Classes | Enumerations | Functions

Video processing API


struct  VAProcPipelineCaps
 Video processing pipeline capabilities. More...
struct  VAProcFilterValueRange
 Specification of values supported by the filter. More...
struct  VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer
 Video processing pipeline configuration. More...
struct  VAProcFilterParameterBufferBase
 Filter parameter buffer base. More...
struct  VAProcFilterParameterBuffer
 Default filter parametrization. More...
struct  VAProcFilterParameterBufferDeinterlacing
 Deinterlacing filter parametrization. More...
struct  VAProcFilterParameterBufferColorBalance
 Color balance filter parametrization. More...
struct  VAProcFilterParameterBufferColorStandard
 Color standard filter parametrization. More...
struct  VAProcFilterCap
 Default filter cap specification (single range value). More...
struct  VAProcFilterCapDeinterlacing
 Capabilities specification for the deinterlacing filter. More...
struct  VAProcFilterCapColorBalance
 Capabilities specification for the color balance filter. More...
struct  VAProcFilterCapColorStandard
 Capabilities specification for the color standard filter. More...


enum  VAProcFilterType { ,

Video filter types.

enum  VAProcDeinterlacingType { ,

Deinterlacing types.

enum  VAProcColorBalanceType { ,

Color balance types.

enum  VAProcColorStandardType { ,

Color standard types.



VAStatus vaQueryVideoProcFilters (VADisplay dpy, VAContextID context, VAProcFilterType *filters, unsigned int *num_filters)
 Queries video processing filters.
VAStatus vaQueryVideoProcFilterCaps (VADisplay dpy, VAContextID context, VAProcFilterType type, void *filter_caps, unsigned int *num_filter_caps)
 Queries video filter capabilities.
VAStatus vaQueryVideoProcPipelineCaps (VADisplay dpy, VAContextID context, VABufferID *filters, unsigned int num_filters, VAProcPipelineCaps *pipeline_caps)
 Queries video processing pipeline capabilities.

Video pipeline flags

 Specifies whether to apply subpictures when processing a surface.
#define VA_PROC_PIPELINE_FAST   0x00000002
 Specifies whether to apply power or performance optimizations to a pipeline.

Video filter flags

#define VA_PROC_FILTER_MANDATORY   0x00000001
 Specifies whether the filter shall be present in the pipeline.

Detailed Description

The video processing API uses the same paradigm as for decoding:

Query for supported filters

Checking whether video processing is supported can be performed with vaQueryConfigEntrypoints() and the profile argument set to VAProfileNone. If video processing is supported, then the list of returned entry-points will include VAEntrypointVideoProc.

 VAEntrypoint *entrypoints;
 int i, num_entrypoints, supportsVideoProcessing = 0;

 num_entrypoints = vaMaxNumEntrypoints();
 entrypoints = malloc(num_entrypoints * sizeof(entrypoints[0]);
 vaQueryConfigEntrypoints(va_dpy, VAProfileNone,
     entrypoints, &num_entrypoints);

 for (i = 0; !supportsVideoProcessing && i < num_entrypoints; i++) {
     if (entrypoints[i] == VAEntrypointVideoProc)
         supportsVideoProcessing = 1;

Then, the vaQueryVideoProcFilters() function is used to query the list of video processing filters.

 VAProcFilterType filters[VAProcFilterCount];
 unsigned int num_filters = VAProcFilterCount;

 // num_filters shall be initialized to the length of the array
 vaQueryVideoProcFilters(va_dpy, vpp_ctx, &pipe_caps, &num_filters);

Finally, individual filter capabilities can be checked with vaQueryVideoProcFilterCaps().

 VAProcFilterCap denoise_caps;
 unsigned int num_denoise_caps = 1;
 vaQueryVideoProcFilterCaps(va_dpy, vpp_ctx,
     &denoise_caps, &num_denoise_caps

 VAProcFilterCapDeinterlacing deinterlacing_caps[VAProcDeinterlacingCount];
 unsigned int num_deinterlacing_caps = VAProcDeinterlacingCount;
 vaQueryVideoProcFilterCaps(va_dpy, vpp_ctx,
     &deinterlacing_caps, &num_deinterlacing_caps

Set up a video processing pipeline

A video processing pipeline buffer is created for each source surface we want to process. However, buffers holding filter parameters can be created once and for all. Rationale is to avoid multiple creation/destruction chains of filter buffers and also because filter parameters generally won't change frame after frame. e.g. this makes it possible to implement a checkerboard of videos where the same filters are applied to each video source.

The general control flow is demonstrated by the following pseudo-code:

 // Create filters
 VABufferID denoise_filter, deint_filter;
 VABufferID filter_bufs[VAProcFilterCount];
 unsigned int num_filter_bufs;

 for (i = 0; i < num_filters; i++) {
     switch (filters[i]) {
     case VAProcFilterNoiseReduction: {       // Noise reduction filter
         VAProcFilterParameterBuffer denoise;
         denoise.type  = VAProcFilterNoiseReduction;
         denoise.value = 0.5;
         vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy, vpp_ctx,
             VAProcFilterParameterBufferType, sizeof(denoise), 1,
             &denoise, &denoise_filter
         filter_bufs[num_filter_bufs++] = denoise_filter;

     case VAProcFilterDeinterlacing:          // Motion-adaptive deinterlacing
         for (j = 0; j < num_deinterlacing_caps; j++) {
             VAProcFilterCapDeinterlacing * const cap = &deinterlacing_caps[j];
             if (cap->type != VAProcDeinterlacingMotionAdaptive)

             VAProcFilterParameterBufferDeinterlacing deint;
             deint.type                   = VAProcFilterDeinterlacing;
             deint.algorithm              = VAProcDeinterlacingMotionAdaptive;
             vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy, vpp_ctx,
                 VAProcFilterParameterBufferType, sizeof(deint), 1,
                 &deint, &deint_filter
             filter_bufs[num_filter_bufs++] = deint_filter;

Once the video processing pipeline is set up, the caller shall check the implied capabilities and requirements with vaQueryVideoProcPipelineCaps(). This function can be used to validate the number of reference frames are needed by the specified deinterlacing algorithm, the supported color primaries, etc.

 // Create filters
 VAProcPipelineCaps pipeline_caps;
 VASurfaceID *forward_references;
 unsigned int num_forward_references;
 VASurfaceID *backward_references;
 unsigned int num_backward_references;
 VAProcColorStandardType in_color_standards[VAProcColorStandardCount];
 VAProcColorStandardType out_color_standards[VAProcColorStandardCount];

 pipeline_caps.input_color_standards      = NULL;
 pipeline_caps.num_input_color_standards  = ARRAY_ELEMS(in_color_standards);
 pipeline_caps.output_color_standards     = NULL;
 pipeline_caps.num_output_color_standards = ARRAY_ELEMS(out_color_standards);
 vaQueryVideoProcPipelineCaps(va_dpy, vpp_ctx,
     filter_bufs, num_filter_bufs,

 num_forward_references  = pipeline_caps.num_forward_references;
 forward_references      =
     malloc(num__forward_references * sizeof(VASurfaceID));
 num_backward_references = pipeline_caps.num_backward_references;
 backward_references     =
     malloc(num_backward_references * sizeof(VASurfaceID));

Send video processing parameters through VA buffers

Video processing pipeline parameters are submitted for each source surface to process. Video filter parameters can also change, per-surface. e.g. the list of reference frames used for deinterlacing.

 foreach (iteration) {
     vaBeginPicture(va_dpy, vpp_ctx, vpp_surface);
     foreach (surface) {
         VARectangle output_region;
         VABufferID pipeline_buf;
         VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer *pipeline_param;

         vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy, vpp_ctx,
             VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer, sizeof(*pipeline_param), 1,
             NULL, &pipeline_param

         // Setup output region for this surface
         // e.g. upper left corner for the first surface
         output_region.x     = BORDER;
         output_region.y     = BORDER;
         output_region.width =
             (vpp_surface_width - (Nx_surfaces + 1) * BORDER) / Nx_surfaces;
         output_region.height =
             (vpp_surface_height - (Ny_surfaces + 1) * BORDER) / Ny_surfaces;

         vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, pipeline_buf, &pipeline_param);
         pipeline_param->surface              = surface;
         pipeline_param->surface_region       = NULL;
         pipeline_param->output_region        = &output_region;
         pipeline_param->output_background_color = 0;
         if (first surface to render)
             pipeline_param->output_background_color = 0xff000000; // black
         pipeline_param->filter_flags         = VA_FILTER_SCALING_HQ;
         pipeline_param->filters              = filter_bufs;
         pipeline_param->num_filters          = num_filter_bufs;
         vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, pipeline_buf);

         // Update reference frames for deinterlacing, if necessary
         pipeline_param->forward_references      = forward_references;
         pipeline_param->num_forward_references  = num_forward_references_used;
         pipeline_param->backward_references     = backward_references;
         pipeline_param->num_backward_references = num_bacward_references_used;

         // Apply filters
         vaRenderPicture(va_dpy, vpp_ctx, &pipeline_buf, 1);
     vaEndPicture(va_dpy, vpp_ctx);

Define Documentation

#define VA_PROC_PIPELINE_FAST   0x00000002

Specifies whether to apply power or performance optimizations to a pipeline.

When processing several surfaces, it may be necessary to prioritize more certain pipelines than others. This flag is only a hint to the video processor so that it can omit certain filters to save power for example. Typically, this flag could be used with video surfaces decoded from a secondary bitstream.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Color balance types.










Automatically adjusted saturation.


Automatically adjusted brightness.


Automatically adjusted contrast.


Number of color balance attributes.

Color standard types.


ITU-R BT.601.


ITU-R BT.709.


ITU-R BT.470-2 System M.


ITU-R BT.470-2 System B, G.






Generic film.


Number of color standards.

Deinterlacing types.


Bob deinterlacing algorithm.


Weave deinterlacing algorithm.


Motion adaptive deinterlacing algorithm.


Motion compensated deinterlacing algorithm.


Number of deinterlacing algorithms.

Video filter types.


Noise reduction filter.


Deinterlacing filter.


Sharpening filter.


Color balance parameters.


Color standard conversion.


Number of video filters.

Function Documentation

VAStatus vaQueryVideoProcFilterCaps ( VADisplay  dpy,
VAContextID  context,
VAProcFilterType  type,
void *  filter_caps,
unsigned int *  num_filter_caps 

Queries video filter capabilities.

This function returns the list of capabilities supported by the driver for a specific video filter. The filter_caps array is allocated by the user and num_filter_caps shall be initialized to the number of allocated elements in that array. Upon successful return, the actual number of filters will be overwritten into num_filter_caps. Otherwise, VA_STATUS_ERROR_MAX_NUM_EXCEEDED is returned and num_filter_caps is adjusted to the number of elements that would be returned if enough space was available.

[in]dpythe VA display
[in]contextthe video processing context
[in]typethe video filter type
[out]filter_capsthe output array of VAProcFilterCap elements
[in,out]num_filter_capsthe number of elements allocated on input, the number of elements actually filled in output
VAStatus vaQueryVideoProcFilters ( VADisplay  dpy,
VAContextID  context,
VAProcFilterType filters,
unsigned int *  num_filters 

Queries video processing filters.

This function returns the list of video processing filters supported by the driver. The filters array is allocated by the user and num_filters shall be initialized to the number of allocated elements in that array. Upon successful return, the actual number of filters will be overwritten into num_filters. Otherwise, VA_STATUS_ERROR_MAX_NUM_EXCEEDED is returned and num_filters is adjusted to the number of elements that would be returned if enough space was available.

The list of video processing filters supported by the driver shall be ordered in the way they can be iteratively applied. This is needed for both correctness, i.e. some filters would not mean anything if applied at the beginning of the pipeline; but also for performance since some filters can be applied in a single pass (e.g. noise reduction + deinterlacing).

[in]dpythe VA display
[in]contextthe video processing context
[out]filtersthe output array of VAProcFilterType elements
[in,out]num_filtersthe number of elements allocated on input, the number of elements actually filled in on output
VAStatus vaQueryVideoProcPipelineCaps ( VADisplay  dpy,
VAContextID  context,
VABufferID *  filters,
unsigned int  num_filters,
VAProcPipelineCaps pipeline_caps 

Queries video processing pipeline capabilities.

This function returns the video processing pipeline capabilities. The filters array defines the video processing pipeline and is an array of buffers holding filter parameters.

Note: the VAProcPipelineCaps structure contains user-provided arrays. If non-NULL, the corresponding num_* fields shall be filled in on input with the number of elements allocated. Upon successful return, the actual number of elements will be overwritten into the num_* fields. Otherwise, VA_STATUS_ERROR_MAX_NUM_EXCEEDED is returned and num_* fields are adjusted to the number of elements that would be returned if enough space was available.

[in]dpythe VA display
[in]contextthe video processing context
[in]filtersthe array of VA buffers defining the video processing pipeline
[in]num_filtersthe number of elements in filters
[in,out]pipeline_capsthe video processing pipeline capabilities
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