Results for spec/KHR_debug/object-label_gl


Result: None

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Detail Value
Returncode 0
Time 0:00:00.092153
Checking label and length of GL_BUFFER object
Checking label and length of GL_SHADER object
Checking label and length of GL_PROGRAM object
Checking label and length of GL_VERTEX_ARRAY object
Checking label and length of GL_RENDERBUFFER object
Checking label and length of GL_FRAMEBUFFER object
Checking label and length of GL_TEST_QUERY object
Checking label and length of GL_PROGRAM_PIPELINE object
Unexpected GL error: GL_INVALID_ENUM 0x500
(Error at tests/spec/khr_debug/debug-object-label.c:110)
  actual label:  actual length: 0
  expected label: Test Label expected length: 10
Checking label and length of GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK object
Checking label and length of GL_SAMPLER object
Checking label and length of GL_TEXTURE object
Checking label and length of GL_DISPLAY_LIST object
Test ObjectLabel
Test GetObjectLabel
Test ObjectPtrLabel
Label or length does not match in GL_PROGRAM_PIPELINE object
Command /home/jljusten/src/fdo/piglit/bin/khr_debug-object-label_gl -fbo -auto

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