00:56 saancreed[d]: karolherbst[d]: I believe that's the new one, and the old one (which is used by dxvk, vkd3d-proton and Vulkan DLSS SDK directly) is `VK_NVX_binary_import`.
03:23 tiredchiku[d]: redsheep[d]: will try in a bit
05:05 tiredchiku[d]: discord simply doesn't launch here
05:06 tiredchiku[d]: zink + kwin x11 also shows old rfames a lot/doesn't paint correctly
05:06 tiredchiku[d]: in forefox
05:07 tiredchiku[d]: but yeah:
05:07 tiredchiku[d]: blackbox: 2024-10-01T05:05:20.826Z 11 ❌ child-process-gone { type: 'GPU', reason: 'crashed', exitCode: 139, serviceName: 'GPU' }
05:07 tiredchiku[d]: [3410:1001/103521.442303:ERROR:gpu_process_host.cc(997)] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=139
05:07 tiredchiku[d]: [3410:1001/103521.442320:FATAL:gpu_data_manager_impl_private.cc(448)] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye.
05:07 tiredchiku[d]: redsheep[d]
05:08 tiredchiku[d]: mesa commit 765d1c4757d, kernel 6.12-rc1
05:09 tiredchiku[d]: tiredchiku[d]: surprisingly this is fine on zink + kwin wayland
05:10 redsheep[d]: Is discord also busted on wayland?
05:11 tiredchiku[d]: it is
05:12 tiredchiku[d]: have to unset NOUVEAU_USE_ZINK to get it to launch
05:12 tiredchiku[d]: let me disable hw accel in the app tho
05:12 redsheep[d]: Well, that clears up the state of things some. Wish we knew if the exact same issue happened though
05:13 tiredchiku[d]: tiredchiku[d]: mhm, nope. doesn't help
05:15 tiredchiku[d]: same story with chromium
05:15 tiredchiku[d]: but ungoogled chromium gave me a coredump
05:16 tiredchiku[d]: will go through that later, gonna have to recompile mesa
05:17 redsheep[d]: And this is with all that vulkan layer business sorted?
05:17 tiredchiku[d]: [ 562.042286] traps: Discord[7080] trap int3 ip:55e9f379e0fa sp:7ffc426ec640 error:0 in Discord[5c960fa,55e9efaf0000+842e000]
05:17 tiredchiku[d]: [ 736.759982] chromium[8328]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000000000 sp 00007fffed10da88 error 14 likely on CPU 0 (core 0, socket 0)
05:17 tiredchiku[d]: [ 736.760082] Code: Unable to access opcode bytes at 0xffffffffffffffd6.
05:17 tiredchiku[d]: dmesg
05:17 tiredchiku[d]: redsheep[d]: yup
08:47 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: <tiredchiku[d]> "have to unset NOUVEAU_USE_ZINK..." <- I just tried it and it seems to work but I also have hardware acceleration disabled within discord, same as on windows as it just seems t cause issues in general
08:49 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: I used `DRI_PRIME=1 NOUVEAU_USE_ZINK=1 flatpak run com.discordapp.Discord`.
08:49 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: Running in a flatpak because testing Serpent OS and it's got the latest mesa, hoping the kernel is upgraded to 6.11 soon so I can test with the latest nouveau kernel fixes as well.
08:51 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: <redsheep[d]> "Cuz that is easy to test with..." <- testing discord and steam at the moment with this and I noticed earlier steam friends list was leaving shadowed boxes behind but would clean them up after a while or `alt-tab` to something else
08:52 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: * I just tried it and it seems to work but I also have hardware acceleration disabled within discord, same as on windows as it just seems to cause issues in general
08:55 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]:sent a shell code block: https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AVd9rwiVsRLHBJaLeh0eZ9zUi9pCUJ2AcnOzlgQctDVnnuEmRKeGf6cqFb57o4PMsN-gXT5tQLlwvHYW6Gr5SaJCeSSQI_xwAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvcHJtQ2RDaHFjUHlZYUtVU1ZUWkNmcmtW
08:57 tiredchiku[d]: Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8]: what GPU are you on
08:58 tiredchiku[d]: also what's your flatpak mesa runtime
09:09 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: Flatpak:... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AUZGEas-0IeA9PIqY2uru0_3iEw9jAyAYG-LLLn7keISV_AStFVlU5jQLFxYkfRLIfY8L2B299p0B_t-MubyRAdCeSSQ6bWQAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvT0pxYW1IRmRTbHJQVUJqcnduQUVlamdK>)
09:09 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: *
09:09 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: * Flatpak:... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AZ3TK436rmeZyi3CT7PT7ysSXrFV95CtTh-CTkOn_YaEKekPuETfjOJlD0GxT59uszdpS22lXS0IZq05hV3RwzdCeSSQ9FYAAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvREt4cUF4Q0FNVGFyaHlOYkRWT2xFa0Rm>)
09:15 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: Steam doesn't seem to like preshaders with Warframe though so it's having to do it fom scratch which is laggy 😂
09:16 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: Still playable if 15 fps during heavy effects and above 30 fps during menus but weirdly above 50 fps on some of the older maps
09:16 tiredchiku[d]: Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8]: you're not setting the env vars for flatpak correctly
09:17 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: you would think it would be higher in your ship without much to render but it's lower?
09:17 tiredchiku[d]: `flatpak run --env=DRI_PRIME=1 --env=NOUVEAU_USE_ZINK=1 com.discordapp.Discord`
09:17 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: `flatpak override --env=DRI_PRIME=1 com.valvesoftware.Steam`?
09:17 tiredchiku[d]: also I don't know if flatpak's mesa runtime ships NVK and Zink
09:18 tiredchiku[d]: neither am I interested in installing it and finding out... this is very poorly documented online tbh
09:18 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: is that why it spits out:... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/ASmCrwyR7oKhDXowSolkiCQoYgPN83fBm-3zHdhBD5Xrvdub9WFiNKDtUAdISxladWTc2GDAeVZVP6XazLCsmgdCeSSRd0hAAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvQ3BOVUxHZGxzQ1BTd1BscE51bXNLdUVy>)
09:19 tiredchiku[d]: seems like it :D
09:20 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: so no ZINK but NVK is working just got to get it to use mangohud so I can know for sure, was playing Halo MCC before and the Halo 2 Aniversery Campaign is virtually unplayable on Nvidia Drivers with sound issues being the main one but with just mesa I'm having no issues unless its generating shaders which is fast
09:22 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: I mean I'm building in `/home/dhancock/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/data/Steam/steamapps/shadercache/230410/mesa_shader_cache_sf/9557c96851780631e4bb68d718002b78269f792e/nvk_0174` for Warframe its already at 620mb
09:24 tiredchiku[d]: actually
09:24 tiredchiku[d]: it looks like zink does exist in the runtime, but is just failing to initialize w/ nvk
09:25 tiredchiku[d]: this is annoying, I'm unable to find any concrete info on what drivers are included in the flatpak runtime
09:25 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: sounds annoying
09:26 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: sounds like when I'm testing building packages on serpentos and realise I'm going to have to do the whole depend stack as well.
09:27 tiredchiku[d]: https://flathub.org/apps/org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default links > manifest is a dead link
09:27 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: seems I would be getting better frames with dx11 on warframe with nvk but I wanted to test vkd3d on dx12
09:27 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: story of life for build docs...
09:33 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: https://gitlab.com/freedesktop-sdk/freedesktop-sdk/
09:33 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: is that it?
09:35 tiredchiku[d]: ok, looks like they build every driver mesa has: https://gitlab.com/freedesktop-sdk/mesa-git-extension/-/blob/master/elements/mesa.yml?ref_type=heads#L50-61
09:36 tiredchiku[d]: try setting the `MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT` env var as well
09:37 tiredchiku[d]: takes your GPU as vendorId:deviceId
09:37 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: `flatpak info org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default/x86_64/24.08 -v `... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AXB2NN8a4995OHUd8g2O9H9Jvhfg1E6vXyPwq29cNBlhYezqPYd1uI53tsXDYsSEPgjKUs73iOdm3KKa6mxCv-RCeSSSiMJgAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvSFlBUHBrekN5R0pnc2xWUXZuZkNmU2pl>)
09:37 tiredchiku[d]: so for me it's `MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT=10de:2484`
09:38 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: I'll test it, be back just gotta take the dog for his walk 🐕‍🦺
09:38 tiredchiku[d]: no worries, am around for a while
10:50 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: tiredchiku[d]back, so testing with `flatpak run --env=DRI_PRIME=1 --env=NOUVEAU_USE_ZINK=1 --env=MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT=10de:249d` for both steam and discord
10:51 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: going to run any games with `PROTON_LOG=1` but how do you want me test or just keep running as normal?
10:51 tiredchiku[d]: as normal
10:51 tiredchiku[d]: for now
10:51 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: here's the initial discord start log:... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AYinKrpuSH9IzIYyq2vyGec4qh4XlApXjQyGrwrLCYfB-ww5833sw5eaqKDZCQC_qb7u0PNb1Pdgz0rE9qoELsxCeSSWybcQAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvbWtxZnhtUEZYeWtWa3VCWmNpUnlHRFVj>)
10:52 tiredchiku[d]: that looked liked it launched??
10:52 tiredchiku[d]: weird
10:53 tiredchiku[d]: but I guess it makes some sense, as it used to launch for RedSheep before too.. I'd bisect it but I can't afford spending that much time on this this month
10:53 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: it did
10:53 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: going to test voice in a sec
10:54 tiredchiku[d]: look for these: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues/11160
10:54 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: hardware acceleration is enabled on discord as well
10:54 tiredchiku[d]: I guess I'll also try out a stable release of mesa
10:54 tiredchiku[d]: instead of mesa-git
10:56 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: although it looks like steam is finally doing more shader precaching
10:56 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: still hasn't got Warframe yet though
10:57 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: seems its busy with Helldivers 2 but that always crashes in the loading screen even if using dx11 or dx12
10:58 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: works perfectly until then
10:58 tiredchiku[d]: works on my machine: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1171505720349446276/1282627546982256640/image.png?ex=66fd0c7d&is=66fbbafd&hm=8c9c5f592a5201c684c1a1cbec2274062be18444b18de442da6840e39715e1f2&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1040&height=585
10:58 tiredchiku[d]: tho I run mesa-git for testing, and not a stable release like one that's in the flatpak runtime
10:58 tiredchiku[d]: I do remember the HD2 loading screen freeze
11:10 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: interesting, steam is using anv for shader processing?
11:13 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: <tiredchiku[d]> "I do remember the HD2 loading..." <- ill test it again but I always crashed before it would load the screen or I would get a black screen but sound would still play and I could hear movement and it call downs when I attempted them
11:13 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: this is a asus hybrid intel/nvidia laptop
11:16 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: s/screen/map/
11:19 tiredchiku[d]: Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: yeah, sounds just like what I had
11:19 tiredchiku[d]: also steam always picks the first GPU it finds for shader pre-caching
11:24 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: is their a way to force it? `MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT=10de:249d!` would that do it?
11:25 tiredchiku[d]: afaik you have to run steam on the dgpu
11:26 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: I ran steam with `flatpak run --env=DRI_PRIME=1 --env=NOUVEAU_USE_ZINK=1 --env=MESA_VK_DEVICE_SELECT=10de:249d com.valvesoftware.Steam -console`
11:27 tiredchiku[d]: hm
11:27 tiredchiku[d]: try specifying pci path for DRI_PRIME instead
11:28 tiredchiku[d]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PRIME#For_open_source_drivers_-_PRIME
11:28 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: like this `DRI_PRIME=pci-0000_01_00_0`?
11:28 tiredchiku[d]: purple note box
11:28 tiredchiku[d]: Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: yea
11:40 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: well helldivers 2 still crashes
11:41 tiredchiku[d]: not surprised
11:41 tiredchiku[d]: >I run mesa-git for testing, and not a stable release like one that's in the flatpak runtime
11:41 tiredchiku[d]: there hasn't been a stable release since I last tested HD2
15:37 gfxstrand[d]: Ugh... `dEQP-VK.pipeline.shader_object_unlinked_spirv.image_2d_view_3d_image.*` faults if I set `MESA_VK_ENABLE_SUBMIT_THREAD=1`.
15:37 gfxstrand[d]: It faults.
15:37 gfxstrand[d]: Someone somewhere isn't waiting on something
15:55 gfxstrand[d]: Let's do a full CTS run with `MESA_VK_ENABLE_SUBMIT_THREAD=1` to see how far spread the problem is. If it's an NVK-wide problem, it should fail lots of things.
16:37 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: tiredchiku[d]
16:37 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: * tiredchiku[d]No curruption in discord
16:37 Pheoxy[AWSTUTC8][m]: going to bed
16:37 tiredchiku[d]: neato, goob night
18:38 gfxstrand[d]: gfxstrand[d]: ```
18:38 gfxstrand[d]: dEQP-VK.pipeline.monolithic.image_2d_view_3d_image.fragment.storage.mip0_layer0_sparse,Crash
18:38 gfxstrand[d]: dEQP-VK.pipeline.shader_object_linked_spirv.image_2d_view_3d_image.fragment.storage.mip0_layer63_sparse,Crash
18:38 gfxstrand[d]: dEQP-VK.pipeline.shader_object_unlinked_binary.image_2d_view_3d_image.fragment.storage.mip0_layer0_sparse,Crash
18:38 gfxstrand[d]: dEQP-VK.pipeline.shader_object_unlinked_binary.image_2d_view_3d_image.fragment.storage.mip2_layer15_sparse,Crash
18:38 gfxstrand[d]: dEQP-VK.pipeline.shader_object_unlinked_spirv.image_2d_view_3d_image.fragment.storage.mip0_layer63_sparse,Crash
18:38 gfxstrand[d]: Okay, it's just those tests. Probably a CTS bug. Good to know.
18:50 gfxstrand[d]: Yup. It clears the image without waiting on the sparse bind
21:17 gfxstrand[d]: Someone should implement `shaderSharedInt64Atomics`....
21:17 gfxstrand[d]: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues/10330
21:17 gfxstrand[d]: It's on the VKD3D list but I haven't had the chance to get to it yet
21:18 karolherbst[d]: uhhh
21:18 karolherbst[d]: 64 bit atomics are pain
21:18 karolherbst[d]: ehh wait.. nir already has all the lowering I think?
21:18 karolherbst[d]: I think there is only 64 bit CAS that's all
21:19 karolherbst[d]: let's see...
21:20 karolherbst[d]: global has add/min/max/and/or/xor/exch/cas, shared has exch/cas
21:20 karolherbst[d]: there is also CAST being something weird
21:20 karolherbst[d]: anyway
21:20 karolherbst[d]: have fun
21:21 karolherbst[d]: CAST returns either 1 or 0 depending on the condition matching or not
21:21 gfxstrand[d]: Yeah, someone just needs to write and wire up the lowering code.
21:21 gfxstrand[d]: And maybe type a little NAK code
21:21 karolherbst[d]: so CAST doesn't fetch the value at all
21:21 karolherbst[d]: ehh wait
21:21 karolherbst[d]: it does for the compare
21:21 karolherbst[d]: nvm
21:22 karolherbst[d]: CAST is shared only anyway
21:22 gfxstrand[d]: There might already be NIR lowering but I don't think so.
21:22 gfxstrand[d]: It's not a hard project as compiler projects go
21:23 karolherbst[d]: yeah.. just find a driver which has the lowering to CAS and move it somewhere else
21:23 karolherbst[d]: CAS loops ain't that hard
21:24 gfxstrand[d]: Nope
21:25 gfxstrand[d]: And if we need to add a NIR CAST intrinsic that's different from CAS, we can do that.
21:25 karolherbst[d]: not needed
21:25 karolherbst[d]: unless for some weird optimization
21:25 karolherbst[d]: shared supports CAS and CAST
21:26 karolherbst[d]: there are way weirder operations. .ARRIVED and .POPC.INC
21:26 gfxstrand[d]: funky
21:27 gfxstrand[d]: And we can probably optimize CAS to CAST in NAK if we care.
21:27 karolherbst[d]: .POPC.INC does an inc depending on how many threads participate
21:27 gfxstrand[d]: Magic!
21:27 marysaka[d]: karolherbst[d]: oh ummm I remember something about POPC.INC, but probably for the wrong reasons
21:27 marysaka[d]: yeah magic threads riight
21:27 gfxstrand[d]: Oh, is it like `add(bitcount(ballot))`?
21:27 karolherbst[d]: and .ARRIVED is something barrier related
21:27 karolherbst[d]: gfxstrand[d]: `add(src + bitcount(ballot))`
21:28 karolherbst[d]: I think..
21:28 karolherbst[d]: let me check..
21:28 karolherbst[d]: it might not be an add
21:28 karolherbst[d]: yeah soo
21:28 karolherbst[d]: it's `src + bitcount(ballot)`
21:29 gfxstrand[d]: That's an odd thing to optimize.
21:29 karolherbst[d]: I think.. the doc is confusing
21:30 karolherbst[d]: mhh
21:30 karolherbst[d]: and it's not even bitcount(ballot)
21:30 karolherbst[d]: it's thread accessing the same address
21:30 karolherbst[d]: anyway, something funky
21:31 karolherbst[d]: somebody should RE that one properly
21:40 gfxstrand[d]: Different topic: Anyone want to get me a bunch of game screenshots for my XDC talk? I'm thinking maybe a half-dozen different games. Just to have a nice brag deck.
21:41 gfxstrand[d]: I'll probably click through them pretty fast. But last year's story was basically "NVK exists. Go try it if you want." and I want to upgrade that to "Lots of stuff works"
22:12 conan_kudo[d]: hmm, I probably would need to resuscitate my nvidia laptop 😛
22:12 conan_kudo[d]: it mostly doesn't work properly anymore :/
22:41 phomes_[d]: should the screenshots include mangohud or some other way to document they are running on NVK?
22:52 gfxstrand[d]: phomes_[d]: Yeah mangohud is good
22:52 gfxstrand[d]: It can be anything as long as it looks cool. Actually, having a smattering of D3D11, D3D12, native Vulkan and Zink would be good.
23:04 gfxstrand[d]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1034184951790305330/1290811665696165958/image.png?ex=66fdd18b&is=66fc800b&hm=7dcddc45f72a2d0d3b1d1d922873a0c1b4b5231b16c6b4126e97982c26e14abf&
23:04 gfxstrand[d]: airlied[d]: Any notes?
23:15 redsheep[d]: gfxstrand[d]: Would you still recommend your nvk kernel branch over mainline for testing? I am updating everything after a couple months away from things and want to double check
23:20 mhenning[d]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1034184951790305330/1290815737664901120/20241001181515_1.jpg?ex=66fdd556&is=66fc83d6&hm=c4d6473014d89200da0a0e050e5e8997c64bcad01b699e0b30711ae87ee0a75b&
23:20 mhenning[d]: gfxstrand[d]: here's Horizon Zero Dawn on nvk, since that's what I'm currently playing
23:21 redsheep[d]: mhenning[d]: Oh cool it actually works now without the massive foliage smearing
23:22 mhenning[d]: Yeah, we used to have a lot of graphical artifacts. Not sure when they were fixed, but it works on main
23:23 mhenning[d]: also fwiw, I've been running a mainline kernel for a while since the most important fixes for me are all upstreamed now.
23:31 gfxstrand[d]: Yay accidental bug fixes!
23:37 gfxstrand[d]: I just realized that, since I'm presenting remotely and the talk is likely to be pre-recorded, I can actually stick in video clips of gameplay. Still chatting with the guy who's going to do the video editing about whether or not that's really practical. If it is, maybe we can get some 15-second clips instead of stills?
23:39 redsheep[d]: Any preference of 1080p30, or 60?
23:39 redsheep[d]: I assume 4k is useless if the talk is not encoded that high later
23:39 gfxstrand[d]: Yeah, I think 1080 is sufficient.
23:39 gfxstrand[d]: Let me ask about 30 vs. 60
23:39 airlied[d]: gfxstrand[d]: I'd say reusing Asahi developed and from scratch bindings, since Asahi doesn't cover all things like kms
23:42 gfxstrand[d]: redsheep[d]: Guy says capture at 60 FPS and we can drop it to 30 if needed. Let's target 1080p60
23:46 phomes_[d]: I have collected a set of screenshots. Do you still want them or only video?
23:47 gfxstrand[d]: Go ahead and toss them in Discord. I'm not sure how we're going to put it all together yet. I might use screenshots during the actual presentation and then have a demo reel run during the Q&A
23:48 phomes_[d]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1034184951790305330/1290822734044987545/X4Foundations.png?ex=66fddbda&is=66fc8a5a&hm=5dcec4c72ceac5ed776d3894d8721c9e197576a248500fe4b286abbb931b9132&
23:48 phomes_[d]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1034184951790305330/1290822734816874537/TransportFever2.png?ex=66fddbda&is=66fc8a5a&hm=452dffe29987b4f59acf4de42297b5b2e224c6a87c65946391444056a1e9067e&
23:48 phomes_[d]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1034184951790305330/1290822735467118703/SeriousSamFusion.png?ex=66fddbda&is=66fc8a5a&hm=a6843d35c9e83c6eeb79a0f1efa3ae3dad3e8b57182c745a4e959d389f8138b8&
23:48 phomes_[d]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1034184951790305330/1290822736309911583/Rust.png?ex=66fddbda&is=66fc8a5a&hm=dc481711a5d39d6daabc16d0a0c8853501f0f50356756df787c1e3c4d6efc10e&
23:48 phomes_[d]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1034184951790305330/1290822737056632884/ReturnToMonkeyIsland.png?ex=66fddbda&is=66fc8a5a&hm=df29c9f9b81af574bb016b5356263bdc731d2b8bcdbec16b05c31a26e792d0ea&
23:48 phomes_[d]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1034184951790305330/1290822737538842759/EvilGenius2.png?ex=66fddbda&is=66fc8a5a&hm=5f896d59ff386ed33227ff1e3ddf0787f86e69e547cd123e1688aa2e246d90d2&
23:49 gfxstrand[d]: Could you tell me which game each one is?
23:50 phomes_[d]: in the top row: X4 Foundations, Transport Fever 2, Serious Sam Fusion
23:51 phomes_[d]: second row: Rust, Return to monkey island, Evil genius 2
23:53 phomes_[d]: I also wanted to include Hammerting but that one regressed and now fails to start. So now I have something to look into after XDC 🙂