Results for spec/glsl-1.20/compiler/built-in-functions/op-mult-mat4-mat3x4.vert


Status: fail
Result: fail

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Detail Value
returncode 1
time 0.262645959854
Returncode was 1
/home/mks-hackers/piglit/framework/../bin/glslparsertest tests/../generated_tests/spec/glsl-1.20/compiler/built-in-functions/op-mult-mat4-mat3x4.vert pass 1.20
  • Failed to compile vertex shader tests/../generated_tests/spec/glsl-1.20/compiler/built-in-functions/op-mult-mat4-mat3x4.vert: 0(16) : error C1307: non constant expression for array size
  • 0(17) : error C1307: non constant expression for array size
  • 0(18) : error C1307: non constant expression for array size
  • 0(19) : error C1307: non constant expression for array size
Returncode: 1

Failed to compile vertex shader tests/../generated_tests/spec/glsl-1.20/compiler/built-in-functions/op-mult-mat4-mat3x4.vert: 0(16) : error C1307: non constant expression for array size
0(17) : error C1307: non constant expression for array size
0(18) : error C1307: non constant expression for array size
0(19) : error C1307: non constant expression for array size

Shader source:
/* [config]
 * expect_result: pass
 * glsl_version: 1.20
 * [end config]
 * Check that the following test vectors are constant folded correctly:
 * (mat4(-1.0, 1.77, 0.090000004, -0.91000003, -0.55000001, 0.62, -0.70999998, -1.8200001, -1.08, 0.47999999, -1.39, -1.4299999, 1.79, -1.35, -1.21, 0.72000003) * mat3x4(1.42, 1.8, -1.88, 1.37, -0.86000001, -1.74, -0.37, 1.9, 0.27000001, 0.039999999, 0.43000001, 0.70999998)) => mat3x4(2.0727, 0.87749988, -0.19470002, -0.89340007, 5.6176, -5.3435998, -0.6267001, 5.8465004, 0.5144999, -0.24939997, -1.4608999, -0.42219999)
 * (mat4(-1.0, 1.77, 0.090000004, -0.91000003, -0.55000001, 0.62, -0.70999998, -1.8200001, -1.08, 0.47999999, -1.39, -1.4299999, 1.79, -1.35, -1.21, 0.72000003) * mat3x4(-1.72, -0.31, 0.14, 0.40000001, 0.090000004, -1.58, 0.18000001, -0.76999998, 0.44999999, 1.92, -0.56, 1.76)) => mat3x4(2.4553001, -3.7093999, -0.61330003, 2.2172, -0.79369992, 0.30559996, 1.8113999, 1.9819001, 2.2491999, -0.65790009, -2.6738999, -1.8358999)
 * (mat4(0.059999999, 1.6, 1.25, -0.16, 1.3099999, -0.31999999, 0.44999999, 0.44999999, 1.52, 0.50999999, 1.9, -0.88, -1.96, -1.84, -0.72000003, 0.38999999) * mat3x4(1.42, 1.8, -1.88, 1.37, -0.86000001, -1.74, -0.37, 1.9, 0.27000001, 0.039999999, 0.43000001, 0.70999998)) => mat3x4(-3.0996001, -1.7836001, -1.9734001, 2.7714999, -6.6174002, -4.5039001, -3.9290001, 0.42119998, -0.66939998, -0.66789997, 0.6613, -0.12670003)
 * (mat4(0.059999999, 1.6, 1.25, -0.16, 1.3099999, -0.31999999, 0.44999999, 0.44999999, 1.52, 0.50999999, 1.9, -0.88, -1.96, -1.84, -0.72000003, 0.38999999) * mat3x4(-1.72, -0.31, 0.14, 0.40000001, 0.090000004, -1.58, 0.18000001, -0.76999998, 0.44999999, 1.92, -0.56, 1.76)) => mat3x4(-1.0805, -3.3174002, -2.3115001, 0.16849999, -0.28159997, 2.1582, 0.29790002, -1.1841, -1.7586002, -3.4184, -0.9047001, 1.9712)
#version 120

void main()
  float[pow(distance((mat4(-1.0, 1.77, 0.090000004, -0.91000003, -0.55000001, 0.62, -0.70999998, -1.8200001, -1.08, 0.47999999, -1.39, -1.4299999, 1.79, -1.35, -1.21, 0.72000003) * mat3x4(1.42, 1.8, -1.88, 1.37, -0.86000001, -1.74, -0.37, 1.9, 0.27000001, 0.039999999, 0.43000001, 0.70999998))[0], vec4(2.0727, 0.87749988, -0.19470002, -0.89340007)), 2) + pow(distance((mat4(-1.0, 1.77, 0.090000004, -0.91000003, -0.55000001, 0.62, -0.70999998, -1.8200001, -1.08, 0.47999999, -1.39, -1.4299999, 1.79, -1.35, -1.21, 0.72000003) * mat3x4(1.42, 1.8, -1.88, 1.37, -0.86000001, -1.74, -0.37, 1.9, 0.27000001, 0.039999999, 0.43000001, 0.70999998))[1], vec4(5.6176, -5.3435998, -0.6267001, 5.8465004)), 2) + pow(distance((mat4(-1.0, 1.77, 0.090000004, -0.91000003, -0.55000001, 0.62, -0.70999998, -1.8200001, -1.08, 0.47999999, -1.39, -1.4299999, 1.79, -1.35, -1.21, 0.72000003) * mat3x4(1.42, 1.8, -1.88, 1.37, -0.86000001, -1.74, -0.37, 1.9, 0.27000001, 0.039999999, 0.43000001, 0.70999998))[2], vec4(0.5144999, -0.24939997, -1.4608999, -0.42219999)), 2) <= 1.0322738e-08 ? 1 : -1] array0;
  float[pow(distance((mat4(-1.0, 1.77, 0.090000004, -0.91000003, -0.55000001, 0.62, -0.70999998, -1.8200001, -1.08, 0.47999999, -1.39, -1.4299999, 1.79, -1.35, -1.21, 0.72000003) * mat3x4(-1.72, -0.31, 0.14, 0.40000001, 0.090000004, -1.58, 0.18000001, -0.76999998, 0.44999999, 1.92, -0.56, 1.76))[0], vec4(2.4553001, -3.7093999, -0.61330003, 2.2172)), 2) + pow(distance((mat4(-1.0, 1.77, 0.090000004, -0.91000003, -0.55000001, 0.62, -0.70999998, -1.8200001, -1.08, 0.47999999, -1.39, -1.4299999, 1.79, -1.35, -1.21, 0.72000003) * mat3x4(-1.72, -0.31, 0.14, 0.40000001, 0.090000004, -1.58, 0.18000001, -0.76999998, 0.44999999, 1.92, -0.56, 1.76))[1], vec4(-0.79369992, 0.30559996, 1.8113999, 1.9819001)), 2) + pow(distance((mat4(-1.0, 1.77, 0.090000004, -0.91000003, -0.55000001, 0.62, -0.70999998, -1.8200001, -1.08, 0.47999999, -1.39, -1.4299999, 1.79, -1.35, -1.21, 0.72000003) * mat3x4(-1.72, -0.31, 0.14, 0.40000001, 0.090000004, -1.58, 0.18000001, -0.76999998, 0.44999999, 1.92, -0.56, 1.76))[2], vec4(2.2491999, -0.65790009, -2.6738999, -1.8358999)), 2) <= 4.9024709e-09 ? 1 : -1] array1;
  float[pow(distance((mat4(0.059999999, 1.6, 1.25, -0.16, 1.3099999, -0.31999999, 0.44999999, 0.44999999, 1.52, 0.50999999, 1.9, -0.88, -1.96, -1.84, -0.72000003, 0.38999999) * mat3x4(1.42, 1.8, -1.88, 1.37, -0.86000001, -1.74, -0.37, 1.9, 0.27000001, 0.039999999, 0.43000001, 0.70999998))[0], vec4(-3.0996001, -1.7836001, -1.9734001, 2.7714999)), 2) + pow(distance((mat4(0.059999999, 1.6, 1.25, -0.16, 1.3099999, -0.31999999, 0.44999999, 0.44999999, 1.52, 0.50999999, 1.9, -0.88, -1.96, -1.84, -0.72000003, 0.38999999) * mat3x4(1.42, 1.8, -1.88, 1.37, -0.86000001, -1.74, -0.37, 1.9, 0.27000001, 0.039999999, 0.43000001, 0.70999998))[1], vec4(-6.6174002, -4.5039001, -3.9290001, 0.42119998)), 2) + pow(distance((mat4(0.059999999, 1.6, 1.25, -0.16, 1.3099999, -0.31999999, 0.44999999, 0.44999999, 1.52, 0.50999999, 1.9, -0.88, -1.96, -1.84, -0.72000003, 0.38999999) * mat3x4(1.42, 1.8, -1.88, 1.37, -0.86000001, -1.74, -0.37, 1.9, 0.27000001, 0.039999999, 0.43000001, 0.70999998))[2], vec4(-0.66939998, -0.66789997, 0.6613, -0.12670003)), 2) <= 1.0540138e-08 ? 1 : -1] array2;
  float[pow(distance((mat4(0.059999999, 1.6, 1.25, -0.16, 1.3099999, -0.31999999, 0.44999999, 0.44999999, 1.52, 0.50999999, 1.9, -0.88, -1.96, -1.84, -0.72000003, 0.38999999) * mat3x4(-1.72, -0.31, 0.14, 0.40000001, 0.090000004, -1.58, 0.18000001, -0.76999998, 0.44999999, 1.92, -0.56, 1.76))[0], vec4(-1.0805, -3.3174002, -2.3115001, 0.16849999)), 2) + pow(distance((mat4(0.059999999, 1.6, 1.25, -0.16, 1.3099999, -0.31999999, 0.44999999, 0.44999999, 1.52, 0.50999999, 1.9, -0.88, -1.96, -1.84, -0.72000003, 0.38999999) * mat3x4(-1.72, -0.31, 0.14, 0.40000001, 0.090000004, -1.58, 0.18000001, -0.76999998, 0.44999999, 1.92, -0.56, 1.76))[1], vec4(-0.28159997, 2.1582, 0.29790002, -1.1841)), 2) + pow(distance((mat4(0.059999999, 1.6, 1.25, -0.16, 1.3099999, -0.31999999, 0.44999999, 0.44999999, 1.52, 0.50999999, 1.9, -0.88, -1.96, -1.84, -0.72000003, 0.38999999) * mat3x4(-1.72, -0.31, 0.14, 0.40000001, 0.090000004, -1.58, 0.18000001, -0.76999998, 0.44999999, 1.92, -0.56, 1.76))[2], vec4(-1.7586002, -3.4184, -0.9047001, 1.9712)), 2) <= 4.3254258e-09 ? 1 : -1] array3;
  gl_Position = vec4(array0.length() + array1.length() + array2.length() + array3.length());

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