01:20 codegirl: Is the behavior of what happens to the console when you, like, run `physlock` and then unplug the HDMI external display and plugs it again something managed by the driver? If not, what manages it?
01:23 soreau: gfxstrand[d]: talking to yourself? is rust that mind bending? ;)
02:45 redsheep[d]: soreau: It's fairly common discord convention to reply to yourself to continue something you were saying earlier, which gets translated over the bridge as a mention
04:12 soreau: ah
04:12 soreau:doesn't discord
12:37 karolherbst: yeah... sadly in IRC you can't reply to a specific comment, so it looks like this
12:37 karolherbst: *message
12:38 karolherbst: I wonder what the infamous matrix bridge would do
20:00 dwfreed: karolherbst: the matrix bridge quotes a very short snippet of the original message, though if the response ends up any kind of non-trivial length, it tends to end up "pastebinned" instead
22:46 gfxstrand[d]: Probably not of interest to most folks but this has been a long time coming:
22:46 gfxstrand[d]: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/30275
22:47 gfxstrand[d]: Also, I REALLY like how the rust push stuff that dwlsalmeida and I cooked up works out.
23:11 mohamexiety[d]: 😮 this is really neat. congrats and awesome work for wiring it up!
23:25 gfxstrand[d]: Now I can finally figure how how shf works