03:31oem_: Argentum is looking for experienced IRC operators to moderate our #politics channel on Snoonet. please /join #help on irc.snoonet.org for further details.
03:38oem_: Argentum is looking for experienced IRC operators to moderate our #politics channel on Snoonet. please /join #help on irc.snoonet.org for further details.
05:24snektron[d]: Im sure this is how you get the best political conversation moderators
06:44ity: Mm, best recruitment strategy, HR of the year!
06:55tiredchiku[d]: zink+NVK plasma wayland is a pleasant experience
06:56tiredchiku[d]: save for a few, very rare, firefox crashes
07:36huntercz122[d]: tiredchiku[d]: did firefox devs fix explicit sync crashes?
07:40tiredchiku[d]: I don't get any crashes on nvprop 560
09:43huntercz122[d]: not even zinl?
09:43huntercz122[d]: 560 still doesn't support explicit sync on Vulkan, right?
09:44tiredchiku[d]: haven't tried that
09:45tiredchiku[d]: and no idea
18:30selaaaa[d]: it's unofficial (and discord is generally frowned upon for support..) so probably not, but others should weigh in
19:06tiredchiku[d]: yeah, best not link it in a public space
19:15karolherbst[d]: there are already ideas to move to a more FOSS platform, but somebody (tm) would just need to start doing that 😄
19:17tiredchiku[d]: like what
19:17tiredchiku[d]: memetrix?
19:17tiredchiku[d]: xmpp?
19:17tiredchiku[d]: jabber?
19:17tiredchiku[d]: ir- oh wait
20:05asdqueerfromeu[d]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1034184951790305330/1283156351199215698/image.png?ex=66e1f7fa&is=66e0a67a&hm=6d105cdb10d4ba1cdbd4fbc8a9d3e8d5482c084c3b9b64f841f6868308676b61&
20:05asdqueerfromeu[d]: tiredchiku[d]: They already did though
20:06tiredchiku[d]: "don't do it"
20:06tiredchiku[d]: >does it anyway
20:06tiredchiku[d]: :vanpalm:
21:56oem: We are looking for an experienced IRC operator to moderate our #politics channel on Snoonet. please see argentum in the channel #help on irc.snoonet.org for further details
21:57oem: We are looking for an experienced IRC operator to moderate our #politics channel on Snoonet. please inquire in #help on irc.snoonet.org for further details
21:58karolherbst: dwfreed: spam^^