
ZifHistory — Discover details about past transactions


#define             ZIF_HISTORY_ERROR
struct              ZifHistory;
struct              ZifHistoryClass;
enum                ZifHistoryError;
GQuark              zif_history_error_quark             (void);
ZifHistory *        zif_history_new                     (void);
gboolean            zif_history_add_entry               (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifPackage *package,
                                                         gint64 timestamp,
                                                         ZifTransactionReason reason,
                                                         guint uid,
                                                         const gchar *command_line,
                                                         GError **error);
GArray *            zif_history_list_transactions       (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         GError **error);
GArray *            zif_history_get_transactions_for_package
                                                        (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifPackage *package,
                                                         GError **error);
GPtrArray *         zif_history_get_packages            (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         gint64 timestamp,
                                                         GError **error);
guint               zif_history_get_uid                 (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifPackage *package,
                                                         gint64 timestamp,
                                                         GError **error);
gchar *             zif_history_get_cmdline             (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifPackage *package,
                                                         gint64 timestamp,
                                                         GError **error);
gchar *             zif_history_get_repo                (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifPackage *package,
                                                         gint64 timestamp,
                                                         GError **error);
ZifTransactionReason zif_history_get_reason             (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifPackage *package,
                                                         gint64 timestamp,
                                                         GError **error);
gchar *             zif_history_get_repo_newest         (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifPackage *package,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            zif_history_import                  (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifDb *db,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            zif_history_set_repo_for_store      (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifStore *store,
                                                         GError **error);

Object Hierarchy



ZifHistory allows the user to see past transaction details to see what was installed, upgraded and the reasons why.



#define ZIF_HISTORY_ERROR		(zif_history_error_quark ())

struct ZifHistory

struct ZifHistory;

struct ZifHistoryClass

struct ZifHistoryClass {
	GObjectClass			 parent_class;
	/* Padding for future expansion */
	void (*_zif_reserved1) (void);
	void (*_zif_reserved2) (void);
	void (*_zif_reserved3) (void);
	void (*_zif_reserved4) (void);

enum ZifHistoryError

typedef enum {
} ZifHistoryError;




zif_history_error_quark ()

GQuark              zif_history_error_quark             (void);

Returns :

An error quark.

Since 0.2.4

zif_history_new ()

ZifHistory *        zif_history_new                     (void);

Returns :

A new ZifHistory instance.

Since 0.2.4

zif_history_add_entry ()

gboolean            zif_history_add_entry               (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifPackage *package,
                                                         gint64 timestamp,
                                                         ZifTransactionReason reason,
                                                         guint uid,
                                                         const gchar *command_line,
                                                         GError **error);

Adds an entry into the zif history store

history :

A ZifHistory

package :

A ZifPackage

timestamp :

A timestamp

reason :

A ZifTransactionReason

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success

Since 0.2.4

zif_history_list_transactions ()

GArray *            zif_history_list_transactions       (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         GError **error);

Returns an array of transaction timestamps. Each timestamp may correspond to a number of modified packages.

history :

A ZifHistory

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

an GArray of gint64. [element-type gint64][transfer container]

Since 0.2.4

zif_history_get_transactions_for_package ()

GArray *            zif_history_get_transactions_for_package
                                                        (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifPackage *package,
                                                         GError **error);

Returns an array of transaction timestamps. Each timestamp may correspond to a number of modified packages.

history :

A ZifHistory

package :

A ZifPackage

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

an GArray of gint64. [element-type gint64][transfer container]

Since 0.2.6

zif_history_get_packages ()

GPtrArray *         zif_history_get_packages            (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         gint64 timestamp,
                                                         GError **error);

Return all the packages that were modified on a specified timestamp.

history :

A ZifHistory

timestamp :

A timestamp

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

A GPtrArray of ZifPackage's with the specified timestamp. [element-type ZifPackage][transfer container]

Since 0.2.4

zif_history_get_uid ()

guint               zif_history_get_uid                 (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifPackage *package,
                                                         gint64 timestamp,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the user id for the specified package for the given timestamp.

history :

A ZifHistory

package :

A ZifPackage

timestamp :

A timestamp

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

A UID, or G_MAXUINT for error

Since 0.2.4

zif_history_get_cmdline ()

gchar *             zif_history_get_cmdline             (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifPackage *package,
                                                         gint64 timestamp,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the command line used to process the specified package for the given timestamp.

history :

A ZifHistory

package :

A ZifPackage

timestamp :

A timestamp

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

The command line, or NULL for error

Since 0.2.4

zif_history_get_repo ()

gchar *             zif_history_get_repo                (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifPackage *package,
                                                         gint64 timestamp,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the source store id for the specified package for the given timestamp.

history :

A ZifHistory

package :

A ZifPackage

timestamp :

A timestamp

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

The store ID, or NULL for error

Since 0.2.4

zif_history_get_reason ()

ZifTransactionReason zif_history_get_reason             (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifPackage *package,
                                                         gint64 timestamp,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the transaction reason for the specified package and the given timestamp.

history :

A ZifHistory

package :

A ZifPackage

timestamp :

A timestamp

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

The ZifTransactionReason, or ZIF_TRANSACTION_REASON_INVALID for error

Since 0.2.4

zif_history_get_repo_newest ()

gchar *             zif_history_get_repo_newest         (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifPackage *package,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets the source repository for a specific package. Note: this will return the repo for the most recently installed version of the package.

history :

A ZifHistory

package :

A ZifPackage

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

The remote store ID for the installed package, or NULL

Since 0.2.4

zif_history_import ()

gboolean            zif_history_import                  (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifDb *db,
                                                         GError **error);

Imports a legacy yumdb database into the zif history store

history :

A ZifHistory

db :

A ZifDb

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success

Since 0.2.4

zif_history_set_repo_for_store ()

gboolean            zif_history_set_repo_for_store      (ZifHistory *history,
                                                         ZifStore *store,
                                                         GError **error);

Sets all the repo_id values for every package in the store. This is much quicker than calling zif_history_get_repo_newest() for each package as only one SQL statement is prepared.

history :

A ZifHistory

store :

A ZifStore

error :

A GError, or NULL

Returns :

TRUE on success

Since 0.2.4