00:00 phomes_[d][d]: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/issues/11680
00:15 redsheep[d]: Sounds like the swapchain stuff on main is just me then, if you're even able to get that far testing anything at the moment
00:30 phomes_[d][d]: Yes I am not getting any problems from that specifically. Some games also still run like Return to Monkey Island. It is getting late here. I will continue again tomorrow
10:52 f_: dwfreed: Neat.
12:09 karolherbst[d]: XDC talk proposal deadline is today/tomorrow, Not sure there is a need for a nouveau status update specifically, and I assume gfxstrand[d] gonna do a nvk/nak update anyway already 😄
12:10 karolherbst: Lyude, dakr: though, did you consider talking about nova or so?
12:42 phomes_[d][d]: I was considering applying for a travel grant to go to xdc. I just can't think of anything to do a talk on 🙂
14:17 gfxstrand[d]: karolherbst[d]: Thanks for the reminder! Do you want to be on the update talk?
14:18 karolherbst[d]: gfxstrand[d]: haven't really done much this year, so no. But even if I do the instruction scheduler thing before XDC, maybe not the best to also give a talk on it 😄
14:19 karolherbst[d]: anyway, I'll try to start that stuff next month or so..
14:22 gfxstrand[d]: Ugh... Indico is broken.
14:23 HdkR: Uh oh
14:28 gfxstrand[d]: I'm just going to e-mail a couple of abstracts
14:29 karolherbst[d]: guess everybody else had the same idea
14:44 gfxstrand[d]: I e-mailed two to the X board e-mail address. I couldn't find an XDC e-mail address.
14:53 gfxstrand[d]: Not broken, just a really terrible UI.
14:53 gfxstrand[d]: Okay, two talks submitted
14:53 gfxstrand[d]: Thanks for the reminder!
15:07 karolherbst[d]: no problem 😄
15:41 gfxstrand[d]: We need to figure out the rust problems on aarch64
15:42 gfxstrand[d]: I think we're just missing a meson dep somewhere
15:42 karolherbst[d]: ohh right, that one
15:42 gfxstrand[d]: I suppose I could add NVK to the aarch64 build in CI...
15:43 karolherbst[d]: yeah.. you probably should 😄
19:01 airlied[d]: for turing and above with GSP, we've already written some proof of concept, and dwlsalmeida had some more code I think