15:54 mohamexiety[d]: not strictly nouveau related but am curious about something. does the GSP switch from the old way reduce driver overhead?
15:54 mohamexiety[d]: or is it basically the same/it doesnt really impact hot paths in any meaningful way?
16:05 notthatclippy[d]: Win some, lose some. Nothing major either way.
16:06 notthatclippy[d]: (architecturally at least, there's bugs of course)
16:10 mohamexiety[d]: got you, thanks!
18:25 gfxstrand[d]: What's the best command stream NOP to use? `PIPE_NOP`?
18:27 marysaka[d]: gfxstrand[d]: NVXXXX_NO_OPERATION ?
18:27 gfxstrand[d]: That seems better
18:27 marysaka[d]: it's part of the GPFIFO part of each channel (3D, 2D, compute ect)
18:28 gfxstrand[d]: There's a lot of things that loop like NOP :overwhelmed:
18:56 karolherbst[d]: I'm sure they are all different kind of NOPs