13:54 rinlovesyou[d]: dwlsalmeida[d]: glad to know someone is at least working on it!
14:31 gfxstrand[d]: mhenning[d]: Unlikely that I'll get to it for a while, I'm afraid. My head is a bag of cats right now.
17:00 mhenning[d]: gfxstrand[d]: That's very fair! Enjoy your vacation
17:16 gfxstrand[d]: Not exactly vacation, but thanks
18:47 mhenning[d]: ah, sorry for assuming
20:23 gfxstrand[d]: It's okay. It's not like you're the first person to make that assumption. 😅
20:24 HdkR: "Head is a bag of cats" is a phenomenal phrase. I'm going to need to work that in to my vocab
20:32 gfxstrand[d]: Go for it!
23:00 dwlsalmeida[d]: skeggsb9778: Ben, could you check what error code 40 means in `_nvdec_status_s` ?
23:00 dwlsalmeida[d]: there's nothing on dmesg, so I assume there's nothing to share like I did last time
23:01 dwlsalmeida[d]: everything decodes correctly, except for a few macroblocks in a full hd video
23:01 dwlsalmeida[d]: in fact, it's really not noticeable until you diff the YUV result
23:01 dwlsalmeida[d]: problem is, there is no documentation on what the error codes mean :/
23:03 dwlsalmeida[d]: https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-doc/blob/master/classes/video/nvdec_drv.h#L259 FYI
23:47 dwlsalmeida[d]: speaking of which, I wonder how can I map the VkBuffer containing the bitstream, I want to dump the data to compare with the blob
23:50 mohamexiety[d]: mohamexiety: Wouldn’t this work as well for the VkBuffer?