Results for spec/ARB_uniform_buffer_object/link-mismatch-blocks


Result: None

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Detail Value
Returncode 0
Time 0:00:00.140421
Failed to link: error: definitions of interface block `ubo1' do not match

Failed to link: error: definitions of interface block `ubo1' do not match

Failed to link: error: definitions of interface block `ubo1' do not match

Failed to link: error: uniform `a' declared as type `vec3' and type `vec4'

Failed to link: error: uniform `a' declared as type `vec3' and type `vec4'

Failed to link: error: uniform `a' declared as type `vec3' and type `vec4'

Failed to link: error: uniform `a' declared as type `ivec4' and type `vec4'

Failed to link: error: uniform `a' declared as type `ivec4' and type `vec4'

Failed to link: error: uniform `a' declared as type `ivec4' and type `vec4'

Failed to link: error: definitions of interface block `ubo1' do not match

Failed to link: error: definitions of interface block `ubo1' do not match

Failed to link: error: definitions of interface block `ubo1' do not match

Failed to link: error: definitions of interface block `ubo1' do not match

Failed to link: error: definitions of interface block `ubo1' do not match

Failed to link: error: definitions of interface block `ubo1' do not match

Failed to link: error: definitions of interface block `ubo1' do not match

Failed to link: error: definitions of interface block `ubo1' do not match

Failed to link: error: definitions of interface block `ubo1' do not match


Command /home/jljusten/src/fdo/piglit/bin/arb_uniform_buffer_object-link-mismatch-blocks -fbo -auto

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