Status: fail
Result: fail
Detail | Value |
returncode | 1 |
time | 0.236000061035 |
note | Returncode was 1 |
errors |
info | Returncode: 1 Errors: Failed to compile fragment shader tests/glslparsertest/shaders\CorrectFull.frag: Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR: 0:267: error(#132) Syntax error: 'Δ' parse error ERROR: error(#273) 1 compilation errors. No code generated Output: Shader source: // [config] // expect_result: pass // glsl_version: 1.10 // // # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file // # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision // # NOTE: 6cc17ae70b70d150aa1751f8e28db7b2a9bd50f0 // [end config] void test_function(in int in_int, inout int out_int); int test_function1(in int in_int, inout int out_int); uniform float array_float[2]; struct light1 { float intensity; vec3 position; int test_int[2]; struct { int a; float f; } light2; } lightVar; struct light3 { int i; } ; uniform float flt_uniform; uniform vec3 uniform_vec3; uniform mat3 uniform_mat3; varying vec3 varying_vec3; varying vec2 varying_vec2; varying vec4 varying_vec4; varying mat4 varying_mat4; varying mat2 varying_mat2; varying mat3 varying_mat3; varying float varying_flt; float frequencies[2]; void test_function2(int func_int) { return; } const float FloatConst1 = 3.0 * 8.0, floatConst2 = 4.0; const bool BoolConst1 = true && true || false; const bool BoolConst2 = false || !false && false; void main(void) { bool test_bool5 = 1.2 > 3.0 ; int test_int1 = 42; int test_int2 = 047; int test_int4 = 0xa8; // testing for hexadecimal numbers int test_int5 = 0xa8F; // testing for hexadecimal numbers float test_float1 = 1.5; float test_float2 = .01; float test_float3 = 10.; float test_float4 = 10.01; float test_float5 = 23e+2; float test_float6 = 23E-3; float test_float8 = 23E2; bool test_bool6 = BoolConst1 && ! (test_int1 != 0) && ! BoolConst1 && ! (FloatConst1 != 0.0) && (FloatConst1 != 0.0) && (test_float1 != 0.0); vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); vec4 color2 = vec4(0.0); vec3 color4 = vec3(test_float8); ivec4 test_int_vect1 = ivec4(1.,1.,1.,1.); bvec4 test_bool_vect1 = bvec4(1., 1., 1. , 1. ); vec2 test_vec2 = vec2(1., 1.); vec2 test_vec3 = vec2(1., 1); vec2 test_vec5 = vec2(color4); vec3 test_vec7 = vec3(color); vec3 test_vec8 = vec3(test_vec2, test_float4); vec3 test_vec9 = vec3(test_float4, test_vec2); vec4 test_vec10 = vec4(test_vec9, 0.01); vec4 test_vec11 = vec4(0.01, test_vec9); vec4 test_vec12 = vec4(test_vec2, test_vec2); mat2 test_mat2 = mat2(test_float3); mat3 test_mat3 = mat3(test_float3); mat4 test_mat4 = mat4(test_float3); mat2 test_mat7 = mat2(test_vec2, test_vec2); mat2 test_mat8 = mat2(01.01, 2.01, 3.01, 4.01); mat3 test_mat9 = mat3(test_vec7, test_vec7, test_vec7); mat4 test_mat10 = mat4(test_vec10, test_vec10, test_vec10, test_vec10); mat2 test_mat12 = mat2(test_vec2, 0.01, 0.01); mat2 test_mat13 = mat2(0.01, 5., test_vec2); mat2 test_mat14 = mat2(1, 5., test_vec2); mat2 test_mat15 = mat2(0.1, 5., test_vec2 ); float freq1[2]; float freq2[]; const int const_int = 5; int out_int; test_function(test_int1, test_int1); test_function(test_int1, out_int); bool bool_var = true; int test_int6 = int(bool_var); test_float1 = float(bool_var); test_float1 = float(test_int6); test_int6 = int(test_float1); bool_var = bool(test_int6); bool_var = bool(test_float1); test_float1 = float(test_vec9); test_vec2.x = 1.2; test_vec2.y = 1.4; test_vec2.xy; color.rgba; test_vec2[0] = 1.1; test_mat2[0][0] = 1.1; test_float1 += 1.0; test_float1 -= 1.0; test_float1 *= 1.0; test_float1 /= 1.0; test_mat12 *= test_mat13 ; test_mat12 *= test_float1; test_vec2 *= test_float1; test_vec2 *= test_mat12; test_float1++; test_float1--; --test_float1; ++test_float1; test_float1; test_mat12 = test_mat12 * test_mat13; test_vec2 = test_vec2 * test_vec5; test_vec2++; test_mat2++; test_float1 = 1.0; bool test_bool2 = test_float2 > test_float3; test_bool2 = test_float2 > test_float3; test_bool2 = test_int1 > test_int6 ; bool test_bool3, test_bool4; test_bool2 = test_bool3 && test_bool4; test_bool2 = test_bool3 || test_bool4; test_bool2 = test_bool3 ^^ test_bool4; test_bool2 = !test_bool3; test_bool3 = !(test_int1 > test_int6) ; test_float1 = test_int1 > test_int6 ? test_float2 : test_float3; test_vec2 = test_int1 > test_int6 ? test_vec2 : test_vec5; if(test_bool2) test_float1++; else test_float1--; if(test_float1 > test_float2) test_float1++; if( test_bool2 ) { int if_int; test_float1++; } if(test_bool2) if(test_bool3) if(test_bool3) test_float1++; for(int for_int=0; for_int < 5; for_int++) { } for(; test_bool2; ) { int for_int; } for(; test_bool2 = (test_float1 > test_float2); ) { } for(int for_int1; test_bool2; ) { int for_int; } for(; test_bool2; test_float1++) { int test_float; } while(bool b = (test_float1 > test_float2)) { break; continue; } while( test_bool2 ) { break; } do { int dowhile_int; dowhile_int = 3; } while(test_bool2); if(test_float1 < 2.2) discard; // FRAGMENT SHADER ONLY VARIABLES gl_FragColor = vec4(2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.1); color = gl_FragCoord ; gl_FragDepth = 1.0; test_bool2 = gl_FrontFacing ; // VARYING VARIABLES AVAILABLE IN FRAGMENT AND VERTEX SHADERS BOTH color = gl_TexCoord[0]; float builtInF = gl_FogFragCoord; } void test_function(in int in_int, inout int out_int) { out_int = in_int; int i = 5; } varying float var_flt ; int test_function1(int in_int, inout int out_int) { float ff; ff = var_flt; return int(ff); } ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ |