
ZifStoreRhn — Store for installed packages


struct              ZifStoreRhn;
struct              ZifStoreRhnClass;
ZifStore *          zif_store_rhn_new                   (void);
void                zif_store_rhn_set_server            (ZifStoreRhn *store,
                                                         const gchar *server);
void                zif_store_rhn_set_channel           (ZifStoreRhn *store,
                                                         const gchar *channel);
void                zif_store_rhn_set_precache          (ZifStoreRhn *store,
                                                         ZifPackageRhnPrecache precache);
gboolean            zif_store_rhn_login                 (ZifStoreRhn *store,
                                                         const gchar *username,
                                                         const gchar *password,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            zif_store_rhn_logout                (ZifStoreRhn *store,
                                                         GError **error);
gchar *             zif_store_rhn_get_version           (ZifStoreRhn *store,
                                                         GError **error);
const gchar *       zif_store_rhn_get_session_key       (ZifStoreRhn *store);

Object Hierarchy



A ZifStoreRhn is a subclassed ZifStore and operates on remote objects.


struct ZifStoreRhn

struct ZifStoreRhn;

struct ZifStoreRhnClass

struct ZifStoreRhnClass {
	ZifStoreClass		 parent_class;
	/* Padding for future expansion */
	void (*_zif_reserved1) (void);
	void (*_zif_reserved2) (void);
	void (*_zif_reserved3) (void);
	void (*_zif_reserved4) (void);

zif_store_rhn_new ()

ZifStore *          zif_store_rhn_new                   (void);

Returns :

A new ZifStoreRhn instance.

Since 0.1.6

zif_store_rhn_set_server ()

void                zif_store_rhn_set_server            (ZifStoreRhn *store,
                                                         const gchar *server);

Sets the XMLRPC server to use for RHN.

store :

A ZifStoreRhn

server :

The server to use, e.g. "https://rhn.redhat.com/rpc/api"

Since 0.1.6

zif_store_rhn_set_channel ()

void                zif_store_rhn_set_channel           (ZifStoreRhn *store,
                                                         const gchar *channel);

Sets the RHN channel to use.

store :

A ZifStoreRhn

channel :

The server to use, e.g. "rhel-i386-client-6"

Since 0.1.6

zif_store_rhn_set_precache ()

void                zif_store_rhn_set_precache          (ZifStoreRhn *store,
                                                         ZifPackageRhnPrecache precache);

Sets the precache policy. Precaching slows down zif_store_load() but dramatically speeds up any data access because each request is multithreaded on up to 50 threads at once.

store :

A ZifStoreRhn

precache :


Since 0.1.6

zif_store_rhn_login ()

gboolean            zif_store_rhn_login                 (ZifStoreRhn *store,
                                                         const gchar *username,
                                                         const gchar *password,
                                                         GError **error);

Logs into RHN using the specified username and password.

store :

A ZifStoreRhn

username :

The username to login to RHN with

password :

The password to login to RHN with

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE for success, FALSE otherwise

Since 0.1.6

zif_store_rhn_logout ()

gboolean            zif_store_rhn_logout                (ZifStoreRhn *store,
                                                         GError **error);

Logs out of RHN.

store :

A ZifStoreRhn

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE for success, FALSE otherwise

Since 0.1.6

zif_store_rhn_get_version ()

gchar *             zif_store_rhn_get_version           (ZifStoreRhn *store,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the RHN version.

store :

A ZifStoreRhn

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

a string for success, NULL otherwise

Since 0.1.6

zif_store_rhn_get_session_key ()

const gchar *       zif_store_rhn_get_session_key       (ZifStoreRhn *store);

Gets the session_key to use for the install root.

store :

A ZifStoreRhn

Returns :

The install session_key, e.g. "/"

Since 0.1.3