01:12 c133[d]: there's no way to get working libva or vdpau support with NVK on Ampere right now, right? have to use the binary driver if I want accelerated VC1 decoding?
01:14 mhenning[d]: Right, no video encoding/decoding on ampere yet
01:14 c133[d]: thanks for confirmation! now the question becomes, do I care enough to switch over to transcode a few hundred episodes of BluRay rips faster or not
01:30 rinlovesyou[d]: probably worth it
01:30 rinlovesyou[d]: installing/uninstalling takes a few minutes
01:30 c133[d]: yeah but then I'll feel forever unclean
01:31 c133[d]: (mostly kidding)
01:31 rinlovesyou[d]: lol
01:31 rinlovesyou[d]: i'm sadly still stuck here in proprietary land until nvk gets faster
01:31 rinlovesyou[d]: need m'games
01:32 rinlovesyou[d]: the progress has been incredible though and some of my games already run pretty well, others just hit some major snags
01:40 rinlovesyou[d]: i am encountering this weird issue when building mesa
01:40 rinlovesyou[d]: ninja: Entering directory `/home/sarah/Documents/github/mesa/build'
01:40 rinlovesyou[d]: ninja: warning: build log version is too old; starting over
01:40 rinlovesyou[d]: it builds itself twice..
13:04 rinlovesyou[d]: There are definitely options for the future
15:43 mhenning[d]: pavlo_kozlenko[d]: There's been some work on vulkan video encoding/decoding already, but my understanding is that it isn't far enough along to be useful for an end user
15:44 mhenning[d]: So it's in the works, but isn't ready yet
15:49 rinlovesyou[d]: apparently opengl, i.e. zink can also be used
16:01 karolherbst[d]: well.. zink would implement enough on top of vulkan video so you can use vdpau/vaapi on top of zink
16:05 rinlovesyou[d]: so just to understand this, since im still very green in the world of graphics programming, vulkan video isn't enough on its own, but with zink on top it would be enough for vaapi?
16:08 karolherbst[d]: everything else can target vulkan video directly if they wanted to, but there are a lot of applications only supporting vdpau/vaapi
16:15 asdqueerfromeu[d]: karolherbst[d]: Including Firefox I guess
16:18 tiredchiku[d]: rinlovesyou[d]: it's a matter of adoption. vaapi and vdpau have been around for longer, and as such have been implemented in apps. vulkan video is very new
16:23 blockofalumite[d]: karolherbst[d]: What is Vulkan Video ? https://www.khronos.org/blog/an-introduction-to-vulkan-video ?
16:27 babblebones[d]: blockofalumite[d]: Encoding or decoding video using the vulkan api instead of vaapi or nvidia's api
16:37 rinlovesyou[d]: karolherbst[d]: yeah i know, but many refuse to *even adopt nvenc/nvdec*
16:37 rinlovesyou[d]: *cough* browsers *cough*
16:38 rinlovesyou[d]: which is just incredibly confusing to me as the code paths must already exist on windows, and i doubt the api changes much between platforms
16:50 karolherbst[d]: video acceleration is funky, there is always some platform specific code involved
17:58 blockofalumite[d]: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1034184951790305330/1275152034630471743/2052439c529e8ac7.png?ex=66c4d960&is=66c387e0&hm=6fcc088638106e3483ff428a881e2a8153f29ac5cd9c0f76fa6d40e72290bc3b&
17:58 blockofalumite[d]: Meanwhile Intel:
18:01 blockofalumite[d]: ^^
18:41 karolherbst[d]: having it part of vulkan allows for some really optimized code, because you don't have to share buffers across APIs anymore and can do e.g. post processing/filters/whatever within the same API via shaders
18:41 karolherbst[d]: there are probably also other benefits
19:06 zmike[d]: like keeping me and airlied employed