Results for spec@egl_mesa_query_driver@conformance


Result: pass

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Detail Value
Returncode 0
Time 0:00:00.105505
scalarBlockLayout OR EXT_scalar_block_layout Driver name: zink
Driver config: <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<!DOCTYPE driinfo [
   <!ELEMENT driinfo      (section*)>
   <!ELEMENT section      (description+, option+)>
   <!ELEMENT description  (enum*)>
   <!ATTLIST description  lang CDATA #FIXED "en"
                          text CDATA #REQUIRED>
   <!ELEMENT option       (description+)>
   <!ATTLIST option       name CDATA #REQUIRED
                          type (bool|enum|int|float) #REQUIRED
                          default CDATA #REQUIRED
                          valid CDATA #IMPLIED>
   <!ELEMENT enum         EMPTY>
   <!ATTLIST enum         value CDATA #REQUIRED
                          text CDATA #REQUIRED>
    <description lang="en" text="Performance"/>
      <option name="mesa_glthread" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Enable offloading GL driver work to a separate thread"/>
      <option name="mesa_no_error" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Disable GL driver error checking"/>
    <description lang="en" text="Image Quality"/>
      <option name="pp_celshade" type="enum" default="0" valid="0:1">
        <description lang="en" text="A post-processing filter to cel-shade the output">
      <option name="pp_nored" type="enum" default="0" valid="0:1">
        <description lang="en" text="A post-processing filter to remove the red channel">
      <option name="pp_nogreen" type="enum" default="0" valid="0:1">
        <description lang="en" text="A post-processing filter to remove the green channel">
      <option name="pp_noblue" type="enum" default="0" valid="0:1">
        <description lang="en" text="A post-processing filter to remove the blue channel">
      <option name="pp_jimenezmlaa" type="int" default="0" valid="0:32">
        <description lang="en" text="Morphological anti-aliasing based on Jimenez' MLAA. 0 to disable, 8 for default quality"/>
      <option name="pp_jimenezmlaa_color" type="int" default="0" valid="0:32">
        <description lang="en" text="Morphological anti-aliasing based on Jimenez' MLAA. 0 to disable, 8 for default quality. Color version, usable with 2d GL apps"/>
    <description lang="en" text="Debugging"/>
      <option name="force_glsl_extensions_warn" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Force GLSL extension default behavior to 'warn'"/>
      <option name="disable_glsl_line_continuations" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Disable backslash-based line continuations in GLSL source"/>
      <option name="disable_blend_func_extended" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Disable dual source blending"/>
      <option name="disable_arb_gpu_shader5" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Disable GL_ARB_gpu_shader5"/>
      <option name="disable_uniform_array_resize" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Disable the glsl optimisation that resizes uniform arrays"/>
      <option name="force_glsl_version" type="int" default="0" valid="0:999">
        <description lang="en" text="Force a default GLSL version for shaders that lack an explicit #version line"/>
      <option name="allow_extra_pp_tokens" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Allow extra tokens at end of preprocessor directives."/>
      <option name="allow_glsl_extension_directive_midshader" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Allow GLSL #extension directives in the middle of shaders"/>
      <option name="allow_glsl_120_subset_in_110" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Allow a subset of GLSL 1.20 in GLSL 1.10 as needed by SPECviewperf13"/>
      <option name="allow_glsl_builtin_const_expression" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Allow builtins as part of constant expressions"/>
      <option name="allow_glsl_relaxed_es" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Allow some relaxation of GLSL ES shader restrictions"/>
      <option name="allow_glsl_builtin_variable_redeclaration" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Allow GLSL built-in variables to be redeclared verbatim"/>
      <option name="allow_glsl_cross_stage_interpolation_mismatch" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Allow interpolation qualifier mismatch across shader stages"/>
      <option name="do_dce_before_clip_cull_analysis" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Use dead code elimitation before checking for invalid Clip*/CullDistance variables usage."/>
      <option name="allow_higher_compat_version" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Allow a higher compat profile (version 3.1+) for apps that request it"/>
      <option name="allow_glsl_compat_shaders" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Allow in GLSL: #version xxx compatibility"/>
      <option name="force_glsl_abs_sqrt" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Force computing the absolute value for sqrt() and inversesqrt()"/>
      <option name="glsl_correct_derivatives_after_discard" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Implicit and explicit derivatives after a discard behave as if the discard didn't happen"/>
      <option name="glsl_ignore_write_to_readonly_var" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Forces the GLSL compiler to ignore writes to readonly vars rather than throwing an error"/>
      <option name="allow_draw_out_of_order" type="bool" default="true">
        <description lang="en" text="Allow out-of-order draw optimizations. Set when Z fighting doesn't have to be accurate."/>
      <option name="glthread_nop_check_framebuffer_status" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="glthread always returns GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE to prevent synchronization."/>
      <option name="force_compat_profile" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Force an OpenGL compatibility context"/>
      <option name="force_compat_shaders" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Force OpenGL compatibility shaders"/>
      <option name="force_gl_names_reuse" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Force GL names reuse"/>
      <option name="force_gl_map_buffer_synchronized" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Override GL_MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT."/>
      <option name="transcode_etc" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Transcode ETC formats to DXTC if unsupported"/>
      <option name="transcode_astc" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Transcode ASTC formats to DXTC if unsupported"/>
      <option name="force_gl_vendor" type="string" default="">
        <description lang="en" text="Override GPU vendor string."/>
      <option name="force_gl_renderer" type="string" default="">
        <description lang="en" text="Override GPU renderer string."/>
      <option name="override_vram_size" type="int" default="-1" valid="-1:2147483647">
        <description lang="en" text="Override the VRAM size advertised to the application in MiB (-1 = default)"/>
      <option name="glx_extension_override" type="string" default="">
        <description lang="en" text="Allow enabling/disabling a list of GLX extensions"/>
      <option name="mesa_extension_override" type="string" default="">
        <description lang="en" text="Allow enabling/disabling a list of extensions"/>
      <option name="indirect_gl_extension_override" type="string" default="">
        <description lang="en" text="Allow enabling/disabling a list of indirect-GL extensions"/>
      <option name="force_protected_content_check" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Reject image import if protected_content attribute doesn't match"/>
      <option name="ignore_map_unsynchronized" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Ignore GL_MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT, workaround for games that use it incorrectly"/>
      <option name="force_direct_glx_context" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Force direct GLX context (even if indirect is requested)"/>
      <option name="allow_invalid_glx_destroy_window" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Allow passing an invalid window into glXDestroyWindow"/>
      <option name="keep_native_window_glx_drawable" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Keep GLX drawable created from native window when switch context"/>
    <description lang="en" text="Miscellaneous"/>
      <option name="always_have_depth_buffer" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Create all visuals with a depth buffer"/>
      <option name="glsl_zero_init" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Force uninitialized variables to default to zero"/>
      <option name="vs_position_always_invariant" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Force the vertex shader's gl_Position output to be considered 'invariant'"/>
      <option name="vs_position_always_precise" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Force the vertex shader's gl_Position output to be considered 'precise'"/>
      <option name="allow_rgb10_configs" type="bool" default="true">
        <description lang="en" text="Allow exposure of visuals and fbconfigs with rgb10a2 formats"/>
      <option name="force_integer_tex_nearest" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Force integer textures to use nearest filtering"/>
    <description lang="en" text="Debugging"/>
      <option name="dual_color_blend_by_location" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Identify dual color blending sources by location rather than index"/>
      <option name="radeonsi_inline_uniforms" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="Optimize shaders by replacing uniforms with literals"/>
      <option name="disable_xcb_surface" type="bool" default="false">
        <description lang="en" text="disable ext"/>
    <description lang="en" text="Performance"/>
      <option name="mesa_glthread" type="bool" default="true">
        <description lang="en" text="Enable offloading GL driver work to a separate thread"/>

WARNING: NVK is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only.
WARNING: Some incorrect rendering might occur because the selected Vulkan device (TU104) doesn't support base Zink requirements: have_EXT_line_rasterization 
PIGLIT_SOURCE_DIR="/home/airlied/devel/piglit" PIGLIT_PLATFORM="mixed_glx_egl"
/home/airlied/devel/piglit/bin/egl_mesa_query_driver -auto -fbo


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