05:39 calebccff: sima: lumag: personally my main concern is with the single upstream user for fastrpc (that I'm aware of) -- it's an essential part of the fragile tech stack required to access any of the sensors on Qualcomm phones... And it feels like any changes to the fastrpc driver could break this
05:40 calebccff: fwiw https://gitlab.com/sdm670-mainline/hexagonrpc and https://codeberg.org/DylanVanAssche/libssc are the current upstream "solutions" here
05:40 calebccff: which unlike whatever qcom are doing actually have users...
05:41 calebccff: on an orthoganol point... just look at all this random garbage we have to ship to have working sensors https://pkgs.postmarketos.org/contents?page=2&file=&path=&name=firmware-oneplus-sdm845&branch=master&repo=postmarketos&arch=aarch64
06:07 lumag: calebccff, but isn't libssc a QMI-only library? In other words, does it depend on the actual fastrpc implementation?
06:08 calebccff: lumag: yeah it's QMI only, it's just that no sensors show up if you don't first initialize the DSP over fastrpc
09:38 nuggetpeer: so execution is the most interesting, so you add a value to the hash in the minuend, and perform subtraction to access the value through index, but it's swizzled for dependencies so you presubtract the constant once from mother cell then remove distance/length from all do the same with daughter cell, then remove all other constants, and in practice the access value should fictively ripple
09:38 nuggetpeer: through the scaffold over the pc's, in the dependency pc the index and offset are switched so that one of them that alternates over one pc is missing, all other logic is easier. But the value at some certain pc's intermediate result to for instance commit io write is where it gets more interesting now you want to remove the pc's that are not needed forward from poi. so you index a data
09:38 nuggetpeer: bank and access multiple banks with indexes and remove those pc's, i gotta say technically i have the framework ready with all modules, but i am programming that solution til the end of the year, i have already said that in such form on irc it is my last, cause i do not like what you do, the abstract over the p2p dma is a subject that concerns me little, but i saw that airlied pointed out
09:38 nuggetpeer: some nvidia employee work of the engine that does peer to peer dma , i have my own view about this issue, but i do not dig into it anymore, but for starters someone could test it and try to bisect for upstream inclusion and hopefully we can later implement the logic that computes on dma chipset add and sub is needed, i know how to do that now based of cornell rpi2400 examples.
11:42 FL4SHK[m]: There appears to be quite a bit of AI spam posts in this channel...
11:45 zamundaaa[m]: FL4SHK: it's not AI, that's a person
11:45 FL4SHK[m]: oh
11:45 FL4SHK[m]: sorry
11:46 ccr: as amazing as it may sound, but yes. and he keeps on using vpns, etc. to avoid bans.
11:46 FL4SHK[m]: I see
11:46 ccr: been going on for many, many years
11:46 FL4SHK[m]: Huh
11:46 FL4SHK[m]: ten years?
11:46 FL4SHK[m]: twenty?
11:47 ccr: probably close to ten
11:47 FL4SHK[m]: ah
11:47 FL4SHK[m]: the messages read like AI spam to me anyway
11:47 MrCooper: most definitely more than ten
11:48 MrCooper: can't really remember when he wasn't around yet
11:48 FL4SHK[m]: I'm not sure what he's trying to achieve
11:48 ccr: mental problems
11:48 FL4SHK[m]: ah
11:49 ccr: has some kind of "beef" with FLOSS people, this is not the only channel he frequents
11:49 MrCooper: he's under the illusion that he knows better than all of us how to do what we do
11:49 MrCooper: *delusion
11:50 FL4SHK[m]: I have some mental stuff myself, though I'm not sure they're promoting... I was diagnosed with Asperger's as a kid, ADHD, and some other stuff
11:50 FL4SHK[m]: though I'm not sure they're problems*
11:50 FL4SHK[m]: they don't really cause much issue for me
11:51 ccr: it's best just to ignore him and not engage directly, someone will usually ban his current account(s) eventually. it is practically impossible to get rid of him tho, due to how he evades using vpns or tor or whatever.
11:51 FL4SHK[m]: right
11:52 FL4SHK[m]: I haven't used Tor in a long time, maybe ten years, and I barely used it at that
11:53 FL4SHK[m]: I've been doing computer stuff for such a long time... it's both a hobby and my job
11:54 FL4SHK[m]: I am considering using the simple pipeline implementation of my CPU as a programmable GPU
11:54 FL4SHK[m]: I'm almost done with the first version of the CPU
11:54 FL4SHK[m]: I'll just have to support multiple cores
11:54 FL4SHK[m]: But hopefully I can fit a bunch of these in my FPGA
11:55 FL4SHK[m]: not sure how fast they'll run but I think a MIMD GPU could be cool
11:55 FL4SHK[m]: ... though maybe I'd benefit from upgrading to a 64-bit instruction set
11:55 FL4SHK[m]: it's 32-bit right now
11:56 FL4SHK[m]: and only integer instructions are defined right now, but I'll add floating point instructions if I decide to go through with this...
11:56 FL4SHK[m]: there is some support for 64-bit integer ops
11:57 FL4SHK[m]: for divides and full products (though the full products produce 64-bit ops)
11:57 FL4SHK[m]: *produce 64-bit values
11:58 FL4SHK[m]: instruction set so far is at `flare32_cpu` on my Github at the "fl4shk" account
11:58 FL4SHK[m]: and so is what I have so far for the implementation of the FPGA code
11:59 FL4SHK[m]: I also wrote a GCC backend targeting the CPU
11:59 FL4SHK[m]: but it's not complete
11:59 FL4SHK[m]: it can compile C++ code that doesn't use the standard library
12:00 FL4SHK[m]: still have to port picolibc
19:16 freedomofword: intelligence can not be measured through indications or comparison to human excrements like you, excrements and fecalists is what you are, it is insulting to compare intelligence or measure through such references. Human excrements like you get integrated with content of canalisation in the concentration camp which is your destiny on this planet in human history, for a fact there is
19:16 freedomofword: absolutely nothing human excrements can be good at. If you look at how MrPooper or DemiMarie or any other retarded jew like airlied shows out in the world, it's unrelated to intelligence in grandest way. MrPooper is with 2cm thick oculars and with smaller brain than a reptilian or say rene rebe Ermine jewsih looks, you are entire freaks and extremely stupid human garnage and i say they
19:16 freedomofword: integrate you with content of canalisation in the concentration camps.
19:26 Ermine: dwfreed: requesting banhammer