CG Programming III

Table of Contents

Course Description
Course Calendar
Week 1 (April 2nd)
Week 2 (April 9th)
Week 3 (April 16th)
Week 4 (April 23rd)
Week 5 (April 30th)
Week 6 (May 7th)
Week 7 (May 14th)
Week 8 (May 21st)
Week 9 (May 28th)
Week 10 (June 4th)
Week 11 (June 11th)

Course Description


Spring 2007, 3 credits

Mondays, 6:00PM - 9:45PM

Room #201

Programming real-time shadow algorithms using OpenGL and OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL). This includes shadow maps, shadow volumes, and several variations and optimizations of each.

The complete sylabus is also available.


Required text:

Tomas Akenine-Möller and Eric Haines. Real-Time Rendering (2nd Ed.). AK Peters, Ltd.. July 2002. ISBN 1-56881-182-9.

The book also has a website, that includes lots of additional references and sample code.

Optional texts:

Randi J. Rost. OpenGL Shading Language (2nd Ed.). Addison-Wesley Professional. January 25, 2006. ISBN 0321334892.

Martin Ecker. OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 2 (5th Ed.). Addison-Wesley Professional. August 1, 2005. ISBN 0321335732.

Earlier editions of either book should be sufficient for this course. They are often available on eBay or Amazon at reduced prices. There will not be any readings assigned from either book.

OpenGL Shading Language has a website, that includes example shaders and some references. An older version of OpenGL Programming Guide, which should be sufficient for this course, is available for download as a PDF.

Course Calendar

Week 1 (April 2nd)

Week 2 (April 9th)

Week 3 (April 16th)

  • Slides
  • Introduce shadow maps
  • Projective texturing (with sample code)
  • Homework assignments:
    • Read:

      Real-Time Rendering (2nd Ed.). Section 6.12.4.

      We'll come back to 6.12.3 later.

Week 4 (April 23rd)

Week 5 (April 30th)

  • Slides
  • Wrap up shadow map techniques
  • Introduce the stencil buffer
  • Homework assignments:
    • Read:

      Stefan Brabec, Thomas Annen, and Hans-Peter Seidel. Practical Shadow Mapping. journal of graphics tools. vol. 7. no. 4. 2003.

Week 6 (May 7th)

Week 7 (May 14th)

Week 8 (May 21st)

Week 9 (May 28th)

  • No class today -- Memorial Day holiday.

Week 10 (June 4th)

  • TBD.
  • Homework assignments:
    • Prepare for final.

Week 11 (June 11th)

  • Final exam. 5:30PM - 7:30PM. Do not be late today!