Results for glslparsertest/glsl2/constructor-26.vert


Status: fail
Result: fail

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Detail Value
returncode 1
time 0.246999979019
note Returncode was 1
  • Failed to compile vertex shader tests/glslparsertest/glsl2\\constructor-26.vert: Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors:
  • ERROR: 0:16: error(#213) Constructor cannot convert parameter 1 from \'int\' to \'float\'
  • ERROR: error(#273) 1 compilation errors. No code generated
Returncode: 1

Failed to compile vertex shader tests/glslparsertest/glsl2\constructor-26.vert: Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:16: error(#213) Constructor cannot convert parameter 1 from 'int' to 'float'
ERROR: error(#273) 1 compilation errors.  No code generated

Shader source:
// [config]
// expect_result: pass
// glsl_version: 1.20
// # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
// # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
// # NOTE: 6cc17ae70b70d150aa1751f8e28db7b2a9bd50f0
// [end config]

/* PASS */
#version 120
struct s { float f; };

void main()
    s t = s(1); // an implicit conversion should happen here

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