Introduction to Computer Architecture

Table of Contents

Course Description
Required Materials
Grading Scale
Late Work
Attendance and Participation
AiPD Policies
Campus Email Policy
Lab Policies
Attendance Policy for the Art Institute of Portland
Absences Policy
Adding, Dropping and Withdrawing from courses
Students with Disabilities
Student Assistance Program
Evacuation Procedures
Course Calendar
Week 1 ( April 6th, 2011 )
Week 2 ( April 13th, 2011 )
Week 3 ( April 20th, 2011 )
Week 4 ( April 27th, 2011 )
Week 5 ( May 4th, 2011 )
Week 6 ( May 11th, 2011 )
Week 7 ( May 18th, 2011 )
Week 8 ( May 25th, 2011 )
Week 9 ( June 1st, 2011 )
Week 10 ( June 8th, 2011 )
Week 11 ( June 15th, 2011 )

Course Description

Instructor: Ian Romanick - idr at freedesktop dot org


Spring 2011, 3 credits

Wednesday, 6:00PM - 9:45PM

Room #202

Final date and time: June 15th, 5:30PM

Introduction to computer systems and hardware from a software developer's perspective. Topics include:

  • Data representation
  • Measurement of program performance
  • Implementations of program flow-control
  • Memory hierarchy and how to work with it to improve program performance
  • Low-level optimization techniques
  • Multithreading

Along the way the course will provide an introduction to assembly language and important tools such as debuggers and profilers.

The complete, up to date, course syllabus is also available on-line at the course website. The syllabus is available as both HTML and PDF.


Successful completion of CS212 or consent of instructor is required.


The textbook for this course is:

Randal E. Bryant and David R. O'Hallaron. Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, Addison Wesley, February 14, 2010. ISBN 978-0136108047.

Either the first or second edition of the book may be used. However, homework problems and readings will be assigned from the second edition. Students are responsible for making sure that they are reading the correct text and doing the correct problems.

Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective has a website that has a lot of useful, relevant information.

Required Materials

In addition to paper and writing utensils, each student will need a removable storage device. The storage device will be used to both bring documents and sample code home from class and bring homework completed assignments to class. The storage requirements should be minimal, so a small USB flash-drive (256MB) should be sufficient.


Each student's grade in this course will be primarily based on a total of seven single-week written homework assignments (from the textbook) and two two-week programming assignments. The remainder of the student's grade will be based on midterm exam and a final exam.

Programming assignments will be graded first and foremost on whether or not correct output is produced. The remaining points are based on the style of the program. This includes, but is not limited to, algorithm selection, code formatting, and naming conventions. A detailed rubric will be provided with each assignment.

Programming Assignments 
Written homework assignments70 pts.
Programming assignments40 pts.
Subtotal110 pts. (~60%)
Midterm25 pts.
Final Exam50 pts.
Subtotal75 pts. (~40%)
Total185 pts. (100%)

Some assignments may carry extra-credit opportunities, but they will be infrequent.

Grading Scale

A=93% and above

Late Work

I do not accept late work. If you miss a deadline, you will not earn the points for that activity. There are no make-up opportunities. If you are unable to attend class on the due date for a assignment, please submit it by e-mail before class.

Attendance and Participation

If you are not in class for an in-class exercise, you cannot earn those points. If you miss an entire class, you are responsible for obtaining copies of handouts and other classroom materials from your classmates.

AiPD Policies

Campus Email Policy

Email communication will be through eCompanion. Be sure to check your Profile in eCompanion to update your email address so that you will receive course communications in a timely manner.

Lab Policies

Leave food and drink outside the class. Disciplinary action will be taken toward any student found using the equipment in an inappropriate manner, taking cell phone calls or surfing the web. Disruptive, disrespectful or rude behavior will not be tolerated.


Presenting the writings, images or paraphrased ideas of another as one's own, is strictly prohibited at the Art Institute of Portland. Properly documented excerpts from other's works, when they are limited to an appropriate amount of the total length of a student's paper, are permissible when used to support a researched argument.

Attendance Policy for the Art Institute of Portland

Students who are absent from all scheduled classes over a 14-day period (2 weeks) are subject to automatic attendance suspension - from the Institute, not just from this course. This means the student is administratively withdrawn from all courses and cannot attend classes or continue in the current quarter unless he/she successfully appeals for reinstatement. Students who anticipate violating the attendance policy should contact their Academic Advisor or Academic Department Director immediately to discuss options such as withdrawing from the Institute or navigating the appeals process.

Absences Policy

Regular attendance is required for successful completion of this course. A student who misses the equivalent of three (3) classes will not pass this class. Exceptions for extenuating circumstances will be considered at the discretion of the instructor.

Adding, Dropping and Withdrawing from courses

Schedule Adjustment period: The schedule adjustment period runs through the first week of the quarter (ending at 5 pm on Monday of Week 2). To add or drop a course, the student must complete a schedule adjustment form, available from the Registrar's Office. The signature of the student's academic advisor is required to make any changes to the student's schedule.

Withdrawal (W/WF): The student who withdraws from a course or from the program during the first nine weeks of the quarter will be assigned a "W" code for each course. The "W" code is not used in computation of the student's grade point average; however, "W" credits are counted toward total credits attempted. The student who withdraws from a course or from the program after the ninth week of the quarter will be assigned a "WF" code for each course. The "WF" code is the equivalent of a grade of "F" and is used in computing the student's grade point average. Students wishing to withdraw from The Art Institute of Portland must file an official status change form with the Registrar.


Free, one-on-one tutoring is available to you across all subjects through the Tutoring Center. The goal of tutoring is to help you learn and master skills so you can then confidently apply them on your own. Tutoring is helpful for students at all levels -- freshman through senior, whether you want to move from a failing to a passing grade or whether you want to cement an "A." Our tutors are faculty or, most often, fellow students who have excelled in the subject. You may find a tutor by visiting or dropping by the Tutoring Center in Room 328 inside the Education Department. You may also contact Kathleen O'Brien ( for tutoring for Liberal Arts classes or Mike Pacchione ( for classes in the major.

Students with Disabilities

It is AiPD policy not to discriminate against qualified students with a documented disability in its educational programs, activities or services. If you have a disability-related need for adjustments or other accommodations in this class, contact the Dean of Student Services, Jason Clary, at 503-382-4710 or .

Student Assistance Program

The college provides confidential short-term counseling, crisis intervention, and community referral services through the Wellness Corporation Student Assistance Program (SAP) for a wide range of concerns, including relationship issues, family problems, loneliness, depression, and alcohol or drug abuse. Services are FREE and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at 1.800.326.6142. If you have any further questions or are ever in need of immediate on-campus assistance, please stop by the Student Services Office on the 2nd Floor.

Evacuation Procedures

Please proceed to the nearest exit when the strobe lights flash and an audible alarm occurs. AiPD's evacuation location is 10th and Davis; wait there for further instructions. ALWAYS ASSUME ANY EVACUATION IS REAL!

Course Calendar

Week 1 ( April 6th, 2011 )

Lecture topics:

  • Course road-map

  • Crash course in computer math

    • Hexadecimal

    • Bits, bytes, words, oh my.

    • C strings

    • Big Enders vs. Little Enders

    • Bit-wise operations

    • Integer data encoding

      • Two's-Complement

      • Signed vs. unsigned

    • Math operations that you thought you understood

      • Multiplication and division using powers of two

      • Overflow / underflow

      • Modulo arithmetic

Homework assignments:

  • Read to recap this week:

    Skim Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective chapter 1. Read sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.

  • Do homework problems: 2.59, 2.60, 2.65 (or 2.66), and 2.80. Due at the start of class on April 13th.

Week 2 ( April 13th, 2011 )

Lecture topics:

  • A couple bits that I missed last week:

    • Shifting signed numbers

    • Overflow / underflow

  • Brief aside about fixed-point

  • Floating-point math

    • Represenatation

    • Rounding

    • Sources or error, measuring error

    • Non-associativity of floating point operations

    • Attempts to fight error

Homework assignments:

  • Read to recap this week:

    Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective section 2.4.

  • Do homework problems: 2.86, 2.88 (compile code for x86-64 or "SSE math" to avoid using the 80-bit extended precision), 2.92, 2.94. Due at the start of class on April 20th.

Week 3 ( April 20th, 2011 )

Lecture topics:

  • Crash course in x86 assembly language, part 1

    • Registers

    • Instruction format

    • Data movement

    • Arithmetic operations

    • Logical operations

Homework assignments:

  • Read to recap this week:

    Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective sections 3.2 through 3.6.

Week 4 ( April 27th, 2011 )

Lecture topics:

  • Crash course in x86 assembly language, part 2

    • Condition codes

    • Control flow

    • Procedures and stack frames

    • Arrays and crazy addressing modes

    • Complex data structures

      • Alignment restrictions

      • Packing / field ordering

Homework assignments:

Week 5 ( May 4th, 2011 )

Lecture topics:

  • More assembly.

Week 6 ( May 11th, 2011 )

Lecture topics:

  • The CISC vs. RISC debate

  • Processor execution models

    • Sequential execution - the 70s

    • Pipelined execution - the 80s

    • Superscalar execution - the early 90s

    • Out-of-order execution - the late 90s

Homework assignments:

  • Prepare for the midterm: Notes

Week 7 ( May 18th, 2011 )


Week 8 ( May 25th, 2011 )

Lecture topics:

  • Branch prediction

  • Speculative execution

  • Memory prefetch

  • Principle of locality of reference

  • Memory hierarchy

    • Disk

    • Main memory

    • Cache

  • Dealing with the memory hierarchy

  • Amdahl's Law

  • Measuring program performance

  • Optimization techniques

    • What the compiler does (and how not to thwart it)

    • Avoiding branch misprediction penalties

    • Using the cache well

Homework assignments:

  • Read to recap this week:

    Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective sections 6.1 through 6.4. We'll come back to 6.5 and 6.6 later.

    Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective sections 5.1 through 5.6.

  • Assignment #4: Performance measurement and optimization. Due 6/15. mm.c (unoptimized matrix multiplication code) search_code.c (binary and linear search routines).

Week 9 ( June 1st, 2011 )

Lecture topics:

  • Single Instruction, Multiple Data - SIMD

    • "Little" SIMD architectures - SSE, etc.

    • "Big" SIMD architectures

      • Cray

      • GPUs

  • Using SIMD compiler "intrinsics"

  • Using vector arrays - OpenCL

Homework assignments:

  • TBD.

Week 10 ( June 8th, 2011 )

Lecture topics:

  • Memory management

    • Virtual memory

    • Memory protection

    • Translation look-aside buffer (TLB)

    • Getting memory from the operating system

    • Managing the "heap"

  • Parallel architectures

    • Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)

    • Multi-core

    • Multi-threading

  • Cache coherency

  • Introduction to multithreading

Homework assignments:

  • TBD.

Week 11 ( June 15th, 2011 )