Results for spec/glsl-1.20/compiler/structure-and-array-operations/array-ctor-implicit-conversion-bool-int.vert


Status: fail
Result: fail

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Detail Value
returncode 1
time 0.288579940796
Returncode was 1
  • Successfully compiled vertex shader tests/spec/glsl-1.20/compiler/structure-and-array-operations/array-ctor-implicit-conversion-bool-int.vert:
/home/mks-hackers/piglit/framework/../bin/glslparsertest tests/spec/glsl-1.20/compiler/structure-and-array-operations/array-ctor-implicit-conversion-bool-int.vert fail 1.20
Returncode: 1

Successfully compiled vertex shader tests/spec/glsl-1.20/compiler/structure-and-array-operations/array-ctor-implicit-conversion-bool-int.vert: 

Shader source:
/* [config]
 * expect_result: fail
 * glsl_version: 1.20
 * [end config]
 * From page 20 (page 26 of the PDF) of the GLSL 1.20 spec:
 *     "In some situations, an expression and its type will be implicitly
 *     converted to a different type. The following table shows all allowed
 *     implicit conversions:
 *     Type of expression   Can be implicitly converted to
 *     int                  float
 *     ivec2                vec2
 *     ivec3                vec3
 *     ivec4                vec4
 *     There are no implicit array or structure conversions. For example, an
 *     array of int cannot be implicitly converted to an array of float.  When
 *     an implicit conversion is done, it is not just a re-interpretation of
 *     the expression's value, but a conversion of that value to an equivalent
 *     value in the new type. For example, the integer value 5 will be
 *     converted to the floating-point value 5.0.  The conversions in the
 *     table above are done only as indicated by other sections of this
 *     specification."
#version 120

uniform bool a[2];

void main()
  int b[2] = int[](a[0], a[1]);

  gl_Position = vec4(b[0]);

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