Limba API

LiExporter — Export certain files from the software environment in /opt to achieve better system integration.
LiInstaller — High level installation of IPK packages
LiKeyring — Database of trusted keys as well as methods to verify signatures on Limba packages
LiManager — Work with mgralled software
LiPackage — Representation of a complete package
LiPackageGraph — Represents a package dependency graph
LiPkgBuilder — Creates Limba packages
LiPkgCache — Download information about available packages from remote sources.
LiPkgIndex — A list of packages
LiPkgInfo — Control metadata for IPK packages
LiRepoEntry — An entry in a Limba repository sources.list
LiRepository — A local Limba package repository
LiRuntime — Control metadata for temporary runtime environments
LiUpdateItem — Describes a software update.
li-utils — General-purpose helper functions for Limba