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Table of Contents
OpenGL provides platform-independent access to accelerated 3D rendering. However, it takes more than just 3D rendering capabilities to display graphics on the user's screen. OpenGL relies on a set of platform-dependent window system interface layers to bind OpenGL rendering to the rest of the system. For example, X Windows based systems use GLX to associate a window with an OpenGL rendering context. Microsoft's Windows and Apple's OS X have similar interface layers.
These interfaces lie at the boundary of the platform-independent OpenGL API and the necessarily platform-dependent window system API. To provide the rich and varied set of functionality on each platform, these window system interface layers are also, by necessity, platform dependent. There exist a few wrapper libraries that provided a limited set of functionality and hide these platform dependencies. Two well known examples are GLUT and SDL.
This chapter will introduce some SDL for the purpose of interfacing with OpenGL. It is by no means a comprehensive tutorial on SDL. Instead, this chapter focuses providing the basics of three key topics.
Creating a window suitable for OpenGL rendering.
Event loop.
Before using any part of SDL, the library must be initialized. This gives the library an opportunity to allocate internal data structures, connect with operating system resources, and perform other internal bookkeeping.
int SDL_Init(Uint32 flags);
The flags
to SDL_Init
selects the subsystems that will be
initialized. This is a bitwise-or of flag values for each subsystem.
Only two subsystems, the video subsystem and the timer subsystem, will
be used in this chapter. Figure 1, “SDL initialization.” shows the use
of SDL_Init
to initialize these subsystems. If
the initialization is successful, zero will be returned. Otherwise -1
will be returned.
Figure 1. SDL initialization.
1 if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_TIMER) < 0) 2 /* ... error path ... */ 3 4 atexit(SDL_Quit);
The call to atexit
adds the
function SDL_Quit
to the list of functions that
are automatically called when the program terminates. This is a
common idiom with SDL. The guarantees that all of the resources used
by SDL itself will be released when the program terminates, even if
program is terminated by crashing.
Creating the actual drawing surfaces consists of two primary steps.
First, the desired attributes of the drawing surface must be
specified. Once the surface is fully described, it is created. The
function SDL_GL_SetAttribute
specifies a minimum
acceptable value for a specific attribute.
int SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GLattr attr, int value);
creates the drawing
The width
and height
parameters specify the dimensions of the surface.
The bpp
parameter is not used for OpenGL
surfaces and should be set to 0.
The flags
parameter is a bitwise-or of flag
values, much like the flags
to SDL_Init
. For OpenGL surfaces,
must be set.
is set, the window will be
"fullscreen." This usually means that the video mode will be changed
to match the dimensions of the window.
is set, the window will be
created with appropriate decorations so that the user can resize the
window. When this happens, SDL sends resize events to the
application. These events will be covered shortly.
The call to SDL_SetVideoMode
can fail for a
variety of reasons, not the least of which is inability of the system
to satisfy all of the requested minimum values. For example,
requesting 64 bits of red is sure to fail on any current generation
SDL_Surface *SDL_SetVideoMode(int width, int height, int bpp, Uint32 flags);
Figure 2, “Creating an SDL drawing surface.” demonstrates requesting at least 8
bits of red, green, and blue in the color buffer and 24 bits in the
depth buffer. Line 3 also requests that the surface be double
Line 5 calls SDL_SetVideoMode
to create an 800x600
window that can be used for OpenGL rendering.
Figure 2. Creating an SDL drawing surface.
1 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8); 2 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8); 3 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8); 4 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24); 5 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); 6 7 screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(800, 600, 0, SDL_OPENGL); 8 if (screen == NULL) 9 /* ... error path ... */
Most graphical applications, including games, are driven by an event loop. As the name suggestions, this is a loop in the main execution path of the code that processes a series of events. Events, in this context, are occurrences outside the program that affect its behavior. These take the form of user input from the keyboard or mouse, timers expiring, messages from the operating system, and so on. SDL has a very flexible mechanism for receiving events.
SDL provides two functions to receive
events. SDL_PollEvent
will return immediately.
If no event was available, it returns
0. SDL_WaitEvent
, on the other hand, will block
until an event is available. Both functions return 1 if an event is
available and fill in the supplied SDL_Event
int SDL_PollEvent(SDL_Event *event); int SDL_WaitEvent(SDL_Event *event);
While SDL_WaitEvent
is blocking, it may give up
the program's CPU time and allow other programs to run. If there are
no other programs to run, the operating system will put the CPU in a
lower power mode. This is critically very important for mobile
systems. Spinning in a loop repeatedly
calling SDL_PollEvent
will drain the battery much
faster than blocking in SDL_WaitEvent
A simple event loop is shown in Figure 3, “Simple SDL event loop.”.
The structure of this loop is important. The code blocks
in SDL_WaitEvent
until a first event is
available. Remaining events are processed, without blocking, by
calling SDL_PollEvent
. After all events have
been processed, a message is printed at line 15.
Figure 3. Simple SDL event loop.
1 bool done = false; 2 3 while (!done) { 4 SDL_Event event; 5 6 SDL_WaitEvent(&event); 7 do { 8 switch (event.type) { 9 case SDL_QUIT: 10 done = true; 11 break; 12 } 13 } while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)); 14 15 printf("got some events\n"); 16 }
The only event processed by this event loop
, which is typically generated by the
user clicking the "window close" icon on the window. When this event
is received, a flag is set that signals the event loop to terminate.
The SDL_Event
is a union of structures. Each
structure contains a tag, called type
, the
tells which type of event it is. This allows code to examine
the type
field of
the SDL_Event
event union, then select the
specific event structure from the union that contains the specific
event data. This is used, for example, to determine which key was
pressed or released on the keyboard, the location of the mouse
pointer, or the direction the joystick is being pushed.
A slightly more complex event loop is shown in
Figure 4, “SDL keyboard event loop.”.
events are processed as keys are
pressed and released on the keyboard.
Figure 4. SDL keyboard event loop.
1 bool done = false; 2 3 while (!done) { 4 SDL_Event event; 5 6 SDL_WaitEvent(&event); 7 do { 8 switch (event.type) { 9 case SDL_QUIT: 10 done = true; 11 break; 12 case SDL_KEYUP: 13 case SDL_KEYDOWN: 14 printf("`%c' was %s\n", 15 event.key.keysym.sym, 16 (event.key.state == SDL_PRESSED) ? "pressed" : "released"); 17 break; 18 } 19 } while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)); 20 }
Graphical applications will typically only update their display in response to some stimulus. In many cases this is input from the user. This is probably sufficient for a graphical editor, for example. However, many other types of applications update their display in response to another type of stimulus: the passage of time. A game, for example, will update the display 60 times per second whether the player is doing anything or not. The event loop presented in the previous section has no way to "wake up" due to the passage of time. This can be very easily added using a timer.
In SDL, timers can be created that will call a function a specific
rate. After calling SDL_AddTimer
every interval
the function specified to callback
will be
called. It will be passed param
as a parameter.
SDL_TimerID SDL_AddTimer(Uint32 interval, SDL_NewTimerCallback callback, void *param);
The function passed as callback
must fit the
prototype shown below. When called, param
the value supplied as param
to SDL_AddTimer
. interval
is the current timer interval. The value returned by the callback
function will become the new timer interval. If zero is returned, the
timer will be canceled. It is common practice to simply
return interval
typedef Uint32 (*SDL_NewTimerCallback)(Uint32 interval, void *param);
Note that the timer mechanism does not generate events. The event
loop still can't wake up! However, the callback function can
use SDL_PushEvent
to generate an event. This
function inserts a new event in the event stream.
int SDL_PushEvent(SDL_Event *event);
Figure 5, “Adding a timer.” and Figure 6, “Generating an event from the timer callback.” show
examples of setting a timer and generating an event from the
callback. If this code were used with the event loop in the previous
section, the SDL_WaitEvent
call would wake up
approximately every 10ms (100 times per second).
This function is so named for largely historical reasons. SDL has
its root in DOS and Linux console environments where there was no
window system. On these platforms the call
to SDL_SetVideoMode
would literally set the
video mode.
[2] The SDL documentation states the the resolution of these timers is 10ms.