Results for glean/clipFlat


Status: fail
Result: fail

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Detail Value
returncode 0
time 16.5669999123
Returncode: 0


Test clipping with flat shading (provoking vertex).

clipFlat:  PASS rgba8, aux4, z24, s8, win, id 1
clipFlat:  PASS rgba8, db, aux4, z24, s8, win, id 2
clipFlat:  PASS rgba8, db, aux4, z24, s8, win, id 3
clipFlat:  PASS rgba8, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, win, id 4
clipFlat:  PASS rgba8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, win, id 5
clipFlat:  PASS rgba8, db, aux4, z24, s8, accrgba16, win, id 6
clipFlat:  PASS rgba8, z24, s8, win, id 7
clipFlat:  PASS rgba8, db, z24, s8, win, id 8
clipFlat:  PASS rgba8, db, z24, s8, win, id 9
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_LINE)
	Translation: -1, -1
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (0, 0.501961, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgba8, z24, s8, win, id 10
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_LINE)
	Translation: -1, -1
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (0, 0.501961, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgba8, db, z24, s8, win, id 11
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_LINE)
	Translation: -1, -1
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (0, 0.501961, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgba8, db, z24, s8, win, id 12
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_LINE)
	Translation: -1, -1
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (0, 0.25098, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgba8, z24, s8, win, id 13
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_LINE)
	Translation: -1, -1
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (0, 0.25098, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgba8, db, z24, s8, win, id 14
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_LINE)
	Translation: -1, -1
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (0, 0.25098, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgba8, db, z24, s8, win, id 15
clipFlat:  PASS rgba8, z24, s8, accrgba16, win, id 16
clipFlat:  PASS rgba8, db, z24, s8, accrgba16, win, id 17
clipFlat:  PASS rgba8, db, z24, s8, accrgba16, win, id 18
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_LINE)
	Translation: -1, -1
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (0, 0.501961, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgba8, z24, s8, accrgba16, win, id 19
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_LINE)
	Translation: -1, -1
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (0, 0.501961, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgba8, db, z24, s8, accrgba16, win, id 20
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_LINE)
	Translation: -1, -1
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (0, 0.501961, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgba8, db, z24, s8, accrgba16, win, id 21
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_LINE)
	Translation: -1, -1
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (0, 0.25098, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgba8, z24, s8, accrgba16, win, id 22
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_LINE)
	Translation: -1, -1
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (0, 0.25098, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgba8, db, z24, s8, accrgba16, win, id 23
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_LINE)
	Translation: -1, -1
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (0, 0.25098, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgba8, db, z24, s8, accrgba16, win, id 24
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_FILL)
	Translation: -1, -1
	GL_EXT_provoking_vertex test: GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_EXT mode
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (1, 0, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgb8, z32, s8, accrgb16, win, slow, id 25
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_FILL)
	Translation: -1, -1
	GL_EXT_provoking_vertex test: GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_EXT mode
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (1, 0, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgb8, z16, s8, accrgb16, win, slow, id 26
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_FILL)
	Translation: -1, -1
	GL_EXT_provoking_vertex test: GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_EXT mode
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (1, 0, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgb8, db, z32, s8, accrgb16, win, slow, id 27
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_FILL)
	Translation: -1, -1
	GL_EXT_provoking_vertex test: GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_EXT mode
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (1, 0, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgb8, db, z16, s8, accrgb16, win, slow, id 28
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_FILL)
	Translation: -1, -1
	GL_EXT_provoking_vertex test: GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_EXT mode
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (1, 0, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgba8, z32, s8, accrgba16, win, slow, id 29
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_FILL)
	Translation: -1, -1
	GL_EXT_provoking_vertex test: GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_EXT mode
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (1, 0, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgba8, z16, s8, accrgba16, win, slow, id 30
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_FILL)
	Translation: -1, -1
	GL_EXT_provoking_vertex test: GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_EXT mode
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (1, 0, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgba8, db, z32, s8, accrgba16, win, slow, id 31
clipFlat: Failure for glBegin/End(GL_TRIANGLES), glFrontFace(GL_CCW), glPolygonMode(GL_FILL)
	Translation: -1, -1
	GL_EXT_provoking_vertex test: GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION_EXT mode
	Expected color (0, 1, 0) but found (1, 0, 0)
clipFlat:  FAIL rgba8, db, z16, s8, accrgba16, win, slow, id 32

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