Results for spec/!OpenGL 1.2/texwrap-3D-proj


Status: pass
Result: pass

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Detail Value
returncode 0
time 0.411901950836
/home/mks-hackers/piglit/framework/../bin/texwrap -auto 3D proj -fbo
Returncode: 0


Parameter: 3D
Parameter: proj
Using projective mapping.

Hint: If you only fail CLAMP and CLAMP_TO_BORDER tests, the border color is wrong.

Testing NEAREST with projective mapping: REPEAT
Testing NEAREST with projective mapping: CLAMP
Testing NEAREST with projective mapping: CLAMP_TO_EDGE
Testing NEAREST with projective mapping: MIRRORED_REPEAT
Testing NEAREST with projective mapping: MIRROR_CLAMP_EXT
Testing NEAREST with projective mapping: MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_EXT
Testing LINEAR with projective mapping: REPEAT
Testing LINEAR with projective mapping: CLAMP_TO_EDGE
Testing LINEAR with projective mapping: MIRRORED_REPEAT
Testing LINEAR with projective mapping: MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_EXT
Testing NEAREST with projective mapping and swizzling: REPEAT
Testing NEAREST with projective mapping and swizzling: CLAMP
Testing NEAREST with projective mapping and swizzling: CLAMP_TO_EDGE
Testing NEAREST with projective mapping and swizzling: MIRRORED_REPEAT
Testing NEAREST with projective mapping and swizzling: MIRROR_CLAMP_EXT
Testing NEAREST with projective mapping and swizzling: MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_EXT
Testing LINEAR with projective mapping and swizzling: REPEAT
Testing LINEAR with projective mapping and swizzling: CLAMP_TO_EDGE
Testing LINEAR with projective mapping and swizzling: MIRRORED_REPEAT
Testing LINEAR with projective mapping and swizzling: MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE_EXT

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