12:45 daniels: mareko: bin/ci/ci_run_n_monitor.sh
13:25 mareko: daniels: I tried that once and couldn't make it work
13:27 daniels: was there an error message or something? I mean, it does work generally, and if it doesn’t work for you we can fix it if we know how it’s broken
13:27 daniels: and then you don’t have to ask people to run pipelines for you
16:00 zmike: isn't this the same issue that has been raised multiple times?
16:00 zmike: the script doesn't work if you want to run all jobs
16:00 zmike: and neither does the web ui
19:05 daniels: —target ‘.*’
19:18 gogolittle: it's bit weird to explain so adder is implemented so that adder has first power as 64 which is two in power of zero, which is being used to mark zero state bit for adder procedure in the addend operand, whilst adder has 0 instead of 64, so first real bit being 65 in the field, meaning 65+64 is 129 means first bit in , 64 means out and 128+64 192 means out as well, so 65+128+1=129+65=194
19:18 gogolittle: means next power in, so two in power of two. That is all subtract compatible where 129-66 yields minus sign which we do not need to implement for verbatim compact adding and subtracting, cause the minuend is always smaller for us than the subtrahand. but 66+128 is 194-65=129 so 1. 66+128+2=130+66=196-194=2 again whilst 196-192 is 4. So frankenstein gate is full adder until you subtract
19:18 gogolittle: something from it too which is always the case for polderan algorithm and minuend as said is always smaller. So subtract has it's special encoding designed from those states, it's also possible to do pure subtract plumbings for compact format, and never use add, which would mean that subtrahand is 128+65 193 and minuend is 64+1 , so first bit out is then 193-65=128, second result bit in
19:18 gogolittle: 193, and both out is 0 or 128-64 64. Maybe that cleared up something abit! Both should work with doubly encoding in ultra compact presentation.
20:31 gogolittle: and for convenience to avoid modulo which has power of two fast version done with bitshifts at base 64, after each time that follow up is about to come in operations you can remove the 64 base 64 times to encode decode without collisions, example 196-192 is 4 but as you wanted 68 which is 64+4, you would have to remove i.e subtract 64 from 192 which yields 128, and similarly from 194 to
20:31 gogolittle: yield back 130 to stay consistent, but it is the hidden logics already said implicilty that format needs to stay consistent as stated above depending if the follow up vector procedure is add or sub. This year i am working on that all in more extensive testing sets.
20:35 Ermine: dwfreed: requesting banhammer
20:58 gogolittle: collisions mean that the decoder and encoder does not have to bitcount you can not lift 4 to be two in power of 4 easily, and accessing the data at index 4 would be more storage expensive. Collision happen cause 4+6 is same as 3+7 in internal addition. And your anti-hero but my hero is actually emersion, a talented programmer named Simon Ser, whose work named Goguma IRC client i compiled
20:58 gogolittle: for linux and combined with many free openvpn or wireguard servers is bypassing all your hacks to silence me. I do not know how to read the code yet, but it's likely that it generates client certificates based of session in double sha256 encryption and you can not fingerprint me easily.
21:21 gogolittle: so you need 2 in power of 1 + 2 in power of 2. 4+2 equals 6 instead of 16, that means 64+2 +64+3 i.e decoder takes 66 +67 4+2 in translation directly