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Nouveau drivers for openSUSE

This page will guide you with the installation of Nouveau drivers for openSUSE.


The first step is to add the appropriate package repositories for your version. The recent packages for openSUSE (for both i586 and x86_64) (with Gallium3D included) are listed below.

You have to configure/use at least the following repositories (in addition to the base repositories):

1. openSUSE 12.2

2. openSUSE 12.1

3. openSUSE Factory


On recent versions of openSUSE the nouveau driver packages will be installed automatically.

The X11:XOrg repository may provide more up-to-date packages but they are mostly already outdated when they appear.

The former home:jobermayr with daily packages was dropped in early openSUSE 12.2 time: bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=771392#c76

1. Specific settings

You need to perform the following configuration:

1.1. Activate KMS

2. Troubleshooting

2.1. System does not boot

In case your system does not boot, try the boot parameter nomodeset. So the system should start without KMS enabled into console.

See en.opensuse.org/SDB:Configuring_graphics_cards for more troubleshooting options.

3. Reporting bugs

See nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/FrontPage#Bugs for further information on how to report bugs.

2013-03-24 13:16