile broadband connections, and the value of "/" should be used (ie, no specific object). For WiFi connections, pass the object path of a specific AP from the card's scan list, or "/" to pick an AP automatically. For VPN connections, pass the object path of an ActiveConnection object that should serve as the "base" connection (to which the VPN connections lifetime will be tied), or pass "/" and NM will automatically use the current default device.

OUT o active_connection:

The path of the active connection object representing this active connection.

The AddAndActivateConnection() method

AddAndActivateConnection (IN  a{sa{sv}} connection,
                          IN  o         device,
                          IN  o         specific_object,
                          OUT o         path,
                          OUT o         active_connection);

Adds a new connection using the given details (if any) as a template (automatically filling in missing settings with the capabilities of the given device and specific object), then activate the new connection. Cannot be used for VPN connections at this time.

IN a{sa{sv}} connection:

Connection settings and properties; if incomplete missing settings will be automatically completed using the given device and specific object.

IN o device:

The object path of device to be activated using the given connection.

IN o specific_object:

The path of a connection-type-specific object this activation should use. This parameter is currently ignored for wired and mobile broadband connections, and the value of "/" should be used (ie, no specific object). For WiFi connections, pass the object path of a specific AP from the card's scan list, which will be used to complete the details of the newly added connection.

OUT o path:

Object path of the new connection that was just added.

OUT o active_connection:

The path of the active connection object representing this active connection.

The DeactivateConnection() method

DeactivateConnection (IN  o active_connection);

Deactivate an active connection.

IN o active_connection:

The currently active connection to deactivate.

The Sleep() method

Sleep (IN  b sleep);

Control the NetworkManager daemon's sleep state. When asleep, all interfaces that it manages are deactivated. When awake, devices are available to be activated. This command should not be called directly by users or clients; it is intended for system suspend/resume tracking.

IN b sleep:

Indicates whether the NetworkManager daemon should sleep or wake.

The Enable() method

Enable (IN  b enable);

Control whether overall networking is enabled or disabled. When disabled, all interfaces that NM manages are deactivated. When enabled, all managed interfaces are re-enabled and available to be activated. This command should be used by clients that provide to users the ability to enable/disable all networking.

IN b enable:

If FALSE, indicates that all networking should be disabled. If TRUE, indicates that NetworkManager should begin managing network devices.

The GetPermissions() method

GetPermissions (OUT a{ss} permissions);

Returns the permissions a caller has for various authenticated operations that NetworkManager provides, like Enable/Disable networking, changing WiFi, WWAN, and WiMAX state, etc.

OUT a{ss} permissions:

Dictionary of available permissions and results. Each permission is represented by a name (ie "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Foobar") and each result is one of the following values: "yes" (the permission is available), "auth" (the permission is available after a successful authentication), or "no" (the permission is denied). Clients may use these values in the UI to indicate the ability to perform certain operations.

The SetLogging() method

SetLogging (IN  s level,
            IN  s domains);

Set logging verbosity and which operations are logged.

IN s level:

One of [ERR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, OFF, KEEP]. This level is applied to the domains as specified in the domains argument. Except for the special level "KEEP", all unmentioned domains are disabled entirely. "KEEP" is special and allows not to change the current setting except for the specified domains. E.g. level=KEEP and domains=PLATFORM:DEBUG will only touch the platform domain.

IN s domains:

A combination of logging domains separated by commas (','), or "NONE" to disable logging. Each domain enables logging for operations related to that domain. Available domains are: [PLATFORM, RFKILL, ETHER, WIFI, BT, MB, DHCP4, DHCP6, PPP, WIFI_SCAN, IP4, IP6, AUTOIP4, DNS, VPN, SHARING, SUPPLICANT, AGENTS, SETTINGS, SUSPEND, CORE, DEVICE, OLPC, WIMAX, INFINIBAND, FIREWALL, ADSL, BOND, VLAN, BRIDGE, DBUS_PROPS, TEAM, CONCHECK, DCB, DISPATCH, AUDIT]. In addition to these domains, the following special domains can be used: [NONE, ALL, DEFAULT, DHCP, IP]. You can also specify that some domains should log at a different level from the default by appending a colon (':') and a log level (eg, 'WIFI:DEBUG'). If an empty string is given, the log level is changed but the current set of log domains remains unchanged.

The GetLogging() method

GetLogging (OUT s level,
            OUT s domains);

Get current logging verbosity level and operations domains.

OUT s level:


OUT s domains:

For available domains see SetLogging() call.

The CheckConnectivity() method

CheckConnectivity (OUT u connectivity);

Re-check the network connectivity state.

OUT u connectivity:

(NMConnectivityState) The current connectivity state.

The state() method

state (OUT u state);

The overall networking state as determined by the NetworkManager daemon, based on the state of network devices under it's management.

OUT u state:


Signal Details

The "CheckPermissions" signal

CheckPermissions ();

Emitted when system authorization details change, indicating that clients may wish to recheck permissions with GetPermissions.

The "StateChanged" signal

StateChanged (u state);

NetworkManager's state changed.

u state:

(NMState) The new state of NetworkManager.

The "PropertiesChanged" signal

PropertiesChanged (a{sv} properties);

NetworkManager's properties changed.

a{sv} properties:

The changed properties.

The "DeviceAdded" signal

DeviceAdded (o device_path);

A device was added to the system

o device_path:

The object path of the newly added device.

The "DeviceRemoved" signal

DeviceRemoved (o device_path);

A device was removed from the system, and is no longer available.

o device_path:

The object path of the device that was just removed.

Property Details

The "Devices" property

Devices  readable   ao

The list of realized network devices. Realized devices are those which have backing resources (eg from the kernel or a management daemon like ModemManager, teamd, etc).

The "AllDevices" property

AllDevices  readable   ao

The list of both realized and un-realized network devices. Un-realized devices are software devices which do not yet have backing resources, but for which backing resources can be created if the device is activated.

The "NetworkingEnabled" property

NetworkingEnabled  readable   b

Indicates if overall networking is currently enabled or not. See the Enable() method.

The "WirelessEnabled" property

WirelessEnabled  readwrite  b

Indicates if wireless is currently enabled or not.

The "WirelessHardwareEnabled" property

WirelessHardwareEnabled  readable   b

Indicates if the wireless hardware is currently enabled, i.e. the state of the RF kill switch.

The "WwanEnabled" property

WwanEnabled  readwrite  b

Indicates if mobile broadband devices are currently enabled or not.

The "WwanHardwareEnabled" property

WwanHardwareEnabled  readable   b

Indicates if the mobile broadband hardware is currently enabled, i.e. the state of the RF kill switch.

The "WimaxEnabled" property

WimaxEnabled  readwrite  b

Indicates if WiMAX devices are currently enabled or not.

The "WimaxHardwareEnabled" property

WimaxHardwareEnabled  readable   b

Indicates if the WiMAX hardware is currently enabled, i.e. the state of the RF kill switch.

The "ActiveConnections" property

ActiveConnections  readable   ao

List of active connection object paths.

The "PrimaryConnection" property

PrimaryConnection  readable   o

The object path of the "primary" active connection being used to access the network. In particular, if there is no VPN active, or the VPN does not have the default route, then this indicates the connection that has the default route. If there is a VPN active with the default route, then this indicates the connection that contains the route to the VPN endpoint.

The "PrimaryConnectionType" property

PrimaryConnectionType  readable   s

The connection type of the "primary" active connection being used to access the network. This is the same as the Type property on the object indicated by PrimaryConnection.

The "Metered" property

Metered  readable   u

Indicates whether the connectivity is metered. This is equivalent to the metered property of the device associated with the primary connection.

Returns: NMMetered

The "ActivatingConnection" property

ActivatingConnection  readable   o

The object path of an active connection that is currently being activated and which is expected to become the new PrimaryConnection when it finishes activating.

The "Startup" property

Startup  readable   b

Indicates whether NM is still starting up; this becomes FALSE when NM has finished attempting to activate every connection that it might be able to activate at startup.

The "Version" property

Version  readable   s

NetworkManager version.

The "State" property

State  readable   u

The overall state of the NetworkManager daemon.

Returns: NMState

The "Connectivity" property

Connectivity  readable   u

The network connectivity state.

Returns: NMConnectivityState

The "GlobalDnsConfiguration" property

GlobalDnsConfiguration  readwrite  a{sv}

Dictionary of global DNS settings where the key is one of "searches", "options" and "domains". The values for the "searches" and "options" keys are string arrays describing the list of search domains and resolver options, respectively. The value of the "domains" key is a second-level dictionary, where each key is a domain name, and each key's value is a third-level dictionary with the keys "servers" and "options". "servers" is a string array of DNS servers, "options" is a string array of domain-specific options.