08:15 tiredchiku[d]: samantas5855[d]: fails to launch, GL_NV_fragment_program2 and GL_NV_vertex_program3 are missing
08:15 tiredchiku[d]: for both, zink and nvc0
08:54 karolherbst[d]: uhhh... I don't think we'll ever implement them in mesa unless somebody really wants to
08:55 karolherbst[d]: those are assembly shader extensions before glsl was a thing
08:55 karolherbst[d]: so one would need to write a compiler frontend for those
08:57 karolherbst[d]: but then nothing besides some tech demos uses them
10:52 samantas5855[d]: karolherbst[d]: I thought that they were implemented but then removes
10:53 asdqueerfromeu[d]: karolherbst[d]: But 🐸 also uses it I think
10:54 karolherbst[d]: samantas5855[d]: maybe? But I sincerely doubt anybody wants to support it for essentially no benefit
10:55 karolherbst[d]: asdqueerfromeu[d]: I sincerely hope not
10:58 samantas5855[d]: some emulators used it to compile shaders faster on opengl
10:59 samantas5855[d]: ultimately a bit of a failure since it only worked on NVIDIA
10:59 samantas5855[d]: and it also made games perform worse
11:00 samantas5855[d]: plus mesa can use spirv on opengl
11:03 karolherbst[d]: yeah, applications should just use spirv these day
16:17 asdqueerfromeu[d]: karolherbst[d]: I mean the NVIDIA Froggy demo 🐸