Result: pass
Detail | Value |
Returncode | 0 |
Time | 0:00:00.958587 |
Stdout |
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Test point size attenuation with the GL_ARB_point_parameters extension. stride 5 Tested 1350 PASS: 3510 antialiased combinations tested. stride 5 Tested 1350 PASS: 3510 aliased combinations tested. pointAtten: PASS rgba8, z24, s8, win+pmap, id 396 |
Stderr |
couldn't open, software DXTn compression/decompression unavailable Mesa warning: couldn't open, software DXTn compression/decompression unavailable |
Environment |
PIGLIT_SOURCE_DIR="/root/piglit" PIGLIT_PLATFORM="mixed_glx_egl" |
Command | /root/piglit/bin/glean -o -v -v -v -t +pointAtten --quick |
dmesg |