Results for spec@arb_color_buffer_float@gl_rgba16f-drawpixels


Result: fail

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Detail Value
Returncode 1
Time 0:00:00.231604

Testing 16-bit floating-point FBO
glDrawPixels of fbo with fragment clamp TRUE  (expecting clamping)
Probe color at (0,0)
  Expected: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.750000
  Observed: 7.000000 -2.750000 -0.250000 0.750000
Probe color at (1,0)
  Expected: 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000
  Observed: 0.000000 1.000000 2.000000 -1.000000
Probe color at (0,1)
  Expected: 0.500000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000
  Observed: 0.500000 1.125000 -156.000000 390.000000
Probe color at (1,1)
  Expected: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
  Observed: 234.000000 -86.000000 -21.500000 46.500000
glDrawPixels of fbo with fragment clamp FIXED (expecting no clamping)
glDrawPixels of fbo with fragment clamp FALSE (expecting no clamping)
SWR detected AVX2
vert shader  0x7f490e970000
frag shader  0x7f490e96e000
vert shader  0x7f490e96c000
frag shader  0x7f490e96a000
fetch shader 0x7f490e968000
SWR destroy screen!
PIGLIT_SOURCE_DIR="/home/ilia/src/piglit" PIGLIT_PLATFORM="mixed_glx_egl"
Command /home/ilia/src/piglit/bin/arb_color_buffer_float-drawpixels GL_RGBA16F -auto -fbo


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