Results for spec/ARB_fragment_program/fp-indirections


Result: None

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Detail Value
Returncode 0
Time 0:00:00.998429
Maximum tex instructions: 16384
Maximum native tex instructions: 1024
Maximum tex indirections: 16384
Maximum native tex indirections: 1024
testing program with 16383 indirections from temporary dests
indirection count 16384 too low to generate program with 16383 indirections and 32767 instructions
testing program with 16385 indirections from temporary dests
indirection count 16384 too low to generate program with 16385 indirections and 32771 instructions
testing program with 16383 indirections from temporary sources
indirection count 16384 too low to generate program with 16383 indirections and 65531 instructions
testing program with 16385 indirections from temporary sources
indirection count 16384 too low to generate program with 16385 indirections and 65539 instructions

Command /home/jljusten/src/fdo/piglit/bin/fp-indirections -auto

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