
Represents a group of input devices, including mice, keyboards. Has a keyboard and pointer focus. Global object. Pointer events are delivered in both screen coordinates and surface local coordinates.

Interface cache
attach(buffer, x, y)
motion(x, y, sx, sy)
button(button, state, x, y, sx, sy)
key(key, state)
keyboard_focus(surface, keys)

Talk about:

A surface can change the pointer image when the surface is the pointer focus of the input device. Wayland doesn't automatically change the pointer image when a pointer enters a surface, but expects the application to set the cursor it wants in response the pointer focus and motion events. The rationale is that a client has to manage changing pointer images for UI elements within the surface in response to motion events anyway, so we'll make that the only mechanism for setting changing the pointer image. If the server receives a request to set the pointer image after the surface loses pointer focus, the request is ignored. To the client this will look like it successfully set the pointer image.

The compositor will revert the pointer image back to a default image when no surface has the pointer focus for that device. Clients can revert the pointer image back to the default image by setting a NULL image.

What if the pointer moves from one window which has set a special pointer image to a surface that doesn't set an image in response to the motion event? The new surface will be stuck with the special pointer image. We can't just revert the pointer image on leaving a surface, since if we immediately enter a surface that sets a different image, the image will flicker. Broken app, I suppose.

root 2012-01-26