Results for glean/teapot


Status: pass
Result: pass

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Detail Value
returncode 0
time 17.2782959938
/home/mks-hackers/piglit/framework/../bin/glean -r ./results/glean/teapot -o -v -v -v -t +teapot
Returncode: 0


This test simply displays a teapot, rotates it, and attempts to
determine the frame/sec the pipeline can generate

teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 4263.43  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 33
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 4527.29  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 34
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 1449.4  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 35
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 4527.91  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 36
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3069.71  rgb8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 37
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 4969.49  rgba8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 38
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 5410.76  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 39
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 2462.85  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 40
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3063.83  rgb8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 41
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 4931.7  rgba8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 42
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 4785.71  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 47
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3346.84  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 48
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 2644.77  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 49
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 4270.61  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 50
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 5484.8  rgb8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 51
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 4981.39  rgba8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 52
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3334.13  rgb8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 53
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 5130.91  rgba8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 54
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3075  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 55
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 4676.6  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 56
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 4280.62  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 57
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 4158.2  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 58
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 2167.58  rgb8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 59
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3894.49  rgba8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 60
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 2290.22  rgb8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 61
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3371.04  rgba8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 62
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3582.49  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 63
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 2073.15  rgb8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 64
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3869.76  rgba8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 65
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 2420.87  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 66
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3551.53  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 67
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 2478.43  rgb8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 68
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3845.61  rgba8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 69
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3695.57  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 74
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3206.55  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 75
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3822.42  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 76
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3201.96  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 77
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 4124.61  rgb8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 78
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3421.31  rgba8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 79
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 4069.49  rgb8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 80
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3408.06  rgba8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 81
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3403.35  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 82
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 2666.07  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 83
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3728.45  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 84
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 1875.31  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 85
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3483.95  rgb8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 86
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 2391.45  rgba8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 87
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3811.69  rgb8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 88
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 3553.35  rgba8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 89
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 1671.29  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 90
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 2213.31  rgb8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 91
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 1960.16  rgba8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 92
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 1209.95  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 93
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 1717.31  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 94
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 2346.27  rgb8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 95
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 2265.97  rgba8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, win+pmap, id 96
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 972.282  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 101
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 1051.67  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 102
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 977.013  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 103
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 881.286  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 104
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 1216.5  rgb8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 105
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 1435.2  rgba8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 106
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 1243.92  rgb8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 107
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 1221.52  rgba8, aux4, z24, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 108
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 908.098  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 109
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 944.728  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 110
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 909.612  rgb8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 111
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 957.523  rgba8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 112
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 1577.56  rgb8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 113
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 1410.83  rgba8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples2, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 114
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 1190.44  rgb8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 115
teapot:  PASS Teapots/Sec: 1303.26  rgba8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, samples4, win+pmap, nonconformant, id 116

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