Results for glslparsertest/CorrectConstFolding1.vert


Status: fail
Result: fail

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Detail Value
returncode 1
time 0.262999773026
note Returncode was 1
  • Failed to compile vertex shader tests/glslparsertest/shaders\\CorrectConstFolding1.vert: Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors:
Returncode: 1

Failed to compile vertex shader tests/glslparsertest/shaders\CorrectConstFolding1.vert: Vertex shader failed to compile with the following errors:

Shader source:
// [config]
// expect_result: pass
// glsl_version: 1.10
// # NOTE: Config section was auto-generated from file
// # NOTE: 'glslparser.tests' at git revision
// # NOTE: 6cc17ae70b70d150aa1751f8e28db7b2a9bd50f0
// [end config]

void main()

   const struct s2 { 
       int i;
       vec3 v3; 
       bvec4 bv4;
   } s22  = s2(8, vec3(9, 10, 11), bvec4(true, false, true, false));

   const struct s1 {
      s2 ss;
      int i;
      float f;
      mat4 m;
      struct s4 {
          int ii;
          vec4 v4;
      } s44;
   } s11 = s1(s22, 2, 4.0, mat4(5), s4(6, vec4(7, 8, 9, 10))) ;

  const int field3 = s11.i *;  // constant folding (int * int)
  const vec4 field4 = s11.s44.v4 * s11.s44.v4; // constant folding (vec4 * vec4)
 // 49, 64, 81, 100
  const vec4 v4 = vec4(, s11.m[3][3], field3, field4[2]);  // 10.0, 5.0, 16.0, 81.0 
  gl_Position = v4;

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