13:49 tiredchiku[d]: 560 beta is out: https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/230225/en-us/
13:52 huntercz122[d]: tiredchiku[d]: PipeWire backend for NvFBC 🧐
13:52 tiredchiku[d]: mhm
14:08 babblebones[d]: Explicit vulkan fence LFG
14:27 notthatclippy[d]: "bugfixes and performance improvements"
14:28 notthatclippy[d]: (actual driver probably had over a thousand noteworthy changes to it, but we suck at changelogging)
14:28 tiredchiku[d]: just publish the commit history as your changelog /j
14:30 asdqueerfromeu[d]: tiredchiku[d]: https://airspy.com/downloads/changelog.txt (real)
14:31 tiredchiku[d]: I know some projects do that
14:50 babblebones[d]: Any nvidia team here to chime in if the EGL fence crash was also fixed?
14:51 babblebones[d]: Going to test as soon as it hits distro
14:58 tiredchiku[d]: beta drivers don't usually hit distros
14:58 tiredchiku[d]: maybe fedora rawhide
14:58 tiredchiku[d]: but that's it
15:54 babblebones[d]: AUR will hit yetz just waiting for maintainer to wake
15:58 tiredchiku[d]: ah, yea
15:58 tiredchiku[d]: right
15:58 tiredchiku[d]: forgot about AUR :P
16:12 ahuillet[d]: babblebones[d]: got a NVIDIA bug number?
16:13 babblebones[d]: ahuillet[d]: Hmmm not of the exact instance of the issue but perhaps these are the same underlying issue
16:13 babblebones[d]: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/segfault-in-glcore-while-monado-waiting-on-fence-objects/298082
16:14 babblebones[d]: Stardust server also blows up, being EGL and references a very similar fence problem
16:15 ahuillet[d]: if no one from NVIDIA responded, then it's likely not being tracked, and therefore not going to be fixed
16:17 ahuillet[d]: more detailed reproduction instructions on the forum will probably enable our QA to attempt a reproduction. a stacktrace would also be welcome. feel free to ping me once this is on the forum post so I can try to get this looked at
17:15 babblebones[d]: Wagering this is all under the umbrella of the fence fix, but we do have some stack traces I can drop in later if it proves not to be
20:22 babblebones[d]: Have a 100% confirm all fence crashes resolved
20:22 babblebones[d]: Thankyou guys, all!
20:23 babblebones[d]: We will await the obvious other pains to get hotpatched introduced in the beta 😅
23:38 down: Hello, i want to know one thing, does NVK work on Fermi(2) ? Thanks
23:52 clangcat[d]: down: Hey so I can't say from certain on this but from what I understand NVK is mostly geared towards 20xx and 1650 and later GPUs as they have GSP allowing re-clocking and a various other things.
23:52 clangcat[d]: But you could try it and see it might work. But no guarantees it'll work, However even if you can get it working I should warn you that pre GSP cards on Nouveau don't support any re-clocking so the performance of the card would likely suffer greatly. (Not sure if Fermi is included in those cards that can't be re clocked but yea)
23:53 clangcat[d]: I'd honestly just say give it a go and see if it works worst case is it won't work and you can always swap to prop drivers or Nouveau's opengl driver(should probably work).
23:57 down: Since I saw that Fermi overclocking is possible but needs to be tested. I'll install a second distro to test since it's my primary device xD
23:58 down: very pity what nvidia doesnt share something to "help" maintain nouveau :(