00:22 fdobridge_: <g​fxstrand> If someone wanted to review the Vulkan runtime patch in https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/-/merge_requests/27025, that'd be cool.
06:36 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> android automotive isn't what you're looking for
06:37 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> android automotive runs in a vm with virtio-gpu (and virgl/venus used for graphics accel)
06:38 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> NVIDIA care about android on those things is Shield TV really. And that's probably going to be updated soon. Last time I saw things they were using r34 on Tegra X1 there
06:45 HdkR: Source on SHIELD TV getting an update? :P
06:46 HdkR: T210/T214 in my SHIELD TV is feeling old AF
06:51 HdkR: Back in 2014 with the dev hardware it was pretty awesome but we're ten years on at this point
07:02 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> \
07:02 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> Given how old it is (edited)
07:02 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> I'd assume that an update should be coming soon
07:03 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> + nvidia uefi tree is getting some android work
07:13 HdkR: Interesting
07:18 HdkR: Just glue a Grace in to a SHIELD TV. It's what the public wants
13:06 EisNerd: but I'm willing to test if sth is avail
14:16 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> nope, and r34 doesn't work for x1 at all, and if commits are to be believed we aren't getting anything past kernel 4.9 for Android
14:17 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> nope, and r34 doesn't work for x1 at all, and if commits are to be believed we aren't getting anything past kernel 4.9 for Android on x1 (edited)
14:17 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> And they don't care about shield
14:18 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> they transferred 90% of that team to other places or laid them off
14:19 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> there's like <8 people and they've been working on a bug fix update for r since July
14:19 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> they have more recently added android related stuff to edk2 implying Orin based android hw
14:21 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> but it looked a lot like it was automotive based stuff--they added Infineon/cypress/bcm's ahd wifi driver (newer bcmdhd basically) but they noted specifically in commit messages it was for AAOS.
14:22 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> and no, grace in a shield is not happening lol--if we get smth it'll be t23x-based
14:24 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> I think it's possible they throw smth together for the lower (or higher?) binned t239 units meant for switch 2; they're more geared towards gaming/streaming instead of deep learning
19:22 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> Check the Shield TV software releases. It's a newer BSP there surprisingly with even CUDA 11.4 on tx1
19:30 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> it's not r34 based
19:31 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> not even close
19:31 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> it's based on newer r32 releases (or rather technically rel33/rel-shield-r$
19:31 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> They pull stuff from r32.7.x new releases
19:33 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> matter of fact latest L4T r32.7.x has newer kernel than android by quite a bit, currently working on integrating that into lineage shield kernel as we speak (tho there we do use r35 kernel/nvidia and kernel/nvgpu to reduce duplication against trees for t194 and t234)
19:33 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> matter of fact latest L4T r32.7.x has newer kernel than android by quite a bit, currently working on integrating that into lineage shield kernel as we speak (tho there we do use r35 kernel/nvidia and kernel/nvgpu to reduce duplication against trees for t194 and t234, but kernel-4.9 is based on L4T 32.7.x and android changes from rel-shield-r) (edited)
19:34 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> The 11.2 cuda is just cuz it's technically between r32 and r34 in some cases
19:35 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> but r34 is 5.10 and 5.10 does not boot on t210
19:35 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> but r34 is 5.10 and 5.10 does not boot on t210 (and messages indicate it doesn't even internally and they dropped t210 support to 4.9 forks that pull some relevant stuff from dev-main) (edited)
19:36 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> The 11.x cuda is just cuz it's technically between r32 and r34 in some cases (edited)
19:36 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> also uh what's ur source on the CUDA 11.4? I can't find anything corroborating that
19:39 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> The 11.x cuda would just be cuz it's technically between r32 and r34 in some cases (edited)
19:41 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> They pull stuff mostly from r32.7.x new releases (edited)
19:53 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> ```
19:53 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> #  tmakin @ tmakinfedserver.thomasmak.in in ~/android/lineage-20/out/target/product/nx [14:52:23]$ strings ./obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libcuda_intermediates/libcuda.so | grep "11.4"
19:53 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> Cuda compilation tools, release 11.4, V11.4.56
19:53 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> %%%111444++++++
19:53 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> ```
19:53 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> gotcha yea
19:54 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> wel anyway rel-shield-r sits between r32.7 and r34 but it's kinda its own fork--it pulls from dev-main as r32.7 does but r34 targets 5.10 and as a whole is not compatible with t210
19:54 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> also uh what's ur source on the CUDA 11.4? (edited)
19:54 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> it's based on rel33/rel-shield-r which sits between r32.7.x and r34 (edited)
19:55 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> The 11.x cuda would just be cuz it's technically between r32 and r34--note that many things like newer vk are not supported (edited)
21:43 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> It's a bizarre release. Uses the newer Nvidia drivers but with 4.9
21:43 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> r33 is odd
21:43 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> it's not all newer drivers
21:44 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> they are very very diverged
21:44 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> the userspace stuff is newer tho
21:44 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> and it's updated just enuf to work with that
21:44 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> it is super weird
21:44 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> but it seems to just be cuz theyre working off a diverged fork and periodically pulling newer stuff
21:44 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> dev-main doesn't get t210 stuff anymore afaict
23:39 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> dev-main doesn't even have t194 now
23:39 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> yup
23:39 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> which is hilariou
23:39 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> which is hilarious (edited)
23:39 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> imagine paying $2k for a device like 2 years ago and having it already be basically obsolete
23:40 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> at least r35 will still get update
23:40 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> at least r35 will still get updates (edited)
23:40 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> just nothing helpful
23:40 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> and the fun thing is the first r36 beta didn't quite have t194 support stripped yet
23:40 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> but r36 prod will
23:40 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> i mean
23:40 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> it did
23:40 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> it doesnt boot at all
23:40 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> they did leave the fw in tho
23:41 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> it still boots when using the older uefi and fw bits tbh
23:41 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> uh does it
23:41 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> press x to doubt
23:41 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> Yes
23:41 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> was p sure nvdisplay was just
23:41 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> not tehre
23:41 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> not there (edited)
23:42 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> also doesnt the new nvgpu require new fw
23:42 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> new fw is there for gv11b too!
23:42 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> well yea
23:42 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> r36.1 still had nvgpu t194
23:42 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> but i didnt expect it to boot
23:42 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> have you actually booted it?
23:43 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> Yes
23:44 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> https://nv-tegra.nvidia.com/r/gitweb?p=linux-nv-oot.git;a=commit;h=029ade906d96888201c0de9395f52ff940beccec <- was disabled _after_ the first public preview
23:44 fdobridge_: <b​utterflies> oddly enough
23:44 fdobridge_: <m​akinbacon21> fun