Results for program@execute@builtin@builtin-shuffle-char-uchar


Result: crash

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Detail Value
Returncode -6
Time 0:00:14.228184

Overran sorted position:
t129: i32 = srl t397, Constant:i32<8>
  t397: i32 = and t263, Constant:i32<65280>
    t263: i32 = or t262, t258
      t262: i32 = and t288, Constant:i32<-256>
        t288: i32,ch = load<(load 4 from %stack.5, addrspace 5)> t291, t321, undef:i32
          t321: i32 = DWORDADDR Constant:i32<10>
            t354: i32 = Constant<10>
          t49: i32 = undef
        t378: i32 = Constant<-256>
      t258: i32 = and t108, Constant:i32<255>
        t108: i32 = extract_vector_elt t39, Constant:i32<0>
          t39: v2i32,ch = CopyFromReg t0, Register:v2i32 %28
            t38: v2i32 = Register %28
          t87: i32 = Constant<0>
        t144: i32 = Constant<255>
    t396: i32 = Constant<65280>
  t128: i32 = Constant<8>
Checking if this is due to cycles
Detected cycle in SelectionDAG
Offending node:
t288: i32,ch = load<(load 4 from %stack.5, addrspace 5)> t291, t321, undef:i32
  t321: i32 = DWORDADDR Constant:i32<10>
    t354: i32 = Constant<10>
  t49: i32 = undef
PIGLIT_SOURCE_DIR="/home/vesely/piglit" PIGLIT_PLATFORM="mixed_glx_egl"
Command /home/vesely/piglit/bin/cl-program-tester /home/vesely/piglit/generated_tests/cl/builtin/misc/


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