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The irregular Nouveau-Development companion

Issue for January, 25th

1. Intro

We need to say "Thank you" to about 1350 people who signed the pledge which was mentioned in the last issue. We can't extend a personal thank you to all 1350 people, naming them here would delay this issue for a long time. So to all of you, who pledged and lived up to it: "Thank you very much" just once again.

It may have looked like we were not very enthusiastic about this pledge and this is true, because:

So, now that we are talking to David Nielsen about how to progress, what do we intend to do with the money? We haven't decided yet, but current tendency is to buy the new 8300/8600 based cards which are expected to be available any day now. But when we have decided, we will put up a page which details how much money we got and on what the money was spent (or who received what). You will find a link prominently placed on the frontpage then.

2. Current status

Last week, Linux conf Australia was held where airlied and darktama did a talk about nouveau. We will get some feedback from darktama and airlied a bit further down. This was the main reason, why this TiNDC took nearly 3 weeks to publish: I wanted to have some feedback on the talk they did in this issue. Just hours after the talk Mr. Corbet (lwn.net) did an interview with airlied and put it up at: http://lwn.net/Articles/217866. Please note: Until 25.01.07 this is a subscriber only link.

And shortly after our last issue was published we got a request for an phone interview for LUGRadio. After some discussion in the channel, marcheu took on the challenge to do it. You can listen to the results here: http://lugradio.org/episodes/69

Furthermore, we created a gmail account ( renouveau DOT dumps <AT> gmail DOT com ) to send renouveau dumps to. Although we had quite some helpful people in the channel, who did the upload of the dumps to sf, some were missed. So kmeyer (who did quite a bunch of uploads for us manually) offered to write a short script, which does download the dumps from gmail and uploads them to a "pending/" directory on our project dir on sourceforge.

Since the last Companion was published, development speed for context switch on NV10, NV20 and NV30 picked up. mat committed some patches for NV10 and NV20 to get PGRAPH context switches working and pq volunteered to test them. Starting with crashes subsequent patches and retries resulted in better result. Well, shortly before I finished work on this issue, pq informed me that mat' has succeeded on NV2x based cards and that we now have NV2x context switching working.

A Nameless One and cmn did tests and bug squashing on NV30 context switching. Fifo switching is nearly done but PGRAPH switching was not working correctly. cmn succeeded in getting PGRAPH switches temporarily. Still those switches didn't always work. cmn and "A Nameless One" were looking into the problem and finally got a result during the last weekend:

I can hear you say "Look Mom, eh... NO??? GEARS????". The reason is simple: The needed GL commands have not been implemented for the driver yet. But before running glxgears on NV3x cards would result in an immediate X11 crash. Now it survives. We will put up the image of a running glxgears on NV3x as soon as we are able to. By the way, this is true for the NV2x too. I had nearly the same screenshot on a NV28 from pq (even running 2 gears at the same time), but as nothing new can be seen, I will use one of his screenshots when we have glxgears running with correctly displayed gears on his card :)

Now what does this mean? Basically that we can now concentrate to implement 3D operations on those cards to catch up with our NV4x implementation.

jrmuizel, doener and pq were the main actors in the ongoing mmio saga. Tests revealed that under certain circumstances the kernel module would get a page fault for a memory access, do its job as expected but when trying to reset the state as it was before the page fault would get another page fault and thus getting into an endless loop inside the kernel, locking the machine hard. After fixing some races and further enhancements to the fault handler mmio got more stable but still falls over rather sooner than later. doener tried his luck on porting mmio to amd64 and got mmio stable on this plattform. Nevertheless, it really seems that the tracing is heavily dependant on the version of the NVidia kernel module. Most success was had with the 8776 version of the binary blob, later 9xxx versions yield worse results. Please have a look at our MmioTrace (and the MmioTraceDebugging Page linked from there) to find out the latest developments.

jstolk (was renamed later to jwstolk) tried his luck on the spotlight parameters. Trying to match only parts of the graphs pq plottet earlier, he came up with formulas, which were much closer to what was recorded with the NVidia driver.

cmn did some work on fog. He found out the parameters and patch both renouveau and 3D driver accordingly.

Just a short summary on what marcheu has been doing the last weeks:

3. Help needed

As already mentioned: Airlied is still looking for dual head testers. Furthermore, if you are on PowerPC you could try to run nouveau with 3D enabled and report back to Darktama or Airlied. Still, pmdata is looking for dumps of G80 based cards (8800). And again SLI dumps would still be useful. If you can do kernel compiles and are not afraid to test kernel modules, please lend jrmuizel, pq or doener a helping hand.

4. Interview

I already mentioned it at the top of this page: Airlied and Darktama held a talk on nouveau and showed off the current state of the driver.Airlied and Darktama agreed on giving us some feedback on how it went.






















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2013-03-24 13:16